Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1477: Hao Ruyan Hai

Everything was ready, Chu Yunsheng rushed out of the marked fork line again with the object fragments and black gas.

But immediately there was an invisible but iron-walled barrier that blocked the pieces of objects, and he tried to do everything he could, and finally only the indestructible black gas came with him to a world of bubbles.

He thought for a moment and immediately went back the same way, wanting to try again.

Unlike the last time, this time in the bubble world, he was prepared, subtly controlling his power, and when he came out, he left his bubble not far away.

Yet he failed, unable to “invade” his bubbles as he invaded other life bubbles!

That's kind of weird.

He stayed still, surprised, but not at all disturbed.

None of the three great tribes have any information about the bubble world, and all the knowledge and understanding here needs to be explored and summarized by him.

Carefully from the beginning to the end, how he left, how he came back later. The feeling of previous contact with the main body was new at this moment on the side of the main body bubble... I combed it again, Chu Yunsheng gradually discovered a little problem.

The original path cannot be returned. The way it is explained is definitely different from the way it is returned. It corresponds to the two relationship rules respectively. There is no “road” in the bubble world, some of which are basically mapping relationships.

When he leaves the body to enter the bubble world from this mapping relationship, he can no longer go back with this mapping relationship. In fact, the way he came back was indeed traceability from the billionaire, not the way he came back.

It can then be further inferred that the real way back is also different from the way he invaded other life bubbles.

The latter represents yet another kind of mapping relationship, a destructive intrusion relationship, and it has been proven that the lives invaded by him all end up with death.

So we can go back to the speculation that he can't go back the same way, and we can verify each other ——

His zero-dimensional strength is extremely strong, and the way back through the original path is, in fact, just like the way he invaded other lives, destructively entering, failing to succeed in the face of the powerful zero-dimensional: before that, it was indeed difficult for him to penetrate into life bubbles above the source level of the pivot, as evidenced by.

But Millionaire can trace it back to Little Longfeather, and she's not dead yet, proving that the two ways are really different.

His previous methods were simple and crude, and the traceability method of the hundred million spiritual lords was in line with the bubble world order and rules. It also reflected from the side that the original creator of the traceability method inherited by the hundred million spiritual lords was far more powerful than he.

On another level, with his attempts and research on the traceability of the Millionaire upon return to the main body, the current situation should be to remap a returned mapping relationship according to the new situation and various relationships.

This requires a lot of knowledge, a lot of computation, and a lot of theoretical foundations for a bubble world, otherwise the blind can feel that, like a billionaire, they only know to do it, but they don't know why to do it, and they can't talk about building on it and developing more and more widespread applications.

Perhaps, at a certain level, it has something to do with the defenseless arrival that the protector has said.

Sometimes that's the way it is, figuring out a point can bring up and explain a lot of intersecting issues and suddenly become cheerful.

However, Chu Yunsheng does not yet possess such knowledge and foundation, but he can rationally analyze it, find out what the problem is, and then sum up the knowledge and rules during the accumulation of experience attempts, and then come back to solve it.

This, of course, cannot be done overnight, especially as theoretical foundations are gradually discovered and established from scratch to scratch, and the workload is enormous and complex.

Even, without the support of the three groups, there would never be a “finished” day with only one life force.

Figured out the front and rear reasons, Chu Yunsheng moved near his bubbles, before he had to make sure not to move, prevent disturbing the order, more interference and problems.

Object fragments could not be brought out, and he thought of a possibility.

A long time ago, he tried to merge black gas with sub-fragments, when he thought that they could be “purified” after breaking the first level of consciousness, and then, after breaking the second level, they might merge, but failed.

It is clear that even if the second level is exceeded, that level has not yet been reached.

Now that the black gas can come out, but the object fragments cannot, it proves that the level is not enough. Perhaps the third level has been broken before it can be fused and brought out smoothly, but for this moment, Chu Yunsheng is still an unknown area.

According to the old god, this is something that can only be touched by the birth of the Spirit, so the three great tribes are also unable to reach it, unable to give him basic help, like the knowledge of the bubble world, all need him to constantly explore and sum it up first.

I thought I could easily go back the same way, so I wanted to try again, more to figure out why I couldn't bring it out, and now I don't need that in case of extraneous branches.

Chu Yunsheng observed nearby for a while, trying to find some clues from the surrounding bubble characteristics where the body is located, but there was not much gain, only to memorize these strange bubble characteristics, and began to prepare for traceability.

