Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1219: Cosmic Mirrors


Coordinate 11.3987232!

The war continues, and after the left-handed surviving ship retreats to its original path, the Dark Ship becomes the only left-handed battleship in front of the enemy fleet.

The swollen source emptiness on the other side soon preceded a spacecraft in passing the location of the dark ship and encircling it.

Running the dark ship at high speeds, they were ordered first to give life to the source door, so that they could combine the method of the source gate around the dark ship and wrap the dark ship in a small area according to his command.

The source emptiness is actually a “yoke”, manifested in a multidimensional world, with material spatial properties. Although it cannot solve the complex algorithm of material space superimposed by the method of at least three or more eight-member natural origin gates, it can use its own source door power as a “tool” to counteract it and form countless equilibrium states in constantly changing rapidly.

The Dark Ship is still flying at no slower speed, rushing towards the enemy fleet.

Chu Yunsheng was suspended in the command compartment. He did not know exactly what he wanted to do. If he wanted to approach the other elliptical ship and take advantage of his close combat advantage, it was not a very good decision under the circumstances, and he could easily fall into the heavy siege of the enemy.

If he did not speak for the time being, he did not ask, avoiding distractions and causing command errors.

Approximately after encountering the first opposing enemy warship, the Dark Ship began to change, but this change could only be found outside the ship, unknown to those on board.

After staggering not far from the enemy warship, the dark ship seemed to have lost its trace in the other's probe, as if it had suddenly vanished into the stars, "without a trace”.

In the stars, especially in the dark, over an excessively long spatial distance, the discovery of all targets requires the use of a detector as an eye, while the source door life adds a source space, essentially the same, which is "observed” through the motion of the target.

The “disappearance” of the Dark Ship left the enemy with some suspicion, the shadow of the Dark Ship could not be seen on the monitor and its presence could not be perceived by the source doorsteppers.

At this time, several sourced priests of the Dark Ship were frequently called to confusion, and hundreds of pivotal powers were constantly replenishing their disguise system.

Borrowing that staggered enemy spacecraft, the slight disturbance created was used as a cover to simulate a natural state in a very short period of time - from the outside, it was like a backdrop to the dark realm of the stars, and even if a human came to its side and stared at it, there was no way to see it right across the street.

Then, almost one ship in the dark, including those who were honored by the source, inexplicably saw that enemy ship crossing them, in the stars, treated as them by the enemy, bombed indiscriminately, and killed by the source gate!

Then they met the second, the third…

An enemy warship was massacred rapidly by its own men, each time staggered, immediately leading to a rapid and violent attack.

This strange scene, Chu Yunsheng has never seen, busy manipulating the dark ship, does not seem to have time to make any explanation, through that he left the symbol of the dark door, Chu Yunsheng felt his spiritual height concentrated, the whole life-like dark ship was in a state of extreme tension, and consumed at high speed.

As the dark ships penetrated the enemy formation, a large number of enemy warships were destroyed by their own men, and the enemy gradually discovered anomalies. The speed of strikes slowed down, signals traveled back and forth to the dark domain, constantly confirming and reconfirming in order to prevent another accidental killing.

Immediately changed tactics, hidden in a natural state, exploited the chaos of an enemy army, simulated the appearance of an enemy battleship in the stars, penetrated out of the chaos zone and immediately became an “element” of the enemy.

There was not much change in the dark ship, only the control cabin adjusted, then the dark ship received a large number of contact signals from the enemy, quickly cracked, disguised as the enemy, accidentally attacked the unprotected “friendly army”, then exploited the disturbance of the explosion, quickly entered the natural state, disappeared under the enemy's eyes, lurked in front of it again, continue to create chaos!

After the destruction of a dozen battleships, one, the enemy sailed at a much slower pace, no longer speeding up the pursuit of the fleeing left-handed ships, but always watching out for “friendly forces" close to them.

Any friendly warship close to itself will be repeatedly questioned and even some nervous warships will fire directly.

They had survived the previous Great War, and every race was so nervous that half a beat fired, and the wrong step was the end of the ship's extinction.

Communication alone has made it impossible to determine the true identity of the other party, and the dozen warships were deceived to death and thought they were their own “friendly forces".

The dark ships attacked and destroyed only a dozen of their ordinary warships, but seemed to be calm toward the surface, but beneath them in a sensitive and tense lake, throwing a stone into them, amplifying their serpentine psychology at this moment.

The integrity of the enemy was instantly “dismembered” and turned into a bird of shock, while the source dignitaries were intensifying their search for the true location of the dark ship, trying to find it and end the hidden chaos.

At this point, it controls the dark ship and begins a third simulation, simulating its appearance at a micro-hour interval when the "sight” of each elliptical spacecraft is blocked by the confusion zone, and then issuing orders to the surrounding warships to immediately attack the “targets” defined around them - and those “targets” are given the same orders.

In anticipation of an early end to this climate of terror and fear of elliptical spacecraft, most warships attacked by “order", with only a small number hesitating for a moment, but soon becoming “new targets” in the order.

Then, no more battleships dare to hesitate, fire with all their might, and fail to kill the identified suspect target, which is to be killed by the "target”!

At last, the suspicious enemy fleet was caught in uncontrollable chaos, while the dark ships were confused, issued false orders everywhere, and the fire burned inside the enemy fleet, becoming more intense.

