The rest of the book is full.
I would like to flatten the dish of Kina in the meal "Thorn".
It tastes good.
The combination of stew and white bread is perfect.
The salad is shaky, with seaweed flavors and "ai" all the way through the food.
Eating the pickled sea urchin oil and bacon with the salad is really compatible with saltiness.
Yum! Yum!
Say it again and again! - Yum!
Kina, 100 points!
Because of the silly adventurers, they were completely chilled... but the delicious ones are still delicious.
"Yes, good luck (...)"
Nico grinning Kina's face. Yeah. That's good.
You're back - and it's the moment to feel it.
My first breakfast at home in years was still delicious "yum".
Without these guys.
"What are you guys doing?
Boquera, the adventurers staring at the void "Koko" while mushing the bread for breakfast.
Kim told me to feed the habit "Kiku".
No butterflies! I said that I had no choice but to eat it today because... Kina begs for cancer.
Of course it's not a luxury "okra".
Either way, these guys owe you money for food. I'll give you a clear slack there.
The money-keeper, Shiseido?
No, tell me you're common sense.
If I eat, I'll pay for it. - It's obvious.
... This is not their home, Home.
Kina is not my mom (...),
I am not the uncle of your relatives.
It's Erin's uncle.
"No... I can't do today's request. I can't do it."
A bandit-style man answers with a blurry look.
But yesterday Keefa saw me trying to steal gold coins, and he was freaking out.
As if following him, the rest of the adventurers snort.
They're totally kidding.
Let me teach you the dignity of labor.
I have a pile of things to do with me.
I can't even take care of these Osimes.
That's why it's educational instruction.
Let's do a brave army of "Muscle Delight" training.
"Hey, bazu... face, face"
Kina pulls and fastens the quickie and bazu hem "Suzu".
"What's up?
"You look so bad"
Chong and his nose are knocked out.
Bad face?
A face like that?
- What kind of face is that?
Hmm? Hey, when I look at the adventurers, they all have so much momentum to "soak up" their faces.
"Everybody, there's a convenience" Let's... "
Kina says with a slightly troubled face.
What do you mean, convenient?
Bokera at people's houses all day long?
"Usually, I have a slightly better request (quest)..."
Kina drops her gaze on the paper bundle and sighs.
Oh, shit.
There's no Keefa bastard, so there's no new request (quest).
That's not good.
Like these guys, even if we mess around here, I don't think we're gonna get a request.
Oh, my God, it's de country Port Nanan.
The specialty is dried fish and a pan of vegetarian meat - very rural.
"What do you do when you don't have a request?
At times like this, it's best to ask Kina.
Normally speaking, Guildmaster. I would have quite a bit of information.
"Well... if it's a big town, there's plenty of requests. Maybe if it's the neighboring town of Fort Laguda or the king's capital, Grand Schwa..."
"What are you gonna do with that? That guild is contracting, isn't it?
"Well, any guild can accomplish a request (quest). I have received the advance, so if I accomplish the request (Quest Comp), any guild will do the same. … but if another guild achieves the request (Quest Comp), it won't earn the guild itself - so a good request (Quest) for Walking Bu will surround that guild."
I see...
Well, I wouldn't give Kanezuru, the golden crawl, to Hoi Hoi and the people.
"But some requests (quests) can't be accomplished in the middle, and some of those things may be turned to other guilds."
Like, does that mean... that Kina herself has never done that kind of work yet?
Go to the site and confirm.
I think I have a lot to do today.
Tighten up the trade unions.
eating and drinking without money, fishermen and villagers,
I also dined and drank without money, tightening up the adventurers of Keefa's men.
Oh...? That's silly.
Well, fine.
I hear Keefa's in the guild next town, so it's good to be able to run errands at last.
I enjoyed it.
I love doing things with (...).
And then you can sell your adventurer gear in the next town.
Not everyone was convinced of the rental.
Some adventurers sent their extra gear as it was.
I'm going to sell it.
I don't know, it'll add up.
And then there's the treatment of these guys, Shigoku.
Bogus adventurer.
I won't allow you to skip on us!
Listen, listen, listen to "Occasion."
Labor is the duty of the King's people.
I'll let you know soon enough.
In the meantime - as for future plans, I'll just run errands in the next town.
And I have to ask Kina to accompany me there, too.
Anyway, Kina is the only one whose name matches Keefa's men's penniless food and drink with her face about the cost of alcohol.
I'll put it on the books and get it straight.
Then he said he could take it from the fishing union and then the fishermen who would be there.
All you have to do is go home, check on the progress of the requests of the adventurers, and over no... Mmm, don't rush this.
Okay, let's get started.
... Nite adventurers first.
Intuitive "Ishiden", wonderful.
When I receive a bundle of paper from the requisition, I glance at it.
"Help with harvest work", "Help with charcoal creation", and then "babysitting", "babysitting", "babysitting" - that's a lot of babysitting...!
Besides, is this coming from a fishing union?
"Help fix nets", "Dried kelp", "Processed seafood" … Adventurer Guild.
Hardly a short-term worker!?
Isn't this the work of the Adventurer Guild and not the jurisdiction of the Kingdom Labor Office?
Uh, ha-ha... Maybe it's cheaper to have a private adventurer's guild than your country's good offices "mediation", where wages are fixed...
The rest, "The Crusade of the King Bear"... - Whoa, whoa, take the lead on these things!
Well... can't it be with these guys' gear and strength?
What are you gonna do with this unattainable request, Keefa?
King Bear is king of the woods and mountains.
Very rarely, it occurs from a mutation in the ground (Grand Bear).
They emit pheromones against the land that does not make the flock (Grand Bear), and use them as their men to make the flock.
The ground (Grand Bear) itself has not so many habitats, so it is not a problem for the moment to leave it alone, but if the number increases due to some kind of accidental tour of labor, it becomes a vicious beast with a little unarmed aggression.
Sometimes, people are attacked in search of scarce food, a dangerous organism.
In past examples, it has been said that fortified cities in other countries have been half-destructed by damage to King Bear.
If you check King Bear sightings and traces to avoid these kinds of situations, you will immediately carry out the extermination.
But even if it rots, the king of the woods and mountains... is big and strong.
Return in half-breed combat power.
Heta, it's dinner.
Not even one of them is out of hand, but it's the earliest (no longer) natural disaster in a herd.
If you're a small herd, you can deal with it if you're a handyman...... when you're a huge herd, that's what you can't fight unless you're an army.
Army to bear opponents, are you stupid!? I feel like… ─ that's how threatening it can be.
There was also a hunting ground (Kariba) in Port Nanan, which used to be my place of work, and a ground (Grand Bear).
Quite a long time ago, King Bear had strayed into this hunting ground only once, forming a small herd, so an emergency alert line was laid on Port Nanan.
I took part in the mountain hunt in a couple of ways.
The main players in the mountain hunt were the guards of wasted food (gu) or so, but the lack of training was causing considerable (...) damage.
He ended up surrounded by Bazu and the others "hunters", "hunters", etc., and has a history of taking them down by showering multiple bullets and poison arrows.
No kidding, the decadent King Bear doesn't even freak out with a little or softly bullet.
There was a celebrity with the alias Bear Shooting, and he shot out both eyes and stabbed Hiru in the heart with a melee attack (direct attack).
Yeah, that was great.
Well, the celebrity was also injured in the battle then, and eventually the injury died from...
So now, I guess nobody can handle it.
Hmm... well, I don't even think the Alliance is asking you to do it.
Oh, come on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Place of request... Port Nanan isn't it!!