Tun Tun......
Chun chun...
Chi Chi Chi Chi... Chi Chi...
Consciousness awakens in the sounding voice of the little bird.
It will not only be because of his age, but because of his body.
Slowly he woke up and fell asleep on the counter, and the coveted "Who" was joining the wood.
and stretches and buzzes his shoulders and neck.
Passa and blanket fall on the clap.
Someone must have hung it for me. Well, all I can think of is Kina...
What, Kina?
Looking for that person, Kina is sleeping at a table in the store with the awesome sleeping minister Natsuru.
Because Zima is also a part of it, it became the feminine body of the female body, "Takeshi". ─ ─ I'm Suggo Yellow. Yes.
Exploring Bonyari and his memory of last night, I feel he was comparing himself to Oyassan drinking for some reason.
Then came Zima, drunk by the booze that I had luxuriously drank, and abducted Kina. It's like I was forcing him to drink...
Oh, but isn't Kina full, too, you were dating Zima.
I wasn't conscious that way because I was comparing drinks to Oyassan and Muki (...).
Some time after that, I think Oyassan was generous enough to give the adventurers Pula a luxury.
Yeah... my memory's broken around here.
If you look closely, something like liquor is placed on the counter. ─ ─ Oyassan, I guess.
Damn, how strong are you on booze?
When I think of Oyassan's drinking prick last night, it's starting to make me sick.
Oyassan might be the one who put the blanket on me.
─ ─ If I were a woman, I'd fall in love.
All right, wake up your body and go to the bathroom relaxing your whole body.
If you go to cold water and wear it from your head, you already have a visitor, turtle?
"Ah, good morning, Mr. Bazu"
"Oh, you're early."
Too bad about the hair - the style. The turtle of the valve hair "Pempa" greets me politely as I boom its trademark.
"I would have done the laundry."
Pi, refers to the uniform of the brave army that stabs you dry.
What the hell is that? It is true that it helps even though I think so.
Laundry is not cluttered either, unexpected or unexpected. It is washed by stretching the wrinkles thoroughly.
"I'm sorry?... So, what did you do?
Chunk of Suspicious Dark Bazu Heidemann.
Not good. All you don't understand is turtles.
"You adventurers are washing people's clothes and politely greeting them... I doubt it. Normal."
While you're at it, hoard water in a bucket and hang it on your head.
Buhoo, it's cold. Duh, I'm gonna wake up.
"No? Nothing in particular?
You turtle... you think you can trust me?
"Well fine. You don't have to go to Fort Laguda today."
I haven't asked for Quest at all.
"Are you sure? Helpful, owner!
"By whom?
The turtle points to Bazu.
Like a hand-sign, he points alternately at himself with a turtle and says, 'I... yours?' and hold each other's fingers.
Turtles also snort silently.
"I don't remember hiring you..."
Oh, could this guy...
"Are you going to be an employee of Koko?
And Bazu white-eyed, and said unto him,
"Huh? 'Cause... you got a part-time bill yesterday, didn't you?
And let's proclaim Occasion.
Well, I'm in the position of being an adventurer and guild employee because I'm getting ink, sunny and guilder in Fort Laguda.
Finally, Helena has officially ordered me to work for Port Nanan…
Sure, you look like an employee.
"─ So I'm going to work a mole today!
Hmm... it's true I want a man hand.
I'll vacate the house today on the King Bear crusade, too.
If anyone can help Kina in the meantime, it would help if I told her it would help.
Kina, too, would be tough to combine the operation of the tavern with the operation of the guild.
I have to go shopping...
But... it's a turtle, right?
Uh-huh... turtles.
Turtles, turtles, turtles...
I can write.
Worship Bazu "Yes".
I don't even seem to be after Kina.
I have nothing to do with Keefa either.
I have a Fort Laguda salary for Omake.
Maybe not a bad turtle?
Surprisingly good property?
"That would be good! Turtle, I appoint you as Kina Heidemann's assistant."
"Ha, I accept Tsukishi."
A turtle to salute with Bishi.
And give Bazu a good payback. - Fix it!
... I don't have the right to appoint you.
From a standpoint, I'm only an "Ichi" adventurer who comes to the Alliance Master.
Well, other than that, I'm a family member, but in my social capacity, it means - master and adventurer.
I mean, Kina's better up there in position.
So this is just a farce.
Turtles are used by Kina at best. [M]
Work, young man.
Regular employment isn't a dream, either.
"Then this too, please"
Bazu wiped his wet head off and took water and gas with his "Jinbei" jacket. Pass it straight to the turtle.
Roger that.
When I return to the store satisfied with the frankly nodding turtle, Noronoro and some people wake up in the morning signs.
Kina is one of them. When she wakes up her body as she unties Zima's restraints,
"Oh, bazu, oh..."
and stretches out with a poyaporous face.
Moving out slowly while mogging Munyamunya and her mouth,
"Ororo, oro, oro, oro..."
