Day entertainment musician

Chapter 167 Strange Lyrics

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Japanese Entertainment Musicians Search Novels (" in Baidu!"Kazu-san, can we sign a contract now?"

Kei Kobayashi looked tentative. He was clearly a producer, but he looked like a lowly servant, extremely humble.

Although his posture was very low, no one would really think that Kobayashi's status would be inferior.On the contrary, this kind of people who are willing to bow their heads and lose face in order to achieve their goals are the ones who need to be vigilant or valued the most.

The harder you are, the more determined you are.

"This..." After looking at the people around him, Yingshan and Hai responded to this after receiving unanimous responses.

Before speaking, I took a leisurely look at the group of people in front of me.

Kei Kobayashi was eager, while the three little girls headed by Nakamoto Suzuka on the other side were nervous and expectant... It seemed that everyone wanted to see their consent.

The contract on both sides has been preliminarily determined before.

It is not a contract with amuse firm, but under the name "babymetal" founded by Kei Kobayashi. In fact, the band is still an underground indie band with a lot of freedom, and can also participate in the creation of lyrics, music and arrangement. The royalties are divided by the degree of participation, but the only reward that can be enjoyed is to follow BM's performance or help BM's creation. Kobayashi will not do any packaging promotion for his band. The contract period is two years.

No matter how you look at it, this is a completely acceptable contract.

The only requirement is that he must perform on the same stage with Zhongyuan Lingxiang and his party, and this has to sacrifice part of the time in school.

Two years after graduation, you can choose to leave or not. If Amazing hasn’t made a name yet, it’s good to continue to follow Kei Kobayashi; if you have a certain reputation, you can choose to leave. Of course, If you consider the situation, renewal is also feasible.

In general, this is a very good contract, and it is not a loss for a high school band without a firm at all.

Being able to meet with the three members of BM together with Kei Kobayashi, in fact, has already stated that she is interested in this contract, but now Kei Kobayashi's inquiry is more polite.

"Of course there is no problem."

Under the gaze of a group of people, Takayama and Kai agreed without much burden, but it was obviously not a good time to sign a contract. Kei Kobayashi knew this very well.

"Then the signing of the contract will be held at night... Before that, Kazu-san also said that he would help us make a single, right?"

When it comes to this topic, Kei Kobayashi is no longer as humble as before, but has become a lot more serious.

When dealing with the band's work, he always gets serious.The current band has just started, so naturally it is sloppy.For the band's first single, I value it very much.

"That's right." Yingshan and Hai were stunned, a kind of intuition flooded their minds for no reason, and at the same time they asked quickly: "Is there a demand now?"

Kobayashi is not too shy to start talking about work before signing a contract, and the current situation cannot tolerate his own face.

Turning around and picking up a folded piece of paper from a piano not far away, Kei Kobayashi walked quickly to the front of Takayama and Hai, with a sincere tone: "If you can, Kazu-san can watch this song. Song?"

Before everything officially started, Kei Kobayashi finished the work?

With such doubts, Eagle Mountain and Hai quickly took the paper handed over by each other, and then found a sofa nearby and sat down, intending to read it seriously.

Sitting down with me, there are three other members of the band.

As for the other Nakamoto Mizuno and Kikuchi, although they were eager to try, they still didn't have the courage to come up because they were afraid of life-they were also curious about the songs they would perform later.

Cute metal, as the name suggests, it is of course metal with cute elements.But these two elements are superimposed together, but there is always no picture in my mind.918 novel

These two styles are totally unmatched!

Without noticing the eyes of the girls on one side, Eagle Mountain and Hai put all their focus on the piece of paper in their hands.

The line of sight touched the surface of the paper, and the first thing that appeared in front of me was of course the song title with the largest font and written on the top.

"Dokidoki... morning?" When seeing the title of the song, Eagle Mountain and Hai reacted very much in line with the rest of the band.

What do you mean?

He turned his bewildered look at Kei Kobayashi, and he had already prepared for it, and made a quite adequate explanation as soon as his eyes touched: "The first half is onomatopoeia, which describes the meaning of heartbeat."

"Describe the heartbeat?" Yingshan and Hai nodded, and said in inferiority: "The heartbeat morning?"


Heartbeat in the morning.At first glance, the title of this song has no metallic taste at all, it feels like idols from beginning to end.

Looking down, the lyricist of this song also came into view.


The two people who answered this question and answer seemed to have reached a tacit understanding before.

Before Eagle Mountain and Kai asked questions, Kobayashi Kei gave his own answer before he could look up and solved all doubts perfectly.

"He is the writer I invited, Nagasawa. Our relationship is very good." Kei Kobayashi said clearly: "This is one of the projects I came up with. Every member of'BM', whether it is in front of the stage. Behind the scenes, there is a fixed name."

Noting the curious gazes of people around him, Xiao Lin Qi explained to himself: "For example, Zhong Yuan, her name is'sumetal'. And me,'kobametal'."

After Xiao Lin Qi's explanation, the group finally understood what he meant.

"It turned out to be like this." Takayama and Kai glanced at the title of the song, and then said, "So... I am'kazumetal'? What a strange name."

"That's right." Xiao Lin Qi's answer was very brief, but it can also explain many questions.

Continuing to watch, Eagle Mountain and Hai soon discovered something that was not quite right.

This is a work with only lyrics, and the composition is still blank, perhaps waiting for myself to compose the music.

Although I prefer to arrange lyrics and music, this is not impossible.It's just... the lyrics of this song are so cute.

It’s so cute that it doesn’t look like heavy metal music at all.

Ringing!Good morning, get up...

Qi bangs, flat bangs, a cut bangs in front, lovely style...

Looking at these lyrics alone, it is not too much to say that it is an idol song.

Can such lyrics really match the corresponding tune?