Dark Blood Age

Chapter 604: Vertical and Vertical Deception

When Chu Yun and others arrived at the scene of the incident, it was about 3: 00 a.m., the weather in the wild was very cold, the temperature and air were frozen in general, breathing in can make the organ cold stinging raw pain and pain.

Chu Yunsheng loved the weather. Although he was also cold, his teeth were trembling, but he was still very excited. The cold temperatures were a form of suppression for the Fire Nation and a boost for the cold arrow of his forthcoming weapon.

Far away, a few kilometers away, you can hear the bullet piercing silence in the night sky roaring in the wind, but a little panic in the rush, wait a little closer, the officers and soldiers dull screaming is also extraordinarily clear, the screaming before death scared Lin Shuiyao and others white, for her and the assistant central government, war and death is actually a distant thing.

Appearing in front of Chu Yunshu and others, is a series of burning trains. They crashed obliquely on one side of the railway. Soldiers adhered to the other side of it. A shadow filled with bath fire was sweeping across the street. In the darkness, the bright flames were raised for long periods of time, avoiding the gun and forest showers rushing into the soldier's crowd. The flames were stirred from the blade and cut off together in the shape of an arc. Soldiers in bulletproof clothes could not stop the blade of arc-shaped flames. Where the "Fireman” went, the soldiers fell large portions, took life and left death.

An anti-tank armor bounce out, sharp whistling scratching eardrum, the “Fireman" dared not resist with his body, rushed to the side to escape, the missile was extremely fast, the speed of the fireman was faster, between wind thunder and lightning, the fireman almost rubbed past the anti-tank armor alone, but the sharp metal bounce still ripped open its open arm, tearing a stitch of blood, the blood still flowing from the same red like fire, that was the place the cloak suit could not protect.

Blood completely provoked the "Fireman," which swung the slender knife in his hand, jumped out of the ground at high altitude, chopped from half the sky, raw ground splitting the two soldiers who fired anti-tank armoured bombs into two pieces, and the fire of the bear devoured the torn four pieces of flesh and burned all over the place.

Here comes the dense bullet, which is the sound of a quick-fire machine gun with a flow density of 6,000 rounds per minute, like a metal storm with dust and dust, and the surrounding air evaporates under high temperature bullets, suffocating with death.

“Fireman" was almost instantly knocked off by the "Pioneer Stream” of these dense bullets, and if it hadn't hidden a little faster, even in that horrible cloak suit, a crazy bullet would have punched it through a thousand sores!

In the face of crazy high-speed bouncing, the "Fireman” also had to avoid its rays.

As a result, the war stalled again, and the "Fireman" relied on the cape for only serious injuries, but still wandered on the other side of the train in search of a breakthrough opportunity, leaving a brutal corpse on the military position, wrapped around a nasty burning smell.

For an army that had not experienced a bloody war for many years, even though its soldiers had been brutally trained, how strong, faced with the death of a large number of comrades, stained with the blood of guns, clothes, burning burning ripe pieces of burnt human flesh, this hundred men escorted the army heart to shake sharply.

For them, however, this is only the beginning, and the more brutal bloody battle of the human worm awaits them.

Taking advantage of the impasse, the soldiers, under the command of their superiors, swiftly rearranged their calm and pursued the demons on the other side using a variety of rockets, anti-armoured ammunition and small artillery guns. The three armed helicopters circled at high altitude and continued to chase the "firemen” with their anti-aircraft guns for a moment, the only weapon in their possession.

Soldiers do not know what kind of creature they are attacking, if not the most elite troops on the ground in East China, they would have completely collapsed by this moment, the whole army has broken apart, they can persist to this day, it has to be said that most of these children are only in their 20s and 90s and behave extremely heroically!

Chu Yunsheng gave way to Jian circling the helicopter on the outskirts of the battlefield, did not join the battle immediately, only a special police officer was sent to contact the officer to prevent accidental injury by the army as an enemy.

In his view, just for a broken gun, so many people died, really wasn't worth it.

On the way here, Chu Yunsheng tended to fortify a police bow, which they carried in standard preparation. Immediately after dark gathering up the energy accumulated since these days, he secretly made a cold ice charm, sealed the bow crossbow, and finally the remaining energy was just enough for him to emit a cold ice arrow.

Though he has long driven this low-grade cold ice charm and consumed little energy, his current situation is really too low, full of calculations, and less than six energy in his body. After making the cold ice charm, he can issue an arrow, which is already very difficult.

