Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1229: The Sword Hasn't Arrived, No One Knows


Dark field of the starry sky, coordinates 11.3987181!

If someone is able to look over here from a large enough size, you can see the center of Chuyunsheng and Crystal Cube, with at least four nearby fleets moving at great speeds in different directions, dividing a path.

The most recent, the Left Rotary Coalition fleet, in a strange trajectory, seemed to be moving away, the furthest one, wrecked, had flown deep into the stars and was in the process of dismantling other warships in the fleet in order to cope with the growing shortage of supplies.

The two in the middle, one coming towards the coordinates, the other strange, seemed to be swimming, not approaching or leaving.

The former is not actually a fleet, because it has only one spacecraft, but also a transport vessel, that flies unwittingly towards the coordinates.

The latter, from that point of view, seemed overwhelming and prestigious, except that its owner, a man who seemed tall and mighty and a little dull between his eyebrows, was looking at a huge organ in the test vessel with a sad look at the moment, a living huge organ.

This is not the first time he has come to see this living "giant organ”, remember the last time he received an urgent report and came to see it, enough to keep him from touching any woman for months.

Though countless women want to climb into his bed now, even though he is not the street gangster who didn't admit it slightly in that respect, even the one night battle is now over, but, Fuck, which son of a bitch made such a giant genitalia to disgust people!?

Those excited idiots “rocket experts" told him that the disgusting thing was creeping, presumably when he wanted to talk to someone in horror, he finally couldn't take it, turned around and swore he would never come here again for the rest of his life, who came and who was the bitch.

But here he is again today, with no shame whatsoever for breaking his oath, because he himself feels that the oaths of people of his scumbag origin are unbelievable to the old man of God... Well, that's not the point, the point is that he is very disturbed.

The sky is fucking horrible, darker than the bloody streets he's been in, and there's nothing good around him, and of course he's not, and he never admits it.

Keeping a close eye on that giant organ, his eyebrows locked tight, and a long time later, he stood up and slapped him hard on the head of his new little brother, a young white man, and fell: "Fuck, Nima, I'm fucked! ”

The little brother was beaten, but he was not offended, and he said, “Boss, what are you talking about? ”

He stared hard at his little brother and scolded him: "All day long, you bitches usually learn some Oriental language, think I'm fucking farting! ”

Little brothers bow their heads in submission, this is really unjust to them, since the boss doesn't know what's going on, “obsessed” with Oriental language, which of these little brothers doesn't want to get the boss's petition? Why don't you just do your best to learn?

But, really, he wanted to ask the Orientalist he hired, which rocket expert invented this obstinate language? How can he learn from a low-culture man who can't even spell!?

If he loves to study, he also comes to be a little brother. Now everyone knows that the boss, although he still likes to gather together a group of little brothers, is no longer a year old, and it is no longer possible that anyone can reach the height of the Yorker brothers in the boss's heart.

Instead, for those "rocket experts," the boss was very respectful, demanding money, giving people, giving resources, giving anything, as long as he had, giving anything, never stingy, brilliantly eye-catching, who in the entire fleet is not envious?

Grievance to grievance, but must not reveal to make the boss unhappy. Otherwise, his “status” may not be guaranteed. He can stand out from a large group of penises and climb to his height, which is also a “successful person”. Who doesn't envy jealousy!?

He knew it had nothing to do with him, and the boss was just complaining.

Sure enough, the big wind walked out of this key experimental compartment and hurriedly ordered the flight department: “Turn around, turn around, we are in the wrong direction, the danger is not in the direction of that disgusting thing appearing, we are deceived, the real danger is in front of our current route! ”

At this time, however, it seems to be a little late.

An empty sword appeared empty-handed in the senses of each person's heart, and was slaughtered with brute force.

Yet there is nothing in front of the fleet, nothing!

People panicked at once because no matter what they did, closed their eyes, closed their enclosed compartments, or cut off all their faiths, the sword was still slashed in the air, hiding and nowhere to escape.

There are also many people who recognize the sword. In this world, they've only seen one man use it, and countless lives die under it. Today, those who remember, under the Starship of the Angry Man, the bodies pile up like the sea!

“It's him! It's him! It's him!”

The little brother looked at the boss who had never been so frightened and shouted like crazy: “Fuck, I & * %, I knew it was him! I & * %, those two women must have guessed, lying to me... what the fuck are you still standing there for? Get out of here! ”

The hegemonic fleet suddenly became as if it were a bereavement dog, braking desperately, fleeing to the distance in a great arc, panicking.

But that sword that was slaughtered in the air was much faster than a battleship, and it had been shown on highly advanced detectors that did not belong to their technical hierarchy that it was an attack in the macro domain, and they had no idea how to operate evasive defenses!

For a short while, people seemed a little desperate, and when they saw the sword clearly and knew who the sword owner was, they were in a great panic.

They were all followers of Noriko and those two “enemies" who had left, a large proportion of whom had been sheltered by the original starship and, in one way or another, "betrayed” the master of the sword.

