Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1373: An Approval


Still sailing the fast battleship between the galaxy and the fairy galaxy, while surviving the biggest existential crisis since sailing and successfully rendezvous with the fuselage pivot, with a second source of honor, is still at the peak level, the strength greatly increased, but the next sailing is not smooth, the sailing crisis of all sizes and sizes is still laying out.

An unusual energy belt that just passed the battleship has continued far after the ravages, whether radiation came from the triangle galaxy or from the chaotic fairy galaxy. After the crisis, although there were two major source gates sitting in town, there were also casualties.

In Medical Cabin 12, there was a whiff of sigh and crying. More than a dozen Haitians surrounded the new Green doctors and extinguished the last glimmer of hope. A Haitian child, with his eyes closed, was at the moment of subsidence.

The Green doctors have done their utmost to use this sophisticated and shocking ship equipment to save her for a long time and to fail to recover the Sea child from her death.

She was able to read the grief of the seafarers, a race said to have a source of life on the mother ship, which was becoming scarcer and scarcer. Every child was their hope, but did not expect three deaths and one injury in the accident of the crisis, but was a child practicing outside the cabin.

At the same time, she also envied these Haitians. In the Haitian discourse outside, she heard one of them say that the younger generation is no surprise this year. Except for the big master, there is no one else who can compete with the new generation of young people of other races. If Asio is still there... She doesn't know who Asio is, but she soon heard someone argue that if we are not following the big master, follow Mr. Chu, and look at other lower life in the main fleet, those who are also higher than us, we may not even be qualified to be servants of people, to be specimens on the experimental stage, but now we can learn not only advanced knowledge, but also our own starship.

To be honest, although the Green doctors already know their language, they often do not fully understand what they are talking about, such as whether the Grand Master is the source life in their mother ship or someone else? Who's Asio? But none of this prevented her from understanding a reality. These Haitians were so fortunate that there was a civilization so advanced that they were willing to give them the opportunity and conditions of “freedom" to learn all kinds of knowledge, even those textbooks were tailored specifically for this ship!

Ever since their clan joined this fast-paced battleship at the decision of its legendary spiritual pivot, following the ship's peak source door, she has been attracted to all the craftsmanship and scientific beauty of the ship, many places completely out of their ethnic understanding, like stepping into a sacred hall of science and technology.

Then something happened that made her and her entire race confused, and inside this "perfect” battleship, it was controlled by a group of obviously very backward creatures, and it was not the kind of dead owner who came out to acquire the ship himself, completely and completely authentically the owner of the ship, which was incredible.

Without spirituality and the life of the source, the kindest of her race would have had the urge to “rob” the ship, such a “perfect” advanced starship owned by them, was a waste of time, and these strange races, apart from the speed of navigation, could not bring the ship's true strength to one percent.

However, impulses are impulsive, that there is no source of life, that her race is afraid to strike at the ideas of these races, and that it is not they who stand behind an extremely advanced race, more recently, to hear a terrifying news, but the original source of the news is dramatic.

Shortly after her race merged into this dream ship, a businessman claiming to be an Earthlings man approached the door and made her compatriot cry. The creature was not conscious of being a backward race and confidently came up with a set of cultivation methods to buy something of equal value from them.

Her fellow countrymen snorted at the so-called cultivation of this backward race and even looked at it unnecessarily, telling them not to say anything to exchange it.

The earth merchant was also smart. At first glance, she saw that her compatriot refused to hide a low look, but it turned out to be a big surprise. Instead of being ashamed and obscene, the earth merchant turned her compatriot upside down and despised her.

Then they learned that the power of the merchant of the earth was the law of the left-handed god, and that the merchant's racial identity was the only race that could legitimately be called “we, Mr. Chu”. Finally, the identity of Mr. Chu was deeply shocking to them at the time, especially after obscuring the final confirmation of the Peak Source Gate, her compatriots were almost foolish, and although they were at the bottom of both sides of the recent divine war, they also heard the names of the abandoned stockpiles many times on the battlefield.

Ultimately, they bought the cultivation of the mysterious merchant of the planet at an extremely arrogant price.

Of course, soon afterwards, they knew that they had been deceived, that the identity of the former storage was not wrong, that the identity of the merchant was not wrong, that the cultivation method was wrong, because in the next few days, people would sell the cultivation method every day, and it was still a version, and even one of the typos was wrong, all the same, these poor merchants did not rectify it for so long.

It's a good thing it's a fast warship, not a master ship, otherwise they will definitely be ridiculed by more advanced races, obviously they've been pitted, that kind of roughest version has been exposed and sued many times already in the master fleet, basically can't fool anyone, only their newcomers will.

Moreover, they have been lucky enough that the super big liars of the biggest and most powerful wholesale cultivation methods in the main fleet have been pulled apart and detained, not in the fast warships, otherwise it would be called a tragedy.

But in any case, despite being deceived, important intelligence is available, and the origin of this fast warship is remarkable, not only because it has an extremely advanced race behind it, but also because of the almost mythical character of the left-handed forward reservoir.

Everything is incredible, making this fantasy ship full of mystery inside and out.

Sea children in the rescue room are finally dying, the cry has grown louder, the Gryphon doctor withdrew from the cabin door, did not want to see the scene of life and death, her race has also experienced heavy casualties on the battlefield, many of them have died in battle.