I didn't see anything.
Yeah, I haven't seen it.
Zyma is being miserable... but I haven't seen it.
Sorry, dirty gal... it's our kid's fault.
Nanbu and I join hands to pray for Zyma's bliss, Meifuku.
The dirty gal was still greedy and insomniac.
and Kina, holding her head down, is stuck on the back of the counter.
Dressed in a spare uniform for the army of brave men, Bazu was sitting face to face with Kina and working on his morning job.
Sitting face-to-face, Bazu gives Kina some cold water and assigns a job to an adventurer who wakes up.
About one, "Stinky" Ku "Sa! What is this stinking" ku "sa!" or something, but I don't know.
Last night, we received a request from Kina for each of the characteristics of the adventurer here, with the request "Quest" in the Adventurer section of the file.
The flow is smooth thanks to you.
I can even look like Kina's dying.
The turtle is the name of an adventurer, who also lets you clean up the store while sorting out the order.
Here, next.
Bandit "Sheaf" -style guy lines up in front of you.
When you find the page with the information in it from the file by asking for its name, you retrieve some of the requests that are pinched there, read them out… and make them do the requests you want.
It seems possible to do more than one ripening (kona) if you have the spare power, so I'm letting you choose whatever you want.
Without difficulty, when he chooses' Collection Assignment 'and' Delivery ', he asks for a proxy.
Heh heh... my words are dirty though. ─ ─ Let the turtle do this one of these days.
Thus, beside Kina roaring "Ugh..." Bazu left the adventurers with "Saba".
When all adventurers could sweep "Ha" with the exception of turtles, the store became idle "Kan-san" at once.
Is Kina finally getting easier, too, going to the kitchen cooking table to prepare her wake-up meal as she roars.
"Come on, don't push it."
Bazu supports Kina and makes her sit in a chair.
Kina sitting in a chair with Peter sloppily. My ears were also drooling with shovon.
"Ugh... I'm sorry. But I need to cook rice..."
Still, Kina manages to make a move.
When the bazu is pressed to a halt, another glass of cold water! And let it just hold in your hand.
"Just rest. I'll make the rice."
The adventurers said boo-boo, but I warmed up the leftovers soup last night and gave them one piece of black bread each and kicked them out of the store.
That's exactly what it says! So I pushed you, but, well, be patient. Because I'll leave you alone for once.
To those who wish, I will also give them lunches.
That said, the black bread was cut, so I would make a couple of portable meals. Asshole, of course.
I don't want to admit it, but I don't have any money, so I can't help it.
Until I paid off my mesh bill for now, I decided exceptionally to admit the bump. Kina made me a good book, so let's take it.
I don't think he's going to be there soon.
The adventurers saw yesterday's lack of mercy for the fishermen of Bazu in "Kudu" at present.
As much as meeting the same eyes as I do, I can tell by a little thought.
Come on, do you want me to work a crisp job?
The turtle shall be ordered to draw water, and Bazu shall prepare Kina and his own morning mesh.... for turtles at once.
I didn't want to hang up the time, so ─ I put the pressed wheat in the earthen pot and add the fish soy sauce and kelp as finely chopped and then simmer over medium heat.
When you come simmering with the crust, turn off the water and put in the salted cabbage cut into large pieces there.
When gently stirred, at the end of the day, some egg is sprinkled into the bowl "Uzuwa" and dissolved (the yellow part is bright red), and it is turned into the earthen pot.
When the trout egg spreads thinly and thinly over the whole area, it drifts away from the fire and gets a little cold.
When the bubbles of the boiling "Furu" settle, remove the ash juice "Aku" … mix gently.
When you switch to the vessel with the balls, take the plum modoki vinegar pickle out of the bottle… when you get on it, it's done.
Bazu properties, wheat congee.
"Good smell..."
Her eyes narrow inadvertently as a slightly complexion-recovered kina pimples her nose.
It's just a battlefield meal.
Beat it with a cone and serve it in portions of your own and kina's as you drop the porridge snapped on your balls.
"Thanks Bazu"
Nico's smiling face is dazzling.
"Ha ha. Let's eat."
Kina and Bazu sip the supernatant soot.
─ ─ Salty and egg flavors gently flow to the stomach.
"Yum no..."
Kina squeaks with a ceramic "at last" face. - Mm-hmm. Not really. It doesn't taste bad...
"Bazu's rice... haven't seen it in years"
Whenever Kina carries it to her mouth with the wooden spoon "Kitsuba" while she cools down, she makes her expression "Dusty."
It's been a long time since Bazu himself was delighted to have someone eat him this way.
At Brave Platoon, all I could complain about... was that it tasted like Erin.
Mostly they eat too much extravaganza...
There's no such thing as white bread in the middle of the battlefield, is there?
What... you want some aged meat, serve some wine... salted eggs with hard fish? What's that, fat bird liver? I'm scared. That! Because it felt like...
