Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 9

Liu Sheng Xia Ye honestly called Gui Xin's title, because Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't know what amazing things Gui Xin would do if he didn't obey.

"Turn left after exiting this door, and then..."


Following Gui Xin's command, Liu Shengxiaye finally came to the living room.

The lights in the living room may have been turned on when Gui Yanye passed by. The two chandeliers with crystal columns filled the living room with light, and at this time, Gui Yanye also opened the door from another room with a medicine box. come out.

Seeing Gui Xin being held by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Yanye quickly put down the medicine box and ran over and said, "Liu Sheng Xia Ye, I blamed you, you are such a person."

Gui Yanye no longer had the previous introversion at this time, as if Liu Sheng Xia Ye had touched her bottom line. Gui Yanye came to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and reached out to grab the Gui Xin in Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arms.Unexpectedly, Gui Xin said in Liu Shengxiaye's arms: "Sister, it's not what you think."

Gui Xin's words made Gui Yanye calm down a bit, and seeing Gui Xin's face not being bullied at all, she looked at Liu Sheng Xia Ye, hoping that Liu Sheng Xia Ye could explain it.

"Be careful to say that she can't go, so she asked me to carry her out."

After listening to Liu Shengxiaye's explanation, Gui Yanye remembered where Gui Xin's wound was.Knowing that he had wronged Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Yanye's momentum immediately weakened, as if he had become a maid from a queen, apologized and said: "Student Liu Sheng, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. But I really am. Be careful and care too much, please forgive me."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway. Since you have brought the medicine kit, I will avoid it, you should treat the wound carefully." Liu Shengxiaye said to Gui Yanye.

After Liu Shengxiaye finished speaking, she held Gui Xin and walked to the sofa in the living room, and Gui Yanye also ran to the place where she put down the medicine box before and took the medicine box.

After putting Gui Xin down, Liu Shengxiaye said to Gui Yanye, "I will leave it to you next. I will go to another room to avoid it."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye was about to leave after she finished speaking, but was stopped by Gui Yanye.After just calling Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Yanye didn't say anything. In the end, Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked, "Student Gui, do you need my help for any difficulties?"

"Student Liu Sheng, I don't know how to clean up the wound, I'm afraid of getting worse. And it's not easy to take a taxi to go out now, so can you please help me clean the wound carefully." Gui Yanye hesitated for a long time, and said it. .

Chapter 13 Clean Up the Wound (Part 2)

Gui Yanye never thought that she had prevented Liu Shengxiaye from doing excessive things to her sister before, but now she actually wants to ask Liu Shengxiaye to treat Gui Xin's wounds.This was Gui Yanye's request with great determination, because Gui Xin's wound was not in a sensitive position.

If it was said that there were wounds on the hands and under the thighs, it would not be a big problem for Liu Shengxiaye to help, but Gui Xin's wounds were really unfortunate.

And Liu Shengxiaye was very surprised when he faced Gui Yanye's sudden request, because he understood Gui Yanye's defense of Gui Xin.

Gui Yanye knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye must also be a little unacceptable to this proposal. When she wanted Liu Sheng Xia Ye to help out and call a car, Gui Xin, another client, raised her head from the sofa and looked at Liu Sheng Xia Ye. : "Brother Xia Ye, are you unwilling to treat my wounds?"

When Guixin Lori said this, her eyes were filled with tears, but this was a superficial phenomenon.Liu Sheng Xia Ye clearly issued a warning from the bottom of Gui Xin's eyes that if Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't treat her wounds, then Gui Xin would confuse Gui Yan Ye according to her previous plan.

"How is it possible? Of course I won't let Be careful you continue to suffer." Although Liu Sheng Xiaye said so, she already had the idea in her heart that she and Gui Xin must draw a clear line in the future, and Gui If Yan Ye's family is fine in the future, don't come.

Gui Yanye's attitude towards Gui Xin is a bit strange.

You know, even if it is the friends of the parents of their two sisters, Gui Xin has no good looks.Those who can be recognized by Gui Xin may only be the classmates who went to the cram school with her, and Reiko Nagasaka counts as half.

But now Gui Xin kindly called Liu Sheng Xia Ye as Xia Ye's eldest brother, and that pitiful expression would only show up when she acted like a baby.

However, Gui Yanye at this stage has no time to think about the reasons for this.Because just like Liu Shengxiaye said, if Gui Xin's wound is not treated sooner, Gui Xin's pain will continue, and other diseases may occur.

"Student Liu Sheng, I will leave the care of the wound to you. I will close the curtains first."

After Gui Yanye finished speaking, he went to close the curtains.

Originally, Gui Yanye's idea was to let Liu Shengxiaye wait in the living room, and she took Gui Xin back to the room to treat the wound.But because she was not good at dealing with these situations, she could only ask Liu Sheng Xia Ye to help, but she didn't want Liu Sheng Xia Ye to take Gui Xin into the room, so she planned to close the curtains of the living room window.


