Dark Blood Age

Chapter 304 Legion of Robots

Chu Yunsheng has never killed so many people, countless, but he never stopped killing.

If he doesn't want to die immediately, he has to continue to kill, even indefinitely, even if he is familiar.

He didn't want to make a peripheral raid with the bug sea in the mucus area, clamping with his inner and outer sides, strong breakthroughs, but he knew to do so, he could die faster!

After less than three days of successful promotion, the induction control comes out of the mucus zone, and it consumes a lot of its own meta-health energy, and this control is still unstable.

He's fighting for his life now, and there's time and ability to reinvigorate the seal of the underworld?

When he rescued Tan Zheng, he almost collapsed the insect herd because of his excessive consumption.

The worm that underneath the whole mucus area is already his last and largest “ace card”. If it collapses outside the mucus area and is lost, he doesn't have to fight now, just surrender and die.

So he had to rush over to the mucus zone, join forces with the underworld bugs, and then go to war with the Ice Nation!


Chu Yun rose and left more and more pieces, and the pieces at his feet got higher and higher. Skywalkers behind ordinary people retreated and retreated!

Until his combined armor was full of blood, stained with the original sparkling gold, and rushed to the edge of the Ordinary Circle.

A well-textured, well-arranged diamond-shaped, pitch-black chariot exposed from behind the crowd and fired instantly!

Intense blue beams will in the future turn human beings who cannot escape directly into a beach of blood, like a comb, passing parallel from one side of a chariot to the other, without differential attacks.

Chu Yunsheng's physical reaction cannot exceed the speed of light. As soon as he saw the chariot, the blue light hit his eyes.

He was thrown up at a high altitude and fell heavily into a pile of blurred corpses. His abdomen was suddenly in severe pain as he fell over the river.

He will also have time to drill out of the morgue in the future. The shooting mouth of the nearly twenty tanks spins quickly, with Chu Yun as his sole target, focusing and firing again simultaneously.

Nearly twenty blue beams converged in the air to form a brilliant star point. In less than a third of a second, the shredded body pile melted into a piece of muddy blood water. Chu Yunsheng flied out again and hit another shredded body pile behind him.

Pain, five viscera and six heartache!

Although the Combined Armor has not yet been penetrated, the damage from the Blu-ray beam has penetrated and triggered a six-meter Energy Defense, hitting his skull-like body.

Strong squeezing and vibration damage caused Chu Yun to vomit out a pile of semi-digested sticky food as soon as it rose.

But his consciousness was sober, and just as he was hit for the second time, he immediately and urgently opened the string mask.

Chu Yunsheng has two pieces of defensive equipment left unused, one is a cloak suit and one is a string cover.

The cloak suit is what he intends to do when the divine domain is unsealed, if he can rush to the edge of the encirclement circle, conceal himself, and finally break through the encirclement, in case he gets chased.

Now that he is heavily surrounded, he has only a large slap of space. Even if he is hidden, he cannot avoid attacks from all sides. Perhaps he will suffer serious injuries due to the greatly reduced ability to defend himself after hiding!

The string mask is one of the cards he's going to use in the most critical moments to resist the Ice Nation or the returning Heavenly Guide.

But now, he can only use it in advance, and the diamond tanks in the Divine Realm are attacking too fast to escape at all.

He can't be passively beaten continuously, especially at a time of crisis like this, watching the crazy ordinary people behind him close up again, he has to destroy the diamond-shaped chariot in front of him!


String mask from point to line, then from line to face, eventually from face to sphere, after Chu Yunsheng was severely hit by the next crushed body pile, fully activated to open.

Duh duh duh...

The third “Blu-ray cluster” of the diamond-shaped chariot chased Chu Yun up his ass, lit up the ray and blinked again.

Blu-ray immediately struck hard against the space barrier of the string mask, twisting a ripple, the ball facing inwardly and tenaciously receding into a large chunk, then bounced out vigorously again to restore normality.

This time, Chu Yunsheng was only damaged by the shock, and the energy piercing of the blue light beam was blocked from the string cover.

Immediately after resisting the wave, he jumped up, shooting several shots in the middle of the air, toward the diamond-shaped tank, and Tan's frozen gun hurried.

A sea of frost in front of a diamond-shaped chariot.

Chu Yunsheng took advantage of this slight blank stop, put away the flame gun, which was about to run out of energy, and replaced it with a sharp sword.

His shooting frequency and intensity far outweighed Tan's, and the homemade flamethrower's own energy storage capacity was half as low as that of the frozen gun, so his flamethrower ran out early.

The collision of Ice weapons on divine weapons has less obvious advantages than just now for humans. After the Frost Fire Sea, the vast majority of diamond-shaped tanks can still drill “Nitrous Smoke” and continue to strike blue light towards Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng stepped out of the blue-ray net, tightened his teeth, held on to a string mask, deceived himself into approaching the diamond-shaped chariot, sword fighting technique - the thousand armies quickly snatched themselves out.

