The waltzes panicked. Because Lucia didn't even assume that the moon would disappear due to the artifacts she created. That must have been hard to exhaust to the brush tongue because the two moons disappeared at the same time, too. Anyway, we won't be able to align ourselves with the future world...

Just because it was too shocking an event...... Waltz seems to have regained his composure once.

"... I wonder what the hell happened..." Kuru

"Oh, sister...?

"Hmm? What's going on? Lucia."

"How can you be so calm and have dinner?

"Well, I don't care anymore --"


"-- because we just have to do what we have to do, right?

Waltz choosing words, watching how Lucia is doing. Having created the artifact, I felt less responsible for my sister's mood (breasts).

As a result, I'm looking sideways at Lucia, who has regained her composure...... Now Cortex, who was there, opened his mouth and started answering Waltz's questions.

"I don't think Lucia's way of making artifacts was very different from Amber's. If you're talking about possibilities, it's natural to think that that artifact didn't have the effect of erasing the moon, it still had the effect of relating to time leaps, which in turn erased the moon."

"... how to be sure of that?

"I haven't thought that far yet. So ~... why don't we start by making some assumptions about 'this way the moon will disappear' by a time leap ~? Once the hypothesis is made, all we have to do is prove it."

"I see... So, what hypothesis do you think there is?

"... why don't you think about it for yourself for a little while ~?

"I don't like it... that's what I think..."

"Once again ~. What the hell kind of mouth says that ~"

At the same time, Cortex pointed his gaze at Waltz when he said something that didn't make sense again. I don't think Waltz's statement is powerful enough to create a homunculus selves, and Cortex seems to have lost his laugh.

However, Cortex himself, because thinking was like his own existential significance...... When she sighed at her lack of choice, she began to utter assemblable hypotheses in the present situation.

"That's right ~... There are two hypotheses I can think of all the time. Yes, two. One of them is the hypothesis that Lucia's artifact has an incredibly large sphere of influence, and we've all been flown further into the past."

"In that past era, there was no moon yet," he said?

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. However, I'm wondering if the certainty of this hypothesis is not very high. Dear Amber, we talked about not jumping to replace ourselves in the past during the time leap, so ~... I mean, if we were to have been flown into the past world for each of these surrounding lands, we would have collided (conflicted) with the earth in the past times, and that should already be amazing ~"

"I don't know how big you jumped, but it's not weird having another mountain around here, is it? But the ocean is quiet, and the barometric pressure doesn't feel like it's dropped... I knew that hypothesis, isn't it?

"Yep. I think it's quite possible that I'm wrong. It's just that ~... before, in the leap Lucia went through, we talked about replacing herself with herself in the past world ~. So I don't think I can say for sure that it's ever going to happen."

"That's the thing..."

Maybe with the artifacts Lucia made and Amber made, the effects are different...... Waltz and Cortex, who were trying to use Lucia's immense magic to create an artifact and use it to return to the future, seemed to have been hit by an unexpected headache knowing that the underlying situation might break down that whoever made it could do an artifact with the same effect.

Nevertheless, it didn't make a difference in itself to be able to make a time leap...... Although sometimes it bothered my mind that there were more challenges to analyze, it didn't seem to be enough to despair.

"... let's just leave this story alone. So, what's next?

"Next ~? This is no different from the complications ~ … I'm wondering if the odds are higher than the earlier hypothesis"

"Something bothering you, huh?

"Right ~... I won't deny it. Well, listen first, then think about it."

and after a forethought...... Cortex began to talk absurd hypotheses that made everyone on the spot suspicious of their ears.