It's still dark, deep in the woods.
Bazu, who packed his bags, put out the fire and erased the tracks of his battlefield habits and left the scene.
Get out of the camp and activate "Catseye at Night" - move forward as you cleverly swim and "Kawa" the trees in the green-based world.
Yesterday's slow march is as fast as a lie.
I overcame the lower raw "If I Had" in a single fly, and the disturbing branch leaves fold a thousand pieces from body to body.
Zanzanzan! and head to the outpost at a speed like a beast.
On the way, I felt signs of some "going" big beasts, but when I felt signs of bazu, I paved the way from the other side.
Sometimes footsteps are deliberately made for such secondary effects.
That's how I quickly ran down a roadless road and arrived at the outpost...
Saaaa... and I can smell the cold wind I couldn't feel in the woods.
Cut through the woods. There, it seems, there were relatively dense shrubs in the mountains, not so bad visibility.
The neighborhood was overgrown by tall trees, but the neighborhood of the outpost did not appear to grow due to geology or the likeness of large trees.
Built using that environment is one of the smaller outposts that the Royal Army Border Guard packs here.
The shrub was pruned from the roots, and now there's not even a trace of it.
The site is home to a crude but rugged wooden house and a "Yagura".
A small warehouse in the bungalow a little further away and something like an enclosed toilet.
If you look closely, there are fields, and they seem to be planted with immo seeds and leafy vegetables.
Let's wrap up the morning dew. They glitter in the sun and glitter.
Out of the woods Bazu saw a brilliant outpost illuminated by the sunlight of early dawn...
Step in and notice the discomfort.
It's too quiet.
"The Lord of the Mountains" is not free of organisms because he feels the signs of a small creature, but there is no sign of a creature (...) who is the original Lord here.
The air that drifts... is that of the graveyard.
There's no sign of a big beast, etc... but I can't be alarmed.
It overlooks the sentinel with itself blended into the woods.
However, the strength of the outpost ranges from three to ten.
Up to one detachment.
This outpost is small, so at most there are about five of us.
Ten people will never exceed even due to the size of the accommodation in the barracks and outposts.
And the flying platform of the flag, "Come on"...
The flag of the Royal Army has not been flown.
No matter how late the morning is in late autumn, it's already dawn.
The flag should have been flyed--
We don't have to know if it's a unit with reduced morale, and it should be much better than going to Sinai on the front line in a way, not to mention the left-handed "let" land on the border.
Conversely, it is the kind of "garlic" where cowards hate the front line.
Why don't those cowards fly the flag "Let's Stick" that's going to get caught up in the inspection "Sasa"?... No.
Be sure to fly the flag.
The soldiers here must understand that it is absolutely necessary to devour sleep at the mercy of this tranquil Amnesty.
I don't think I'm going to hit him so badly that he can come by a team of inspectors who are good at roughness.
But how about that, actually?
Instead of flying the flag... the soldiers at the outpost are not even in the Yagura.
Any pretext for skipping the watch comes with it, but flying the flag is a crime of disrespect.
It's no big hassle, so there's no way a soldier from the grain crushing "very crushing" border can get out of hand.
But the fact that it hasn't...
... that sort of thing.
That there's nothing you can do about it.
The wide door… the entrance to the barracks is open.
High floor barracks that float just a little off the ground need to go up two stairs or so by the entrance door.
And on that staircase...
I can see the blood... vividly.
Still it was supplied from the inside or it was glowing black in the sun.
Pichon Pichon... Pichon... and.
Few of the larger beasts, especially those classified as the vermin Monsters, are also very cunning creatures that can emit many signs.
I don't know if there's such a dangerous organism here...
Warning enemies.
Come on, move on! They're going to say, but Bazu is cautious. When the blanket is left in the spot, the musket gun type "Hakata" is removed, and the appearance "How is it" is checked.
─ ─ ─ No abnormalities.
Open the lid "Hive"... the fireplate "Knee" has been loaded with gunpowder (so on)... No abnormalities. When you gently close the fire lid "Hibuki", move the shooting iron "Hibuki" that was in the half-cock position into the cock position… now you are ready to fire.
"Nayu", the type of fire-robe gun that needs to be set on fire, does not even put gunpowder in the back.
This Flintlock hunting gun from Dwarf's "Kinsei" is an excellent piece of gunpowder that won't even spill a grain of gunpowder, even if the fireplate is crafted with sophistication.
As long as you are concerned about the wear and tear of the stone "Hitoshi", you can use instant fire power, so you plan to use it in an emergency, and Bazu is a regular user.
Well, there are many drawbacks, so I use it in conjunction with the firefly ceremony...
When he was ready for that flint-lock hunting gun, he pulled the sword out of his waist and twisted it into the clasp at the tip of the gun.
A Musketeer (Rifleman) after a single shot can fight as a Spearman Pike.
Bazu is a hunter, but in the midst of the war, "Sarasa" … the training knocked him into such skills.
To the gunsword martial arts that I don't even know can help my champion army opponent, battle infantry.
Thoroughly the skill of the "Musketeer" Rifleman "who seemed close to the" hunter "Bazu's vocation.
That's all the combat technology that a brave platoon scout bazu can have.
The first gunsword I've worn in a long time is an undressed and distorted Snoring... but it looked reliable.
As he gently leaps out of the woods with a sworded hunting gun in his hand, he leaps a little bit like picking up an obstacle.
The move, I see... is more of a cowardly soldier than a hunter himself.
When you find a shade in the luggage car in front of you and roll in, the next thing you know, the fence in the field - - gradually advances toward the barracks.
The smell of blood drifting densely as we approach.
The goal is already at the end of your eyes and nose.
When you get your body out of the last shield, Squirrel Bump, there's no footsteps, softly - let your body attach to the barracks wall,... slowly move sideways.
Approach the entrance.
By the time you can no longer hide it, you can hear the intense smell of blood and organ odors… from inside you can hear pictures and sounds.
I want to peek in gently, but if you look inside from near the entrance where the sunlight plunges in - it will block the sunlight, and those inside will notice you in no time.
I don't feel threatened today, but I'm not a big enemy. Act with caution.
If you can't even peek in, it's a break-in option... but for melee combat, I don't mind just hunting guns and guns.
Remove the hook on the hips and allow it to fall out at any time.
The long-lasting shotgun requires attention to be taken indoors, but the power of the first bullet outweighs all the armed ones in hand.
I can't waste it...
When you take a quick breath, you never...
─ ─ Go in!!!!