Day entertainment musician

Chapter 150: Otaru

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Japanese Entertainment Musicians Search Novels (" in Baidu!"Actually, Otaru is very similar to us."

With bread bags in their hands, Eagle Mountain and Haizheng strolled along the bluestone road in Otaru with the girl beside them. Together with the slowly flying fine snow, they observed the looks of various people around them.

It retains the style of the beginning of the last century. The famous writer Kobayashi Takiji once lived here, and the current streetscape is not much different from that of the past, at best it has some modern products.

Walking on the street, if you have a little more imagination, you may be able to imagine the scenery here a hundred years ago.


Hearing the other party's words, this made Gao Shan feel a little puzzled-obviously this is only the first time, why would he say "similar"?

The strength of holding the girl’s palm was tightened, and at the same time it was made warmer. Takayama and Kai quickly responded to this: "In Iwai Shunji’s novel, two Fujii trees with the same name and surname were in high school. The story happened in Otaru."

"Ah-this," Takayama responded as soon as he was prompted, "Love Letter, right? It's just that the story of this novel is a bit too regrettable. If you can confess decisively..."

Of course, I, who have a strong interest in novels, will not miss this well-known pure love novel that has been remade into a movie even though my favorite author is Minato Kanae who wrote suspense novels.

"Yeah." Replied softly, and Yingshan and Hai continued: "However, our story is not at all regrettable."

Not far from the two of them is the Otaru Canal.This scenic spot with a history of more than one hundred years has been a must for domestic and foreign tourists to visit Otaru.

Between speaking, the two met with a tacit understanding, and Takayama Kazumi was also very satisfied with this answer.

Smiled and nodded, the girl was in a very good mood: "I think so too."

Even the previous experience of getting lost because of the freezing cold was greatly relieved at this moment.

Feeling the constant warmth from the heart, Takayama can only feel at ease for a while.

With the other side by your side, it is beautiful no matter what-the future will be left to the future.

Now I just want to enjoy this warmth.

When they returned to the hotel, Nishino brothers and sisters had already woke up one after another and seemed to be well rested.

"Oh, Tai Sheng. Already up?" Although the time to get along was not long, it did not prevent him from having a very good relationship with Nishino Tai Sheng, and he had already reached the point where he could directly call his name.

Looking at this young man who is one or two years younger than himself and who can stand out among the crowd, Nishino also has a high opinion of him. Naturally, he does not consider this slightly lack of courtesy way of addressing, but rather happy. Accepted: "Good morning."

Compared with Gaoshan's gentle approach, Yingshan and Hai's approach is more direct and rough.

He threw out the bread in his hand very simply, and didn't care whether the other party could catch it.

The good news is that Tai Sheng Nishino did catch the bread that was thrown out: "Thank you. Because my sister and I did not get up, so trouble you so much..."

"I just happened to wake up earlier." Waving their hands, when Yingshan and Haizheng were about to say something, they were suddenly stopped by the scene in front of them.

Sitting on the tatami mat, Ichishi Takayama suddenly added a pendant on his back shoulder.

And this pendant is Nishino Nanase, who has been very close to him after getting up to wash.Tutufei Novel Network

He hugged Takayama Ichimi from behind like a sloth holding a branch, just like yesterday.

It seemed that they had noticed the line of sight here, and the two girls turned their gazes together.

"Na-chan is really cute." In Gaoshan's eyes, Na-chan has always been the incarnation of cuteness, so she has never thought that this is too inappropriate.

Although Nishino Nanase didn't speak, Takayama and Kai faintly read some information from her eyes.

It seems... she's slightly proud of her eyes, asking herself: "Envy?"

Envy?If you want to say envy, there must be some.But... why should I be envious?Obviously even Kiss has experienced it.

Where did this sense of envy come from?

Strange, it's so strange.

Even I felt abnormal, which made Eagle Mountain and Hai have to let go of their strange thoughts. Quan regards this as just an interaction between two good friends, and instead sat down and put more thoughts on Among the songs that flashed in the morning.

Ozaki Toyoshi...

People have always commented that their looks are very similar to Ozaki Toyo, but this time I suddenly and unconsciously remembered this song, which happened to be from Ozaki Toyo's work.

My girl...

The more I think of lyrics, the more I feel it's right.

Relived the scene of walking with her before, and this long-lost enthusiasm quickly came to my heart.

Not only that, but Takayama Kazuhiro also never forgets the previous song.

Feeling comfortable and letting the body pendant hang behind him, Takayama Yishi took the initiative to find the topic: "Right, Hehai. Your song..."

Takayama Yishi didn't finish speaking, only two people understood each other's meaning, but in the eyes of the other two unidentified brothers and sisters, it seemed like an encrypted call.

"It's a song written by Hehai himself." It was expected that the Nishino brothers and sisters would be at a loss, but Takayama Kazuka quickly explained: "Na-chan knew about it before, right? Hehai is a member of the band. Amazing...really a great band. Anyway, I don’t know how to describe it. Anyway, it’s amazing."

When introducing his boyfriend, Takayama Kazushima seemed very positive, and he was very happy to promote the other's works and popularity: "The song just now was what he temporarily remembered. It sounds good, right?"

"Hmm...Hmm." Yingshan and Hai were quite surprised by the girl's positivity.

At the same time, an impulse to record the whole song came to my heart, but in the end I chose to endure it.

If you want to remember the next song completely, you need to pay for sleep time. I don't want to spend the first day of the journey in sleep.

"Where to go next?"

Taking the initiative to bypass the song, Yingshan and Hai changed the topic and came to today's plan.

And his own initiative to change the topic also successfully evoked everyone's reaction.

"For must go to the museum? There are also various glass products."