Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1750 Imperative

Once written, if it cannot be changed, the physical rules of the write are very important.

No matter who uses this contract in the future, the physical rules written at this time will be of great significance.

But for whom it is used determines what physical rules are written.

When Chu Yunsheng used it by himself, he could choose to focus on the destructive combat aspect or the retrospective aspect, which had more directions.

If it is to use electricity, the best choice should be similar to the characteristic direction of the spirit master or the attacker.

If it is other, it is different. For example, if it is given, it is best to strengthen the use of war.

Regardless of the aspect, things that can be achieved with new ship technology need to be removed.

The charm of technology lies in this. Once it is successfully realized, it can be repeated and repeated!

Even at the beginning, the required consumption cost is extremely large, as time goes by, the technology is refined and advanced, and the cost is getting smaller and smaller until it can be used on a large scale.

But if you don't choose something within the scope of the new ship's technology, it will be very contradictory, and the physical rules beyond the scope of knowledge cannot be written.

Therefore, there are not many physical rules that Chu Yunsheng can choose to write, and strictly speaking, it is not written, but "copy" in.

To "copy" the physical rules beyond the scope of the new ship's understanding into this contract, there is also a prerequisite-although this physical rule cannot be understood, it must be achievable, otherwise, what will be copied?

For example, the tracing of Xiao Changyu, the evolution of the spirit master, some characteristics of the fire worm, and the treasure of the pseudo-tyrant, the life source ticket in the new ship, etc., are all optional.

However, Chu Yunsheng's five-sword streak, the virtual position technology of the new ship, etc., were not options.

Of course, the best, best, and best choice is not copying. It is still writing, and really writing a purely theoretical inference-what can’t really be proved by experimental observations, only from mathematical and physical theories. A rule derived.

The Zhuoer people who participated in the experiment of Chu Yunsheng strongly recommended that Chu Yunsheng write such rules of inference, but they are also arguing about which of the three rules of theory derivation should be chosen.

But Chu Yunsheng rejected their suggestion.

In doing so, it is equivalent to using this contract to conduct a theoretical experiment that cannot be done. The temptation for the three major groups is very strong. Once successful, the experimental evidence that can confirm the theoretical inference is correct is obtained. In extreme cases, it may be possible to repeat it. Construct a knowledge system.

But there is only one contract, and a one-time experiment does not make much sense, and a great probability will be a waste of one attempt.

The disagreement between Chu Yunsheng and the three major clans was not unique today, just like the differences between the three major clans, they have always existed.

The drow people could not hesitate to waste this time, and Chu Yunsheng paid more attention to any chance that the new ship could be safer.

Chu Yunsheng denied the suggestion of the drow, and then ruled out choosing the source of fate, such as the treasure of the false tyrant, and there are fire worms. The source of life is not a problem for the time being. Most of the treasures of the false tyrant will not be used. .

Some characteristics of fire worms are also excluded. One is that the guards may not cooperate; the second is that the guards are present, and there will be small bugs in the future. Choosing the characteristics of fire worms and repeating the characteristics of fire worms is equivalent to recreating a fire worm with certain characteristics The "fire worms" of "fire worms" are waste; thirdly, because of the mysterious origins of fire worms, Chu Yunsheng felt that it might fail to replicate.

The spirit accumulation characteristics of the spirit master and the attacker were finally eliminated by Chu Yunsheng, and they were used to copy their characteristics. This contract must be powered. There is no problem in itself. The problem is that this contract belongs to the spirit loser.

Chu Yunsheng and the three major tribes didn't care about the existence of cardinal source gates with other spiritual master contracts in the new ship. This was the case from Diversity to Floating Venerable.

But electricity is different. Once the spirit loser's contract is used, if the spirit loser can use it to spy on or control the new ship, the new ship has almost no secrets about it, and the loss is heavy.

In the end, Chu Yunsheng considered for a long time between tracing and runes.

If you choose to retrospect, you naturally choose Xiao Longyu's retrospective characteristics, maybe it can be harmless, instead of what he is now, except for returning to the body, basically chasing one and destroying one.

In the future, if you can use this contract to cultivate to the top of the source gate, you don't have to do it again every time, and waste time and resources.

In addition, there is a more important purpose. If the characteristics of Xiao Long Yu are realized, all of Chu Yunsheng's own contracts may be traced back.

For example, I don't know where Bouterny is now.

The choice of runes is to give consideration to both practicality and experimentation. Unlike the ideal experiment suggested by the drow people, runes exist in reality and there will be no waste due to the high probability of failure of the experiment.

Choose a meticulously prepared rune as the cardinal force, and thoroughly integrate the rune technology into the contracted training system. What changes will happen when you reach the source gate?

What if the spirit is born?

There seems to be unlimited possibilities for imagination.

Chu Yunsheng repeatedly considered, and finally gave up the more attractive rune.

The retrospective characteristics are more in line with the current needs of him and the new ship.

Survival is still the first goal of the new ship's struggle.

