Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1764

Just like what I thought, and just like the pseudo-tyrant’s guess, Chu Yunsheng stopped outside the pseudo-tyrant base camp galaxy, and was not ready to go in.

Hu's plan did not deceive the hypocrite, but partially deceived Firebug.

Most of the fire worms followed the new ship into the pseudo-dominant base camp galaxy, but outside, Shang also preventively left the rippling space formed by Wei and a cavity to prevent Chu Yunsheng from not entering or not being able to enter.

When the pseudo-tyrant entered, Chu Yunsheng was beside Wei, within the ripples of the cavity.

Wei seemed to never be able to stop, his mission was forced to be extended by various circumstances, and he continued the meaning of his life.

After Shan and the other fire worms entered the galaxy, Wei began to repeat what he had done before, to re-establish a fire worm system outside the galaxy, until the second Shang was produced.

It doesn’t know if Chu Yunsheng is by his side now. According to Shang’s arrangement, it will be treated as Chu Yunsheng. However, compared to before, even if Chu Yunsheng is by his side, he will no longer be able to harass and harass him. Interrupted its work.

This makes it very "comfortable", it can complete its mission, but also quietly do its favorite work.

If an enemy comes, it will assume that Chu Yunsheng is beside it, counterattack and defend until victory or death.

For it, this is also a perfect worm.

The spirit attack has not yet arrived, the universe is like a quiet lake, and Wei is busy, never wasting any inch of its insects.

The good time passed quietly a little bit, and Wei suddenly looked around vigilantly from his intoxicated work. Just now, it felt a momentary indescribable gloomy bad feeling.

It naturally thought of Chu Yunsheng first, and then the incoming enemy.

The cavity expanded and rippled, and no enemy attack was felt.

Wei searched carefully again and turned over the entire ripple area, and the "terrible" feeling seemed to disappear again.

As if, just now, it was just an illusion, at least that's how Cavaliers judged it.

Searching to no avail, Wei also somewhat doubted whether he still had some problems after he came out of the halo, so he gave up searching, continued to be busy with the intense work, worked hard, and gradually entered a rhythmic and joyful work state——

Suddenly, it felt a gloomy feeling flashing around it again, as if it was being secretly peeped at its work by something terrifying, such as the previous Chu Yunsheng.

Wei immediately used dark energy to quickly sweep around him, and mobilized ripples to investigate time and space.

The result is still nothing!

But this time, it can be sure that it’s not its own illusion. It did feel that way just now.

According to the investigation of time and space using the ripples of the cavity, the possibility of the existence of the spirit is denied, unless it is a life higher than the spirit.

Wei doesn't think that there will be soul-breaking beings here, then there may only be one truth, Chu Yunsheng!

It was a little helpless to get this result and had to continue working.

After a while, its work was interrupted again by a gloomy feeling!

It does not speak.

Even the investigation is not carried out, and continue to work.

After a while, it was interrupted again, and it continued to endure silently.

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth...

Its patience has not been rewarded, it is interrupted more and more times, and faster and faster!

That kind of gloomy feeling, even if it ignores it, can always interrupt it from its normal state of consciousness.

Time after time, more and more frequently.

Finally, it can no longer endure this way, otherwise it can no longer work.

It stopped working and said helplessly to the vacuum: "What on earth do you want to do?"

The cavity is a bit inexplicable. I don't know if Wei is talking to it or to someone who doesn't exist?

Chu Yunsheng looked at Wei facing the opposite direction of his position, as if asking a question to a vacuum, and naturally understood that Wei said this to him.

Wei found that after speaking to Chu Yunsheng, that feeling was temporarily gone. Judging by this, it should be that Chu Yunsheng came to harass his work again.

It caused the cavity to quickly create a war bug, which emerged in the ripples far away from it, and then said to the vacuum: "What are you going to try? Go over there."

After speaking, it seized the time and continued its work.

That kind of gloomy feeling never appeared again.

On the other side, the war worm, which was temporarily driven out by the cavity, received the command from the cavity according to the insect code as soon as it appeared.

Its mission is very simple. It is to reproduce Wei's sentence for the cavity: "Cooperate with one you find that you can’t find it, but it can find your special fire worm and perform important tasks. When you feel any feeling, don’t move. , Don’t run, don’t talk, stay where you are until the mission is over."

