Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 112

Faced with the provocative words of Natsuya Yanagi, the outsider Kyouichi Hanayamain had time to calm down and think about whether Natsuya Yanagi's behavior was fraudulent, but the "indigenous" in the classroom of Caiyun College couldn't bear it.

"Arrogant students from outside school, see me not teaching you."

"Obviously he is the younger of Senior Gongyi, so I dare to use this kind of air to talk to Senior Gongyi."

The girls in Gong's gang in Huashanyuan didn't move, but the boys had already walked towards Liu Shengxiaye, yelling to teach Liu Shengxiaye.

Seeing the boys in the class standing on the side of Kyouichi in Hanayamayuan clamoring for Natsuki Yanagi to come over, Kato Kato and Sister Nijo were very nervous. When they wanted to stop them, they were caught by Kato Otome.

"Leave it over to Liu Shengjun."

Although I don't understand why Kato Otome wanted to do this, but because of the trust in Kato Otome, the three of Kato Koreme didn't say anything.

Kato Otome has 100% trust in Natsuya Yagyu. When the women's basketball club of Sakino Gakuen went to the high school affiliated to Lingyang University, she was made trouble by the door there and wanted them to be late and voluntarily admit defeat.

In the end, it was Liu Sheng Xia Ye who tried to teach the security personnel there, and those noble basketball team members did not trouble him after the game.

Of course, in the end someone asked someone to teach Natsuki Yanagi, but Kato Otome didn't know it.

Therefore, these little guys are not the opponents of Natsuki Yanagi at all.


The other irrelevant students in the class avoided the main area of ​​the conflict, and when they found that both sides were in contact with each other, Kyouichi Huashanin shouted: "Xiaye Liusheng, don't mess around."

At this time, it was called Liu Sheng Xia Ye's name, and he wanted to prevent Liu Sheng Xia Ye from taking action, of course it was over.

When facing these boys surrounded, Liu Shengxiaye didn't panic at all, but took the initiative to greet him, grabbing the tie of the guy who screamed the loudest before, and gently lifting it up. It made that guy have difficulty breathing and his face immediately turned red.

"That's what you want to teach me?" Although Liu Shengxiaye raised her head and asked him the boy with his right hand raised, to others, it was completely like Liu Shengxiaye was looking down at the boy.

The boy who was subdued by Liu Sheng Xia Ye couldn't speak anymore. He could only struggle constantly in Liu Sheng Xia Ye's hands, looking very weak.

"Let go of him."

"Go together!"

Natsuya Yanagi took the initiative and quickly subdued one of them. Although it made them a little afraid of Natsuya Yanagi's strength, he still had a big advantage in number, so he continued to surround him.

With a wave of his right hand, the guy who had been held up before was thrown out, hit a desk, and then fell to the ground, rolling over with pain.

Liu Shengxiaye caught another student, and directly squeezed his neck, and said, "Do you want to talk to me about the relationship between the elders and younger generations? I am a freshman in high school, and what are you?"

The student who was caught by Liu Sheng Xia Ye was the previous student who wanted to discuss the relationship between his predecessors and Liu Sheng Xia Ye. At this time, he was also speechless, because it was difficult to breathe, how could he still speak.

He stretched out his other hand and patted the student's face, and said, "Boy, you have to weigh your own strength before talking to others, otherwise you will basically end up like this." Throw the guy in his hand and hit the students who wanted to surround him.

He kept stepping back and knocking down a few tables directly, and the books inside were scattered on the ground.

At this time, no one finally rushed over blindly, because they didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the previous few people.

"Liu Sheng Xia Ye, this is Caiyun Academy." A few of her supporters were killed in an instant. Although he was prepared, Liu Sheng Xia Ye's force value still scared Huashanyuan Kyouichi.

"Of course I know that this is Caiyun Academy, otherwise they and you should both go to the hospital and lie down."

The words of Liu Sheng Xia Ye caused the rest of the people to take a step back again, standing behind Hanayamain Kyouichi, waiting for Hanayamain Kyouichi to face the violent person Yanu Sheng Xiaye.

