Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

-11.6-11 Circle Dance 11

While Lucia and the others are doing as they always do, looking out at the universe. Waltz's mood was disturbed. Because, by calculation, no matter how hastily, the result was that we could not recover the strangers falling on the planet Ania.

Waltz has a way of traveling through space at superfast speeds. If you use a gravity control system to keep your mass as low as possible and travel by gravity propulsion, you can, in principle, accelerate up to the sublight speed.

The problem is that it drains enormous amounts of energy, whether it accelerates, slows down or adjusts its own mass. If at this point we had converted all the extraordinary foods that remained in Waltz's cargo container into energy, it would have been possible to catch up with Strandia for now.

But it is beyond that that that the real problem arises. After retrieving Lucia and the others, Waltz was expected to fall into what he called a "gas shortage".

In order for Waltz to replenish his energy, he needed to recover something to eat in Strandia's pantry. To do this, you have to go inside Strandia, and then you have to go through the airlock, go to the pantry, eat your meal, and get out of the airlock. Well, as the main aircraft has been lost, the power supply to the airlock is stopped, so we don't have to use Lucia's transfer magic to get on board, is it more appropriate to say?

In any case, at the speed of Strandia, which is travelling at tens of thousands of kilometres per hour, it travels a considerable distance, even if it was only a few minutes of loss. When that happens, the work of hanging the brakes on the strangers is delayed and it enters the atmosphere...... Ultimately, they collide on the ground, causing great damage.

If Lucia and the others hadn't been on Stranzia, it wouldn't have been that big of a problem, as it would have been nice to hang a steep brake with a degree of strength that the hull wouldn't collapse. But if Lucia and the others are to slow down on Strandia, they have to hang brakes big enough for their bodies to withstand. Even Waltz's gravitational control system is not able to adjust the mass throughout Strandia, including Lucia and the others, so some room was needed for the distance to be braked in order to reduce the impact of the brake.

That's why it wasn't appropriate to take Lucia and the others outside. Since Waltz arrived in Stranzia, the distance to the ground at the time he took the Lucians outside is tens of thousands of kilometers. From there, it takes a considerable amount of time to slow down the Strangea and put it in orbit, and to travel towards the ground to reach a breathable altitude. In the meantime, the amount of oxygen in the air stopped by the gravity control system decreased, while it was opaque whether Lucia's body could withstand it.

As such, Waltz had only a few things to do.

"(Ask Lucia to just transfer the food outside? But can you eat the food that hits the cosmic ray?

Waltz kept thinking about the best he could do right now, remembering that the energy generation system mounted on his body creates penalties when he eats something humans can't eat.

And soon after thinking inside the fast thinking space, she derives one answer.

"(I can't do this alone. If we can get Lucia and the others to help us... what's the point? And all this time, no spare time, right...)"

Then Waltz connected communication toward Theresa, not Lucia —— while reducing his mass and accelerating toward Strandia. It's also in the fast thinking space.

"... Theresa"

'... Huh?! There's a waltz voice in my head......!

'I didn't say anything stupid, could you listen to me?

"Of something? Sounds pretty rushed, huh?

Waltz cut out when he was ready to talk to Teresa.

First, tell Lucia to carry herself from there to the ship using transferring magic, as we will be approaching the laser launch port. Secondly, ask Lucia to use gravity-controlled magic to neutralize the impact of deceleration to the extent that it can withstand, since supergravity should be applied when the brakes are hung on the hull. And thirdly, not to move off the spot.

'You know what you're gonna do, don't you?

'I thought you'd understand, so you've been contacting your concubine, haven't you?

"That's quick and helpful, huh?

I thought so. But? It's waltz. To the concubine, like this, something... even if there is something like a reward-- '

"Oh, that? That's crazy...... How are the radio waves... Zazaza '

"... if you say zazaza with your mouth, you'll find out."

'Anyway, I'll be there in about 10 seconds, please?

'I don't have a choice...'

Two people who exchange words and disconnect high-speed communications. And Waltz accelerated to what could be termed the highest speed ever in his life. Specifically 30,000 km/h. If the expression is changed, the speed is about 1/10 of the speed of light.

Shortly after disconnecting the communication, Teresa explained to Lucia, who was next door, what Waltz had heard.

"Miss Lucia, I just got a call from Waltz."

"What? Isn't that an empty ear? I didn't come this way..."

"There are circumstances around here, so I want you to listen to me for now. Waltz will be over that window in about four seconds, so I need you to use the metamagic to get him on board."

"What... 4..."

It was that moment.


Something sounds like a knock on the window of a laser firing port.

"No way, sister..."

And Lucia was stunned. Outside the window, because there was waltz —— not.

Indeed, outside the window, there seemed to be a waltz figure. The problem was its appearance.

"Oh, sister... shrunk?

That's what I said, Lucia rubbing her eyes. The waltz that was ahead of her gaze like that is somehow about 20% smaller than usual...... He was only as tall as Lucia.