This war worm faithfully implemented the commands given to it by the cavity, and since it appeared, it remained relatively still with the cavity, not moving, waiting for the task to come.

Chu Yunsheng was right next to it, but he didn't make any more moves.

Following the return of the pseudo-tyrant, he carefully tried to contact the outside world in his current state and recover his injuries in all aspects.

Because there is no knowledge and experience to support, he chose to use the method of elimination, the same, the same, exhaustive attempts.

Although a lot of time was wasted on countless useless attempts, there were also very few but useful discoveries.

He discovered that he could exist in a vacuum that rose and fell randomly, but was not smoothed out after coming out like Wei did. The reason did not come from the matter fragments, black energy, or Lingyun waiting that he began to guess.

And most likely it is the dimensional piercing spacecraft that seems to have been in his body.

It shows that, for example, now, he is right next to this war worm. Compared to usual, it's just that the war worm can't find him. Everything else is the same.

But when he returned to the zero dimension of his body, he felt different again.

In the zero-dimensional, although the long silent "seed" is still not so clear, but following the process of controlling the ontology, it is extremely smooth for the first time.

In other words, it's a feeling of being built on a tall building.

The possible reason is that his ontology is now macroscopically into the microcosmic. In the microcosmic, there are a large number of curled up dimensions. These dimensions cannot be directly observed in the macroscopic view, but inside, it is displayed in ever-changing distortions.

Chu Yunsheng's body seemed to have been dissected from all angles, like parts, exposing all the structures in detail.

This is something the new ship cannot do, and it cannot be done in any macroscopic time and space.

If it weren't for some other findings, it would be very suspicious that this state is like a very unique and advanced test method.

Chu Yunsheng's ontology is not complicated in microscopic anatomy. It is possible to bring in life entities from any of the three major races, which is much more complicated than his ontology.

But being uncomplicated does not mean not being subtle. There is only one subtlety that he can observe, and it is also one point that he still can’t get the answer after seeing it from a microscopic perspective-such a simple structure should be fragile, but still able to Maintain stability in multidimensional time and space.

His body has been cultivated, and many places are different from the original human beings. If it is a human being who has not cultivated, he may be able to see more primitive structures. Unfortunately, there is no chance now.

This simple but physically stable structure is not intended to enhance plasticity, at least it is indistinguishable from Chu Yunsheng's observation.

His body has been altered due to his cultivation, and he also tried to make some changes from a microscopic point of view, but the effect was not good, as if not moving is the best. After a move, the original physical stability is much Will be destroyed.

Of course, it may also be that the knowledge level of Chu Yunsheng and the new ship is not enough, and he cannot make a better structure based on this basic structure.

But Chu Yunsheng still thinks that the change in this direction is meaningless, because the knowledge level has really reached that level, and there is no need to make any changes on this basis, which is meaningless.

Therefore, in the direction of cultivation, Chu Yunsheng felt that it might indeed not be suitable for human beings.

But there is one place that is very interesting. From a microscopic point of view, there is a lot of redundant "design" in the body's head, which is not in line with the overall simple style.

In normal starry sky life, life forms have almost no redundancy, and existence must be highly efficient, with no trace of waste or uselessness.

Some terrestrial beings, or cultivating beings, indeed have useless life structures, but they are all holistic, and there will not be only one special place.

Chu Yunsheng sees a different body situation now. Except for his head, his body is very simple and exists in the necessary physical stability needs.

Only the head part is redundant.

It looks like a waste, and there is no need for more structure to maintain stability.

It looks like it is waiting for development, but the possibility is still not great. One is that Chu Yunsheng has cultivated to the present, and the places used in the brain structure are still not very different from before.

The other is not necessary. "Development" requires overall coordination. As previously judged, the simple overall structure of humans does not seem to be for overall plastic progress.

But in this minimalist design, there must be a reason for this contradiction.

Chu Yunsheng is hard to guess.

If we reverse the evolutionary chain of mankind, we can guess that a large number of animals on the earth have this kind of redundant design, as if to ensure that the intelligent life on the end of the evolutionary chain has this structure.

This also made Chu Yunsheng think of blood races and degenerate people. It seemed that he was trying to expand from the two directions of the evolutionary chain. One tried to see the future terminal of the evolutionary chain. What would happen in the end?One is to degenerate to the starting point, to see what happened?

Human beings today may be just an intermediate state.

It is the intelligent life form that appeared in a certain period on the scale of the earth's evolutionary chain.

