Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1408: The Secret of the Rumor Race


Chu Yunsheng has been watching the progress of shipbuilding, quietly floating on the side of the shipbuilding land, like a tiny sand spot compared to the new ship that is getting bigger.

The work of the Zulu, the Ulu and the Ulu is becoming increasingly onerous, and even with their abilities, they can be overwhelmed with such massive and highly complex data processing.

But the five-order adherence to perfection is the root cause of the growing burden of construction tasks.

Visually, however, the shipbuilding process is truly stunning and full of incredible scientific and technological beauty.

In an energy way, the Zhuor first unfolded the eventually shaped new ship model in equal proportions in the stars, as if it were an illusory hull, floating over countless streams of matter, as if the shadow were in the dark, as if it were a void in the world, especially with sophisticated internal structures, as detailed and magnificent as another fantastic world.

Wu Fu is responsible for the processing of matter, according to model data, continuously input various combinations and arranged modules into equal proportions of phantom hulls, as if those microparticles of matter were numbered and automatically integrated into a matrix, forming a new macrostructure, while Wu Fu's work is more like the microbottoms of matter for large-scale coding.

In turn, it is responsible for leaving a mark in the construction and replenishing it with life technology, like shaping a living organism that is about to live.

Other fleets, with the exception of a small number of alert battleships, were dispatched to the vicinity of three generations of stars to find what they needed and then shoot to the assembly point.

After calculating the gravitational field, select the coordinates here as the optimal shipbuilding place, disperse and continuously detonate the gravitational sub-weapons according to certain rules, transform the shipbuilding area into a centric and extremely large gravitational transmission network, radiating the entire small galaxy, thus saving the shipping and loading time back and forth from the ship. Furthermore, in the huge gravitational transmission network, various resources are classified and pre-processed in advance, overlooking, half small irregular galaxies, if transformed into a huge galaxy factory with the gravitational network as its production line.

Chu Yunsheng looked at the virtual hull that had been enriched one by one. This was not the first time he had looked at the ship. He had built it once when he left Cold Star, and this was the first time he had really participated.

Compared to the magnificent virtual hull, he hung dusty over the sky, and the life form of the Zor floated like a war fairy, moving by itself with the change of gravity, as if the delicate model in front of him was truly a fantastic beautiful world.

A dogma tattoo formed before him and flew out sequentially, like a scattered book page, forming a long column on each page that seemed to consist of a two-dimensional structured energy world, with the previous page having a more forward and backward sequential relationship with the latter.

They are not truly two-dimensional planar structures in space, and in a three-dimensional world it is impossible to truly exist independently of the two-dimensional macrostructures in space, contrary to the physical foundations of the three-dimensional world.

They are more like a three-dimensional space that is cut into countless pieces, each like a loaf of bread, a two-dimensional piece of property bread that combines them together, a complete loaf of bread.

Chu Yunsheng wanted to find out the secrets of civilization from among them. The resolute pride that emerged from the stripes made one wonder whether they had ever made a sprint on the world of spirits!

In addition to shipbuilding, for critical macro-technical research, the Zhuor people, Zhuo and Wu Fu are each responsible for some of the early tasks. After obtaining a certain foundation, the aggregate attack, Chu Yunsheng is also responsible for some of them, which is his most familiar and most suspicious field of token.

Character Breaking Pivot, War Source Gate, Ninth Order Characters point directly to the Spiritual World, the ambition is at a glance!

Why is it not necessary for the Old Gods to remain in ancient books? Why did the Ruwen race mysteriously disappear? Wait a minute.

Although its information is scarce, even scarce, and has been altered by the dignity of the ancient book gods, and although it is not known whether they have succeeded, at least it can be ascertained that they have moved towards this goal.

Chu Yunshang listed all the symbols below the fourth order structure. Although he mastered two kinds of symbols above the fourth order, he did not need them at this moment, and only used meta symbols from the third order.

A long time ago, he discovered that there was a problem in the middle of three to four order stripes, specifically ancient books, and he discovered that the four order stripes in the ancient books were missing something, which was crucial, presumably the soul of civilization.

It is precisely for this reason that his ability to stripe has been elusive since then, and later, even if it can be advanced in an energy-based way, it has not changed because it has never been possible to find what the lost soul is.

Without solving the key problems between the third and fourth order, we can directly study the ninth order of the token pattern. It is undoubtedly an aerial pavilion. There is no theoretical basis for reality and nothing can be studied.

Chu Yunsheng had recently reasoned his original feelings, studied the issue in depth again, and made some progress. Therefore, he commanded the thirty-seventh ship to engage with the crowd of sources, and he had not asked too much.

False spirits give him spiritual possession, and spiritual addiction gives him the opportunity to peek into the spiritual world. With a higher level of experience and perception, he can turn back and have more open thinking and thinking.

Normally, what the pivot can do, like the Wrath Man can do, in the field of high energy, they can even do better, the difference is how can they do it?

