Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 393

"Xia Ye, are you still planning to spend the Houye Festival with Classmate Gui?" Now the two girls are a little curious about whom Liusheng Xiaye Houye Festival is with, because many things will happen to the College Festival Houye Festival.Although they have not experienced it personally, they have also heard many legends from their seniors.

"No." Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't want to say that he was with the world of Xiyuan Temple, anyway, if they wanted to know, they would definitely be able to know at the end of the night festival.

It wasn't Katsura Yanba, which surprised both Kato Otome and her daughters.

It seems that someone had agreed before them the time for Yanagi Natsuya to be at the Houye Festival. If they knew that, they should come early and asked to go to Kuroda Hikaru's booth together. Maybe they could also make an appointment for the Houye Festival. .

However, the time for Yanagi Natsuya had already been arranged, and Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami gave up altogether, and did not ask in detail with whom Yanagi Natsuya was going to spend the night festival with.


Liu Shengxiaye and the three walked out of the haunted house together. This time it was not just Gui Yanye that met, but also other friends.

"Kamroji-san, Kato-san, how does the haunted house feel?"

"Very good, but fortunately, Liu Sheng is with us."

"One visit is enough, I guess I won't sleep well tonight."

"Thank you!"

With the affirmation of Kato Otome and Nanami of Kanroji, Katsura Yanye's confidence is even stronger.Not only Gui Yanye was happy alone, but the other students who participated in the Haunted House show were also very happy. The Haunted House on the first day should be very complete.

"You should clean up, and Nanami and I won't bother you." When I saw these people gathered together, Otome Kato knew that today's visit to the haunted house was over, so I took Nanami and left Ganlu Temple Up.

Katsura Yanye did not stop the two women from leaving, and did not get the video equipment of Kato Otome and Ganlu Temple Nanami, nor did Katsura Yanye be surprised, because this kind of thing happened once in the morning.

This kind of thing shouldn't happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, because Liu Shengxiaye will not stay here like today.

"Everyone, please clean up first, and some people will go in to help the comrades inside to remove makeup." After Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami left, Katsura Yanye began to arrange the rest of the day.

Gui Yanye didn't participate in the cleanup. She had her own thing to do, which was to clean up the video equipment and memory cards and prepare to take home.

"So much?" Liu Shengxiaye looked at the paper with the name on it, and was also a little startled.Although he stayed here all day, Liu Shengxiaye didn't count how many students came to this haunted house.

Chapter 510: Two little loli make up for regret

"It's okay, I can confirm the contents alone." Gui Yanye thought that Liu Shengxiaye was worried about too many memory cards and that it would take a lot of time to go back to see the contents at night, so she said she confirmed it alone.

"I'll help you, clean up, let's pick up Cao Cao and Xiao Zhi."

"Well, just wait for me."

After everyone had cleaned up, they all went home separately, and Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye walked out of the school together.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi both went to her house with Jing Yi Maoyue last week. On Monday, the three of them will go to school together, and Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye will take them back after school. home's.

When Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye came to the two little loli schools, not only the three little loli, but also Jing Yi Maoyue's mother were there.

"Big brother!"

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi had just seen the arrival of Yanagi and Xiaye, and immediately rushed into the arms of Liu Sheng Xiaye.

Having gone through so many times, Gui Yanye no longer envied Liu Shengxiaye for being treated like two little loli.And Jing Yi Maoyue saw Gui Xin and Ito stop the two little loli movements, she was also very envious, but she could not go forward and Gui Xin two little loli action at this time, because it belongs to Gui Xin and Ito stop the time of two little loli.

Jing Yi Maoyue can only hold her mother's hand tightly.

Jing Yi Maoyue's mother also felt her daughter's movements, as if she knew what her daughter was thinking, and carefully pulled Jing Yi Maoyue closer to her body.

After the two little loli were tired of Liu Shengxiaye, they also threw themselves into Gui Yanye's arms, which surprised Gui Yanye a little.

At this time, Jing Yi Maoyue's mother and daughter stepped forward and said to Liu Sheng Xiaye: "Big Brother, Cao Cao and Xiao Zhi returned it to you."