These discoveries will be useful in the future, but they are not very useful now.

When Chu Yunsheng was observing the microstructure of his body, he touched Fu Feng. The little stone briefly left his body, but Chu Yun ascended back to the starry sky and found that the fire worm had not noticed the little stone, and the little stone had not been annihilated. , Indicating that apart from his body, there is still a "space" that can accommodate small stones.

This "space" is most likely a dimensional piercing spacecraft.

In fact, he may be in the dimensional penetrating spacecraft, rather than directly in the state of quantum random fluctuations.

Therefore, he did not annihilate after leaving the landing point galaxy like Wei did.

In addition, it was Chu Yunsheng's discovery when he was trying to recover from his own injury. The body's recovery became easier due to the microscopic point of view. The focus is on zero dimension, consciousness, and life waiting.

And the key point is that it needs to be synchronized, which is very accurate.

This has little to do with his current situation. The only way he can think of is to stretch the space-time track to the limit-the smallest unit of time and space.

Chu Yunsheng does not have this ability yet, and he does not have the physical concept of movement speed. To be precise, he is physically in the category of a concept that appears randomly.

When he moved with the new ship, he was not "flying", and there was no such thing as speed.

Instead, it randomly disappears from one space-time point, and then randomly appears at another space-time point. In this way of uninterrupted random disappearance and appearance, it continues, as if it is "flying" following the new ship.

But Chu Yunsheng's consciousness during this process, especially when the quantum collapsed, seemed to be discovered and confirmed by the universe time and time again.

In this confirmation, his consciousness became clearer and clearer. In the zero-dimensional world, all the bifurcation lines seemed to "light up" instantly when they were confirmed.

Chu Yunsheng couldn't keep up with the speed of lighting up, it was too fast, and it passed away in a flash.

But as far as the pseudo-tyrant base camp galaxy, a previously dim bifurcation line appeared dim and bright for the first time.

Along the way, Chu Yunsheng had tried many times to leave the forked line into the bubble world, but failed.

So, he tried this new fork line, and used black energy to forcibly accelerate the "unblocking" speed——

When he tried to leave zero-dimensional from this bifurcation line, he failed most of the time, and only a few times, when his consciousness seemed to be confirmed by the universe, he went out from that bifurcation line.

Saw the colorful passage.

After the flash of consciousness confirmation, he returned to zero dimension.

After several attempts, he discovered Wei's abnormal reaction.

In order to confirm this, Chu Yunsheng repeatedly tried to get zero dimension from this bifurcation line and touched the colorful passage.

Until, Wei said...

He can confirm that the colorful passage may lead to the zero-dimensional consciousness of Wei.

But he couldn't enter this colorful passage, as if he was restricted in some way. At most, he could only "peep" on the guard's consciousness at one end of the passage.

Chu Yunsheng still couldn't figure out what happened to this bifurcation line. However, it is estimated that he had been in contact with the colorful channel a long time ago, and had experienced the effects of many actual battles. When it came to the point of arrival, the galaxy experienced it again and repeatedly came down. , Plus the current state, this bifurcation line appeared.

Wei let the cavity hatch a war worm to experiment with Chu Yunsheng, and Chu Yunsheng didn't bother it anymore, but this bifurcation attempt was almost done, and there was no need to try this war worm again.

He has other attempts to make hurry.

At this time, in the galaxy, in the base camp of the pseudo-tyrant.

Faced with the starships and various spaceships like the sea of ​​stars, they are in extreme rush.

He has many things to do, the most important of which is to get in touch with the bugs.

The snowy area caused the main ship to drop the fleet and fly to the core area of ​​the base camp.

On the way, a small spaceship of the same clan flew over and entered its main ship.

In the small spaceship, there is the old source gate of the same clan of Snow Envoy, its teacher.

The Snow Envoy had received the news, the Grid Envoy in the Sin Ship was indeed released, and the rumors came true.

Moreover, the rumored Glory Envoy will soon come to hand over with it.

The Snow Envoy came to the small spaceship inside the main ship early, not to welcome the rumored Geyu Envoy, but to welcome its teacher.

However, when the hatch of the little spaceship opened and the teacher came out with it, it was a human kind!

It looks almost the same as the humans it saw in the arrival point galaxy!

"Liu Ke." Its teacher introduced him to the human being next to it: "This is the Gridman."