Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1696

Snow Envoy didn't want to meet Chu Yunsheng, so he sailed very carefully.

It doesn't have too many thoughts. It strictly completes whatever tasks it entrusts to it. It doesn't want to grow out of knots or have any intersection with Chu Yunsheng.

It has carefully studied and respected the superiors, and all the envoys at all levels that have intersected with Chu Yunsheng, basically have no good end, from the grid to its predecessors.

Compared with the grid envoy, its predecessor's end is considered good. Anyone who thinks of the grid envoy's punishment will be shuddering. Although it is heard that the emperor will release the grid envoy and reuse it, it is only a rumor. , When it left, Gurley was still locked in that terrifying "crime ship" that could hardly bear to look directly at it.

Thinking of the "crime ship", the Snow Envoy remembered another thing. The lower-level pilot ambassador who accidentally brought Chu Yunsheng to him at the beginning, but if it weren't for the Dark Court to plead for it, it seemed that he was almost sent off. Go in.

Thinking of this, the Snow Envoy shuddered suddenly. It was not afraid of Chu Yunsheng, it was afraid of that famous terrorist "crime ship".

Although it has a low level of qualifications and is "young" compared to other court ambassadors, it has also heard a lot of things, and respecting the high-level beings that have been imprisoned in the famous and terrifying "crime ship" is far more than that. A domain ambassador. A senior ambassador at the top of its power line was briefly detained. Fortunately, it was released soon. From then on, no one dared to presuppose the word "crime boat" before it. People know what it went through...

It is said that a drow was once imprisoned, but few people can tell whether it is true or false, it is a long time ago.

But one thing is for sure. The time when the Grids was imprisoned was indeed a bit long, very long, but it was not the longest. There was an unknown life in the depths of the "Sin Ship" that could not be directly looked at... It was locked in a long time ago and has not been released yet.

The Snow Envoy never wanted to have anything to do with the "Sin Ship" all his life, and the Lao Yuan Envoy, who had been vigorously supporting it, always warned it that he would rather die on a mission than be imprisoned, otherwise his life would be a nightmare.

The one on their line of power who had been imprisoned by senior court officials is an example.

The nobleman is generous and kind to these loyal subordinates, never stingy, or even restricts their development direction, and will give them the greatest support, but among the noble items of the nobleman, what the snow envoy knows , There are three things you can't make mistakes, and once you make a mistake, you have a high chance of being locked up in the "crime boat"!

Two of them have little to do with it. One is the greatest treasure of the venerable. No one knows what it is yet. Anyone who wants to peep is dead in the "crime ship."

The other is a piece of history from a long time ago. It’s a long time ago, and it’s still a matter of the time when the soul was born. Few people know about it now. It’s just heard of it. Once the Dark Garden ambassador accidentally wanted to talk about it. On the edge of the matter a little bit, he was furiously berated by his superior.

It doesn't know one of these two things, and the other still doesn't know, so there is basically no danger. The third thing is related to the starry sky arrangement. As long as it earnestly and strictly enforces the orders of the honorable, it will not cause major problems.

But now, after its research, there is one more thing, although it is not a taboo of the honor, but it is also easy to lead to being imprisoned in the "crime boat", that is, Chu Chu Yunsheng before left-handed.

Therefore, it sailed cautiously, in addition to preventing other spiritual masters from being discovered, and preventing it from being affected by the crisis in the dark domain, it was to prevent Chu Yunsheng from appearing suddenly.

"Domain, you don't have to worry too much." A green life like a jelly body that people on the earth have seen appeared beside the Snowman, comforting it: "Everything is arranged for the master, we only need to follow the star given by the master. The chart and the planned voyage must be able to reach the destination safely, and even if there is danger, there are precious treasures that can be used."

The Snowman seems to be familiar with and trust the green jelly-like life. Even if the two life forms are completely different, it does not have any psychological rejection. It is still suspended in the control center of the ship and looked at the star map and said: "Condensation, I am not worried about this, I am worried about this."

With that said, it magnified and called out the galaxies that the new ship and the attacker had detected, and appeared around it and the green jelly-like life.

Turned into a condensed green jelly-like life, looking at the historical trajectory emerging on the star chart, he said: "Are you still worried about the left-handed front reserves?"

"Yes." The Snow Envoy said frankly.

Ning Zhi analyzed the star map and said: "You really don't have to worry too much. First of all, it is just suspected. It may not be it. Even if it is, its appearing range is only within one star system, and it has not spread to the entire galaxy group. There are more than twenty star systems in the entire galaxy group. We pass by the edge star system on the other side. With such a large space-time range, the chance of encountering them is very small."