After Liu Sheng Xia Ye took out the things needed to clean up the wound from the medicine box, Gui Xin had once again pulled the bath clothes to the base of her thighs, and when she saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye approaching, she asked, "Brother Xia Ye. , Do you want to raise it a little bit?"

Even at this height, Liu Shengxiaye can still see a corner of the blue and white stripes. If Gui Xin is asked to raise it and Gui Yanye sees it, then Gui Yanye will definitely break out.

"No, you can actually lower it." Liu Shengxiaye said to Gui Xin after moistening the cotton swab with medical alcohol.

"Oh, then I know." Although she said so, Gui Xin did not continue to pull up and down, but just pressed her hand on the top of the bathrobe, covering the corner of the blue and white stripes. .

Liu Sheng Xia Ye squatted down in front of the sofa, and a faint fragrance came into Liu Sheng Xia Ye's nose.

Although there was still a faint fragrance of shower gel inside, Xia Ye Liu Sheng could feel that most of this delicate fragrance came from the little loli Gui Xin.

Although Gui Xin is only a little Lolita about ten years old, Liu Shengxiaye doesn't have much interest in her body.But this natural body fragrance made Liu Sheng Xia Ye a little bit embarrassed, because not all girls have body fragrance, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye can only change the subject.

"Be careful, how did you get hurt?"

After asking, Liu Sheng Xiaye put a cotton swab on Gui Xin's wound and gently scraped it.

The alcohol began to work, and Gui Xin hummed quietly, without answering Liu Shengxiaye's question.

"Be careful, are you okay?" Gui Yanye had already returned to Gui Xin's side, and after hearing Gui Xin's hum, asked very closely.

After Liu Sheng Xiaye’s cotton swab wandered around the wound, Gui Xin’s body had adapted to the effects of alcohol, and she answered Gui Yanye, “Sister, I’m fine, just a little itchy.”

"This shows that the alcohol has worked, and I can wrap the bandage after I clean it again." After Yanuu Xiaye threw away the used cotton swab, she continued to draw out a cotton swab and dipped it with alcohol.When she heard that she had to do it again, Gui Xin's body trembled, and Liu Shengxiaye quickly said, "Relax, it must be painful the first time, but it will be fine the second time."

After Gui Xin listened to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's explanation, she actually really relaxed, and made an expression that she let Liu Sheng Xia Ye do.

Of course, Liusheng Xiaye couldn't do whatever he wanted, but carefully continued to smear Gui Xin's wound with a cotton swab.Just like Liu Shengxiaye said, during this cleaning, Gui Xin didn't even hum.

"Be careful, you haven't said how you got hurt?" Gui Yanye also asked the same question as Liu Shengxiaye before.

"Sister, you didn't come back very late today, and the restaurant we ordered did not deliver dinner, so I wanted to make a dinner for us, and it turned out like this in the end." Gui Xin finally said that she was injured. s reason.

And Gui Yanye didn't expect this to happen. If she went home early, maybe her sister would not be hurt.

Although he did not go home directly after school, he went to buy a mobile phone for Liu Sheng Xia Ye. It can be said that Liu Sheng Xia Ye also has a certain responsibility, but Gui Yanye took all this responsibility, to his sister. Gui Xin apologized and said, "I'm sorry, be careful, I will definitely come back on time for my sister in the future."

"Student Gui, you should go to the kitchen to have a look. It's okay to tie a bandage on my own." Liu Sheng Xiaye was worried. If there is something in the kitchen that has not been handled properly after Gui Xin is injured, it may cause even greater damage. Disaster.

Gui Yanye also thought of this problem, so he said, "Well, then I'll go to the kitchen and have a look."


After Gui Yanye left, Gui Xin tilted her other uninjured leg on the sofa, and said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Brother Xia Ye, you deliberately let your sister leave here, do you have anything to say? Talk to me in private."

Chapter 14 The Cause of Injury

After throwing away the second cotton swab in my hand, I picked up a new cotton swab that was not soaked in alcohol and wiped it around the location of Guixin’s wound, wiped off the remaining alcohol, and then asked, "Be careful. , Your sister cares a lot, you know?"

"I know, so I like my sister very much."

"Then you can't do things that make your sister sad, like the plans you had in the study before. You know, if you say that, your sister will definitely worry about you, and I will also Your sister has become estranged. You don't want your sister to have no friends, do you?"

Facing the advice of Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Xin asked instead, "Big Brother Xia Ye, are you my sister's boyfriend?"

Gui Xin was very serious when she asked this, and she didn't seem to be able to ask a ten-year-old Lolita.

Liu Shengxiaye was also taken aback by such a sudden questioning, and finally said: "I was a student who transferred to your sister's school today. I happened to be your sister's deskmate and received a lot of care from your sister. We are not yet Lovers, it is very possible that they are not even friends, but I do not deny that your sister does not reject me."