Day entertainment musician

Chapter 419 Gossip

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "Japanese Entertainment Musicians Search Novels (" in Baidu!The "New Domoto Brothers" program began.

Among the many applause and attention, Eagle Mountain and the sea certainly did not relax, and bowed their thanks in various directions rather diligently.

Having said that, the group of people present, except the scholar-officials and many agents, are their own seniors-even Takahashi Nan is the same, but the conversation and contact with him did not show the feeling of seniors. .

It was in this generally somewhat stressful environment that Eagle Mountain and Hai settled in the center of the most attention and accepted the recording of this late-night show one day in advance.

Although it is more relaxed than the live broadcast format, facing so many predecessors who have already achieved fame, especially the three trio of Takakasu Nishikawa, Takamiazawa and Noriyuki Makihara, they still have some nervousness.

But what is surprising is that this group of seniors who are much more experienced than their own, actually took the initiative to relieve Eagle Mountain and the sea.

Regardless of whether there is a big difference between the characters on stage and off stage, at least on stage, these people's personalities are gentle and gentle.

Perhaps it has its own reasons. In short, during the recording process today, everything went smoothly and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

"Urgent planning!"

Domoto, who has medium and long hair, obviously had a drill ahead of time. When talking about the planning of the show, he still knew it well, and made an unwritten speech very smoothly: "Domoto brothers to Kazu San Ask questions without reservation, no answer to boring questions, special link!"

"First of all, it is a question from South Gaoqiao!"

The camera turned to the right side of the sofa, and Takahashi Nan, who was sitting with another guest Domoto Koichi, appeared in the camera.

I got the opportunity to play. Nan Takahashi’s variety show keenness has obviously been honed by various variety shows inside and outside the group over the past few years, and made a corresponding action in a timely manner: there is not much program effect. , At least not cold.

After staying on Takahashi Minami for a moment, most of the focus on the field returned to the center position. Today, Takayama and Umi, who were invited to participate in the recording of the show, and Domoto Tsuyoshi who read the plan on the left.

"Have you ever had a crush?"

Sure enough, no matter how you look at it, Nan Takahashi is the age of a female college student, and most girls of the same age are curious about gossip questions, even as the chief supervisor of AKB, she is not immune.

Leaning forward and turning his head to look at Takahashi Minami who was sitting not far away, Eagle Mountain and Hai saw the curious chuckle on each other's faces.

"This question is definitely not boring, right?" Constantly emphasizing that the question he raised was interesting, Takahashi Nan's body was also showing the same excitement with his words.

It’s just that the girl’s positive performance was quickly suppressed by Domoto Koichi who was sitting next to her: "Everyone knows, Takamina, you are the most boring person-maybe no one is more silly than you. Take this opportunity, do you do it again?"

"Where is there..." Takahashi Nan waved his hand again and again, and acted very well in line with the instructions of the predecessors, and said a cold joke: "I fed cat food to my dog ​​before...poof!"

Reluctantly finishing the joke in his mouth, Nan Takahashi fell into a burst of laughter, and never recovered from it.

Looking at Takahashi Minami who made a ball of laughter with unknown meaning, everyone in the room was confused.Heyuan Book Bar

"This child is really hopeless." Pointing to Takahashi Nan next to him helplessly, Domoto Mitsuo sighed in front of the camera: "Sure enough, just like Ah Jiang said on the show,'takamina is the best People who tend to be cold'."

As a senior, Koichi Domoto did not count as a small number of times in teasing the younger Takahashi Minami. Takahashi Minami is also recognized as a good temper. He didn't feel upset because of the sarcasm of his seniors. It is very open: this is also an essential skill for variety show guests.

I joked a little here, and the center of gravity on both sides returned to Eagle Mountain and the sea as the questioned person.

It is said that "boring questions can be left unanswered", but I am also very clear. This is just a superficial statement.

For the problem of South Takahashi, Yingshan and Hai are not very exclusive.

After thinking about the wording in their hearts, Yingshan and Haicai gave their own answers: "Not at all."


Hearing this question, not only Takahashi Nan's performance alone, but also the guests on the court were a little surprised.

I had expected that several people around me would be surprised by this answer. Yingshan and Hai also took advantage of the situation and took out the prepared content, and added more to the previous answer: "Because they have a crush on this kind of thing. It's... the reverse."

Since elementary school, he has always been an outstanding member of his peers, and this is also due to this good face-although that is a bit too much self-confidence.

After listening to the explanation of Eagle Mountain and Hai, everyone on the side also showed clear expressions.

Nodded, the old senior Takamizawa Toshihiko, who was next to Domoto Tsuyoshi, was sent to the encirclement: "Because he has a handsome face. This is very popular among school girls."

After Takamizawa's explanation, the group of people sitting together was praised again and again.

"Before, there were young girls in my literati team discussing kazu sang," Takashi Nishikawa joined the discussion leisurely. "In addition to the amazing songs, there are also the looks of the lead singer... and so on. topic."

Everyone's eyes focused on the faces of Eagle Mountain and Hai.

In the past, the quality of the band's songs made people ignore the appearance of Eagle Mountain and the sea as the lead singer to a certain extent, but now finally has an opportunity to put aside other elements and examine this new singer who has just made his solo debut.

The chest-length hair is the same as Takamizawa, but compared to the former, the hairstyles of Takayama and Kai are typically "black, long and straight."It's this hairstyle that covers most of his face, and it fails to smooth out his handsome look-sure enough, a good lead singer and a good skin are also very bonus points.

In this way, Yingshan and Hai really have the qualifications to be "secretly crushed".

Because... it's so outstanding.It's so outstanding that it's hard to refuse.

If possible, I believe there will be many people willing to fall in love with him...Looking at such a handsome face, Makihara Keiyuki sitting in the back row did not know why, suddenly there was an emotion called envy rising.

Can't be selected by Dennis, maybe because Tateyama is too remote in the countryside?