Chu Yunsheng made a choice and asked the drow to transport the little long feather body and notify the little long feather to go back.

Chu Yunsheng didn't know how to copy and write it in, so he could only try.

The easiest way is similar to what he had learned about Xiao Long Yu, let Xiao Long Yu trace his current life.

Although the research on the retrospective characteristics of the new ship has not made much progress, many experiments have been done. It is still possible to establish a platform for the retrospect of the small long feather, unlike the initial failure.

Xiao Longyu didn't know who she was going to trace back. In addition to being tested occasionally under close surveillance, she was looking up the history and culture of many starry sky races sorted out by Dii Yi recently.

She thought that today was just an experiment as usual, but gradually she realized that it was different.

This time, the number of times that the drow asked her to go back was significantly greater than before.

But she didn't think too much about it. Zall rarely communicated with her unless necessary. After the experiment, she would have a long period of relatively free time.

Therefore, she has always cooperated with the requests of the drow people. Although this time is different from before, she continues to cooperate.

Until she was unable to go back, she informed the drow, and the drow sent her back to her own compartment.

In the test space, Chu Yunsheng, with the cooperation of the drow people, went from waiting naturally, to the active "card" being traced in the blank space, and then trying to input the drow people from the zero-dimensional to the blank to detect with the current ability The traceability data...I tried everything, the blank is still blank, and no trace has been written down!

"Either our ability and technology cannot perform write operations on it, it requires a higher level of technology, or writing to it requires certain conditions, we don't know now."

A Zall person in charge of cooperating with Chu Yunsheng's experiment concluded and analyzed:

"In addition, there is another possibility. This is an abolished contract. When you were experimenting, we contacted the Spirit Master again. According to it, it has not encountered such a situation.

The Lord of Ling said that he had indeed heard of strange contracts bred in emptiness, but had not heard of blank contracts.

At present, we believe that there is no need for Lingling to lie, unless it involves secrets related to the security and secrets of the new kingdom of God.

In terms of probability, if a blank contract can be produced in the depths of the void, although it is dangerous and difficult to penetrate into the void, and it is even more terrifying if it takes too long, but if the spirit master can do it, there must be other spiritual beings who can do it, then it must be It exists in the life information of the two great gods.

Therefore, we suspect that what the loser is telling is a lie. It may indeed go to the depths of the void and nurtured this contract there, but it must have encountered something, or entered somewhere, and was affected by it. This led to a rare abnormality in this contract.

But in either case, we can't write to it now."

Chu Yunsheng couldn't do anything about it. If there was no way to write it down, no matter what kind of reason it was formed, this contract would be an invalid contract.

It's no wonder that the loser gave this contract without distress, and the attacker was very firm and determined.

The cardinal power cannot be included. This contract may not even have the function of opening the entrance to the war machine, because the cardinal power is the most basic symbol of the cardinal.

Maybe there will be a way to write it in the future, but now it is really abolishing the contract.

Chu Yunsheng had to abandon this living body, send this contract into the black vortex of his own body, and observe the last remaining experimental purpose of it-to see if it is true that two contracts cannot exist at the same time.

There has always been a contract in the black vortex of the main body. After the spiritual seal was lifted, when the main body returned to the new ship, Chu Yunsheng had checked it and it had already been purified.

This contract is ready to be used for electricity at any time, but the contract of the soul loser has become an abolished contract, so you have to consider using this contract temporarily.

This contract comes from a flame body that is related to the Chiren but knows Huan. Before that, Chu Yunsheng only knew that black energy could purify the ownership of the contract, but he didn't know whether the cardinal's power could also be purified and reset.

The contract of the spirit loser entered the black vortex, and the contract of the flame body immediately floated out, appearing outside of Chu Yunsheng's body.

On the contrary, Chu Yunsheng tried it, the same.

In the black vortex, zero dimensions are involved, and at the same time there can indeed only be one contract.

Originally, Chu Yunsheng didn't plan to use the contract of the flame body to do the test, this is the mission of the electric future.

In addition to using electricity at any time, the flame body contract now belongs to him. If the flame body contract is tested in the same way as the spirit loser contract method was tested just now, it is equivalent to using his own contract.

Logically, he made himself his spiritual master, and at the same time, he was the life he gave to the contract.

This kind of nesting mechanism usually brings huge uncertainty and risks.

If you don't fix it, you will lock yourself into zero-dimensional or other places.

He again needs to make a decision as soon as possible, whether to take the risk of using this contract to test again, become a cardinal, gain cardinal power, and then try to open the entrance of the war machine, or give up using this contract and directly use the ontology to try to open the entrance of the war machine.

The two have almost the same risks. One is nested, and oneself may be locked up, and the other is that the war machine may lock oneself up.

No matter which one it is, it is already imperative.

Lingyun disappeared faster and faster.

What the pseudo-tyrant said was not all lies. After the first attempt to open the war machine, a second unusual thing finally appeared.

Some lives began to amnesia strangely.