Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1762

The argument stopped quickly after the appearance of electricity.

Wunuren and Xu agreed, and apart from the new ship, they were in agreement with Firebug. There was no point in sticking to the Five Order.

What it can do is to either lead the drow to leave the new ship, or follow the new ship to join the pseudo-tyrant.

If Chu Yunsheng is dead, its choice will be known without thinking, and it will definitely take the Zhuoer to leave.

But Chu Yunsheng was still alive, and he might be looking at it somewhere, and it fell into a great dilemma.

If it insists on leaving, other drow people may not leave with it again. On the contrary, it is very likely that a large number of drow people will apply to it and 95827 for reordering and then stay.

There is not much left in this fragmented sequence. If it splits again, the consequences will be more serious.

But this is not all the factors. If it goes, even if it is only one, it is not impossible.

At the beginning, when the drow split, there were also many drows with different ideas, and they left alone through various methods.

Chu Yunsheng is still alive, which is the main reason why it cannot leave the new ship resolutely.

If a life is not afraid of death, then there must be something more worthy of its aspirations than survival.

As a life in the starry sky, as a drow person, the new ship under Chu Yunsheng alive is already the possibility for the Fifth Order to realize its dream.

Its dream is not only the dream of starry sky life like the three tribes, but also the dream that belongs to the drow people themselves.

The electricity is very weak, and the explanation of the suggestion for the new ship to evacuate together with the pseudo-tyrant is very concise. It is basically the same as Chu Yunsheng’s consideration. Only the pseudo-tyrant has a large number of cardinal or higher lives. Only a large number of contracts can there be rare ones. The cardinal power that meets the requirements of Chu Yunsheng's form of existence.

In other words, at the base camp of the pseudo-tyrant, Chu Yunsheng could get out of the predicament as quickly as possible.

In addition, there are small bugs in the pseudo-tyrants, which belong to the Netherworld's fire worm system, which is not mentioned in the electricity. It may be because the fire worms outside belong to the three prohibitions.

The explanation of electricity turned what was originally a problem of the safety of the new ship into a problem of Chu Yunsheng's survival, and the reason for insisting on the Five Orders no longer holds.

If it wants to continue to persuade others, it has to prove which result is worse between the insidious hypocrisy and the survival of Chu Yunsheng, instead of comparing the previous death.

Chu Yunsheng's survival is related to the hope of the drow people in his new ship, and this hope is not unique to them today, since they were born.

They hoped to be able to endure everything that the pseudo-hegemony originally did, but they can do the same today, because the hope has not changed, and is even growing.

The same goes for the Five Prefaces.

It can only be silent and give up arguing, but its inner pain can only silently prepare for extreme situations.

When it was going to prepare, it made contact with the pseudo-tyrants in the fleet of Snow Envoys flying over from the edge of the galaxy.

It seems that if the new ship and Fire Worm do not decide to go with it, the pseudo-tyrant will also launch a war and force the new ship away.

Without Chu Yunsheng, it is not easy to judge whether he can escape from the pseudo-tyrant.

Although the speed of the new ship and the Firefly far exceeds that of the Snow Envoy's fleet, the most difficult thing to assess the strength of the pseudo-master is that it possesses a large number of treasures from the Milky Way galaxy.

He sent a letter to the pseudo-tyrant to agree to its proposal, and tentatively asked the pseudo-tyrant about the whereabouts of the spirit master.

The pseudo-tyrant's answer was quick: "It has nothing to do with me, it's just a primordial soul, what use do I want it for?"

The pseudo-tyrant’s words cannot be judged true or false, and no one knows whether Chu Ling is useful for it, or, further, it has not been truly acknowledged. It is related to many missing spirits.

He was just a test, and he did not discuss the conditions for evacuation with the hypocrite. The conditions of inequality are also deceptive.

The new ship and the fire worm quickly converge with the snowy area to make the fleet converge, and the snowy area slows down the fleet. The new ship does not need to enter a dynamic and static dichotomy, and the fire worm is not particleized.

The pseudo-tyrant’s spirit swept through a new ship and the fire worm, and the new ship resisted a spiritual sweep of it by relying on the technology based on the black man. The fire worm was not affected. It is estimated that the pseudo-tyrant is trying to search. Chu Yunsheng did not continue after one sweep.

Without Chu Yunsheng, Puppet Ba Ye had no interest in communicating with the new ship, and unless necessary, it ignored the new ship.

In its eyes, the new ship is just a higher-level spacecraft composed of starry sky life like the drow. It is not to look down on it. For it, the new ship is at most one of the large number of starry sky life it has gathered. The numbers are nothing.

After the two sides converged, they flew to the base camp of the hypocrite.

The snowy area made the fleet too slow for the new ships. In order to speed up the evacuation speed, they launched more advanced thrusters to their spacecraft.

But the speed can only be increased to the upper limit that their spacecraft can withstand. If they want to be higher, all spacecraft structures must be redesigned, and all construction materials and energy use methods must be more advanced.

The pseudo-tyrant didn't have much interest in this. When necessary, it could rely on the spiritual accumulation to accelerate quickly, or a certain treasure.

If you install new thrusters for the snowy fleet, the pseudo-tyrant is equivalent to ignoring it.

The fleet flew past the guard star and turned into the dark domain.