The Snow Envoy said: "I understand what you said, but I have really studied it. This left-handed storage is very weird. I was responsible for staring at one of its subordinates to prevent it from appearing by your side anytime, anywhere. , Can’t speculate with common sense."

Ning Zhi thought for a while and said: "I haven't been in contact with it, what you said may be right, but it's no use worrying about it now. We can't have a solution on our own. Let's believe it, since it has arrangements. , It will not fail to take this into consideration."

It doesn't know why the snowy envoy has such a big worry, but it still advises: "Do you remember the time when the battleship was broken by the enemy when we were very young?"

Of course the Snow Envoy remembers, it is an infant memory that will never be forgotten.

It and Ningzhi come from two completely different races, not only in the form of racial life, but also in the way of survival.

The condensed races are typical starry sky beings, relying on science and technology as their basis for survival, while they are on the contrary, relying on self-cultivation as the foundation, but they are all races that have followed the noble a long time ago.

It was born in the same period as Ningzhi. At that time, it and a group of its own people were assigned to the battleship where Ningzhi was, as a single life force for the Ningzhi race.

How the two tribes cooperated at the time, they did not know at the time. As the offspring that the two tribes rarely nurture, they have been together since childhood, on the same battleship, following the ancestors and following the battles of the nobles. Time after time of difficulty and glory.

At that time, the young ones were forced to practice hard by their ancestors every day, and the young Ning Zhi was also desperately learning all kinds of weird knowledge every day. The young ones admired each other and argued against each other about which race was better. I also sneaked out of the battleship together, was punished by the ancestors together, together...

At first Ning Zhi was not its opponent, but because there was no contract, it was unable to become a cardinal. It was quickly surpassed by Ning Zhi, but the young they always lived in the shadow of a huge one-a far more powerful than them countless times. Under the young life.

To this day, it still remembers that it was the first time they saw the scene when they were both extremely inferior to the young life, and it was also the first time that it and Ning Zhi felt shame, backwardness and reality.

The Ningzhi tribe had an opportunity to learn the technology of cultivating a new generation of life from that extremely powerful race. It accompanied Ningzhi to see the young life that has since become the shadow of their childhood.

That young life just glanced at them like looking at trash, without even the indifferent pride and contempt, so that it would make them feel that they are equal lives with it, it is simply looking at trash!

Later, it and Ningzhi learned from their ancestors that the young life was a drow, and it and Ningzhi also remembered a rapidly rising serial number. After a long time, this was once the same childhood as them. The drow of the period, when he left, had already risen to 22156!

As a new generation of beings, this sequence was already very high among the drow people at that time. Many of the drow sequences were empty sequences, and the Snow Envoy didn't know why the drow people kept empty sequences.

Later, another thing that had the most significant impact on him and Ning Zhi's life, and even changed their lives, happened, which was the thing Ning Zhi just said.

That time, countless battleships were breached, countless lives were wiped out, their battleships were also breached, countless tribesmen were instantly slaughtered, and when it and Ning Zhi shivered in the face of the terrifying spiritual attack, a "warm" spirit will They were wrapped and sent to the rear. When they were rescued, they saw countless lives on the front line fighting to death without retreating.

Except for their people, two of them make their memories as new as they are today, and one is a venerable figure, which is still magnificent despite being severely injured!Give them the greatest sense of security!

The other one is the shadow of their childhood, the little drow who was still in his childhood at that time, when they had to flee for their lives, the little drow had already calmly participated in the decisive battle on the front line!

Later, after paying a huge price to fight against the treasure, the spirit warlord won the battle. Later, after a long time, it knew how terrifying the enemy spirit was, and it was far from comparable to the spirits they encountered later.

After that battle, it and Ning looked at the little drow who was almost dying, and looked at the figure of nobleman who was still blocking them in front of them during the heavy damage. From then on, they studied desperately and practiced hard.

It was also because of that war that one of its ancestor cardinals was killed in battle, and it obtained a contract and soared into the sky ever since.

Today, it is about to reach the pinnacle of the source gate, and Ning Zhi has also become the leader of a fleet.

After it was appointed as the domain envoy, in accordance with the rules of appointment, it first required the fleet under the condensed trifle to become the main fleet of its mission.

This is the starry sky race it can trust most.

Similarly, it is also the cultivation race that they can trust most.

As for the starry sky beings that were added later, like those with closed lives, they were just drawn to fill the number.

Ning Zhi's purpose for mentioning this matter at this time, it also knows that it is to make it feel at ease, to be respectable, they don't have to worry too much, the worst case is just to die for the respect.

However, there is left-handed front storage nearby, can it really complete the task smoothly?

Is that drow still alive in the left-handed storage?