-Wait a minute...

A part-time young man with a distant eye for some reason.

The name... I don't remember.

Probably a villager... but honestly, I don't remember a villager.

Because I don't care.

Bazu lowers his back doka to the coarse "sochi" bench that was by the window "buckwheat" with the young man backing down behind the building on his ass.

Kina looked at it like she was going to criticize Hina... but she said it was okay. Not at all...

tonnes and, when you tap on the side,

Ugh, and I didn't swell "fudge" Hoppe a bit, and Kina sat down beside him with chocolate.

Although slight in the movement of people, convection occurs in the air and carries the odor.

It smells like a mixture of sweat that has moved out of the bazu and a good scent of kina.

For some reason, that's very disloyal - making me feel indescribably restless.

"Hey, Buzz... I really want you to stop..."

Kina begs Bazu for "Cancer".

"─ It's okay, Kina won't be in trouble."

But I have to drop it.

What about the truth in the first place...

Besides, I'm not convinced of the situation where people are stepping down on drinks.

Already, Kina's debt is owed by the Alliance.

At the debt consolidation stage, they should have been paid by the guild to the fishing union - and even if not, the billing address is no longer Kina, you should tell the guild.

Know it or not...

The fishermen are using the debt burden Kina has to drink free liquor.

- I think it's a little too late, I guess.

Of course, you can take care of the drinks.

The fact that we have left that state behind until now also needs to be asked...

Of course, not all of the villagers and fishermen would be.

Perhaps it is due to the fisherman- individual attitude.

Actually, if you ask Kina, Oyassan's paying Kitin.

Yu "More" is also quite exceptional, and the majority of the regular fishermen say that the condition of not paying for it is already a routine tea meal.

─ ─ ─ My uncle is hot.

Kina, out of her debt-ridden and annoying loss, can't tell you to pay for your money...

─ ─ imitate that kind of cowardice!

Not even a man.

It's not even powerful.

It's not like there's anyone I can count on.

It is an unforgivable place to work, "Ginger", which has been attached to a heartless girl with crippled feet, who is only cut up by herself.

If Kina can't tell you - there's nothing strange about me being a man and a parent.

The girl next to me is my family.

So, I'm going on a business trip. It's obvious, right?

I'm not crazy about anything.



Kina is too kind. ─ ─ By the time you're stupid...

People are dirty.

People are cunning.

People are evil.

People are so unsaveable...

Yes, more than I can save... I can't help it, it stinks, it's dirty, it's disgusting, I can't save it...


So... a kid like Kina... believes in people, loves people, considers people "fools"...

─ ─ That is beautiful without any help.

That's right.

Kina is beautiful because of it.

Kina's is already a complete value, and it's going to be hard to change her way of life.

But little by little... little by little.

It may be Kina's values and her beautiful heart's injuries.

Little by little, as a member of the Heidemann family, I want you to learn how to play bazu... especially financially.

But well...

Now, Bazu should still stand on the arrow.

Nothing, you can hate me by the fishing union.

The customer may go away and the store may not be maintained.

If Kina can stay calm and safe, that's fine.

So, Kina...

Pong, and place your hands on Kina's head.

Looking up at Bazu strangely, the beautiful face "Yes Boo".

You can count on your family.

I would do anything for Kina.

As long as Kina needs me, I'll do anything.

Keefa? Buh kill.

Fishing union? Rattling.

This world? Just destroy it.

Kina, my family, if we can just... live in peace... that's fine.

Hey, Kina...

We're... we're family, aren't we?


"Kina, Kina Kina Kina..."

Pom pom and cotton wool, but gently stroke Kina's head.

"... n"

Kina didn't try to stop Bazu anymore.

Slowly lean your body "katamu" and keep your cotton and head in bazu.

Yeah... I believe in bazu.

Kina slowly closed her eyes...

I am relieved that the warmth of a loving family is beside "Shiatsu".


Just one day...

It's only been a day since I got back.

But the day I've ever lived… the day I learned the most relief "Almost".

Maybe it's a dream.

Maybe it's a bubble.

Maybe it's an illusion.

Now, if you open your eyes, maybe Bazu will disappear.

Get Erin,

Follow Erin again, maybe she'll go to war.

I don't like it.

I don't like it.

I don't like it.

It's not a dream.

It's not a dream.

It's not a dream.

