Dark Blood Age

Chapter 640: The Comer of Rainbow Bridge


Chu Yun has lived to this day, has seen many strange things, but the strangeness he saw today is the first time, he struggled to cross the transition layer, and used a few black gases, finally broke into the blue bubble, but never thought that the bubble inside is still familiar with Nanjing City!

The dazzling signs and road signs on both sides of the street clearly remind him that this is the Nanjing city where he's just arrived.

The difference is that Nanjing is very “clean”, with no shadows, no floats, not even one ant on the ground, like a dead city, dead for countless years, only cold buildings and streets, and dark, unknown skies, without even the wind.

Chu Yun looked behind him consciously and suddenly became more surprised. Where is the shadow of the blue bubble? It is simply a long street leading to the edge of the city, which looks exactly like the outside.

After more than a minute, Chu Yun lifted his head and turned around. He immediately turned around and ran again in the direction of the edge along Deep Street. In the same way, he went deep into the edge again, without using black gas. Only by resisting tears, he crossed a lane of transition layer, until another equally familiar blue bubble appeared in his sight before stopping!

The same city, the same construction, the same blue bubbles, one mile away, two different worlds!

Chu Yunsheng immediately thought of the legendary anti-world, a world he had always heard of but had never seen himself.

There are no creatures, no popularity, even plants are dead, he is the only living creature in the city and even in the world that breathes!

Black gas is not enough to support Chu Yunsheng to cross all the transition layers again into the new blue bubble, otherwise he really wants to verify that behind the blue bubble here is not the original Nanjing City?

Chu Yunsheng had to withdraw from the depths of the edge and wait for the black gas to regroup. Using this time, he took out the military Land Cruiser in the tenor and searched around the deserted city for anything suspicious, but always got it.

Everything here seems to be dead, the food rots into dust, the pool is already dry, the tanks in the dusty vehicles on the roadside are empty, there is no darkness outside, but there is no visible change in the sky of time, it is always a dark brightness, as if time had always stopped at a certain moment.

At the clock shop behind the business building where he had entered the zero-dimensional space, Chu Yunsheng finally found that all the clocks were parked at the same time on the same date - the odd time date, not today or recently, but “in the future", a long time later.

He went to the train station again, and there was still no trace of anyone. Everything had been corrupted for countless years, and if you touch it gently, you can pop up a huge gap. The debris inside is either petrified or shattered in a single move, not like a dozen days of kung fu after dark descent, at least for hundreds of years, even thousands of years!

But Chuyun can't see any body wreckage anywhere, no shadow, how many years will it take to get there!?

Chu Yun rose up and panicked. There was so little that he could really panic now, but he panicked. As if there were countless pieces of memory bursting into his head like an ancient flood, it seemed that there were years when he took a youth from his invisible face, leaving a ditch, the week began again, the life was endless. He did not know how many years he had “turned” in the pseudo-monument? He was terrified that one day he would step out of a false tablet, not a month or two after expectations, but long after millions of years, everything had become an ancient legend.

He is not afraid of passing away tens of millions of years, let alone being forgotten as a legend, he is afraid of facing the hope that Willow will give him for his last survival - the death and truth of his daughter!

Looking at those rotten petrified things, Chu Yunsheng can almost see his future: curled in a forgotten corner of the world, numb and rotten until death...

absolutely impossible!

He was like burying his head in a sand ostrich, refusing to admit anything he saw in any eye, like a stirred beast, waving a flaming knife, chopping everything to pieces, and then he went back to the clock store and chopped all the stinging clocks into dust, one left behind!

As if something doesn't exist, at least you can fool yourself, at least you have hope of weaving yourself.

Sitting on a pile of debris, Chu Yunsheng kept smoking slightly shivering cigarettes, trying to restrain his emotions. His hands seemed to hold a slight touch and shattered hope. He kept telling himself never to give up. Never be confused by what his eyes saw. As long as it was not true, he still had a chance, even if the chance was slim, he would not let go.

Nobody's dead town was so quiet that any faint sound appeared extraordinarily clear. On the rubble fragments of the watch store, beneath his seat, suddenly came the sound of a second hand movement, just for a moment, extremely faint, but very clear.

