Dark Blood Age

Chapter 690: The One Who Tramples the Heavens, That's All


The sooner the speculation is correct, the sooner the enemy reinforcements arrive, not only the sooner, but also the more unexpected in time. The “ten days" news sent back by “eyeliner” is probably also deliberately leaked by them. First, they publicly claim to come to the reinforcement for fifteen days, then "divulge” ten days of confidentiality. They expect that the sooner the formula waits, the more people will not believe it. They will surely cut off another five days, and within five days, the sooner the party waits, the more chance the misjudgment will only be available. There is no choice but to hurry to send troops.

Thus, because the five-day deadline has not yet reached, the more the real battle plan awaits, the less consideration must be given to the arrival of reinforcements. This soldier fraud can allow them to emerge from the RUF. At critical moments, the more important the reinforcements suddenly appear, the more likely the defeated will be to wait and Chu Yunsheng.

In addition to this, we can force Song Zihuai and Song Zihuai to send troops in advance while their military strength is still weak. Otherwise, if the battle is fought only after a month or two, no one knows to what extent Song Zihuai and Chu Yunsheng will develop the army.

Such a plan should not have any loopholes, it should be perfect, it will surely achieve the advance vision of an arrow double sculpture, and in fact, their first purpose has indeed been achieved. The more Fang and Song Zihuai and even Chu Yunsheng chose not to hesitate to send troops and fall into the trap of their plan.

But since it was a war with soldiers, there had been no rule change since ancient times. There had always been the most unpredictable place on the battlefield, where people were fighting, dying, fighting for their lives, fighting for their intelligence, the more unprepared they were from the outset to attack with rules, rules, rules, positions, or using conventional and unconventional military tactics such as sneaky attacks, fraudulent inducements, etc., but using a tactic that offended the taboos. Although there was history, he had to take even more risks, even walking the wire.

Driving people out of buildings, forcing the peripheral refugees into the city, congesting the main roads, blocking the army… the more numerous and numerous means are used to maximize the few armies in hand, the most risky of which is to attract cannibal monsters, forcing refugees and citizens to rush into the city to flee to places with armies - psychologically, in any case, the people always feel that relying on the army is the safest place.

As a result, with the exception of a few air wars, the ground forces on both sides hardly had a chance to “meet", all of which were blocked in the city's vast population stream, combined with obstructed sight in the dark, making it extremely difficult to evacuate large numbers of people each time.

Such a result, which can only happen in the late days of the great darkness, when the armies of the same country are with the people of the same country, can be replaced by any other kind of situation, such as different armies, or different populations, the consequences of which are unimaginable.

Yes, the more the party used the lives of the people and the conscience of the lower and middle ranks of the Puxi army, perhaps insidious, but gave Chu Yunsheng and others the most precious time, completely disrupting the original plans of the enemy.

This is the cloudy trick on the battlefield. Before the last moment, no one knows where the victory will come from!

The spiritual control of the pluripotent tribe was broken, and the soldiers who were “using their brains” were suddenly plunged into chaos. Under the fierce attack of the Awakening Man Squad and the Ghost Warriors, they swayed almost the whole line. It was only a matter of time before they were completely crushed.

And Puxi's Awakening Man, despite the large number of people, is far less powerful than the two battle teams of Puxi Awakening Man under the weapons and equipment of Chu Yunsheng, and a large proportion of them are afraid of Chu Yunsheng. Even if the battlefield is actually impersonated by Yu Xiaohai, how can they tell that clearly? After all, they are not extremely powerful soldiers. When a familiar and horrific attack symbol is fired, many people subconsciously hide behind a line full of chariots, and the truly fearless awakeners add up to less than half of the old ghosts and Yu Xiaohai.

Some officers who were still sober shouted loudly in the explosion, trying to bring together tanks, scooters and other mechanized vehicles to form a great steel wall, blocking the violent offensive footsteps of old ghosts and Yu Xiaohai.

There are not many tanks that can move at this time, about fifteen or six, while there are still more than thirty scooters, but if you can pull them together, lay them in front of the base's total finger, and then fire with all your strength, with heavy, whirring shells and dense high-speed bullets, it is still possible to retreat from the old ghosts and the rest of Xiaohai and others.

Yu Xiaohai sighted and shouted: “Your men go after the tank, let's go kill the scooter! ”

After hearing it, the old ghost was angry and the tank was small, but those high-speed shells could smash people to death. Why would its people want to eat this hard bone while Yu Xiaohai, the little bastard, picked up the scooter's cheap?

But after Xiaohai did not give it a chance to refuse, he took the Awakening Squad to destroy the scooter. He did not dare to really “defy” it. Note that at this time, Yu Xiaohai impersonated Chu Yunsheng. If the enemy saw Ni, he would not face the anger of Chu Yunsheng.

The tank is just a tank. For it, shells without dark energy, the threat is really small, which is bad luck for the ghost generals under it.

In order to reduce the loss of its leg under the seat of Chuyun, the old ghost first turned green smoke into a straight line, passed the head of the soldiers in chaos, came directly under the tank, and then burst in from the gunpoint, either killed or destroyed the instrument, did whatever was convenient and quick, destroyed one tank, and immediately drilled into another tank, such as a tank killer.

When it paralyzed almost half of the tank, I had to look at Yu Xiaohai with pride. Your son took the chicken fur as an arrow and put down the black hand. I am not a vegetarian. What can the district tank do to my archbishop?