Eighteen swordshadows, condensed into a single strand, took the chariot to emit a small clearance period of blue light beam, and plunged straight into it from the mouth of the diamond chariot!

Ka... ka... ka!

A spark appeared in the mouth of the diamond-shaped tank under attack, shaking it violently for a few moments and extinguishing it completely.

Chu Yunsheng was protected by a string shield. He jumped on this destroyed chariot, started a thousand swords and struck it hard towards a chariot next to him.

Meanwhile, Tan's frozen gun fired white beam rays in a timely manner, temporarily freezing a row of tanks.


Thousand swords pierced the ice seal, forcefully penetrated into the armor of the tank, Thousand armies easily excited again, along the sword body, did not enter the inside of the tank.

Pfft, pfft...

Another diamond chariot was scrapped on the spot.

Chu Yunsheng destroyed two diamond-shaped tanks, but also delayed them for a little while. The crazy ordinary people behind them, carrying weapons distributed by the Divine Domain, have followed.

In order to avoid being surrounded by the crowd again, Chu Yunsheng had to abandon his intention to destroy the Divine Domain tank altogether. He raised his toes and bounced back into the outer circle.

In the middle of the air, for the third time, 18 powerful swordshadows were issued, accompanied by a condensed frozen gun ray, and between winks, the nearest group of people would be chased, shredded into ice slag.

After landing, Chu Yunsheng rolled smoothly and turned back to the front direction. He rushed for a moment, but “bang” and hit a bunch of metal.

The battlefield was so chaotic, Chu Yunsheng had no time to look closely at what else would stop him on the road.

The collision, when he was forced to stop, revealed that it was not some metal block plate or any other chariot that was hit by a string ball surface, but a “robot” with three three-jointed long legs?

Like a diamond-shaped tank, it still has a pitch-black surface, but it's very smooth glass, and the glare of the main peak in the sky can be mapped to all parts of its body, glittering.

The “robot" has three long, waiting legs, three joints each, while the body part is a solid weapon platform, apart from a long cylindrical giant muzzle on each side, which has a disc-like head top and is also a projectile with a small caliber weapon.

Though it is only a man and a half tall, less than three meters high, Chu Yun sees the sunshine and still flickers behind it: behind the robot he smashed into, densely and numbly gathered a horrible number of his kind!

Is this the kind of inhuman things you see yourself looking down from the head of the Flaming City during the siege?

Chu Yunshu's nose twitched a little. If it was that thing, he would be in a lot of trouble now. He could clearly see it up there. There are so many of these things!

Frozen gun milky-white rays and eighteen swordshadows fired almost simultaneously with the robot.

Heavy energy collision formed a huge fire group between Chu Yunsheng and the legion of robots, causing shock waves, such as the wind sweeping down the leaves, “blowing” Chu Yunsheng and a bunch of robots in the front row out!

Knock, knock!

Chu Yunsheng was again heavily thrown back into the diamond-shaped chariot that had just passed the shooting port. He grinned his teeth. It was estimated that Tan Zheng was no better. Most of the impact damage was blocked from the front by him.

Tata, ta, ta, ta...

Duh duh duh...

A large barrel muzzle on both sides of the robot ejects a specific group of metal projectiles comparable to the strength of a "metal storm", while its disc head has a small aperture on top that rotates to emit a red ray.

Suddenly, Chu Yunsheng's front interwoven with a "Death Wall”!

Chu Yunsheng reflexed and couldn't help but take two steps backwards, but was immediately thrown up by the rear into a pile of dead people.

And his tank shot below had been adjusted vertically upwards, and a still undisturbed suspended mountain in the sky had arrived, crumbling with frightening rubble.

At this moment, the two Icemen and their aircraft have not yet made a move. Chu Yunsheng has no road to heaven, no door to the earth, and is in a state of despair!

The distant Cao Jung-yi and others, as well as those who can still awaken Skywalker, stare at the scene, they are no longer able to describe in words what they see today, which is enough to shock their whole lives!

More and more Skywalkers, from the bottom of their hearts, are secretly hoping that Chu Yunsheng will overcome this terrible power, which is a sorrow of their race as human beings.

"Captain, is it over?” said one of the two one-water white coats standing on the outskirts of the battlefield, the size of ice. Did we fall in love with the Toyotomi? He delayed the preparation, not for cooperation, but for exclusivity, right? ”

Another ice made him not speak, quietly looked blocked, no longer saw the shadow of Chuyun rising, frowned...

Suddenly, the sky was once again bright.

Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom!


The heavens and the earth that cover the earth, the earth and the fire!

Shoot like a meteor!

The earth is trembling, the flames are raging, the energy is sweeping... (to be continued, please go to www.qidian.com for more chapters, support the author, support authentic reading!)