Until a few eight-member Yuan Yuan Yuanmen used Yuanmen's method to forcibly bind the battleships, the great chaos gradually subsided, and they knew that the orders they were carrying out were probably false.

But even if the Original Gate esteemed, the original first ship and the elliptical spacecraft constantly sent other new orders, a spacecraft would not dare to move again. In order not to be killed by the Original Gate, the time had to be delayed and repeatedly questioned.

Nobody knows if those orders are real or fake at the moment. Is it from your own side or from the enemy side?

Following the collapse of the entire enemy fleet, the command system was finally paralysed.

There are no battleships to chase left-handed wrecks. They are scattered across vast stars and seem a little confused. I don't know if I should go in next, or should I go back?

Being driven to this point by a left-handed battleship is something that most people have never encountered.

What is even more tedious is that, to date, three confusions, one bigger than the other, have caused them to kill nearly half of each other's “friendly armies", the fleet has lost more than half its strength, and the enemy has not seen it and still does not know where it is.

“My Lord, this is the limit of what I can do now. ”

The darkship finally said: “The darkship is too rough, many places are completely unqualified, barely able to survive to this point, has reached the limit of usage, and the simulation continues, it will completely collapse. ”

Chu Yun raised his voice: “You've done well, now you can retreat. ”

The style of battle, and Chu Yunsheng are actually out of line. He doesn't seem to like to work hard, that is, in the face of strong enemies like the cloud, he insists on obtaining the biggest purpose of battle at the smallest price.

The left-handed surviving fleet of the escape route has flew far and accelerated to its fastest speed, while the enemy fleet has completely stopped and only the elliptical spacecraft is still searching for dark ships and is constantly moving.

It will take a very long period of time for them to retreat and accelerate further to catch up with the LVF.

tirelessly asked: "Is there really a reinforcement, my lord? If not, we will not escape eventually, and we will surely die. ”

Chu Yunsheng didn't know exactly when the hatchery would arrive, but in order to give him confidence, he said definitely: "Sure, don't worry. ”

hesitated for a moment, didn't know if it was a letter or not, and finally said reluctantly: "Before we retreat, to create a little confusion about the technology of coupling, and… give them a little more confusion, former storage lord, we need your cooperation. ”

In one of the warships scattered by the stars, the elliptical spacecraft was checking every suspicious spacecraft, and the position, the source of the sky, was constantly changing, trying to force out the dark ship where Chu Yun was rising.

When it flies past a very normal ship, suddenly a target source containing all the characteristics of the dark ship fluctuations appears above it and accelerates its approach to it!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yunsheng's unique sword sword style appeared, sweeping across the battlefield.

Gao Dayuan Gate first reacted, quickly retreated, while the elliptical spacecraft also seemed to know the advantages of Chu Yun rising to war, and also followed the fast sinking, avoiding a surprise attack to the “dark ship”.

Other ships on all sides retreated in alarm and fled at all costs.

But the aggressive, murderous surprise “scene”, after the sword-shaped disappeared, also disappeared quickly, as if it had never existed, just like a mirror reflection, moving the scene inside the "cosmic mirror” here.

But for a moment, no one can be sure that the LWV is really no longer here, hectares, scans, detections, weapons and even source attacks, ravaging the area.

On the other hand, also in the dark ship of the raid movement, without wasting a trace of the action of the raid, it accelerated and headed away from the battlefield towards the left-handed crusader force sailing on the original road.

The Dark Ship has thus been exposed, and it is no longer capable of simulation and has truly become a broken or even scattered spacecraft.

The enemy behind him also finally saw its appearance again. From its first appearance to its last appearance now, hardly anyone in the middle has seen it again, but it has constantly created chaos. Almost half of the fleet has been “self-destructed" by each other, forcing it to park in the stars, suspicious ghosts, and the chain of command has been paralysed...

With overwhelming power, he disgraced himself, and became ashamed of the angry elliptical spacecraft, as well as several powerful source-door dignitaries, immediately forced all remaining enemy warships to accelerate, fully catch up with the Left Rotary, and the dark ship where Chu Yunsheng was.

In the dark realm of the stars, a battleship ejected a dazzling ray of light, forming a flood that accelerated and rushed into darkness.


In the Dark Ship, Due to the huge consumption, it appears a little sluggish, just like his current Dark Ship.

Several sought-after dignitaries are hurrying to rest and trying to regain a little strength.

Chu Yunsheng is still in the command compartment, looking at the signal on the detector.

The elliptical ship is fast, catching up with them sooner or later, and the dark ship has been abandoned, but it has bought you the most precious time!

Without it, I'm afraid we'd all be wiped out by now.

Time is life, more evident in the stars.

Chu Yunsheng did not know when the hatchery could arrive. He would never put all his hopes on the uncertainty. Except for the definitive “cheating” of others, the reinforcements would definitely arrive on the road... but he could not cheat himself.

He hurried the time to restore order in the six-member realm, while risking to enter the zero dimension again, using black gas to strike the spiritual seal!

As long as the seal is broken, he can use black gas as a new powerful attack weapon.

Time flies by, the enemy's pursuit is getting closer and closer, and the elliptical spacecraft is stuck behind it, the vanguard of the left-handed wreck, on the detector, obscuring a strange signal.

At the other end of the original interstellar link, the fuselage pivot is concentrating on the near-collapsing spacecraft, and when it hears that evil thing, it's rare to say seriously: "Brother Worm, no, I, I find them enemies! ”