In a sad mood for her fellow deceased, she had just left the hatch door and heard a sudden disturbance inside, crying and shouting.

She hurriedly turned around and saw the child, who had already died, floating from the top of the crowd's head and opened her closed eyes with indifference.

Weird mutations left the seamen overwhelmed, and she was quite calm. She wanted to go forward and see if a miracle had appeared, and she actually survived.

But when she wanted to move forward again, she found herself immobile and immediately shocked. Her own protective coat would not be harmed, let alone restricted, unless it was the life of the source door.

At this time, floating sea children began to see white light on their bodies, and the surrounding sea people backed off nervously, watching with horror as the resurrected child was gradually covered in white light.

A moment later, White Mans scattered and a figure flew out of the room, walking out of the rescue table and out of the medical compartment.

When she could move, she saw the seamen in the cabin kneeling on the ground, and her mouth echoed with excitement and fear: Your Highness!

Then, the alarm sounded loud in the ship, sounding all over the ship.

The image of the man is incredibly familiar with the ship, flying unobstructed all the way to the cabin of an important figure.

The ship's self-defense weapon system failed, and the soldiers who rushed to intercept it, be they soldiers of the Silver Legion or Cold Star Squad, were unscrupulous whenever they appeared, as if they were bound by a single force, fixed in the air, watching the familiar shadow sweep away in horror and obscurity.

As soon as Ali received the alarm, he arrived at the destination where the shadow was headed and remained outside Lord Hull's hatch.

He had seen the figure in the tactical system and was equally stunned, but he remembered to warn them before departure, even if he appeared with Chu Yunsheng, like himself, like any acquaintance, do not think that it was him. Visual deception is the simplest means of star warfare, and be vigilant at all times.

It is now a boat, naturally difficult to imitate, but Chu Yunsheng is different. There are many people who know his face and can imitate him.

The figure arrived extremely fast, and Ali had just set up a battlefield, and it had appeared at the door.

Looking at the familiar face, Ali also encountered this situation for the first time. If there was not a response procedure developed for him, he would not know what to do.

The verification process was numerous and quick, and he followed the procedure quickly, but when he finally stubbornly backed out a piece of his suspicion that it was a joke or a disgust to pull out the big brother: the heavenly lid...

The man smiled faintly, did not answer, but waved his hand, his fake eyes flew out automatically, and then he was blind.

Fake eyes floating in the air, changing rapidly in the change of white light, a moment later, returning.

If there's anything more advanced in this ship than the ship itself, it's the training equipment and system in the training module, and Ali's fake eyes.

With constant improvement, his pseudoeye has become an extremely advanced battlefield vision system that captures the tiniest changes in battlefield dynamics and the most sophisticated support system in virtual state.

Indeed, when he regained his sight, he heard the shadow say: "I have been entrusted by people to help you improve it. ”

“Da Jun...” Ali has identified the human figure and naturally knows who he refers to as "human”. However, this warm current has not yet flowed all over his body, and he vomits blood: “Bergman's, my latest complete collection of more than 300 virtual realities...!!! ”

He had not thought that he had escaped hundreds of thousands of light years but had still not escaped the nightmare of virtual reality scenarios in which more than three hundred of the latest technologies had been removed, but he had become accustomed to them, and now even less sad, although he estimated that the “sir" in front of him was likely to have been “entrusted” with the deletion of virtual sets in that regard throughout the ship.

“Shall I call the alfalfa? She entered the closed training compartment.” Ali looked at the familiar figure in front of the door and said with hope.

Chu Yunsheng shook his head. “No, let her train well. I can't stay here too long. I've chosen a new route and we'll meet again in the future. ”

Ali felt sorry for herself, but did not dare to delay Chu Yunsheng's time. He spread the team behind him and said: “The Great Master is in there, and Lord Zhimai is in there. ”

Chu Yun nodded and said nothing more. He had the internal structure chart of the whole ship that he had given him. He also had the highest authority over the warship that he had given him. Before seeing Ali, he only tested the reaction speed and capability of the ship according to the requirements of the ship. At this time, the alarm sound was immediately eliminated, and the hatch door automatically opened and flew in.

Zhu Mai guardian in front of Old Mai Hull, Chu Yunsheng's identity has been determined, he no longer worried, see Chu Yunsheng is looking for Hull, voluntarily back away: “I will go out first. ”

“Incandescent...” Old Hull's eyes flashed with tears, trembling and lying down.

In all these years, he had very little chance of seeing Chu Yunsheng. Every time he saw him, he seemed to return to that dream world, when he was a slave who could not even eat moss cakes.

Though he looked much older than Chu Yunsheng, psychologically, he was still a child.

Chu Yunsheng lifted his hand and stopped him. At the same time, he said to Mai: "No, you should listen to it. ”

Zhu Mai slightly moved and raised his head vigorously. This is an acknowledgment. Even though he has entered the home now, it is difficult to get such an acknowledgment. Chu Yunsheng is surrounded by too many leading races, whether cultivated or technologically, he has nothing to be proud of except the degree and speed of cultivation efforts.

If the method of cultivation that was given to him was an acknowledgement of his efforts, then leaving him here today would be another acknowledgement.

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