The voyage was long and full of dangers. The pseudo-tyrant no longer had any direct communication with the new ship, and the new ship was also busy with the fire worm to continue to find and prepare ways to help Chu Yunsheng get out of trouble.

The spirit loser has not appeared, the attacker has also lost his trace, and the spirit Lord has disappeared even more.

In the dark realm, all the starry sky seemed to be shaky into huge darkness.

But no one dared to be careless, any one of them could appear at any time and be a fatal blow.

After a long time, the fire worm added a source of life to the new ship.

At this time, I don’t know how far it is from the base camp of the pseudo-tyrant. Perhaps it has flown more than half of the distance. Neither the pseudo-tyrant and the snow envoy have disclosed the coordinates of their base camp to the new ship, but it has passed very far. It's been a long time.

Soon after, the fleet moved from the edge of the dark space to a fringe galaxy belt to replenish material.

At this time, including all the lives in the new ship, "heard" an extremely powerful spiritual sound without warning!

Even though the new ship has a defense based on the Wunu technology, it has no resistance.

This spiritual sound is full of the power of order, wherever it goes, everything is ordered by it, and its order is the criterion for all movement of things.

Under its order, the nearest star can be observed in detail. Every thermonuclear reaction inside it has been strictly and precisely ordered. From its original natural state, it instantly becomes a constant star heat controlled by man. Nuclear reaction machine.

The situation of the fleet is much better than that of this poor star. The pseudo-tyrant opened a treasure when it was approaching the galaxy belt. Although the sound of the spirit was heard, it was the treasure of the pseudo-tyrant first.

The pseudo-tyrant’s treasure, which was used as a warning, quickly lost its effect, but immediately there was a new and more powerful treasure.

As soon as the new treasure appeared, the powerful Lingyin also disappeared temporarily.

For the first time since the voyage, the pseudo-tyrant said: "It may be the top spirit! Although the target is not us, if it is affected again, we will not be able to support it for long. When necessary, your spacecraft will open up an area for my subordinates to enter. , You all speed up and flee with me."

When he received the pseudo-tyrant's message, he had already detected a very fast shadow like a faint light on the side of the galaxy belt, and could not clearly detect it at all.

Where the blurred light and shadow pass, it spreads across a large range of spiritual order, and everything is ordered.

But it flew by, showing no interest in anything being ordered around it, and it flew forward at extreme speed, seeming to be chasing something.

What it really wants to live in order may be what it is chasing.

But obviously, that thing is out of order, or it cannot be ordered very effectively.

I don't know what it is. The new ship can't detect even a trace of shadow, but it is speculated that there may be such a thing.

Otherwise, the fuzzy light shadows called the top spirits by the pseudo-tyrants will not only have nothing to do with all the things that are being ordered around, but will also ignore the fleet composed of the pseudo-tyrants and the new ships.

Even if the pseudo-tyrant used a powerful treasure to resist its order spirit sound, it did not stop for half a minute and glanced here.

It flashed, and once again disappeared in the starry sky, disappearing in the detection of the new ship.

Stars, interstellar matter, from a "machine" controlled by a transient order to man-made, quickly returned to its natural state.

The fleet is also safe, and the treasures of the pseudo-tyrant no longer have to resist the incomparably powerful spirit sounds.

But the snow envoy was not happy at all. Just now, the direction in which the blurred light finally disappeared was highly overlapped on the path with the direction of their base camp.

The pseudo-tyrant does not care, as if returning to the base camp, it is invincible!

It also doesn't seem to worry about the other party reaching its base camp first.

The fleet continued to sail according to the original plan. Because of the pseudo-tyrants, and the pseudo-tyrants also have a large number of treasures from the galaxy, the top-level spiritual sound that should have been thrilling spreads over the scene, but within the fleet, only a flash.

Behind the fleet, near the arrival point of the galaxy, spirits appeared one after another, and then changed the opposite direction one after another, chasing the fleet composed of the pseudo-tyrant and the new ship.

The pseudo-tyrant did not use the spirit to erase the traces of the fleet, the huge fleet, and the technology is not very advanced, it takes a lot of waste to erase the spirit, and the pseudo-tyrant is obviously not interested.

It only needs to return to the base camp before being overtaken by the spirits and before being struck by successive spirit attacks to destruction.

And its base camp is finally coming.

A peaceful planetary system on the probe, on the edge of a vortex of a star system.

Can't see any signs of life inside, obviously there is a problem.

You don't need to speculate to know that the base camp of the hypocrite is probably already crowded with countless lives who come to take refuge.

The pseudo-tyrant opened several treasures one after another, the more this time, the more dangerous, especially a suspected top-level spirit.

If the spirit loser wants to launch an attack, it may be this time, but not necessarily, it may wait until the decisive battle between the pseudo-tyrant and the new ship Fireworm and the spirits of the new kingdom of God.

If this is the case, the pseudo-hegemony's strategy is correct. Even if it consumes a lot of spiritual accumulation to erase the traces of the fleet, the spirit loser will expose the traces of the fleet to the spirits of the new kingdom.

The faintly light-like top spirit seemed to pass here, and did not stay here, there was no sign of war in the galaxy.

The galaxy is getting closer and closer, and the pseudo-tyrant spreads a lot of spiritual accumulation and opens many treasures.

The spirits of the new kingdom of God were all on the star road that came, and they attacked one after another, just behind the fleet.