If the black gas was still there, it wouldn't have to be so hard, but he was doing his best now, and if he didn't hit it, he'd have to let the helicopter run away.

However, the revival of the Fire Nation is no more than just opening the sky orbit, the strength is no place to go, it is even more unlikely to attack the sky, it can be so strong on the ground, the officers and soldiers on the ground do not know, but he understands, it is only with that cloak suit.

Of course, Chu Yunsheng did not expect a cold ice arrow to kill it. Fire clans with cloak suit protection, in terms of fighting power and protection system, were the advantages of the five clans in the early Dark Ages, such as the one in Jinling who was always able to suppress the ice clan.

But now Chu Yunsheng, although force has not yet recovered, his vision and insight are far from being compared to that of the Fire Nation on the ground. His strategy is simple, he must make full use of the old ghost's power potential, and let it fully fight!

At such a great cost, it consumes energy, just for a cloak suit, Chu Yunsheng thinks it is worth it.

The bug army is really fierce, and the number is a little too much. During his Yuan realm, he wanted to defend Shanghai against them by force. If he did not flee, he would not resort to means, and he did not know how many times he would die.

It is a fact, there is no use in black gas, insects can fight the war of consumption, the number of them lay heaven and earth, once the black gas is exhausted, if it cannot be ingested like the energy, it is still a dead letter, which Chu Yunsheng has been very clear since awakening.

Besides, black gas is not like its own energy, its own energy he can fully control, and black gas is too mysterious, he has not yet clearly controlled it, put all the security risks on it, obviously it is not wise, black gas can be the base card as the ace card, but it can never sit on the life-saving card.

Therefore, this cloak suit is too timely and important. The hidden effect is that it also works wonders inside the magnificent grave of the insect, plus the converging six-meter character. Once the insect appears and attacks on a large scale, the two things can be used immediately to fight back, the security coefficient rises in a straight line, and then the insect provides energy. Compared to the original, the cultivation speed and battle preparation will also climb in geometric order.

Weaponry and equipment are particularly important when they are weak, and it is only when they are strong that they are able to rely on their own fighting power, without having to pay too much attention to foreign objects and tools, which is the same logic wherever they are placed.

Based on this consideration, that cloak underneath the ground was worth far more to Chu Yunsheng than the frozen gun that all parties were fighting for.

“Mr. Chu, a little strange.” The fierce fighting just now, Yu Jian also saw clearly, he knew in advance the existence of such people as Chu Yunsheng, facing the fierceness and cruelty of the “Fireman", so that people such as Lin Shuiyao were not pale, obviously very calm.

Chu Yunsheng adjusted the bowbow arrow and looked at him, thinking he was shocked by the fierceness of the Fire Nation, and said faintly: “Nothing strange, it won't last long. ”

The energy in the Fire Nation is also limited. Chu Yunsheng did not immediately participate in the battle. The first is to assess its combat power. If it is too dangerous, then forget it. The second is to wait for the Fire Nation to consume a lot of firepower.

Yu Jian pointed to the heavily guarded place on the ground and said with confusion: “The military protection should be there. It doesn't look very large. Why not take it directly by helicopter or plane? Slower railways instead? That fireman is so horrible, according to the battle just now, he can't attack thousands of meters high! ”

Chu Yunsheng was stunned. He was becoming more and more impressed. If he was himself, he would never have seen so many things, and if he didn't know something beforehand, he wouldn't have guessed the reason even now.

The refrigerator was damaged when the aircraft crashed, it was activated once in Hangzhou, the special energy inside had been leaked, by the time of the dazhai, it was almost exhausted, these leaked special energy radiation fluctuations, any electromagnetic equipment would be severely disturbed by it, modern aircraft could not fly with it at all, can only put it in the last compartment, dragged far away by the train head.

This is also why Chu Yunsheng left the helicopter a little further away, while the armed helicopters of the military were also far away.

“You'll find out later.” Chu Yunsheng did not intend to explain, took a breath, let himself enter the battle as soon as possible, let the driver circle around the fire people on the ground and look for opportunities.

With his current divine archery, as long as he captures a slightly better angle of shot, he will surely strike, and the rest will depend on the old ghost.

Yu insisted that Chu Yunsheng did not want to say it deeply, so he stopped asking, but he could see that Chu Yunsheng knew, so his heart became more alarmed and more worried. Good thing Chu Yunsheng was on their side, at least for now.

