Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 235

Because, because of Masato Ohno's instigation, the bad boys like Colonel Nishimura would join Nagano Taizo to stop the sisters Yanagi and Akizuki.

The final result was that Masato Ohno and Yasuo Nagano were shaved by Natsuki Yanagi and injured. Colonel Nishimura and others were only injured, and finally chose to follow Natsuki Yanagi.

Masato Ohno's injury is not as serious as Nagano Taizo's, but there are no school classes these days. One may be because of his bald head, and the other is that Natsuya Yanagi is still in school.

Since I don’t know how long the exchange students will be during the summer night of Yano, Masato Ohno’s parents come to the school to ask for a transfer.

The school has approved it.

"It turns out that it's that guy, if you transfer to another school, you don't need to care."

"Boss, is there anything else to explain?" Liu Shengxiaye just said first.

"Second, it is to protect Sister Qiuyue well, so that they can at least study with peace of mind. Of course, this protection does not need to be carried out after you graduate." The second thing Liu Sheng Xiaye wants to explain is about Akizuki Mari and Akizuki Airi. Of the sisters.

Natsuya Yagyu accepted Akizuki Marina's commission to protect the safety of their sisters at home and school.

Now that Akizuki Kozo has been removed, the family affairs are gone, but there may be accidents in the school, so Yanuyu Xiaye will explain to the Nishimura Colonel.

And this was not beyond the surprise of Colonel Xicun. After all, the relationship between Liu Shengxiaye and Qiuyue sisters was seen by everyone.

"Boss, don't worry, we will do it well. What about the friends around them?" Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi are friends of their own at the school. If something happens to their friends, find Nishimura When the colonel was theirs, what should the colonel Xicun do?

"Kashima Dongxiang and Liu Jing, you just pay attention, you can leave the rest." Liu Shengxiaye promised Liu Sheng about Liu Jing's affairs, and Kashima Dongxiang is also a good person. Yes, at least in dealing with friends.

"I see, I will explain this matter."

"Let's do this for now."

After Liu Shengxiaye finished speaking, he was about to leave the meeting room to go to class, but was stopped by Colonel Nishimura."Wait for the boss."

"Xicun, what do you want?" Liu Shengxiaye asked.

"Boss, can we still follow you in the future?"

After listening to Colonel Nishimura’s words, Xiaye Liu found a pen and paper in the conference room, wrote his own phone number, and said to Colonel Nishimura, “This is my contact information. What can’t you do? You can call me when you encounter problems or encounter difficulties."

Seeing the phone call left by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Colonel Nishimura realized that these bad boys were truly recognized by Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Thank you, boss!" Colonel Xicun said very seriously.

"I should thank you. I'm sorry, but I can't give you too much support here."

"We will complete the tasks assigned by you, boss, please rest assured, boss!" Colonel Nishimura promised Liu Shengxiaye.

"I know, look forward to our meeting in the future."

This time, Liu Sheng Xia Ye really left the meeting room, and Colonel Nishimura was not stopping Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Author's message:

Thank you Ye Ye Cai for the reward of 1500 Happy Coins and 2 monthly tickets for support, thank you for the reward of 100 Happy Coins from a boy named Chun.Thank you

Chapter 311 Requirements for Transfer

When Liu Sheng Xiaye returned to the classroom of Class 1 of the second year, the afternoon class began.

Came to the seat and sat down. The teacher who was in class had not yet come. Akizuki Marana asked in a low voice, "Xia Ye, did you go to see my father today? He has his class today but did not come to class, and the school did not explain. what."

In the morning there was indeed a class given by Yoshida Kozo, but because of the agreement yesterday with Natsuki Yanagi, he must have no time to come to school today.

The current Yoshida Kozo may still be working, but he is not in class, but in silicone dolls.

Of course, Natsuya Yagyu would not talk to Akizuki Marana about these things, and said: "It has nothing to do with me. The reason why I went out is because I want to do my own affairs."

"Really? That's fine." Akizuki Jinna didn't want Yoshida's sudden disappearance to have anything to do with Natsuya Yagyu.

Although she hates Yoshida from the bottom of her heart, if Natsuki Yanagi does something illegal in order to fulfill Akizuki's commission, it is what Akizuki Mari does not want.

"The teacher is coming, please pay attention to me, pity me, a single dog." Kashima Dongxiang leaned his face on the table, and then pointed the pen in his hand to the door of the classroom. Come in outside.

Akizuki Mari did not refute Kashima Touka, but Yanagyu Natsaya was too lazy to refute.

Seeing the empty seats in front of him, Xia Ye remembered that Colonel Nishimura had said that Masato Ono had applied for a transfer, and the school had agreed.

Now the textbooks in the drawer are gone, and the name of Masato Ono on the table has also been torn off, indicating that they will not appear in this school anymore.

This is also good, lest the Colonel Xicun and others still need to spend energy on him.


Natsuki Yanagi quietly finished all the afternoon lessons, and finally went downstairs with Akizuki Marina to wait for Akizuki Airi.

Akizuki Airi didn't come alone with Natsuki Yagyu and her sister Akizuki Marana. She also had two people with Kuraka Sana and Liu Jing.

Kuraka Sana didn't carry the video recorder on her body anymore. When she saw Natsuya Yanagi, her eyes were a little dodged, as if she didn't want to see Natsuya Yanagi.

Unlike Kanaka Sana, Liu Jing is full of gratitude to Yanagi Natsuya, especially after Akizuki Ari has explained to her the status of Yanagi Natsuya in the school.

"Senior Liu Sheng, thank you for your help." Before Liu Jing did not take Liu Sheng Xia Ye’s words to the Nishimura University to heart, but after knowing the real truth, Liu Jing knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye really planned to be in school. Want to shelter her.

"Classmate Kuraka, come with me." Natsuki Yanagi called Sana Kuraka.

Kuraka Sana didn't respond to Natsuki Yanagi immediately, but chose to hide behind Akizuki Airi.

"What are you going to do? Don't think that it's the boss of the bad boy at school and you can do anything wrong. Sana is my good friend. You can do what you want to do with my consent." Akizuki Airi blocked Sana Kuraka. In front of him, I didn't want Sana Kuraka and Natsuki Yanagi to take a trip.

And when she heard Akizuki Ellie said she was her friend, Kuraka Sana lowered her head.

Natsuya Yagyu didn't speak, but just looked at Kuraka Sana.

Seeing that Natsuya Yagyu didn't plan to let go of Kanaka Sana, Akizuki Ellie continued, "Don't..."

It's a pity that this time, before Akizuki Ellie had finished speaking, she was pulled aside by her sister Akizuki Mari.

"Sister, he wants to deal with Sana..."

"Ellie, you have to believe in Xia Ye, he will not target anyone for no reason." When persuading Akizuki Airi, Akizuki Marie also looked at this classmate of Akizuki Airi.

In the past, I only knew that it was Ai Li's classmate and friend, but from the way Liu Sheng Xia Ye treats her now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"If you think you are Ellie's friend, follow along." Yanagi Natsuya didn't forcefully ask Kuraka Sana. After saying that, she walked to the side of the promenade.

After Natsuya Yagyu walked away, Sana Kuraka looked up at Akizuki Airi.

Seeing the caring and encouraging gaze of Akizuki Airi, but also seeing the gaze of Akizuki Marina's scrutiny.

Afterwards, Kuraka Sana followed Yanagi Natsuya and walked to the promenade.