Dark Blood Age

Thank you!

Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for your concern. The group and the book review area are full of blessings and concerns. It's very warm and touching. Then, I was impulsive to say that I want to add more...

Today, Black Blood has six new Alliance leaders:

League 49: K Warrior Wars Congolese Beast

50 leagues: fill vacancies

51 Alliance: Crazy Little Demon

52 Alliance: Blue Starship Troopers

Alliance 53: Smoke * Apprentice

54 Alliance: Xiao Ha doesn't patrol the sky

Didn't expect that today's six new allies, the black blood allies finally broke 50 to 54! Thank you!

And thanks to Camisa for the reward!

Finally, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support the Black Blood, and thank you for adding more tonight, but it may be late.