Ha, forget it.
"This is nice. Light and very stomach-friendly in the morning..."
Laughing huffy, Kina eats slowly.
I'm sure you're thinking about the rice that behaves like an adventurer in your head.
"Well, I'm tired of all the bread."
I know some people don't, but it's a little hard when I'm just bread.
People who are used to eating a variety of menus say it's more spicy, but here in Port Nanan, only the sea and mountain delights are abundant.
Take a little leg and you'll get crops in the next village as well.
Surrounded by abundant ingredients.
Although it is not economically rich.
By the time I flattened my first cup, Kina's complexion had also returned.
Even though I seem shy, I don't feel bad if they want a replacement.
Don't forget the vinegar pickles on the pram modoki, and. This is sour and good, isn't it?
Fully self-consumed because they are not much liked except by our family.
When I came back and saw this, I missed it unscrupulous...
Only Kina would have eaten it, but still Kina kept making it. Whenever we come back. And don't forget the taste of memories.
By the time Bazu serves up for a second cup too, the turtle returns in noisy footsteps.
"Ah, rice! Oh, can I, too, please?
Oh, you're a thick guy.
I'd say, you work well, and that's good.
I can't guarantee the taste.
"Wash your hands. I'll get you ready."
When the water is transferred to the bottle Kame, the water is removed from the spring water-derived pipe and the hands are washed.
And you - you're quite familiar with the structure of our house - are a little frightened buzzy.
The turtle guy, he doesn't hesitate to feed the water bottle, and he seems to know that the water coming out of the pipe we use is specializing in washing and hand washing.
Well, if you're watching how Kina works, you'll remember it yourself...
With that said, even yesterday in the bathroom, Jima's guy was using the bathroom... and I remember it along with his charming body. - Bazu!
Yes, yes, Kina.
"Look, it's a little cold, but eat whatever you want"
Serve only the first cup, together with the vinegar pickles of pram modoki, and give them with a wooden spoon and a set.
"Ugh, I'll take it!"... porridge is rare... it was bread when I was an adventurer. "
As an adventurer, you don't.
Until the other day, I was an adventurer, and I still work part-time… how many times am I retiring on my own?
I don't mind.
A turtle that scratches quickly. Jurjul and the sound is wussy...
A turtle pampering and scratching his mouth stops perfectly.
"Yeah man!!! What is this? Yeah!!!
I suddenly chew "shaku" out slowly like I said.
Hmm... I don't feel bad. Well, maybe there's a flattery in there.
"Something about this... I thought it was just wheat porridge... on this black object, eggs... and this red sour one! What is this, delicious!!
Ho... the turtle knows what it tastes like to marinate pram modoki in vinegar.
Don't do it, don't do it.
"Hehe... turtle, I didn't eat much of this ingredient."
Kina laughs happily and explains the ingredients.
"Huh!? This black is that smelly garbage floating in that ocean!? And this... pram modoki?
Surprised face turtle. True, none of them consume much around here.
For once, as a product… especially since I'm not in the habit of eating kelp, I wouldn't say it.
In the first place, most people find it disgusting.
It can be toxic if not handled successfully, leading to pram modoki.
It seems that sour flavors are too intense to be eaten by half-assed "naked" humans.
The point is, it seems to be too sour.... even though it tastes good.
"Ha... that's amazing. Kina... I've never eaten anything like this since the master always only cooks the right meal for everyone."
"Kina is fine. The turtle is an employee… and I made it, it's a buzz."
Hear what Kina has to say, giggling turtle.
"Seriously, su"
"Do you have a complaint?
A glimpse of Giro. ─ ─ ─ You thought it was Kina's dish and you were flattering it, Temee.
Like Keefa, I guess you're not after Kina!
"Well, respect... seriously, it's a spectrum, Mr. Bazu"
Turtle licking the spoon "Tablespoon" with a messy face.
It seems to be true that it is eating guts, so it may not be an out-of-the-box flattery.
It's a free battlefield meal.
A little happy Bazu also turns to Soppo to hide the lightness.
"I'll have an octopus."
Make yourself comfortable, and I'll sneeze at you with my chin.
And, well, I serve Coppoly without hesitation or anything.
Come on, kick your ass. Are you looking for Plummodoki?
Near Bazu, when you look at a bottle of Pram Modki, you open it on your own and use as many as three before stopping.
I think that's just sour...
"I'll have it!... Guh, shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."
Make your mouth plum-shaped and tremble like sour.
"Goho goho... sour! But it's a habit!
What the hell is that, a "hammer" mouth...?
Vinegar marinade with pram modoki... it's not a good idea to keep it hidden. I can't pick this out this season!
Kina was determined not to tell anyone about the storage...
At least this year... we have to get through this just for a minute.
Like a turtle, considering the possibility that some people unexpectedly hated eating-Plummodoki was a buzz that the Heidemans would decide to eat alone in the future.