The downstairs contact SWAT immediately sent back a communication, the heavy loss of military support for the helicopter sent by SWAT is very welcome, currently the most effective attack facing the "Fireman” is air strike, the ground has become its exclusive slaughterhouse!

“When I've finished shooting an arrow, try to talk to them and stop the attack, and the rest will be handled by me and the old ghost.” It is impossible for the military to obey the orders of the small special police and only allow them to negotiate. What happened, Chu Yunsheng can only do his best.

nodded firmly and turned to contact the military commander.

Chu Yunsheng held the police bow, the arrowhead coldly pointed at the right and left firemen on the ground, stopped talking, the look gradually concentrated, the eyes revealed sharp killer, it was the killer of thousands of lives piled up, the degree of cold, so that Lin Shuiyao, including old ghosts and even strong, did not chill chestnut, far more than the air and the temperature on the arrow dripped up countless times!

Suddenly, they felt that the plain young man sitting next to them was the real “devil” compared to that brutal fireman demon on the ground.

When everyone thinks about it, it's time!

As the helicopter bypassed an arc and flew to the field on the other side of the train, the firemen who had been hit by high explosive bullets by military snipers suffered injuries and smashed them backwards. When it fell to the ground for a moment, Chu Yun lifted his eyes and let go of the cold.

Arrow, come on!

A cold path of ice froze frozen from the edge of the arrow to the tail of the arrow. The white light from the silk on the crisp arrow converged behind the tail because of the high speed of the flying, and the fire on the ground mapped on it, as if it were the death that exposed its teeth in the dark night.

This arrow will win!

Chu Yunsheng couldn't wait for the results. “Old Ghost! ”

Sitting opposite Chu Yunsheng, 120 people do not want to go down, do not want or dare, but Chu Yunsheng has no room to discuss it from beginning to end. If you do not want to go, you have to go, there is no choice.

He scolded Chu Yunsheng as a bastard. The old ghost jumped on his scalp in amazement and turned into a flaming smoke on the ground.

“I'm going to burn to death, and I'm not going to let you go!” Old ghosts are desperate, completely disregarding their status as “ghosts”.

Chu Yunsheng ignored its complaint. The fire man on the ground could not recover for too long, his strength could not be too high. The fire energy in the body is now estimated to be little. It is only due to the “shell” of the cloak suit. After being sealed with cold ice arrow ice, the fire energy in the body will be suppressed to the lowest limit, injured itself. In the instant of the ice seal, it is close to an ordinary human being, and its biggest battle is only a “dress” for the old ghost, so the old ghost swallowed it, basically without much danger and difficulty.

Besides, there is also a hint of black gas left on the old phantom before Chu Yunsheng, even if he can't swallow each other, there is that black gas, running away is not a problem.

Fire people are proud, bones are hard, Chu Yunsheng has never seen a Fire people bow their heads to him, even when he was called the real first person in the world, the Fire people never feared his power.

So he didn't intend to negotiate a deal with the Fire Nation in the first place, so he chose the simplest, and the Fire Nation preferred to settle it by force.

Ka Cha

One crisp voice was particularly clear in the flames, in the cry for a “ceasefire”, and hundreds of soldiers were incredibly shocked to see the "demons” burning their comrades from massacre to massacre, frozen into ice!

The reckless “Fireman” was defeated at once?

The soldiers did not cease fire, their bloodred eyes burst with hateful rage, wildly releasing all their bullets and fire to the frozen "Fireman”!

The old ghost was hit by countless bullets through the green smoke and screamed, but at least it went into the ice sculpture the first time.

At this time, just when Chu Yun thought the big picture had been decided, a white shadow came and swept the land and flew. The speed was almost dazzling!

What is reckless and what is reckless! White Shadow in front of hundreds of soldiers officers, in front of Chu Yunsheng, tell everyone with strong strength, this is the vertical and transgressive, this is the taboo, the speed of the Fire Nation in front of it is only a joke!

Where the white shadows pass, a sword sword is scattered, people are good, things are good, armor is good, everything is broken, the sky is flying, there is a storm, and it takes the heart of the army's defense, where the frozen gun and other objects are located, the whole way is like a rainbow.

Grab, go, go, go!

Chu Yun raised his face and grabbed the police crossbow tightly.

^ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)