But after only one glance, he was pissed off again. The little bastard also had the attack symbol of Chu Yunsheng. He burst out in succession, sweeping a large area. There were already more than 30 scooters. Less than a dozen of them were left to shake down, and his butt was smoking straight.

I was depressed, and I thought, I had no need to be angry with a lower human being, just a lower creature... I was in a much better mood when I thought about it.

Tanks and scooters were destroyed in succession, and Awakening Squads and Ghost Warriors caught up tearing apart the gap between the Soldier Front in chaos, like a flood sweeping through a river embankment, breaking one, breaking two, breaking three! Less than a few moments later, the enemy's bloody position was washed away and the whole line was defeated.

As soon as the defense line breaks, the danger is coming. Although the old ghost does not leave the sea, his head is very clear and he dares not carelessly. After all, it is still wounded.

Almost at the same time, a very good ambush terrain on the right, the instant one rushes out a dozen shadows, the intense energy fluctuations make the old ghost feel dangerous at the first moment!

If it is not injured, it is naturally fearless and fearless. If it sweeps them, it is confident that they will be extinguished with ash and smoke. But now it is not injured. Humans also say that the good man will not suffer the loss before his eyes. At least he is the master of the religion. He should be a good man among the good men, then he cannot eat the loss before his eyes.

At this time, I thought and didn't want to turn around and run. Let's just say that the leader should take the lead. It's better not to “greed" on his own.

At this critical juncture, it will naturally not be kind enough to notify Yu Xiaohai to withdraw together. In its view, if one does not have this energy, there will be no value in saving. Sooner or later, such a person will die and there is no need to waste his precious time.

Of course, it's more "revenge” just now “one arrow revenge” cautious eyes, you little bastard, aren't you the Yin old man, pretending to be the leader is very good, most people come at you, see what you do? Can't you ask me to save your life?

The old ghost retreated at a high speed, masturbating the scene of Yu Xiaohai crying for his life, how can he humiliate him then and how can he cheer up his toes? Then think “seriously” about saving or not saving? It's a pretty complicated thing.

Mutations in life and death on the battlefield, more than a dozen shadow cuts suddenly appeared, frustrating the two squads who had just rushed forward, the arrow-like formation hidden a hint of confusion.

In such a critical situation, only the old ghost can think of chaotic thoughts, because it is special and has high eyesight, there is still danger of fighting between these lower creatures, even with injuries, there is still a psychology from the subconscious, so it seems a little cynical.

But the battlefield is always a cruel place, not because you are so arrogant you can swim the blade, everything depends on your strength to speak, so what? As long as I'm stronger than you, I'll kill you!

The old ghost retreated halfway, the dozen shadows leading one person with two fingers and a sword in the air, a white light broke out of the air, momentarily after the old ghost, hard to make its green cigarette body all into two petals.

Although two halves of green cigarettes soon merged together, the old ghost was still raging, seemingly “blood flickering” and injured a lot.

The man shouted, very surprised, but no longer ignored it. He landed slightly and named, his figure was pulled out, and he vacated again, and directly attacked the remaining small sea, which faked the rise of Chuyun.

Old Phantom has been furious at this moment. He couldn't help but resent Yu Xiaohai's “grudge”. He stopped to retreat and carried a divine deed. He immediately turned around and stared fiercely at the shadow trajectory of the man, coldly pursuing him.

On the other side, Yu Xiaohai was nervous to the extreme. He did not strip like an old ghost. He was nervous all the time. When more than a dozen people killed him, he almost frightened his soul away.

All those who stand in their way, whether awakened or ordinary soldiers, whether on the Puxi side or the Awakened and Ghost warriors of Pudong, are almost invincible and inappropriate by a white light and then a dozen blue lights, or raw split apart, or melted a beach of blood!

Yu Xiaohai threw several attack metaphors in a row and then tried to take the road and flee, coming to the strength of the enemy, far from what he could resist, which he knew very well.

The fierce world of ice fires launched by attack symbols blocked the vast majority of attacks by more than a dozen shadows, but they were extremely fast, and there were still people who bypassed the blockade and launched several attacks in a row.

First one was white light, followed by four blue rays, successive strikes on the armor of Yu Xiaohai, hitting him high, top of the sky, making a series of rushing hits, as well as a series of severe injuries in continuous muffled humming, in panic, he didn't even expect to throw Chu Yun Sheng to his life four order symbol.

However, the armor was not broken. It was a three-pin armor carefully constructed by Chu Yunsheng. It was unusually tough, but the blood flew out of the armor, like five bright red fine ropes, through his body and spilled into the air.

The first of the dozen shadows shattered the ice scum, radiated out of the ice, and the next moment came to Yu Xiaohai's body, stomping on his back, slamming heavily on his back, stomping on him, knocking Yu Xiaohai with his armor to the ground.

Boom, dust flying, flying sandstone, hard on the ground was smashed into a man-shaped pit, surrounded by cracks!

In the dust smoke, the shadow struck the white clothes, the crystalline light flowed, stepped on the back of Yu Xiaohai, Xiao stood still, and went to the back of the shadow coldly: “You always exaggerate! The so-called trampler thought he must have had some reservations just now, but that's all! ”

His voice fell, a dark arrow appeared in the pitch-black sky, with the breath of death, and attacked quietly.

It's even faster than the speed of sound, so much so that the colder voice can only lag behind it, coming up empty, and it's freezing: "Really? ”

^ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)