Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 201

The group of unscrupulous teenagers that suddenly appeared were those who intercepted Sisters Liusheng Xiaye and Qiuyue on the road in the morning.It's just that the number of their crowds at this time has been reduced by almost half, but there are still nearly twenty people.

These bad boys completely ignored it. It was when Akizuki Takazo was in class. A guy with dyed blue hair went out and walked towards the person who asked Natsuya Yanagi to leave the class before. The rest of the people walked towards Natsuya Yanagyu and Minami Akizuki. position.

"Xia Ye." This time, Akizuki Zhenna really grabbed Yanagi Xia Ye's arm, as if he could only gain a sense of security.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think." Yanu Sheng Xiaye reached out and patted Akizuki Minna, grabbing the back of his arm, and said comfortingly.


A slap slapped in the classroom of Class Two. When everyone looked over, they found that it was the bad boy who had slapped the classmate who had let Liu Shengxiaye leave.And after being slapped in the face, the classmate bowed his head and said nothing to refute.

And after slapped, the blue-haired guy also walked into the large group.

Because of the large number of people, they couldn't all stand together. They could only stand in two rows on the aisle of the Class Two Classroom, and none of them surpassed the place where Yanagi Xiaye was.

"Good boss!" When everyone was standing almost, everyone bowed and shouted at Qiuyue Aili's position.

Everyone in the class was shocked, including Akizuki Shinna who faced all this and Akizuki Kozo on the podium.

They all know that it is impossible for these people to call Qiuyue Zhennai the boss, so their boss is only Liu Shengxiaye, an exchange student who suddenly appeared yesterday.After understanding this, the classmates who were slapped before are almost crying now, and they raised their hands and slapped themselves.

It's just that now he dare not apologize to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, because when Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't say anything, none of those bad teenagers dared to straighten up.

"Think of this as a playground, this is a classroom, and the people who take the lead stand up." Liu Shengxia said, sitting in his seat.

The sudden change of these bad boys also surprised Liu Shengxiaye, but this was not a bad thing.

After Liu Shengxiaye said something, these unscrupulous teenagers straightened up. The person who had taken the initiative to stand up to be punished before stood up again and said: "Boss, I am a senior colonel in Class 4 of 2 years, please let us follow you. Right."

"Xicun, right? Take your people out of the playground and run 20 laps, and then do a hundred push-ups."

"Okay, boss. During the lunch break, we will wait for your boss in the student union." After Nishimura finished speaking, he left the 2-year class with the bad boys before.

However, even though Colonel Xicun left, the shock left by him did not end.

They had no idea that the bad boys like Colonel Nishimura would take the initiative to follow Liu Sheng Xia Ye, the new exchange student, and it seemed that they had not yet received Liu Sheng Xia Ye's consent.Even Akizuki Kozo on the podium had forgotten that Ryusheng Xiaye didn't answer the question he asked before, or when Akizuki Kozo hoped, Ryusheng Xiaye never remembered this.

"Teacher Qiuyue, about your hormones..."

"Student Liu Sheng, you don't need to answer, because I understand that if you can come to Saint Maple College as an exchange student, you must be able to answer this question. The time for this class is limited, so let's first talk about the new content that needs to be mastered in these sections. "Qiuyue Xiaozo had to stop Liu Shengxiaye from continuing to answer his questions, regardless of whether Liu Shengxiaye could answer.

"Then Mr. Qiuyue, please continue to class." No matter whether it was facing Qiuyue Kozo's question or the follower expressed by Colonel Nishimura, Liu Shengxiaye kept sitting in her seat and did not stand up.And after saying the words to let Akizuki Kozo continue to class, Yanagi Natsuya continued to lie on the table in front of him and started sleeping.

This time, no one in the class dared to expect Akizuki Kozo to punish the new exchange student Liu Shengxiaye.And the guy who choked on Yanagyu Xiaye before talking was very scared, because someone had already paid for it, and he was thinking about whether to come and apologize at the end of this class.

As a professor, Akizuki Kozo still has some strength. After ignoring the existence of Liu Shengxiaye, he still took these classes very well.Only after the bell rang for the end of get out of class, he left the classroom of Class Two as if he were escaping, and he didn't know if his disregard for Liu Sheng Xiaye was really from his heart.

"Student Liu Sheng, you were so cool just now." Akizuki Jinna hadn't spoken yet, and Kashima Dong Xiang in the back row directly put the cool on Liu Sheng Xia Ye. I don't know what she said was Liu Sheng Xia Ye. The problem with Akizuki Kozo is that the bad boy led by Nishimura Colonel wants to recognize Ryuu Natsuye as the boss.

"Xia Ye, what did the group of people just now mean, you know..." Akizuki Jinna stopped halfway after speaking, because there was a Kashima Dongxiang with a big horn beside her.

"Marsanna, do you and Xia Ye know the group of people just now? Did something happen to you?" Akizuki Marsanna just said a little bit, and Kashima Dongxiang started to ask.

Chapter 268: Invitation

Kashima Dongxiang was very curious, but the classmates in the rest of the class were very scared of Liu Sheng Xia Ye, especially those who choked on Liu Sheng Xia Ye in the Akizuki Kozo class.

Just facing Kashima Dongxiang's questioning, Akizuki Mari did not reveal what she knew this time, because she didn't know what the relationship between Yanagiu Natsuya and those bad boys was.Moreover, Colonel Nishimura said before that Liu Shengxiaye should go to the student union during her lunch break.

