Dark Blood Age

Chapter 313 Return to Mount Huang


Whether it is defeated or spore forest defeated, no one knows, no insects know.

The soaring giant tomb is gone, the seemingly spore forest is gone, and there is a breath of death in the pitch-black world.

Chu Yun rose twelve points vigilantly from one body to another in an attempt to find another wooden attribute bug that still preserves wood energy.

In his red-eyed field of view, the spore forest worm was so eye-catching that it saved him a lot of screening kung fu.

But the result was very unsatisfactory, maybe they died for too long, or maybe the two kinds of energy of wood fires were too powerful to offset each other. Where Chu Yunsheng searched, there was basically no wood energy, which made him regret very much and regret it too late.

However, if he chooses again, he will still wait until the wind is calm and waves are quiet, the wood energy is small and the life is big.

It's just a pity he can't make figurines right now, otherwise how many superb armor and weapons can this mountainous worm build? How much food can you provide?

Unlike Chu Yunsheng, who searched tirelessly, the big fool almost always lost his soul and followed Chu Yunsheng. His world seemed to have collapsed, as if it was drifting with the waves.

Chu Yunsheng couldn't find a suitable way to comfort it. For insects, the sky is just as big as the sky is. Without it, they hardly know how to live.

Indeed, the survival of a single red beetle is extremely weak and it has always been a herd organism.

After a long time, Chu Yunsheng finally gave up his search. He wanted to smoke a cigarette now, but this was simply impossible. He could only sit silently on a pile of worm corpses.

He needed to think about a new way out, the mucus area was destroyed, the only slightly safer shelter was lost again, he and the big fool had to get out of here as soon as possible, and he had to find a new mucus area to settle in before he could get back to the body.

The winds at night were so brisk that they scratched the ground like knives. After the end of the day, extreme weather of all kinds often appeared, and many died not under the mouth of insects, but under the feet of nature.

However, it should be the summer season of the Sunshine Age, but the sky seems to show signs of impending snowflakes.

Wait, that's not snowflake!

Chu Yun Sheng straightened his neck in horror, concentrated his eyes, opened his "sense of smell”, sky edge, a black spot hunting wind, if he was not now a bug, with the unique red vision of the bug, could not find them in the dark at all.

“Big bug, big bug, stay down.” Chu Yun lifted his eyelids fast, pulled over the stupid-ass bug still in trance, and lay on the ground.

Hū…… hū……

An ancient bird of colorful colors swooped across the sky and hovered down.

They sweep the ground, quickly pick up dead worms that fit their appetite, grab them, rush into the sky, and feed them all.

Chu Yunsheng counted it in the dark. At least there are more than a hundred, none of which he and the big fool can deal with now.

If found, there is only one way to die. Fresh live worms are naturally more seductive than dead worms!

Soon after Chu Yunsheng and the foolish big bug's unlucky, still alive sporadic, severely injured bugs were discovered by the speckled giant birds who chased them excitedly, like cats playing with mice.

He constantly cursed these “despicable” speckled giant birds in his heart, and before the final battle, these wretched birds, even the shadows, dared not come near the mucus area, and now the other way around to pick up cheap.

What a soft thing to be afraid of!

Chu Yunshu retracted his head, pulled the big fool and arched into the underground corpse.

Without the presence of the stupid-ass giant bug, instinctively fear of the speckled giant bird, however, the way it fears is diametrically opposite to the obscenity of Chu Yunsheng.

It actually wants to launch a suicide attack.

Chu Yunsheng was somewhat stunned. Maybe this is the difference between heaven and earth between man and insect.

He picked up his pliers, hit him hard on the head twice as big as him, and sent out a message: "Don't you want to live? ”

The big fool stared at Chu Yunsheng and replied stubbornly: "... say... should...”

“It's dead on its own, and what the obliterated creatures say isn't convincing! You're still a worm of choice!” Chu Yunsheng, though not as big as a fool, will always hold it steady in language and reason.

Silly big bug eagerly want to rebut and defend it, but under the theory that Chu Yun's head is raised, yet childish brain and thought is unable to provide “ammunition” for rebuttal, if the bug is sweaty, at this moment, silly big bug is afraid to sweat already.

“Get down! There's one coming!” Chu Yunsheng sent a serious message, turning his mind and saying in another way: “You want to die easily, don't kill me too! ”

The big fool actually shut his mouth, it's sometimes a very pathetic and contradictory insect, it doesn't care about his life, but doesn't want to kill Chu Yunsheng's life, which probably has side effects after self-consciousness.

A swamped giant bird dived to the ground and approached the area where they were hiding.

Chu Yun lifted out his pliers, carefully and slowly lifted up the two corpses, covering him and the big fool, and quietly sent a message: “Don't think about anything, like me, pretend to die! When they've eaten enough, they won't eat us, and they'll fly away. ”

Pretending to die, Chu Yunsheng has practiced to the point where the fire is pure and green. Like the land of the golden beetle, it is one of the major tricks necessary for his escape from despair, sometimes more useful than his sword fighting skills.

When the giant bird's claws trampled on him and the big fool's head, Chu Yunsheng and the big fool, if they had wormhearts, were afraid to jump out of their voice eyes. As long as the claws were harvested, their heads would be a lump of paste!

