Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 210

Given Ze Yuezhi's punishment before and after his death, Liu Shengxiaye will not regret it at all.


"Xia Ye, it's me." Akizuki Jinna's voice sounded with the knock on the door.

Natsuki Yagyu opened the door and saw Akizuki Jinna carrying clothes in her hands. It seemed that she was going to take a bath.

"Xia Ye, if your phone needs to be charged, I will let Ellie take it to my room to charge it."

"Thank you."

When Akizuki Mari walked to Akizuki Ellie’s room, Yagyu Natsuya went back to the room to turn on the phone, then formatted all the data in the memory card in the phone, then pulled it out, and stored his original memory. Insert the card.

After Natsuya Yanagi finished this, the knock on the door sounded, but judging from the vibration amplitude of the knock on the door, it was definitely not a normal knock on the door.

Liu Shengxiaye had just opened the door from the inside, and immediately felt that he had been attacked.

Looking down, it turned out that Akizuki Ari was kicking on his foot, and the abnormal knock on the door was actually Akizuki Ari kicking the door.

"The method of knocking on the door is good." Akizuki Airi's attack did not bring substantial harm to Liu Shengxiaye.

"Give me your phone, sister asked me to charge your phone. Really, didn't you just tell me two questions? It's not the one that lives in our house..."

"Just now when you were taking a shower, I prevented that guy from going to the bathroom." Liu Sheng Xiaye suddenly mentioned the thing that prevented Akizuki Kozo.

Sure enough, when it comes to Akizuki Kozo, Akizuki Aili's expression is very unnatural, obviously with fear, she stretched her hand to Liusheng Xiaye and said, "Give me your phone quickly."

"Thank you." Seeing Ai Li Qiuyue deflated, Liu Shengxiaye also found it funny, but he handed the phone to Ai Li Qiuyue very cooperatively.


After Akizuki Marina’s room charged the phone of Yanagi Natsuya's cell phone, she came out and found that Natsuya Yanagi's door was still open, and Natsuya Yanagi herself found a small stool to sit on the door. .

"What do you mean, don't you think I won't charge you?" Qiuyue Aili asked.

"Tonight's bathing time was disrupted, so I have to pay attention, I am afraid that that guy will suddenly appear again." Liu Sheng Xiaye's answer was first to make Qiuyue Aili startled, but she woke up immediately.

Yesterday, Natsuya Yanagi made a sudden visit, but it was still in order under the arrangement of Kayoko Akizuki.Today, because Akizuki Kozo did not come back, and Ryusheng Xiaye was helping Akizuki Ellie with her homework, the bath time was chaotic, and Akizuki Kozo wanted to enter the bathroom before.

Natsuki Yagyu is watching here, of course because Akizuki Shinna is in the bathroom now. If Akizuki Takato comes again, he must stop it.

Yesterday’s commission, Natsuki Yagyu took care of her heart, especially after getting the memory card of Kuraka Sana today.

"Then you watch slowly, I'll go back first." After Qiuyue Aili finished speaking, she walked in front of Liu Shengxiaye, then opened the door and returned to her room.

Natsuya Yagyu didn't wait too much. When she noticed that Akizuki was about to open the door, she also closed his door.


In the middle of the night, Liu Sheng felt that his door had been opened. When he wanted to turn on the light, he heard someone talking to him.

"Don't turn on the lights, it's me." Qiuyue Aili came in.

Taking advantage of the moonlight outside, Liu Shengxiaye got up from the bed and saw Qiuzuki Ai Li in pajamas.

"The time is coming." Before Liu Shengxiaye asked Qiuzue Aili why he appeared in his room in the middle of the night, Qiuzue Aili reminded him in a low voice, and then climbed onto Liu Shengxiaye's bed. Get into the quilt.

"What do you mean, why are you here again?" Liu Shengxiaye asked quietly.

