Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1886 Chapter This life and death

217, galaxy, halo.

Chu Yunli relies on "Tian Qi" to say that the mouth is not sound.

Silence, silence, always silent.

As if he has entered the halo, but the left-handed Lingli only rely on guess and desperate, it is used to intimidate the "Tian Qi" test item.

Through the whole world, the Silver Legion soldier, "Tian You" must know that Chu Yunsheng came in.

According to the "Tian Qi" said, the left-handed Zhongli can confirm that the guess - Chu Yunsheng is really coming in.

For the Left-Tongzhong, the real opponent is still Chu Yun, rather than "Tian Qiang", whether Chu Yunsheng is really clear in the halo.

Therefore, Chu Yunsheng is not talking, never talking, why not talk ... In addition to delaying time, try to turn this tan water again and again.

Are he really? Why is there a little moving? Why don't you respond? Do not negotiate?

Or, he has come in, but has already left? or……

The confusion will cause some suspicions, and there is no doubt that it will not act rashly.

Even the "Tian Qi" that all knows the whole world will have doubts.

Chu Yunsheng will not enter what regulatory agency, nor will it leave the halo.

Before the tripartite torn face, he existed everything here is temporarily delayed.

Waiting for a long time, I waited for a long time, Chu Yunsheng still did not respond, "Tian Qi" finally helplessly said that the tone is still very respectful:

"Mr. Chu, since you are not willing, then I will send you out."

Chu Yunsheng still didn't speak, soon, he appeared in normal fog space, recovered "vision" and "hearing".

The dead corpses on the platform dismissed, five wings, with the body of the body, delivered him through a fog, came to the fog of the most edge of the halo.

Export open, as long as you move forward, Chu Yunsheng can leave the halo.

He still doesn't say it.

Monitor a large number of uniformly distributed on the outside of the flare, a recent, and right close distance Chuyun liters.

Alarm immediately flared up.

Within 217 galaxies early on unified coding and encryption of the signal, had come to master before Chu Yun-liter, alerts issued recently by the monitor, you can easily get the most direct monitor screen.

The earliest available monitor screen relatively close distance of his position, over time, farther away from his face glow monitor screen will be transmitted to the speed of light until the composition of the monitoring covered the entire frame glow appearance.

From one after another to fight the many pictures, Chu Yun-liter has been found dead on All Souls platform left dead, and they, like him, were each several similar dry eye wing escorted the corpse to the edge.

But so far, no dead corpse taken a halo.

Chu Yun-liter is hang, L All Souls is afraid.

They can not contact each other at the same time leaving the halo, although from the outside situation, Chu Yun-liter party spirit had not yet completed the main front group, as long as they fly out one or two strong spiritual master, is to get rid of inner glow Ethereality take away the limit, get rid of the dead corpse limit, you can immediately wantonly attack and destruction, the war was a great advantage.

But who did not dare.

The reason is that "strong field," said Halo, there are new spirit of respect for the kingdom of God!

In Halo, everyone is dead dead, Ethereality are impossible, no matter their peace and quiet, if you go out, once really a new spirit of respect for the kingdom of God here, and that is a dead end.

But to die in vain, worthless.

Adventure can, for example, after temporarily go out and do nothing, his "loaded" into Chu Yun liters.

The new spirit of respect for the kingdom of God may not be attacked immediately, but the "strong field" will not turn against the sinister attack not allowed to say, after all, Chu Yun-liter can not be all-knowing all-see is always a risk, is a big trouble, can really destroyed rest assured.

Furthermore, he said glow in time and outside time ratio is not clear, in case, Chu Yun-liter party spirit owners are already prepared, they see merely confused the surface, one or two spirit kill off the main adventure, equivalent fall into the trap of others.

The opportunity to attack, never only once, before they are spiritual master has been wasted once.

When L All Souls afraid to come out, Chu Yun Lai liters inside, wait until the new God of All Souls outside the country as well as all other life to see the full monitor screen, is estimated at a loss.

Chu Yun-liter does not go out, but they urgently waiting for, the opportunity is now, and only once, but the probability of failure is too great, Chu Yun-liter is not entirely count on this opportunity.

Or too long, receive alerts of new kingdom All Souls will launch a wave of strike, no matter what those withered corpse that will be the first time they Gongsha!

Although the attack certainly will not succeed, "Tian strong" Halo exit will be closed before the attack reached.

If the left-handed Zhu Ling is killed here, it has no chips, of course, there is no thing it needs.

When the halo export is completely closed, the chance to wait for Chu Yunheng will have not followed.

He doesn't want to go out, but it is necessary to quickly send things to come in!

The fast warship is closer to the halo than the new God of New God. It is better to react than their spiritual attack. It is possible to send things before the attack.

However, the fast warship completely does not know the situation inside, and there is nothing to send anything, otherwise Chu Yunsheng and the Silver Legion have already brought it.

Chu Yunsheng can't move, can't talk, can not go out, everything is to rely on the Silver Legion to send the intelligence back.

This is also the greatest test of a slap.

They must not only judge Chu Yun's intention, but also to judge Chu Yunsheng will not leave the gratin, and then judge what they are most important at this time -

In accordance with the statement of "Tian Qi", go to control the inclination point, ready to take over, or to hold back temptation, gambling them to guess Chu Yun's contest map?

Everything, they can't think, otherwise they must be known to "Tian Qi".

Ok, I first had thought training for the life of the implementing ship, but the effect is not too good, the anti-spirit, or the spirit, or Hongke Technology.

In addition, they have to come up with ways as soon as possible, and when "Tian Qi" opens the halo boundary export, at least one soldier came.