Don't go to Erin's,

Stay here with me,

Stay with me the whole time,

Don't leave me...

Exclusive appetite that burns your chest.

Bazu says, "Kina is sweet".

No, I'm not. I'm not.

I just can't put it into words, I'm just afraid of being denied, I'm just scared of people...,

That's me.

The man next door... my family.

It's my family (...), the sweetheart who told me-- Bazu Heideman.



Googling googles and putting force on the head of the "Kaka", pushing him all the time wanting to be swallowed.

------------- Kina is my family!... That's what you told me.

of the last few years,




... I felt like I was the newspaper Muku.



Thanks Bazu...

While the tidal wave "Shiozai" is buzzing.

The smell of fish and the smell of tide - at the Port Nanan Fisheries Union desk,

The two figures were like,_.

Thanks... bazu...


An elderly man came accompanied by a young man, not "kicking" the floor of an old building.

"Ooh? Really, Bazu is coming... huh?

An old man with an overall disappointing impression when he says he is full of wrinkles and bent hips.

The skin is tanned in black and the eyes are sharp.

Hair has some gray hair left, but bald scattered sesame salt head.

"Are you here, Grandpa?"

Bazu stays hung in his chair - he says he has a kina attached to him, but he takes a flippant stance.

Kina does not leave, but pushes from head to face - to bazu. A little ticklish...

"Wappa looks great, what not? Did he die and become a ghost?"

Sitting back on the chair offered by the young man, he looks at Bazu from the front.

"Ha! Are you still alive? Ah? Is that a mummy? Is this the undead?

Rock Han and his jaw and provoke.

"It's busy... it hasn't changed for a long time."

"You've been a big man for a long time, too."

Keh, kah, kah, kah, kah, kah, kah, kah, kah, kah.

"So, what? You don't seem to have any souvenirs to greet, do you?

"A souvenir, huh? If you're going to do it, it's just a souvenir from the Midway Meido."

His eyes opened sharply, and he could see Bazu.

"Wappa's starting to say that."

It must be a sharp glance, but from the bazu, it's a dead old man's sole. A typical villager can't even sit in front of this gaze.

Havana Nanan, Head of the Fisheries Trade Union.

How old are you?

A family founded by Port Nanan, the most powerful man in this village.

"So, what's the requirement? Are you here to meet Kina and Dairy Chiku?

Dairy "Chiku" fits each other... so Kina, it comes with too much...

"No... I have a lot to say."

Pull off Berylli and Kina and let them sit properly on the side.

"It's about Kina's debt."

Zar... Dwon...

Zar... Dwon...

The waves I return when I pull over wash the beach.

There is not a single fishing boat left on the beach deck - as are the worn piers.

The majority of residents of Port Nanan are fishermen and their families.

The time the fishermen are out fishing, the village is terribly quiet.

That said, it doesn't mean it's deserted.

There are naturally remaining villagers other than men who go fishing offshore and women who fish offshore for sea women.

Me or them, everyone, he's been working in the morning - today and today - processing seafood, the main industry in Port Nanan.

Seafood, fish, hands on them in kelp to make it a commodity from organisms.

Of course, some of them consume themselves.

In other areas it was rarely valued as a good treat, such as amazing fish eggs and some seaweed.

The processing of seafood is the work of the Land "Ooh".

It was basically carried out by women other than sea-girls, children who were still unable to go fishing, and old men who had retired from fishing.

The tidal waves, the seabirds and the cats, the view of Port Nanan is the scenery of the fishing village, no matter what you think.

The women are drying kelp on the drying table,

─ ─ ─ Adventurers to help.

There are children in front of the barn who quickly feed fish and squid.

─ ─ ─ Adventurers to help.

There's a gay guy and a crying kid beside him,

─ ─ ─ Ayasu Adventurer.

Each one is focused on his or her work, and there is no conversation-like conversation.

Except for the noise of nature playing "Kana", it's really quiet.

The countryside is also the countryside... de the countryside, a quiet quiet little village...

In a fishing union in such a deep position in the village, there was an unspeakable strained air like a pressing one.

If anyone sees the building from the outside, they must have heard the sound of the effect of goggling.

In fact, so much so that a traveler who visited the fishing union for a deal turned around to see if he stopped legging and felt some kind of anomaly (...)...

What the hell is in there...?