Just responding to him, Qiuyue Aili shushed her gesture, and then he saw Aili Qiuyue shrink her body into the quilt, as if he was afraid of this.


Before Liu Shengxiaye's guess had come out, she heard the familiar footsteps again, exactly the same as yesterday, back and forth in two places.

Of course Liu Sheng Natsuya knew what it was. He really didn’t expect that he was disturbed by him last night, and he choked at school today, and after returning, Akizuki Kozo, who showed fear of him, actually dared to compare with yesterday. same.

This guy is really bold enough.

"Cough...cough...cough!" Liu Sheng Xia Ye coughed suddenly, and the sound of footsteps outside was also interrupted, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not feel Akizuki Kozo's departure.

This was not the intention of Liu Shengxiaye, but because of the cold after getting up from the bed.

"Cough...cough..." The main reason was that Liu Sheng Xiaye had done it yesterday morning.

Natsuya Yanagi coughed again, making Akizuki Kozo hesitate outside, because this would probably wake up the two people next to Natsuya Yanagi, so Akizuki Kozo had to leave again tonight.

However, the cough of Ryusheng Xiaye did not get better because of Akizuki Kozo's departure, but remained the same.

"Are you okay? Are you not cold?" Qiuyue Aili didn't hear the footsteps that scared her, but she started to care about Liu Shengxiaye's current state.

"It's okay, just cough twice." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye answered Qiuyue Ai's question in a low voice, she reached out and patted her chest, and then gradually stopped her coughing.

"Now, you should go back." Liu Shengxiaye said to Qiuyue Aili.

"If you don't go back, I won't be able to sleep if I go back. I will stay here, and you have accepted my commission."

"The commission didn't say that it should be like this?"

"Isn't it the same last night? I'm not afraid of you, a big boy, what else would you be afraid of?" Qiuyue Aili's voice suddenly increased a lot.

Author's message:

Thank you for your 100 happy coins rewards from Little Nemesis, Payunzi, Black Flame Death Knight, and Tsukisama, thank you book guest 447528541, Ogata Kenichi, the grass in the sky, it is me, waiting for a deal for each 1 A monthly ticket reward, thanks to Xianyu A for the 2 monthly tickets reward.

My own monthly pass is not cheeky and thank you, hahaha.

Chapter 281: The Late Autumn Moon Ari

Of course, Liu Sheng Xia Ye’s fear was not the kind of fear that Qiu Yue Ai Li understood, but now that Ai Li Qiu Yue was provoking her, of course Liu Sheng Xia Ye would not ignore it.

He went directly back to the bed, and then pulled the quilt over his body.

After Akizuki Ellie went to bed in the summer night of Yanagi, she stepped back a little bit inside, but she did not get out of the area covered by the quilt.

There was nothing more than Liu Sheng Xiaye had to do, and instead of moving further towards Akizuki Aili's domain, she closed her eyes and started to rest.

If it were normal times, Liu Sheng Xia Ye would definitely not fall asleep so quickly, but the current Liu Sheng Xia Ye was injured after all, and the needs of the body made Liu Sheng Xia Ye have to sleep over.

Unlike Xiaye Liu Sheng, Ai Li Qiuyue has not fallen asleep yet.

The reason why I fell asleep after Akizuki Kozo left last night was mainly because the fright I had received before was released in an instant, but this night is different.Even if Akizuki Kozo's footsteps could be heard in the room of Natsuki Yagyuu, Akizuki Airi felt very relieved.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't realize that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had any further meaning. Qiuyue Ai Li looked at Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Found that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was asleep, her face illuminated by the moonlight seemed to be a little pale. Thinking of Liu Sheng Xia Ye's cough just now, Qiu Yue Ai Li reached out from the quilt and touched Liu Sheng Xia Ye's face.

It's cold!

This was Akizuki Ellie's first feeling, which made Akizuki Ellie very uneasy, but the current situation of Natsuya Yagyu didn't look like something was wrong.