Day at the Academy

Day at the Academy Chapter 405

Now there are people in pairs standing by the bonfire. Of course, not just a man and a woman, but also dilemmas or two women.

In the bonfire of the Houye Festival, two people who have a good relationship can meet together to dance the folk dance.

Although there were many people in pairs, the three little loli still saw Xiaye Yanagi in the crowd for the first time, and at the same time saw the world of Xiyuanji next to Xiaye Yanagi.


Seeing the men and women around him, Liu Sheng Xiaye now understands what Houye Festival's local style dance represents.

"Xia Ye, you promised me, do you still want to run away now?" The world of Xiyuan Temple also saw the change in Yanagi Xia Ye's expression and asked directly.

"No, I just don't know how to dance the local folk dance." We are already standing here with the Xiyuan Temple world. Of course, Liu Sheng Xiaye will not escape, but the fact that he can't dance the local folk dance. There is no lying.

"Neither do I, just follow the rhythm and jump casually."

After the world of Xiyuanji finished speaking, the music of the dancers rang, and the world of Xiyuanji took the initiative to take the hand of Yanuu Xiaye.

The actions of the two people are exactly the same as what they said, and they can't dance the folk dance, but they didn't show much ugliness, because they all walked based on feelings.

After a section of music fell, the world of Xiyuan Temple stepped on the side of Liusheng Xiaye and said, "They are here."

Natsuya Yanagi turned his head, and happened to see Kuroda Hikaru's booth and the girls beside the booth.

Kuroda Hikari and Kiyura Satsuna are now taking three little loli to clean up the stalls, while Katsura Yanye, Kato Otome and Nanami of Ganlu Temple walked to the world of Yagyu Natsuya and Saiyuanji.

"World, you can block me first, I still have something to do." Liu Shengxiaye left the campfire after talking to the Xiyuan Temple World.


"Xiaye left like this?" Gui Yanye asked when he walked to the world of Saiyuanji, and Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami also wanted to know, could it be because Yanao Xiaye couldn't escape because of a guilty conscience?

"Xia Ye originally only agreed to dance with me for a period. She just said that there are other things. As for where I went, I don't know."

To be honest in the world of Saiyuanji, of course, when he invited Xiaye Yanagi to say that there is only one section, but judging from the performance of Xiaye Yanagi, the completion of one section is the completion of his agreement with the world of Saiyuanji. .

It's just one section, and everyone feels satisfied with this answer.

If it jumped from the opening to the end, it would be another group of reactions.

At this time, the music with the dance sounded again.

"Student Gui, can you invite you to dance with me?" Liu Shengxiaye left, and Xiyuan Temple World started to invite Gui Yanye.

When Kato Otome and Kanroji Nankai spoke in the Saiyuanji world, they had already pulled their hands up, so Katsura Yanye could not find one of them to refuse the invitation of the Saiyuanji world.

"Of course!" In the end, Gui Yanye agreed to the invitation of the Xiyuan Temple World and reached out to the Xiyuan Temple World.

Chapter 526: The Projector That Works Automatically

After Natsuyo Yanagi finished a dance with the world of Saiyuanji, when he saw Gui Yanye and others coming over, he said goodbye to the world of Saiyuanji, and then walked to the small warehouse of Sakano Gakuen.

The small warehouse at Sakano Gakuen is like it was last weekend. Not only are there students going in and out, there are also special teachers at the door.

Everyone was busy returning things, so there was no time to say hello to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not come here to say hello to these people.

After entering the small warehouse, Liu Sheng Xiaye walked directly towards the small room inside.

Because most of the materials and equipment are placed outside, there are no students around the small room.

When Liu Shengxiaye arrived outside the small room door, she didn't make any noise, took a lock from her pocket and locked the small room door.

After doing all this, Natsuki Yanagi found from a gap in the small room what Ito Makoto and Sawayu Taisuke had prepared for them, and after opening the lid, he threw it into the small room.

Because it is packaged in a glass bottle, it breaks when it falls on the ground, and the contents begin to volatilize.

Similarly, the sound of breaking also alarmed both Sawayu Taisuke and Ito Makoto.After seeing that what they had prepared was broken, they immediately realized something was wrong, and the two rushed to the door of the small room together, trying to reach out and open the door, but after pulling it twice, they found that there was nothing there. use.

Both of them were overcast.

"Is there anyone out there, please open the door for us quickly."

"Anyone? Open the door for us, we still have a show."


The voice of Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito calling for help came from the small room.

After Liu Shengxiaye finished her work, she wanted to get out of the small dark room, but the students who heard the call for help were going to the small room, and Liu Shengxiaye stopped them.

"What are you going to do?"

"We heard someone calling for help."

"Yeah, maybe someone locked the door for disbelief."

"Moreover, I heard that there is a show."

The program of the Sakano Gakuen Academy Festival is still very important. Now some people are calling for help. These people must rescue the people trapped inside. Don't miss their program.

However, Liu Shengxiaye still stopped them, making the leader a little unhappy.

"Student Liu Sheng, it's a bit bad for you to do this." When speaking, a second-year student seemed to want to use his seniority to suppress Liu Sheng Xiaye.

Of course Liu Shengxiaye didn't eat one set, and pointed to the little black house and asked, "You don't know who is calling for help inside?"

"Does it matter who is? Now they still have a show to perform. If you miss it, you will have to wait for a year." The second grader still wants to rescue the people who call for help in the small room.

"Senior, the people calling for help in it seem to be two people in Class 3 of the year." This second-year student is not clear, but there is also a first-year student who is with him. Who is the person calling for help?

"Can't you be saved if you are in Class 3 of the first year? And you are also in the first grade. You should help each other." The second grader was a little confused.

"Senior, it's Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawainaga in Class Three a year."

"What about those two people? Yes..." The second-year student noticed something was wrong immediately after he said it. He pointed to the location of the small room and asked his partner: "You can be sure that the people inside are those two. Dude?"

This cannot tolerate the second-year students not being vigilant, because the affairs of Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito are not only in the first grade, and even their second and third grades know that there are such a bunch of gays in the academy.But he didn't expect that the person he wanted to rescue just now was the gay couple, which made him shiver immediately.

If you are seen crooked by your fellow colleagues, you will be in trouble.

"Senior, we won't forget the voices of those two guys. Just now because of the eagerness to save people, we didn't hear them all at once."

After hearing the confirmation from his companion, the second-year student was also thankful that he had not bypassed Liu Shengxiaye to rescue the gay couple in the small room.

"But they still have shows?" The second grade still wants to save the show. Maybe it will be a good show.

"A show you really want to watch? Do you show the super friendship between males and males live?" Liu Sheng Xiaye asked the second grader and his companions.

When asked by Liu Shengxiaye, these people immediately shook their heads like a rattle, and said, "It's impossible, how could we watch this kind of show."