Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1737 The heat is endless!

Spirit attack!?

Attack of the Dark Warship?

A large number of life entering the planetary system of the point of arrival are either starry sky life or life that has lived in the universe for many years, such as Ku Lingzhu. Once you discover that there should be an impulse in your "thinking", your first reaction is yourself. Was attacked.

Chu Yunsheng reacted immediately.

If it was an attack, it would be too late to make other responses at this time, and the highest precautions that everyone had prepared in advance were still not able to withstand it at this moment, and any resistance response would be of little significance.

For the first time, it is necessary to find out if it is an attack from the Dark Warship.

Because everyone is still alive, being alive means that there are many suspicious attacks.

Unless, this is the purpose of the other party.

How the master Kou Ling and the attacker verified the new ship did not know. The attacker rarely exchanged process information with the new ship unless necessary, and the master Kou Ling refused to go deep into the planetary system and was "far away" at the edge of the galaxy. The communication was delayed. It can also feel that the intent to fight is also an analogy inferred by the new ship from the attackers’ feedback.

Chu Yunsheng directly returned to the body.

The body cannot keep up with the rapidly changing form. In order to stay in a state of waiting at the highest level, after Chu Yunsheng returned, he began to use the new ship to gradually transform the life form based on the drow life form.

Back to the main body, the partial arrays on the main body complement each other!

In the body, the fighting spirit is still boiling!

But obviously, it was much weaker than the war spirit felt by the transformed drow life body.

Chu Yunsheng immediately entered zero dimension.

Here, Chu Yunsheng finally clearly "seen" that in Zero Dimension, there was obviously a fierce "resistance" and a mess.

The consciousness "body" made up of fragments of matter is in a shattered state, and scattered fragments of matter are flying everywhere.

Black Qi is still fighting "heroic", but it can't find any targets.

Chu Yunsheng immediately controlled the object fragments and black energy that he could control to calm down, but he could not control the fierce resistance of those arrays on his body, and could only watch this part of the array being consumed.

And it is consumed extremely quickly.

As long as the abnormal feeling of fighting spirit is boiling, there is no obvious lethality as long as it does not resist. Chu Yunsheng entered the body only to find out if it was an attack by the Dark Warship.

It doesn't seem to be right now. No matter how peculiar the Spiritual Accumulation of the Dark Warship is, it cannot completely bypass the Spiritual Accumulation and reach the zero-dimensionality of life. This level of interference, especially the zero-dimensionality of the Spiritual life, seems terrifying.

Chu Yunsheng controlled the resistance in Zero Dimension and was about to leave. The war outside was still going on, and the body's reaction speed was far from keeping up. He couldn't stay here for too long, even for a few seconds.

When he first came out of the zero dimension, or in the process of coming out, he suddenly heard a childish voice and a bewildered voice:

"Oh, what, I haven't woken up yet, don't wake me up..."

The sound quickly disappeared again, as if only for a moment.

Chu Yunsheng immediately returned to zero-dimensionality again, and quickly checked it once, but it was still the same as before, accomplishing nothing, no trace was found.

He came out of the zero dimension again, checked the ontology, and still found nothing.

The childish voice seemed to appear for a moment, and then disappeared.

But at this time, Ji urgently sent a message to Chu Yunsheng's body: "The spirit of the arrival point has come out!"

Chu Yunsheng's heart sank, he immediately left the body and entered the transformed life body of the drow.

He quickly reappeared at the center of the new ship's information world.

He said as quickly as possible: "Guang and Lei sent news, and the attackers sent interactive intelligence. They believed that it was not the work of the Dark Warship, and my judgment is not. The pseudo-tyrant cannot give it a chance to be in the war machine. Before the opening, the spirit attacked here to clear the field, but now the stuck spirit suddenly came out. The attacker and we are both analyzing the possibility of it... Wait, electricity, electricity came out!"

As he was talking, a message formed by dark energy fluctuations was sent from the descending point planet. This message was launched directly toward the two most advanced starships in the galaxy without any confidentiality measures:

"Why turn on this thing? Do you know the serious consequences of turning it on!?"

At this time, the fighting spirit was still rising endlessly, as if far from reaching a critical point.

More and more life thinking is no longer able to function and think normally. The full consciousness is full of boiling warfare, but it is still not lethal, as if it is continuously pouring water into cups of different sizes, even if it is full, it continues. Pour into the ground.

Some cups are larger, such as the three tribes of new ships, such as spiritual life.

But it is poured too fast, and faster and faster.

Just not long after the new ship received the signal from the landing point planet, the thinking of the three major clans in the new ship could no longer function properly.

The electricity that came out just now was extremely weak, and only had time to say: "I have found out, give me a contract!"

Ji has stopped talking.

Immediately there was spiritual life, and the signal of descending on the planet did not appear a second time.

In a short period of time, the entire planetary system has almost become an ocean of war intent, and all the thinking abilities of all beings are filled with war intent, and they are unable to think about others.

However, it is still rising terribly and terribly, as if the intent to fight forever.

In the entire planetary system, life thinking has fallen into an incredible halt.

Until a certain moment, I don't know how long it has passed. Because of the fighting spirit, all the lives that seemed to be pressed the thinking pause button began to feel a trace of "despair".

It was just a trace at first, and then quickly expanded.

The endless fighting spirit seemed to disappear without a trace at this time, leaving only increasing despair!

The despair that almost swallows everything, the despair that drowns everything!

Amidst despair, there was an extremely sad sadness...

I don't know how long it took, and the life in the galaxy began to gradually recover the ability to think.

From the spiritual life to the most common life, it gradually and quickly recovers in turn.

Chu Yunsheng, Hu and the three major clans quickly recovered.

But everyone and all lives have no time to think about what just happened. A very spectacular and magnificent "starry sky picture" appeared in front of all lives!

Just when their thinking "stopped", the war outside was over.

What they see now is only the image of the war-because the information sent by various radiations is delayed.

In the starry sky, the temperature rises rapidly in the time and space where the sphere formed by countless stars is located.

The speed of ascent is extremely fast, and it has reached an incredible level in a blink of an eye.

The matter quickly began to decompose--

The molecules disappear!

The atom disappears!

The nucleus disappears!


Quark disappears!

Gravity disappears!

The temperature continues to rush towards a certain limit in terror, and the heat is endless!

There was already darkness there, any photon, any particle, any energy... could not penetrate and escape the entire huge sphere.

Located in the descending point galaxy, it seems to be plunged into endless darkness...

The real darkness.

Everything there does not exist, as if it has no meaning.

Only terrible heat!

And, darkness!


As if the entire universe was plunged into darkness.

Even if, after a short while, the starry sky regained its brightness in an instant, and the sky was full of stars, but the scene just now was like a nightmare.

The countless siege spaceships on this sphere disappeared, and the Dark Warship was no trace.

The hypocrite won a big victory, whether it is with the help of the war machine of the arrival point galaxy, it is the winner.

The result of this war will follow the radiation to the starry sky, and other beings will see the pseudo-hegemony counterattack. From their perspective, the entire planetary system at the point of arrival will disappear as a magnificent scene.

Seeing the powerful scene of countless siege spaceships being destroyed all at once.

The purpose of the pseudo-tyrant may have been achieved. The new ship that restored the mind began to operate. Chu Yunsheng and Hu contacted the phone at the first time, but the phone did not respond.

The war outside has ended, and the new "war" inside has just begun.

At this time, the second message from the planet of the landing point fluctuates towards the new ship: "I will be plugged back soon. Will you turn that thing off..."

The signal is interrupted.