Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1708 Three Contracts

The increasingly quiet starry sky was broken by two distress signals from the spirit master.

In the local galaxy group, especially the starry sky near the edge of the Milky Way Andromeda Galaxy, no life has actively sent out any large-scale signals for a long time.

Many galaxies have become more and more weird, and the dark domain has become more and more dangerous.

After leaving the new ship, the constellation of the war spirits only observed a large trace of radiation in the nearby starry sky. It was because the new ship and the attackers did it in order to detect the interior of the abnormal galaxy. In addition, the starry sky was full. It's quiet, and it's scary.

The other beings in the starry sky seemed to hide themselves, only they were completely exposed to the crisis.

The main body of Lingling is located in a special structure in the ship. After listening to the reports of the ship's races showing more and more uneasiness, it sent them all out without making a sound.

In addition to the ship, there are only a dozen other starships that followed it to sail here.

The number of starships is actually meaningless to the combat power of the entire fleet. The highest combat power in the fleet is it. It cannot reach the level of new ships and attacker spacecraft. No matter how many starships, it is only a tool for navigation.

They now have only one useful function. When the ship's material shortage is below the warning line, they can all be removed and added to the ship as material.

This task is already underway for the warship races, and they have opened up more and more places in the warships as resettlement areas to house the starry sky beings who have been dismantled from their own starships.

In the circumstance of sailing and non-spiritual warfare, these starry sky lives can still play a certain role, and can help the warship race to deal with many complicated tasks.

However, the warship race does not have the information world technology derived from the drow in the new ship. Not only can it use all the structural space inside the ship efficiently, but it can also achieve no distance between the life inside the ship in terms of information exchange and division of labor. The high-level level.

Under technical constraints, as more and more starships were demolished, the main seat of the Lingling became more and more large and bloated.

The efficiency of certain aspects has not been improved due to the addition of a large number of other starry sky beings, but has gradually become lower and lower, and the spirit master Kui obviously has no interest, no thought, and no time to spend the energy to integrate them.

In order to curb the situation that the situation inside the ship is getting worse and worse, for the first time, the Kunling main seat ship race "boldly" in this report, suggesting that the Kunling master delegate powers to give them a bold reform attempt.

This is the first time in their long years of following the spirit master, so they were very nervous when they suggested to the spirit master.

In the past, as the spiritual beings above them, they would not pay attention to the reform proposals of these starry sky beings at all, so don't talk about asking for power.

The spirit masters are quite good to them, they have seen other spirit life ship races that are just like slaves.

They finally dared to decide to put forward reform proposals to Kun Lingzhu. In addition to being forced by the situation, apart from the fact that Kun Lingzhu treated them well, there was another important reason related to the new ship and the left-handed forward reserve.

Since the L-Front Chute frequently came into contact with the Spirit Master, the Chu Ling Master has been trying to learn how the L-Front Chu “utilizes” the starry sky life, greatly improving their status, allowing them to participate in many spiritual-level actions, and actively giving them The opportunity to learn makes them ecstatic, can't believe it, and even cherish every minute and every second of their time.

As a starry sky life dependent on the spiritual life, the benefits are self-evident, and the disadvantages are also suffocation and despair. Despair lies not in being enslaved, but in losing the most fundamental pursuit of starry sky life.

The change of the spirit master has given them hope, so they are also willing to follow the spirit master and do their best to sail and fight with the spirit master.

After encountering the new ship, they were not only shocked by the advanced nature of the new ship, but also shocked by the model that the new ship revealed.

Although they did not know the specific structure and form of the new ship, they found that the commander in command of the entire battle was not the left-handed forward reserve, not the spiritual life, but the starry life like them. !

The spirit master Kui was as shocked as they were, but the subsequent impressions were different from them. As a spirit, the spirit master Kui felt an unspeakable uneasiness towards the new ship, but they were a yearning for their spirit. The Lord-Kuling Lord has much more "hope space".

But they also know that their level of technology is not as good as the starry sky race in the new ship, so they also know that they have never offered more "hope" to the spirit master, and they vaguely feel that this is impossible. of.

It's just that the current situation is getting worse and worse. They need the spirit master to give them power to make an effective restructuring reform of all the starry sky life management and resource allocation modes under the spirit master.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary for the spirit master to hand over the authority of all the starry sky races under its direct control, and the spirit master no longer interferes in internal affairs and is responsible for them.

This is equivalent to a disguised seizure of power. For the spirit master, it has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the spirit master does not need to waste energy to control those starry sky races in unfamiliar areas. The disadvantages are equally obvious. Their dependence will be greatly increased.

Therefore, they don't know whether the spirit master will finally agree or not, and they can only prepare for the breakout work while waiting for the decision of the spirit master.

In the special structure of the naval vessel, the quiet master Ling Ling was not actually thinking about this matter. The suggestions made by his naval vessel race in the report were no big deal in his opinion.

It was thinking about two questions:

The first one, if Chu Yunsheng didn't save it, what would it do?

Second, whether it is saved or not, what should it do if it dies here?

It puts a detailed record prepared long ago in the body. Once it is killed in battle, this record will be launched to the stars in two ways.

One is the signal launch of the ship, and the other is its spiritual fluctuation.

It also counted the contracts it gave. As a spiritual being with a low level, the number of contracts it can give is not very large. In addition to its pickiness, it has only given three so far.

The first one was naturally given to its own race. Compared with some other spirits, it is a bit lucky. When it gave birth to spirits, its race was still alive and strong, but it was away for too long. , I wonder if it still exists now?

Second, it gave itself a life of the other race that was very suitable for cultivation.

Although it is a sexually reproducing intelligent life, and it is a female, it was found on a very distant planet, but it is very special. It is an extremely rare primitive non-man-made life with a kind of cultivation beauty.

Over the years, it has been with me and has devoted a lot of effort to cultivate it. Although it has only just reached the level of the source gate, its cultivation foundation is extremely solid and stable. It is intentional to achieve an extremely important goal in the future.

As for the third one, it has been missing for a long time. It is also a life of another race, a kind of network life. It appreciates that life and also appreciates that race, but these are all secondary. The main reason is that it wants to Find a suitable contract race in the galaxy, a race that can leave it and survive.

If it dies here, the plans behind the latter two contracts will be interrupted.

What a pity.

Master Ku Ling sighed and checked again some things he brought out of the Milky Way galaxy. Finally, he gave orders to the warship races, agreed with their suggestions, and started the first wave of wars around the anomalous galaxies.

Although a ship of life died in the anomalous galaxy, near the edge, even the spirit master Kou himself felt that he was affected by the positive direction, and the spiritual accumulation had recovered a lot.

Starting the first wave of war against this place is conducive to its current situation.

The direction of the breakout was quickly determined, and then to escape to the depths of the dark realm is to seek death, and it is possible to find a new ship by approaching the next nearest galaxy group.

No matter how advanced the new ship is, it also needs supplementary materials.

Master Ku Ling sorted out the things in the body and actively began to prepare for battle.

However, neither it nor its warship races thought that the first to receive their distress signal was neither Chu Yunsheng nor the new warship, nor was it the distant spirits of the new kingdom of God, but was flying in their direction. The new snow envoy here.