On his return to the main body, he discovered that all sides were at stake, and he had first to return to the new ship to ensure its fundamental security.

Relatively powerful, the firebugs themselves have lived in the stars for a long time. He has to go to the Zhuo people for more information. Only the new ships are most in need of his rescue.

But to go back to the new ship, either to the Zor line, or to the Earth line, which is a cage, can't be turned out, only the Zor road is left.

Therefore, under probability, you have to go, and you have to go. Only from there can you find a way to trace back the third order of the Zhuor people. Probability is not possible to touch, and his consciousness supports not living in a short period of time, how many times to trace back.

After the last return experience, Chu Yunsheng activated his modified traceability method, he chose a direction and retroactively.

It was impossible to succeed at once, and after a dozen repetitions he vanished without a trace.

When he regained his senses of the world, he appeared on a vast battlefield that seemed silent and calm, but actually stepped to kill.

His retroactivity also remains problematic, forcibly killing the consciousness of a Zulu, a process that is much more difficult than invading ordinary life before gaining control of life.

But he didn't live long enough to die.

What he can trace back to is still a dying ZOL, and it is only at this moment of life and death that the relationship between life and the bubble world becomes clearer, and his crude traceability can be traced back.

However, despite his death, he appeared in the vicinity of the area.

The last time, he had no time to look around, he immediately retraced, but this time he could take a look at it roughly.

If it is best to find the life support of the Zhuo people, but for a moment it is difficult to find it, Chu Yunsheng quickly chose a non-Zhuo people, looking to have a more ordinary bubble, to intrude.

He needs to quickly figure out who these Zulu people are, and then go back to the bubble world, distinguish them from each other when tracing their origins, or find other ways.

This time was much smoother and two process invasions were completed shortly, appearing on a strange spacecraft.

Strange because it is neither a planet nor a regular spacecraft, but rather a "platform” like a shell-less spacecraft.

But it's far less advanced than a shell-less spacecraft, but it's a crude and indiscriminate thing, and I don't know who fired it to this side of the battlefield.

Chu Yunsheng transformed the life form, while shooting with dark energy fluctuations, saw dense numbness, as if infinitely “caged”, piled up like mountains countless, inside of which countless lives were imprisoned.

But they share a common denominator, with plenty of life.

The dark energy fluctuations of Chu Yun's ascent continued towards the deeper stars, and once again shocked to see that there were many more such “platforms”, filled with stars, densely crowded on this side, as if transported urgently in one direction.

In the meantime, advanced spacecraft are approaching, drawing away the sources of these lives, and then flying cold to the battlefield deep in the stars.

Dead life, immediately disposed of as matter, enters the “platform” supply cycle.

At the beginning, Chu Yunsheng even saw a horrible number of babies being "produced” in batches, like a pipeline, filled with a life cage just emptied.

No education, no knowledge transfer, no social system… nothing, like quantifying the production of goods, producing countless "lives” with the highest efficiency.

According to Chu Yunsheng's observation, many of these produced life levels have reached the level of the 37th race of the new ship, but like demented animals, they are manufactured in large quantities for consumption by the sources of life on the battlefield.

Chu Yunsheng can't see the battlefield yet, but you can imagine much more. He needs so many “platforms”. As one of the supplies of various resources, life like smoke and sea will be a huge and intense battlefield!

He accelerated the transformation of life, and the "kind” around him looked at him clearly, wondering what was going on with him? At this point in their lives they reached the end, when a battleship swept across the sky from the darkness, extracted a great deal of life from the "sky” and swept the mountains down like the sea.

One of these lives landed directly from the ship, about the level of the source door, before it could wait for the speed at which the ship extracted life and plundered itself over the "platform”.

It soon reached the area of Chu Yunsheng. The life instinct in the box panicked and embraced the other side, but can they squeeze the strong cage?

Life in this cage, no less than life levels, is close to the race of thirty-seven ships, and perhaps they also have advanced voyages in the universe at this moment, but they are produced as animals.

This may be a tragedy, perhaps because their ancestors met stronger enemies, and descendants fell to it.

And yet, it doesn't work, and the end of their lives is now, like any other life in a cage, no one can stop it.

Chu Yunsheng did not want to get involved with this source door life. He caught sight of the ship and wanted to use it to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible to find the Zhuor people.

His time could not be delayed, but the life of the flying source was not prepared to let him go, or he was not noticed at all, plundering and killing him directly.

Then, in the midst of the flint, this source life sees a shadow rushing up from the bottom, and it just startles and startles to find its own source of life instantly “refluxing”!