At this moment, the sword is here, the punishment!

At this moment, everyone has a sword wheel in their heart to slaughter.

At this moment, the same sword is different in everyone's heart.

Some are ashamed, some confess, some resist, some curse... while the sword remains.

The little brother also saw a sword slaughtered against him, but he was not too scared. Everyone was going to die together anyway, not him. When the owner of that sword was said to be “famous”, he was still young and could not remember clearly.

The boss is his mountain, the mighty one he worships.

He doesn't know, turns his back on his boss, seems desperate at this moment, and is silently praying to the elderly of God:

“I am the last Messiah to be elected. I am the son of destiny. It is impossible to die. It will not, it will never...”

Meanwhile, an empty sword has swept through the LVF.

People in the Cold Star fleet have had the experience of Cold Star and have been “chopped” once. Fortunately, others, even with prior reminders from commanders, are still in great panic.

The sword, no, the handle is everywhere, the inescapable sword, unheard of, unseen, slashed deep into the soul of every man in a pounding manner.

Those with ghost foetuses almost collapsed. I don't know if Chu Yun was on the flight to clean up the fleet, because no one dared to guarantee that it was empty and untrue before the sword was cut!

What if the cloud rises between the opposite hands and lets it truly chop?

Nobody knows, the sword hasn't arrived, nobody knows the outcome.

The people of the blood clan and the Cold Star Incendiary Martial Arts are the most calm group of people, basically do what is still to be done, as if they did not see the sword.

Xiang Mai is not a true believer in incendiary martial arts. In this regard, he has never clashed with the old Hull like his father in order to avoid upsetting the old man, but he looked at his sword and did not panic. He looked at the sword with a desire for the strong, and felt the threat of the sword all the time.

The master of the Haikou Grand Palace is next to Zhimai, as the pivot for the preparation of war again, it cannot leave at will, the other side of it is pulling apart, behind the pullout is the stabbing, the stabbing is hurrying to practice, it feels that it is lagging behind many others, so all the time has been used to practice, also at this moment just open eyes, sincerely said:

“Your Majesty has sworn! ”

In a word, it pushes the atmosphere of the Pivot Battleclass to the top!

This is the pinnacle of the war that all the pivots can see, and perhaps they will all die, and they will not know how, but by now, a lot of things have become numb, and the riots on the platform were no longer a ripple —— too many people have died, and so many people no longer want to count.

At this time, however, one person was slightly nervous, although only for a moment, but it was true, pulled out saw, but did not speak.

He's been watching the people around him, including Martini and Little Longfeathers, and the new pivot of the veil next to Little Longfeathers.

Martini was really nervous. He didn't know if Chu Yunsheng would really kill him. Chu Yunsheng's mind was hard to guess...

Little Longfeathers were calm, but the veil around her was obviously disturbing.

These, they all fell into his eyes, but he never spoke.

And in the upper compartment of the pivots in the source door, the Golden Koyuan door shook its head with a bitter smile.

Other source doors have different colors, but golden armor source doors did not go to observe, source door level, there is no need for this.

In the dark ship, Ya did not go to see the sword, looked back at Yan and Ali, two people, one smiling slightly, one pretending to be optimistic said: “Our Seth Biya is still so powerful! ”

He was too busy to interact. He took advantage of his very short free time to hear the creature brought by Chu Yunsheng. He quickly did not know who to say in the tone of the lesson: "… the sword of the classic lord! This is not the most powerful yet, you have not yet seen the truly powerful power of the Classic Lord! ”

What is the goddess? I don't know, the next moment, it's swallowed up by all sorts of information.

At the end of the dimension, in the dark corner of the flying carrier, the strange thing hidden, silently ashamed of itself, it felt that it knew too little, no wonder it could not understand the meaning of life...

Isn't it a little excited that it's almost a cabin away, that it doesn't care about the sword that slaughtered into its sky, but then it worries about tangling up and bringing its own coffin to the Wrath Man, is it a bad thing or a good thing?

Far away in flight, in a tragic fleet of dozens of wrecked spacecraft, they were less calm.

If the tall source door surface is dead ash, floating, falling back again, sighing, closing his eyes, no longer doing unnecessary resistance, ready to die.

Its commanders were also slightly desperate and, while still trying to accelerate their escape, the sword was getting closer and stronger.

After so many years, this person is still so powerful after being severely injured in a hiding place and showing helplessness on his face...

A weak fleet hidden on the edge, trembling in shock and confusion.

One of the last people on the team who didn't know which side was the source of life was terrified.

Luckily escaped from a battleship hunted by a mighty fleet, life on board, looking desperately at a purple sword that had been slaughtered by a handle.

Starry sky, spiritual sweep.

A cold sword with an empty handle, slaughtered into the sky with havoc!

Overpass space, cross the fleet, cross the darkness, spiritual past, where there is life, there are swords, countless lives, there are countless swords.

At this time, a handle of sword in all the gods of life, suddenly collectively stopped, with an incredibly powerful force, the sky slashed with anger!
