Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1911 Exposure

The 12-line cube has a more obvious reaction. They have no response for a long time, but they are not silent, and they seem to be discussing or even arguing.

After a long time, a lobby flew out from a cube that looks empty.

This is a real Zoli, not light shadow or information imaging.

It's just if it looks like a hidden, and sometimes it is a light and elegant, and sometimes it is like a ghost.

They have a big difference in the third residential sequence led by five sequences. If you don't know in advance, put the two sides directly, I am afraid that even the five sequences don't know the other party's origin.

And this Zall can not die until the shadow is followed.

If there is any place in the same place as five sequences, Zall is like a proud of being born, even if it is strong shadow, it is like a low or so cold:

"I want to enter your memory."

The shadow tracking them for a long time, and it is no longer surprised to it until he is with you, and the innocent said: "You may die."

That Lolire is still indifferent: "This is not what you should care."

The shadow is not because of the attitude of the other party, saying it directly: "I need to know your decision first."

That Zall did not cover up: "If 95827 is not yaw, we will see it as soon as possible, but you want to know the choice does not exist, you are just the first Don't understand the whole thing, we don't need to explain anything about the original.

Those who want to choose is not us but you are you. It is a 95827 or 95833, or you are not selected, it is your own thing, we are not interested, but we can remind you, no matter how you choose how you choose, it is difficult. Escape the shadow of the first , but it flew in its wrong idea. "

Shadows are not only irritated, but they sigh said:

"You are not wrong, this is what I insist on finding your reason, but choosing or not choose, you are not your decision, big dark is coming, many lives have tried a lot of roads, useful Not much.

95827 is also good, 95833 is also good, but it is a way to be selected. If you don't choose them, you are not choosing the way you don't choose their, and you are nothing to do, and it is known that there are other places. Some roads, but we want to choose or choose.

Whether it is the road, within the range I know, 95827 has become more and more confusing.

We are not to choose 95827 or 95833, or other roads, we have our own solution, but this time may be the last big dark, then there will happen, there is no previous experience who can't know.

The original road can be maintained after the end of this big dark, it is even more unknown.

So, compared to 95833, I hope that 95827 can also succeed. "

That Zall is clear: "I will say it again, we will not discuss these problems with you, because you will not understand what we are talking about. Now, I have to ask you again, can I enter your memory? ? "

Shadow is not angry, said: "If you want to try, you can start now."

That Zall is no longer talking, and the pen flies into the shadow.

The shadow is also somewhat curious. If the Zall is not dead, where is the confidence that the confidence can be determined, is it true?

Don't say that it can be falsified, it is true that it is really true.

Memory is something that can be cheated.

But follow, it is extremely shocking in the twelve lines of cubes, there is a dark scrot!

It almost out of mouth: "How can this thing will be here ... No, no, I understand ... This thing is not only one! But ..."

In an instant, there is countless question in its heart, as if you touch the original truth, but next moment, its thinking, its perception, all in the face of traceability under the dark lacquity.

Its memory is like the open book, like a backflow, a scene, a page, in front of it, and invisible.

It is like an alarm, looks at it in a lifetime.

It saw 95827, saw that he finally found the Xiong's trail, saw his thrilling, and saw the hardships of the distant galaxy, saw himself, escaped once, saw himself Every day, I saw the horrible, seeing the despair of death, seeing the surprise when I was late ...

A pile, a scene, although in the eyes, it has never been as clear as true, but it will not be touched again.

Even if it is a birth, even the battle of life and death in the past.

You can't let it have a half point in your heart.

Until retracked to the starting point of its life.

Seeing the seriously injured from an almost dismembered cube, Xiaowan who was thrown out to death.

It has now been very clear and remembers this scene.

Tracked here, the Zall of the twelve-line cubes stopped the memory of its memory, almost understanding its life, but the experience earlier before, and its prosperity ancestors is not interested.

The dark scrutin is also as if it disappears in a cube.

It is also the Zall, flies out of its shadows, it is not sent, and it is urgent to return to the cube with the fastest speed.

It knows that this Zall will not live for a long time.

It more I know that the appearance of the lacquer, will make it completely exposed to the opposite Zall, and the life of this cube will immediately appear in the recent sustain.

The war has been in advance, the Zall people don't know how to think, do not hesitate to find in advance, do not hesitate to enter the possible non-easeless brutal war - if it is not surrendered.

It is not afraid of war, and this cannot be considered to have a war, but it is very clear, once the opposite Zall is defeated, 95827 will no longer go back.