Chu Yunsheng immediately pushed away the debris around him and found the source of the sound, which is an atomic table that accepts wireless signals, but strangely, no wireless device can be used after the Dark Ages. I wonder where this atomic table accepts signals from? And after that second hand move, after a relatively long second, it doesn't move until a long time later, it moves again, and it keeps moving at this rhythm, every such interval.

Its frequency is fast becoming familiar with Chu Yun Li, almost identical to the gravitational wave frequency outside the blue bubble!

In other words, the world here still has time, its own time, isolated from the outside world.

Chu Yunsheng seems to have grabbed the last life-saving straw and looked at the time on the atomic table to start a large amount of arithmetic mathematics, but this is an astronomical number, and the date on the table does not know how long it has been repeated, Chu Yunsheng calculated for a very, very long time and did not arrive at an accurate number.

At this time, the constant silent movement of the second hand and clockwise coincided on a line, all pointing to the position of 12 o'clock, Chu Yunsheng suddenly felt a pure ice energy drilled out of the ground, cold ice energy quickly condensed all the buildings and even the sky into a world of cold ice!

Cold, piercing ice cold!

Chu Yunli had no doubt that he would have been frozen into ice if he hadn't been protected by a six-part charm and a cloak suit.

The sky has begun to discolor, and there are cold rays of light everywhere, and the whole city is alive in a flash, and there's a voice coming from somewhere in the city ——

Come on, come here!

Followed by a personal shadow and float from the edge of the city, like a ghost, all in the direction of this sound.

Chu Yun moved up his mind and followed the ghostly figure and float towards that sound source. Perhaps this is just a complicated and realistic illusion.

He saw a “acquaintance” not far out, or something that could no longer be called a person, but a ghost.

It was “* *" and it floated past him like it hadn't seen Chu Yunsheng. His eyes were filled with confusing sounds and he was looking in the direction of seduction, like there was a whole paradise there.

Chu Yun rose to surprise, but also accelerated his footsteps. There is no doubt that although this may no longer be a pseudo-monumental world, there must be “people” on the other side of the voice.

It's best to grasp it and ask your own doubts!

“Come on! Come here! ”

That moving voice is always full of amazing temptation. If Chu Yun had not risen to zero-dimensional space with tripartite rigidity, he would have snatched his soul.

The city of Nanjing is huge, it takes a long walk alone, but the distance to the destination is finally there, not to mention the fact that Chu Yun rises at no slower than the floating figure.

In an empty space, Chu Yun ascended and saw a huge, ugly, twisted ice cave, which was not a common solid state, but an unusual mucus state that kept creeping, like a living creature.

All the ghostly shadows and planks, tempted by their voices, raced into the ice cave, but not for a moment, their frightened and painful faces appeared beneath those high-swelled ice packs.

“Let me out! ”

They struggle desperately, like being tricked into a cave and anxious to break free, twisted faces clinging to liquid ice.

But the iceberg is like a huge and indestructible cage, no matter how hard they struggle, no matter how hard they try, once they go in, no one can flush out successfully!

Chu Yunsheng tried to hold on to “* *" and not let it fall for him, but he stuck his head in the ice cave and had no right to look back.

By the time the last figure and the last plankton had all gone in, the ice cave was filled with deadly temptations and suddenly turned into a gloomy laugh, like laughing at the foolish shadow and plankton, like moaning contentedly.

But it quickly discovered that there was still a “person” who didn't fall for it, and immediately became unusually surprised!

This surprise is no less than finding a living man in the morgue!

Chu Yunsheng didn't expect it to discover itself so quickly. He has hidden very well. There is a six-meter shield and a cloak suit to cover it. In principle, it should be safe to lose.

But now that it's discovered, there's nothing to say, either get ready to fight, or get away with it, because this iceberg doesn't look like a good thing!

Things did not all develop in the direction foreseen by Chu Yunsheng, the drum bag of ice, twisting the "body”, quickly creeping into a clump, forming a huge head as two floors tall, the lantern eyes curiously staring at Chu Yunsheng, the three bench long mouths exaggerated, two elongated hands from the ear position, one hand holding round chin and long seams exaggerated mouth to make a thought touch, one hand into the ice bag head pulling out those who struggled the most fierce, then stuck into the mouth to chew.

“Well... let me think... you are not like them... well... you should also be a pathetic descendent lost in the Rainbow Bridge... well it must be...”

^ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)