Dear Sister in Heaven... my niece who has become a brave man is too strong to... uncle... guardian or something. [Winner of the 6th Let's Be Con (on sale! ) 】
Episode 55: Fort Laguda Offensive Battle (Outpost)
It is a bell that announces the emergency "Kiku".
It sounds pretty far away. It keeps people away from the streets and the soldiers rush to their holding areas.
The merchants identify the venue, the adventurers sip "soot" in the liquor store, and the aspirations jump into the vigilante's office.
The city will be making a scene in the middle of nowhere in Bazu.
"Damn it! It's too soon!
Naturally that can be heard in the poisonous Bazu ears too.
It's meant to warn citizens about fires in the city, but it's not limited to fires.
An emergency is something to be struck by.
But surrounded by rear areas and tight security and robust walls, Fort Laguda is peace itself.
Normally, the fire or inactive alarm "Keppo" was meant to be present or play its original role today.
Most importantly, under the perception that "alarm = fire", it is highly questionable how much the citizen feels at risk…
When I walked through a forest in the hands of people...
My vision opened and a field of finished harvest jumped in front of me.
Neglect "Maba" and other people stand side by side and build animal shelter fences...
"This is terrible..."
I wonder how much momentum he went on.
The fence surrounding the field has been smashed by the way and the residual wreckage is rocking unreliably...
It does not serve as a fence in any way, and even the farmer who was there half-baked it as if some enormous force had been applied, and the blood stains are scattered on the dirt wall.
The streets are rolled with rolling carriages, horses and lords alike on something... no, they are sprinkled with a gutter of whether King Bear ate them up or not.
He said he was at the escort. Though Bobo Shiki Adventurer's gear is scattered, there are no bodies of them… he must have escaped.
Municipal guards, who were policing the streets, had fought bravely or were dying with their necks and torso folded apart.
Being undamaged seems to have been eliminated as an enemy.
And at the end of his gaze - the main entrance was barely closed.
At the General Gate, the people who missed the escape arrived… the bodies are folded into a little pile.
It's a bunch of King Bear kids who are wearing them out. Body "Taku" is still bigger in the "Grand Bear" class.
King Bear, divided into several small groups, is about to stand up with his fangs and claws against the walls of the castle, but the walls are not so soft.
But Fort Laguda's walls, which look robust, also have a few weaknesses.
The main entrance, in the days of the former authentic castle fortifications - says it had steel and anti-attachment spikes - is now consciously replaced by a wooden one, conscious of the ease of opening and closing and decoration, and only depicts a lion, the symbol of the city, instead of a spike...
A thin noticed it, King Bear is excited by the smell of his drifting prey from across the door to stick out his galloping nails or use his powerful thrust to dare to gut and hit his body.
In addition, some of the walls have places where repairs are sitting due to aging… there are broken stones scattered and somewhat stair-like, so you can go up if you can.
For once, I have placed spikes with improved horse fastening, but I am almost rested.
And more importantly...... too few soldiers!!
It seems that many soldiers have killed themselves outside the walls.
The number of soldiers starting to assemble on the walls and shooting arrows at the flourishing remains a few.
Maybe there's more in the stuffing... slow assembly... too late.
Even though he chills at the walls that are still about to break, Bazu calmly looks out at the scene.
The hasty addition only adds to the disturbance in the chain of command.
Even if it rots, the military mechanism will gradually be able to organize itself over time.
Now the commander at the scene is dead in action, or is he absent for some reason? At the corporal level, there are about ten troops that can be moved, so it's still time consuming.
And then there's the possibility that if the garrisoned Royal Army starts to move, it could be more or less resistant.
What should I do...
The herd... or leading the large family of Kingbears, is definitely that individual who gave Bazu a painful blow.
"The King"...
Now I've overlooked a bunch of Kingbears flocking to the walls of the castle, but he's nowhere to be seen.
Commander "I broke the signs" again, or "I do" may be watching...
That individual... if "King" takes it seriously and attacks the front gate, it should be broken through in no time.
Let the kids attack. Where is he going...?
Keeping the momentum running, Bazu sees the scene calmly as he prepares his breath between the forest and the farmland.
It is difficult to eliminate the smell completely, but I expect that the smell of farmland and corpses will also eliminate the body odor of Bazu.