When Natsuki Yagyu simply resolved the crisis, Kato Kato and the Nijo sisters were also very surprised. Now they finally understand why Kato Otome would hold them back and forbid them to come forward.

It turned out that Natsuya Yanagi could really manage it alone.

"Hanayamain Kyouichi, is this the first time you have committed the crime in my hands?" After asking, before Kyouichi Hanayama could answer, Liu Shengxiaye continued: "This is the last time. Don't appear in Poor and Nijo in the future. Sister’s side."

Chapter 142: Finished

If you just warned Kyouichi Hanayama not to approach Poor Kato, he might have drilled a language loophole for Kyouichi Hanayamain, and then approached Nijo Ichiyo sisters.

The reason why Liu Sheng Xiaye speaks for the two sisters is for his own benefit in the final analysis.

Now the chrysalis of Saiyuanji ran away from home, so he wanted to go to Radish by himself and continue to help. After Nijo Sister’s mother Nijo Wakaba came to Radish, Natsuki Yagyu could get out of his part-time job.

However, if something happens to Nijo Sisters at school, Nijo Wakaba will definitely put most of her energy on her daughter, so Natsuki Yanagi will go back to Radish again to work part-time.

Hearing that Natsuya Yagyu actually threatened Kyouichi Hanayamain for their sisters, and wanted to express her gratitude, Kato said poorly, "Actually, I can handle this by myself."

Poor Kato just didn't want to take on Yanagio's love, let alone in front of Kato Otome and Nijo sisters.

"If you can solve it by yourself, don't come to Saiun Academy by yourself." After retorting Poor Kato, Natsuki Yanagi looked at Kyouichi Hanayamain again.At this time, Kyouichi Hanayamain didn't open up like before and wanted to teach Natsuya Yagyu a lesson, because they had already seen that even the senior Kyouichi Hanayama who they identified was afraid of the violent man who suddenly appeared in the classroom.

"If you understand what I'm saying, then you will disappear from this school now. If you dare to do some small tricks in private, I don't mind letting you understand the consequences you have never wanted to understand."

This time, Huashanyuan Gong did not hesitate, turned around and left the classroom, even his supporters did not respond.

Because Huashanyuan Kyouichi understood that this should be the last time Liu Shengxiaye had tolerated it. The hero didn't suffer the immediate loss, so he could only leave temporarily.

Seeing that the seniors they agreed with had all left, the boys among the supporters of Kyouichi Kyouichi in Huashanyuan also began to help the guy who fell on the ground first out of the classroom, and should have gone to the infirmary.

Originally, these guys planned to leave all, but a word from Liu Sheng Xia Ye kept some of them.

"Clean up the classroom, otherwise others thought it was someone like me who broke it unreasonably."

The people who were left were very upset in their hearts, because the consequences were originally caused by Liu Shengxiaye's hands, but now they completely dumped the pot.

But even if these guys were angry, they didn't dare to expressly express or refute Liu Sheng Xia Ye. Instead, they began to sort out the fallen desks and books according to what Liu Sheng Xia Ye said.


"There should be no problem with this. If you have time, give Qihai a call or message. She is very worried about you today."

With this reminder to Natsuki Yanagi, Kato Otome remembered what she had forgotten, and immediately took out the phone from her pocket and walked out of the classroom.

"Radish's eldest brother, were you karate or something?" one of the two sisters asked Natsuki Yanagi.

Natsuya Liu did not answer her question first. Instead, she glanced at the twins, and then said to Loli who asked him the question: "You are sister Nijo Wakaba."

This kind of affirmation makes the other two strange.

"Why can you guess?"

Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at the Lolita who was talking later, but this Nijo Lolita could not stare at Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but subconsciously increased the distance from Liu Sheng Xia Ye by half, hiding in the first place. Behind a questioning Lolita.

"Because you don't have the guts of your sister, do you, sister Nijo Ichiha."

"Yes, elder sister is courageous." Nijo Futaba was very happy to be able to be distinguished by Natsuki Yanagi, and that he was more courageous than his elder sister.

"It's not..." It's a pity that Nijo Ichiba retorted very quietly, so he was ignored.

"How would you come to our school? Are you here specifically for your sister?" Korei Kato asked at this time.