The same thing, the pivot has a pivot approach, and the Uhuri has a Uhuri approach, and the advantage between the two is that the Uhuri approach is universally adaptable, and any Uhuri can do so as long as he has the basic theory, as long as he has a spaceship or other tool, and the pivot approach applies only to himself;

The disadvantage is that the price paid by the Uhuris to achieve this step is almost unimaginable, they have explored countless galaxies, sacrificed countless ethnic groups, were exterminated several times, generations have experienced countless failures and successes before reaching today's level, and, fortunately, they have struggled more unfortunately with race and have long since vanished into the universe.

And a pivot, with a contract, can easily be achieved, and time can be just decades on Earth, huge gaps, so that any star race can feel the immense injustice and ruthlessness of the universe.

Therefore, unraveling the secrets hidden by Ruwen Technology will inevitably greatly help and inspire the future research of Macro Technology. Chu Yunsheng made some progress, isolating different symbols from the past. After countless unsuccessful attempts, he barely found a hint of interconnection, forming the present "bread tablet”.

He punched these symbols into new ships under construction, either to enhance the performance of the new ships or to prepare them for transplantation into the new ships, even though they were not of high order and did not exceed three orders, but worked very well.

Especially the characters that seal life, after being modified by the macro debris of the fairy galaxy, tend to be perfect, giving Chu Yunsheng a lot of inspiration, and he has two characters beyond the third order, one of which can always form a contrast, if there is a breakthrough in the future research on the syllabus technology, the breakthrough point ten eight | nine will be this syntax.

In addition, pragmatism is the best verification, and more and more doubts and problems can be discovered only in continuous pragmatism.

Below Chu Yunsheng, there are hundreds of pivotal groups. They were recently pulled apart and dragged to become “experimental products” of Chu Yunsheng's research symbols that require the power of the pivot. Thirty-seven ships are unable to participate in the battle and can only contribute here.

Although this is a bitter and disgraceful thing for many pivots, the lord of the Haitian palace envies them and does not want to act as a human prop on the battlefield at all, even though it knows some of the intentions of the battlefield more deeply than any other source door, yet it is of little use, only mechanically obey the arrangements, otherwise it will go wrong, with its knowledge, and it will not really be able to make useful battlefield recommendations.

It would love to participate in the "experiment” on Chu Yunsheng's side, but unfortunately, he is already Yuanmen. Chu Yunsheng does not need the power of Yuanmen, making him depressed. He can only look at the kind of people under one of his small experimental team, because he was given a contract after the death of an old pivot, and became the latest pivot on the whole ship, and went to participate in the experiment.

Although the new pivot called Des knew very well, every time he took part in the big experiment on Chu Yunsheng's side, he immediately came back to report the contents of the experiment to it and was still not afraid to struggle to accept other experiments on it from a larger experimental team.

Rest assured, the master of the Haitian Grand Hall is satisfied with it and wants to cultivate it as one of his successors, but every time in his eyes, the sensitive master of the Haitian Grand Hall seems to feel the shadow of Aciel, making him hesitate.

Pulling out is always an indifferent look, and it always repeats that: it's not something you should worry about.

In the source gate of the pivot, its position is far worse than that of the exalted one. Heard that it is the peak source door esteemed, it also shouted: the exaggerated brother.

This is unimaginable for other pivots, even for other ordinary sources.

Therefore, even if it becomes the source door, it is not a rival to pull out.

After reaching the irregular galaxy, the armed source group completely lost its trace, and the master of the Haitian Grand Hall dismissed the battle task. The floater cooperated peripherally with the vigilance of the thirty-seventh fleet. It was not needed for the time being, and was discharged to a node of the gravitational transmission network to maintain the order of the delivery by the source gate method.

Its position is essentially fixed, and Chu Yunsheng and the pivot group beneath him, such as the spinning satellite, go around from its front every cycle, and every time it sees the divergence between the pivot group and its greeting, I wonder if it is deliberately stimulating it?

This time, it decided to ignore it, look away and look deep into irregular galaxies.

A moment later, it shouted, a small amount of artificially synthesized and possibly naturally formed heavy elements were discovered in the flow of matter running under its feet. It had been mixed for such a long time in the thirty-seventh ship, and it still had the knowledge that it was definitely an artificially synthesized element.

But this little galaxy has been probed to confirm that there is no life. How can there be artificial synthesis?

Spacecraft destined for resource extraction do not carefully explore all the elements of each rock or asteroid, often launching collecting machines and rushing to the next destination quickly.

The master of the Haiguo Palace immediately reported his discovery to Zhu, and less than a moment later, he dispatched a survey team to participate as a team member, one as a guard and the other as a half-hung inspector.

Entering the Survey Spaceship, it received a further update on the elements formed some hundreds of millions of years ago, which for almost all life on the ground were prehistoric civilizations that could no longer be built.

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Yesterday I made a big oolong. The voice is not the original version, the code is not easy. Please support the original subscription, support the floating fire, thank you.

The first, and immediately the second.