But they were staring at everything, like they were dead.

Even the fire energy in the body stops moving, and the monsters can be extremely sensitive to a hint of energy fluctuations.

The speckling giant bird spinned a few rounds, picking up a blue beetle body, winged high and not in the dark.

For a long time, Chu Yunsheng couldn't hear the movement. He popped the tip of his head from the bug pile and swept it quickly, which made him feel safe to climb up.

“Big bug, remember in the future, you are already a bug with only self-consciousness, that is not the original ordinary bug, you are a...” Chu Yun raised his sigh of relief, trying to educate the stupid big bug, but for a moment the words plugged, can not find suitable words.

Silly Big Bug hears half and looks forward to knowing what he is?

The problem has haunted it since its birth, making it unspeakable, but at this critical time, Chu Yunsheng suddenly shut up and sent a simple message: “Go! ”

Another wave of giant birds flew away from Yellow Mountain. Chu Yunsheng speculated that it was a great battle between insects, leading to the near-extinction of living creatures. They must have migrated.

Though there are many corpses, they still like to hunt live animals.

As soon as they left, Chu Yunsheng had something to do.

Huangshan World War I, seal reversal, he became an insect, other than the main body and ancient books are still there, other things such as the tenor is estimated to have exploded already, although most of them are some food essentials or something, but there are also a few important things that he would very much like to find back.

He wanted to go back to his days in the mucus area before the Bug Showdown, but he was afraid of the presence of those speckling giant birds.

Now they are migrating southwards in waves and finally have a chance.


The mucus area of the Huangshan area was originally connected to the outside, and was later separated by the divine domain, which is why the underworld was created.

Chu Yunsheng lurked with the big fool, climbed and stopped, like two vigilant mice, as soon as the wind blew grass, he immediately faked his death.

Thus, two sneaky, big and small red beetles climbed into the Yellow Mountains in a dark cover.

Chu Yunsheng, relying on his memory, did not take much effort to find objects like mountain piles, the location is no longer where his consciousness dissipated, but appeared at the foot of the collapsed Huangshan main peak.

Though I don't know what's going on, the suspended rocks that burst on the ground, obviously, can't be faked, were all collected by him from the Flaming City.

His stockpile is long gone, and it is estimated that these days, it has been dragged away to melt.

All that's left is some human food, medicines, bottle tanks and stuff, and a pile of clothes he swept up at the supermarket.

These things, now Chu Yunsheng can't take them away if he wants to. Without the binary character, he and the big fool's four pliers will hang a few bags of rice at most, and the insect doesn't eat this yet.

He wanted to find string covers and pictures of Mom and Dad and a cousin's birthday present in Jinling City.

String mask is one of his few treasures, Huangshan World War I, without which he hung up long ago, he will definitely be able to use it later.

And his parents' photos and his loved ones' final gift are his stubborn and irreplaceable love...

He's even afraid to be a bug for a long time, without these things, to forget that he was once a human.

However, he was heartbroken that the string mask quickly flipped over, and even some bottles were filled with mucus, but the photographs and gifts were not known whether they had been burned or buried, and there was no trace of them, no matter how he looked.

Chu Yunsheng swallowed the string shield into the entrance, and the apartment of the human worm made him blind. The shadow left the heap alone and silently.

The opposite of his depressed mood, the big, silly bug, just like a child, stuck his head in a pile of clothes that Chu Yunsheng had taken from the supermarket, pulled on this one for a moment, bit the other one for a moment, and didn't like it.

“Go." Chu Yun Sheng was in a bad mood to simply send a message.

The big fool hurriedly drilled out of the pile of clothes, with a woman's pink bra on her head, proud as a triumphant general.

Chu Yunsheng was getting tired of his insect body. He jumped out unwittingly and violently sending a message: “Big bug, you are just an ordinary bug, a real bug! It's not human, what's all that mess!? ”

Big bug Ben Xing rushed off, thought that this style could be praised by Chu Yunsheng, Zou Run was scolded, very grieved to support me out: but... you... said... I... am not... ordinary...

“You are!” Chu Yunsheng's mind is amazing now. He's actually talking about himself now, trying to tell himself that he's not a worm. There's no point in targeting the big fool. However, they're both psychologically pathetic worms...

“What...?” Stupid big bugs are stunned and nervous.

Chu Yunsheng was irrationally impoverished, irritable and some ashamed into anger. He spoke out: “If you don't understand, don't ask. ”

The big fool finally believed it was true, drooling his head, depressed abnormally...

If Chu Yunsheng knew that after the big bug disappeared, he could only build a fragile self-confidence with his phrase “You are not an ordinary bug”. He would regret being blown away by such a contradictory fire.

Just as adults have difficulty thinking about their children and truly entering their psychological world, an inadvertent language of irritability can lead to misunderstandings that hurt children.

For the foolish big bug, the critical issue of common and unusual, as when adults often joke or reprimand with their children, speaks of “adopted” or “natural”, makes the minds of children and young children feel a tremendous amount of panic and fear.

Because they'll believe it's true!


At this time, darkly in the sky, they scratched out the sound of the sky, two lightning shadows, before and after, entangled each other, from the top of their heads, the bombardment crashed into the dead corpse in the muddy land in the distance.