"Liu Shengjun, thank you for letting Xin and Xiaozhi come to our house." Jing Yi Maoyue's mother said to Liu Shengxiaye.

Because of the reason that Yanao Xiaye took care of him, Ii Maoyue did not encounter any bad things in his new place.It’s just that it’s always a bit unaccustomed to leave the place where I lived for a long time all of a sudden, so I don’t think about it anymore. Fortunately, Jing Yi Maoyue brought Guixin and Itozhi back home.

Moreover, after having an accidental relationship with Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Jing Yi Maoyue’s mother did not use the honorific name for Liu Sheng Xia Ye, nor did she use the name Liu Sheng Xia Ye like Gui Yanye, so now she uses this as a friend call.

"Because Cao Cao and Xiao Zhi are causing you trouble."

"We had a great time. Sister Yan Ye must visit our house next time." It was Jing Yi Maoyue who took the conversation, because Gui Yanye also walked to their mother and daughter at this time.

"Well, I will definitely go next time." Judging from the reaction of Jing Yi Maoyue's mother and daughter, they should not have lied, so Gui Yanye was very happy.

Perhaps it was because I felt that if I continued to stay with Natsuki Yanagi, it would be a bit of a rush, so after confirming that Natsuki Yanagi was going to take Katshin and Itoki back immediately, they also said goodbye.

Jing Yi Maoyue was very reluctant to leave, but eventually went home with her mother, but before leaving, she kept clamoring that Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye should go to their house together.

On the way home, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi kept talking about the fun of the two of them at Jing Yi Maoyue's house, and they could see that they had a good time there.

When they got home, Liu Sheng Xia Ye and his party saw the car in front of the house. Gui Yanye blocked the two little loli behind him, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye blocked Gui Yanye in front.

"Mr. Liu Sheng, we are a network operator. We are here waiting to install the network for you." Someone saw the alert of Liu Sheng Xia Ye and his party, so someone immediately came up to explain.

After listening to this person, Liu Shengxiaye remembered that Dongcheng had mentioned that someone would come to pretend today, but he didn't expect to wait at the door of the house at this time.

"Okay, I see, you guys wait a moment."

After speaking to these people, Liu Sheng Xia Ye turned around and explained the identities of these people to Gui Yan Ye's third daughter, and then let the three of them go into the house. Liu Sheng Xia Ye led the network operator's people behind.

After entering the house, I did not see the two little loli Guixin and Itozhi. They should have entered the room after listening to Gui Yanye's words, but hearing the kitchen movement proved that Gui Yanye was preparing today's dinner.

Although they came by car, only two staff members entered the house, and the rest were on standby outside.

Because Liu Sheng Xiaye is a special person, some preparations have been investigated before starting work, and the speed of installing the network must be much faster than ordinary users.

After half an hour, a staff member reminded Liu Sheng that Xia Ye could try the Internet.

I tried to open a certain website, and found that there was no problem. Xiaye Liu said that it was OK.

"Mr. Liu Sheng, we have installed the network for you. We will go back today. If you have any problems in the future use, you can directly contact our headquarters service." After the staff finished speaking, handed over Sent a business card to Liu Shengxiaye.

He took it smoothly, and Liu Shengxiaye asked, "How much is the service fee this time, I..."

"No, someone has already paid for the service fee this time. Let us leave the follow-up service to us in the future."

It must have been done by Dongcheng. Xiaye Liu did not say to pay again. After putting the business card in a box on the table, he thanked the staff member.

These people didn't stay too much. After confirming that the network installation was completed, they also left Gui's house.

Liu Shengxiaye wanted to go out and remind Gui Yanye that he didn't need to prepare dinner for those staff members, but saw Gui Xin and Itozhi two little loli sneaking into his room.

"Big brother, what is this?"

"It seems that the computer mentioned on TV is real?"

"It's true, but this is for your sister's work later, so don't break it for her." Liu Shengxiaye looked at the two little loli and looked at the computer with very expectant eyes, and immediately reminded.