Then Waltz enters the orbital calculation and makes sure Deprexa and Cortex get the calculation right...... And after lunch.

"... shall we test it first"

Technical verification work began. However, when Waltz stands on the surface of the moon and manpower planetary engines (?) Demonstrate, not that.

The biggest concern in this mission is whether Lucia can move the moon in the first place. If she can't move the moon, the mission will fail —— but we will have to revisit the operation to a large extent.

Nevertheless, we also talked about whether or not to suddenly transfer the moon nearly 1 million kilometers…. For now, the Waltz seem to have decided to test whether travel is possible in the first place with a short-range transfer. Well, even though it's a short distance, there's 10,000 kilometers.

"What do you say? Do you think you can go? Lucia."

Waltz asks Lucia, who was holding both hands toward the moon over the monitor he was seeing from the bridge. against Lucia, with a seemingly difficult face--,

"... yeah. Do you feel like you can move around? But you don't have to try."

—— overruled Waltz's inquiry.

"Well, shall we go?


Are you vulnerable to production, Lucia, who nods with a rugged look. Then she put magic in both hands and exercised metastatic magic.

If she has metastatic magic (?) At the moment of exercising, a blue and white diced frame appears, as if surrounding the moon. Immediately thereafter --,


—— Although I didn't hear the sound, the position of the moon shifted only slightly.

However, the transfer magic, initially targeted at 10,000 km, seemed to move only half 5,000 km, shorter than planned. Lucia herself, watching the fact, breathed on her shoulders, mouthing her thoughts.


"Well, it would be heavy..."

How much heavy labor does it mean to move as many as 5,000 kilometers of celestial bodies as the moon, even if it doesn't reach its goal (?) Is it...... Waltz seems to have done classical physics calculations and laughed bitterly at the numbers.

Nevertheless, it could not be denied that, as it stood, there was a risk of obstruction in the performance of the mission. I do not know how many times a day metastatic magic could be used, but if only up to 5,000 kilometers per trip could be made, 200 more times would be needed to move the moon closer to the planet. If it were to be once a day, 200 days. That's two minutes, so it takes 400 days to calculate. If we take too long, we risk starving the planet's creatures to survive the "winter"... As a waltz, I seem to have had to rethink the content of the mission in the wake of this outcome.

"It might be a little difficult..."

Waltz was heartily dismayed. That doesn't mean I regretted Lucia's lack of power, it's discouragement with myself that the plan was sweet. Well, that's a short time thing, too. Since the mission does not mean failure, it seems Waltz has decided to switch his mind immediately.

It's just... As for Lucia, the fact that she lacked power seemed unacceptable. She said this to Waltz with a rugged look on her face.

"One more time...... let me do one more time! Sister!"

You sensed something like an invisible flame lit in her eyes like that--,

"Yeah, don't tell me another time, you can try a couple of times, okay? Would you mind if we had a day or so today? Well, to the point of not falling, huh?

--Looks like Waltz decided to shake his head vertically.

After seeing that reaction of my sister. Lucia turns her gaze to the moon again. And do the same, put your hands together, and do the metastatic magic--,


—— and exercised.

But the moon just moves 5,000 kilometers again...... Doesn't seem to have changed much.


Lucia swelled her tail and got angry. Her magic had barely diminished, and she seemed to feel an inconsiderate sense of how her power could not be transmitted to the Moon's metamorphosis magic.

"Why do you see it there and feel it..."

Certain figures speak to Lucia, who says so and does not hide the colour of her impatience.

"Miss Lucia? I can't help it in a hurry."

"Really? I think you should calm down and think about the cause, okay?

Theresa and Beatrice.

"Teresa and Bear...... maybe not anymore"

"It's a concubine dialogue."

"Now, what's the situation?

"Nah... I see it and I feel it, but you can't grasp it well?

"I can't grasp it well...?

"Hmm, I see..."

Hearing Lucia's reply, Teresa said she had something in mind and pounded on her hand to say this advice.

"The moon you see from here is not real, it's the moon over the monitor. Wouldn't it be impossible to pass on magic without looking directly at the moon?

"What? Speaking of which, I didn't care because it was so real, but the walls here aren't windows..."

"Uhm. So waltz? Isn't there a room with windows somewhere on this ship?

"No, you don't."

"" "What..." "

"No, but there is?

"" "... Huh?

Is there a window or not... Waltz flirts about the people on the spot.

But in fact, they have rooms with windows... Lucia and the others were taken by Waltz to a room in Stranzia.... Well, fulfill it, it seemed like a subtle place to describe it as a "room".