Yo "mor" is also a bear animal with a better sense of smell than dogs.
You won't be so easily deluded...
Still, if the crime scene has been rough so far, the impossibility should work somewhat.
It seems that a bunch of kingbears are all attached to the walls of the castle, and there is not a single head on farmland or on the streets.
And the only thing I can't see is the 'king', the leader of the herd.
I may have a few of them beside the "King", but I think I'm alone with that cunning "King" thing… so much more comfortable standing alone than guarding something.
If we put him down, the herd will disintegrate...
Think of it that way and look for your eyes like plates.
The effect of "Lord of the Mountains" seems to be halved because of the agricultural land.
In the first place, he wouldn't even be sweet enough to get caught up in detection...
I think I heard the horse's hissing "I don't like it" and I turn my gaze and someone is engaged with King Bear near a farmhouse and livestock shed that has become a pecanco.
That too... with 'the king'.
Ki, Keefa?
While riding, he wields a sword that appears to be the trade "TMT" and joins the human horses in a fierce battle with the King of Kingbears.
Outside, they're fighting good, and Keefa herself hasn't suffered a scratchy wound, but Kingbear was attacked several times, apparently with golden hair dyed by Zhu.
"I see..."
There seems to have been a tendency to "Tel" the battlefield, but the Holy Knight also seems to have a day long for battles on the flat ground.
─ Instead of a field called Mountain... I guess it wasn't too knightly for me.
On the other hand, can't King Bear play an effective hit on the skills and sword moves he rolls out one after the other?
However, although it is stinging and damaging, Kingbear himself is not fatally injured, and his movements are not lacking in glory, but he is also defensive and yet sophisticated.
While watching, a scene began to arise in which Keefa's attack was "Kawawa".
Occasionally, a frightening blow plunders Keefa.
I'd like to cover you, but... oh, and if you move around, it's hard to cover with a gun.
It's not that I'm so good at White Soldier warfare as much as I am at helping the boulder "Exactly."
That, I don't think I can break into the battle between senior positions and King Bear and contribute to "this kind of thing".
Of course, I don't feel like losing, but if the two people who don't work together are on the battlefield, it won't be 1 +1 = 2.
In some cases, it can get in the way and the situation can instead be unfavourable.
Then there's only one thing you can do now.
"The King" is left to Keefa. Bazu is thoroughly covered by Fort Laguda.
As it is, the main entrance to Fort Laguda falls.
Even if the guards can jam them, they won't be able to drive out the King Bear children swarming at the main entrance.
When Bazu recognises what he needs to do, he puts down his luggage, re-inspects his gear and prepares for battle.
This is the second big battle of the day.
From the border "Sakai" between forest and farmland, to the walls of Fort Laguda, about 400 m...
It's hard to say the range of a shotgun.
But if you go further than here, 'The King' will notice...
With the children of King Bear, if you hear the voice of the King, you will come to the curtain.
So we have to snipe here somehow.
It's a battle with an ineffective shotgun.
One shot, you'll find out by sound and smoke... and you'll have a big gap when loaded.
That's why we can only hide from the safety zone and shoot Kosokoso... ─ That's the original way of fighting Bazu.
It's not a sword, it's not a spear, it's not an arrow, it's not magic, it's not a small gun...
Hunters who hide and aim for their prey...
Even out of range.
In order to be safe and secure and to target an unintentional ambush, it must be difficult to say the range…
We have to do this.
Well... normally, it doesn't arrive... and I just said it's out of range.
... it's not like I can't get a bullet.
I am well aware of the impossibility and impotence.
The hunter will be on the battlefield. I fully understand the risks.
─ ─ I know so much that I don't like it.
The shooting of a shotgun means that the ball that popped up in the air due to a variety of factors changes ballistics - it doesn't fall where it was intended.
It won't give me... if it's about 400m, it's a long enough distance to fly as the so-called "so-called" maximum range.
However, the effective range of the target (...) is an impossible distance with all the "Shit".
The distance that the army could line up dozens of small guns "rifles" with a slack and hit the dark clouds.
Even with the small gun Rifle, it's the range you can't give up from the end Ha.
Yeah, if it's a regular gun...