The Student Union of Shengfeng Academy is not the same as that of Sakano Academy, and it has a strong official smell.In other words, the senior management of the student union is not someone selected by the students themselves, but the school airborne there to take office. For example, West Village University is the vice president of the student union of Shengfeng College.

"Come and see, those guys are really carrying out the order just now."

In fact, in the first class of the second year, some people still don’t believe that Liu Sheng Xiaye can really make the bad boys obedient, but when they walked outside, they saw the bad boys just now, and some were still on the runway. He was running, and he was doing push-ups on the grass on one side.

"Really, what kind of identity is this exchange student?"

The people in the other two-year class and the people in other classes also came out and saw the strangeness on the playground, and they all began to guess Liu Shengxiaye's identity, whether it was a relative of the senior level of Saint Maple Academy.

However, this conjecture was quickly rejected.Because if Natsuya Yanagi really has anything to do with the senior management of the college, then as the classroom of the school, Akizuki Kozo should know the news in advance, but when he was in class before, the embarrassing scene of Akizuki Natsuya was embarrassing. Still in their minds.

"I don't know, I want to ask Xia Ye too." Akizuki Jinna vetoed what happened to the bad boys who knew and had with Colonel Nishimura and his entourage, which disappointed Kashima Dongxiang who was very curious.

"It's time for lunch break, I'll go out and take a look." Liu Shengxiaye didn't study the course schedule of Saint Maple Academy in depth, so she asked Akizuki Jinna next to her.

"Yes, classmate Yanagi, would you like to go to the cafeteria for lunch with me and Jinna. If there are beautiful girls on the left and right, lunch will definitely be delicious." It was Kashima Touka who answered Natsuki Yanagi.

After getting the answer he wanted, Natsuki Yanagi stood up from her seat, and Akizuki Marana gave her a place to go.

"Wait next time, today I will go see what those guys really want to do."

After listening to Natsuya Yanagi's words, Akizuki Minna knew that Natsuya Yanagi wanted to go to the appointment, but Ms. Akizuki didn't want Natsuya Yanagi to go to the appointment because the student union was almost the base camp for Nishimura and others. If Natsuya Yanagi goes alone, it is very likely It will be dangerous.

"Xia Ye, I think going to students is still a bit..."

"It's okay, no matter how many of them are..., cough...cough..." Liu Shengxiaye started to cough before she finished her words.

"Have a cold?" Akizuki Jinna asked concerned.

"No, it's just something that I can't control has happened. It would be fine to take a short rest." Waved his hand to Akizuki Minna, Yanagi Natsuya walked out of the Class 2 classroom.

The reason why Liu Sheng Xiaye coughed was due to internal injuries.

The medical team of the Liu Sheng's family treated the skin trauma that Liu Sheng Xia Ye suffered during the test with Xixiang, and also prescribed a medicine package to Liu Sheng Xia Ye to treat internal injuries.But there are all explanations, that is, it is better not to do too intense exercise this week by Liu Sheng Xiaye, otherwise the internal injury recovery time may be longer.If it is too much, Yanagi Natsuya's internal injuries may get worse.

And this morning when he fought with Nagano Taizo and Nishimura Colonel Nishimura and other bad boys, it still caused the internal injury of Yanyu Natsuye.Although Liu Shengxiaye had beaten all those guys, but how could it be a couple of dozens, how could it not be affected.

After Natsuya Yagyu left the classroom, Akizuki Minna and Kashima Touka did not go to the cafeteria for lunch immediately.Putting his left hand on Akizuki's left shoulder, he asked: "It's only been a night since I haven't seen each other. Are you familiar enough to call each other by name? Jinna, this time you seem to fall into the ground a bit quickly. I know. There was no classmate Ohye who came to class this morning, but he showed that he liked you for a long time."

Of course Qiu Yu Jinna would not tell Kashima Toka, that Natsumi Yagyu will stay in her house during the exchange period, and the fellow Masato Ohno and the bad boy Nagano Taizo will probably not come to school for a week.

"After all, they are at the same table." Akizuki Jinna found such a reason, and then said to Kashima Dong Xiang: "Dong Xiang, if you don't go to the cafeteria, your favorite pork chop rice will be robbed by others again. "

I looked up at the clock in the classroom and found that five minutes had passed since the school cafeteria was selling pork cutlet rice every day. He immediately took Akizuki Minna's hand and walked out of the classroom, and shouted, "Wait for me, my pork cutlet. rice."


Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not go to the student union of Sheng Feng College the first time, but went to the school playground. The previous commotion let Liu Sheng Xia Ye know that the group of Xicun Colonel was performing the 20 laps he said before and doing one in the playground. Hundreds of push-ups.

If there are bad teenagers in the playground, then the other students will not come out to grab positions. Except for some who have not finished, the rest are standing in a shady place.

Seeing that Liu Sheng Xia Ye came out, he immediately surrounded him and bowed to Liu Sheng Xia Ye and shouted, "Boss, good."

Those classmates who were still in the corridor before wanting to watch the jokes about Liu Sheng Xia Ye's dressing up the school, after hearing the name of Liu Sheng Xia Ye by these bad boys from their school, they also accelerated their pace of leaving.

"Don't make it the same as in the movie, right, what about the Xicun people?" Liu Shengxiaye did not see Colonel Xicun among the crowd and the bad boys who were still running or doing push-ups.

"Brother Nishimura went to buy drinks and will be back soon." Someone answered Liu Shengxiaye's question and pointed out the direction of Nishimura.