All difficulties are added together, the difficulty is very large.

But Chu Yunsheng can only rely on them, believe them, just like they also rely on Chu Yunsheng, believe in Chu Yunsheng.

Time passed a little bit, every time, I hope that the opportunity will be less.

"Field" will close all exits at any time.

Chu Yunsheng has found a comma battleship in the stars. It is very close to the halo. As long as the Silver Army rushed out, the time may come!

He waited forced to wait. Although the actual past time is not long, enough "Tian Qiang" makes him leave the halo.

Chu Yunsheng began to feel unsatisfactory, he didn't go out, and there was no other dead corpse. According to the truth, "Tian You" should give up at this time, turn off the exit immediately, and eliminate other risks.

But exports have been open, "Tian Qi" has no sound.

"Tian Qi" has a problem.

"Tian Qi" this has a problem, of which 299, 299, telling Chu Yun, hints too much.

299 Anti-repeatedly has always said that only the deceased "whole knowledge", deliberately do not mention "all-around" that appears together with the "whole knowledge".

If there is no accident, it is madly implied that Chu Yunsheng, and the fraternity can't "all."

Later, 102, in cooperation, the emergency stops of several dead corpses, but also told Chu Yunsheng, the purpose of the tricker was to make up this last ring - all-around.

Looking at "Tian Yili" react, I will know that Left-H10 is so crazy, "Tian You" estimates that it has given up covering, very simply replenishing "all-around" said.

"Tian You" also did not do anything, it can be controlled, about just those who are similar to the wings.

For the left-handed, the sixth bipulation, the Silver Legion, which can only be controlled in a prisoner.

Therefore, the Silver Legion will think about what to do, "Tian Qi" is clear, but it can't control it, it is necessary to have the same kind of body to force to stop.

However, this problem is original, and the left-handed Zhongli hinted that Chu Yunsheng to be solved, but it is not the reason why the export has not been closed.

"Tian Yili" When opening an export, it must have encountered problems that it does not expect it, causing exports to be delayed.

Chu Yunsheng couldn't learn what the problem it did, but he knew that in the gang, he couldn't see the gang of the gratin, must have a fierce battle.


Chu Yunli guess, a misty space inside the flare, at this moment, blood and fire are intertwined on a battlefield.

The strange injury has been broken, and the alarm has not stopped at a moment.

He is not enough for him.

That six hundred people were for them, for them to block the attack, drag their enemies for them, and had already lived.

These four hundred people pass the fog in the fog in the fog in the fog of four hundred traks, and the black pressure is far from the enemy.

I have made my favorite recovery, and I'll down the last command for a column is very clear.

"Pen Front, I can't rush, you bring all one hundred people in the middle of the country, forcibly penetrate the past, the rest of the people, kill you with me, this is the order, immediately "

He just finished, the two sides have "fire".

The four hundred silver army warriors topped the opposite attack and strongly rushed over.

Both sides have been crazy, and it is already a battlefield that is going to fill the fill.

More than 30 people, one is injured.

In the last fog they have to pass, they are drilling more and more enemies.

They have already distinguished those dead corpses, the body of "Tian Qi", or the sixth humanity.

In the head of the fight,

In addition to two fierce sounds:

"You're already dead!"

"Dead people are you!"

In addition, a weak voice:

"Here, the past is export."

In addition to these, only the strange command - rush out!

He didn't give more than 30 soldiers, thirty people, can rush out, which is completed.

When they finally rushed to the enemy in front of the enemy, mixed together, in addition to "Tian Qi", no one, in the case, in the dead body, the human beings from the earth.

The sixth century is "Tian Qi" can be said, willing and there is a motive and need to prevent the final power of the silver army, it can directly command the dead corpses to be dragged in the same way by other silver army soldiers During the battlefield, there is no other warrior who can't catch up with the price of the silver arms.

Even so, most of the sixth disciChemate has been dragged in a battlefield by the three hundred people. It can catch up with more than one hundred people.

Two parties in this last battlefield, desperately killing.

Everyone knows, who is lost at this time, waiting is the disaster of the top.

If you don't rush out, he doesn't know if there is any comrades.

On the battlefield of death, he was gradually divided by his comrades, one after another, gradually being eliminated.

Outside halo, a monitors suddenly found a halo to open an exit.

Then, a combustible job rushed out from the exit.

This is still self-adventure, the first time I have entered the adventure player, this monitor immediately sends the information back.

Next moment, it is followed by this combustion-like child, then rushed out of a dead corpse to make a fragment!

However, a message has left from the dock, and shooting to the comma battleship!

The information is running, struggling to win the second, every moment is life.

When it droys a comma battleship, less than one-tenth of the people's second time, the unmetive child is sprinkled from the battleship, and the sky is shot.

Countless monitors record this scene.

Chu Yunsheng has not seen it yet, but the nearest export of the comma warship, the left-handed Spirit of the exit has been seen.

In particular, the few bodies rushed out of the last child - the sixth people in the dead corpse also saw it.

They shocked to look at the downs of the Starchen, full of despair.

They didn't think that Chuyun took out the global people of the Milky Way, those who were abandoned!

Once all enters the glow, in addition to "Tian Qi", no one can enemies, sweep all the body.

Ten tens of thousands of interests, such as interstellar heavy rain, they are generally shot!

The army, I can't hesitate to swar.

This life and death battle.

Zuo Zhongli, the sixth biuspeted man, and even through their eyes, "Tian You" shocked in the number of applications, and I don't know, one of the sites carry a few critical things, not in the gorous, looking for Chu Clouds.