"Because you're a real hero."
To Bazu, who tried to give it back without hesitation, Helena also gives it back without hesitation.
If you're playing a medal...
Gently, Helena's hands can be overlaid.
He held my hand every medal and stared me straight in the eye...
What the fuck?
The eyes behind Helena's glasses, which I looked back surprised, were surprisingly beautiful and pure... ─ tired.
"... the hero... you, right? I just did my job."
Blah, blah,
Not that I don't want a medal, but there's something more important than that.
"As long as I get paid, I don't care about the rest"
When Pei pays off Helena's hand, he poms the medal in his hand and plays "Mojo" Bu.
How much is the reward?
"There's no reward."
Potries and medals fall.
What did he say?
"What do you mean?
I stare at Jiro all the time, but Helena is not frightened.
"There's no reward... not even a single piece of copper."
Bazu is grabbed by Helena as if she forgot her painful body.
When I grabbed the chest barn, the buttons on my clothes bounce and fly, but I don't even care.
"Hey, Mr. Bazu," "Hey, you!" "Bazu..."
Three people around me hang on to a stop.
But to some extent recovered bazu, it can't be the enemy "kana" with power.
I stare at Helena at the distance of all the bites, but she doesn't move.
It's as if you're saying, whatever.
"Fifty gold coins for one King Bear!! If you take care of the herd, you'll need to talk to me!?
Read out what was written in the requisition "Quest" as "Shigeru".
That's right! How many heads do you think I put in place?
You don't have ten heads!?
And the king and the queen...
Even their children are quite a few!
"Yep. Yes..."
Helena, to put it this way.
"Fort Laguda, who has slaughtered a bunch of kingbears, will be paid the right amount."
What are you talking about?
"The coalition of neighboring municipalities that asked to crusade King Bear... well, it's practically like Fort Laguda's request, Quest. Compensation will be paid by the Federation, including Fort Laguda, to the City Council of Fort Laguda"
This, this...
"Huh, don't be ridiculous!! Don't they even know how to hunt?
If a bullet or arrow is found from a retained prey, the right naturally goes to what you shoot.
It depends most on the state of the prey.
The right of the shooter to shoot is recognised in the event of considerable serious injury, or in the event of a retained prey.
Certain rights arise even if it is done by hand.
Not to mention, this case is particularly remarkable, "Kencha".
(10) Individuals who have been killed by gunfire, or those who have been killed at close range, are dying instantly.
─ ─ What can you claim to have done besides bazu?
"It's not a hunter's practice. The city's national laws say," Nope. "
Helena says.
"The Alliance allows you to claim your rights against those who have proven your crusade. This time, the Fort Laguda Guard gave King Bear's head, Kubi. Therefore they… hence the right to Fort Laguda"
Rewards go from Fort Laguda to Fort Laguda...
It's a terrible match pump.
For a moment, Bazu's brain whites out without knowing what he was told.
Once for sure, the thought flew...
Anger and
to the irrationality of the world,
White to black in front of me...
"I was fooling around. Yikes!!!
Glee... and tighten his throat.
The more blood vessels float in my hands, the more power I cage...
"Quit, bazu!! He's dying! Mr. Helena is dying!!
Kina screams. Zeema and turtles desperately stop too.
It's Kina...
He's dying...!?
Then hey - - I'm gonna kill you!!!
"Dude, this guy always makes people cocky!!!
Helena was in Helena...
Long live the self-sacrifice??
Tragic heroine??
─ Oh, poor me... you think?!!??
Congested "depressed" blood dyes the white areas of her eyes bright red...
In the past,
Can you kill me OOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
"Damn! No kidding!!!
Pull off the three people who hang out with the bun and open Helena up to throw them out.
"Geho geho..."
Coughing up Helena. Hurry up, healing magic. Zima was staring at Bazu with great eyes.
"Mr. Bazu, calm down..."
The turtle turns to follow Bazu, but that stuff doesn't even catch my eye.
"Bazuoo... please, stop the rambling..."
Even if the half-naked kina is swept aside, it still appears to be a buzz.
I know!
Killing Helena won't do anything...
Killing people for money is the worst place to go.
Oh, I know!!!
I knew it! Oooh!!
"─ I'm really sorry..."
Says Helena as she rubs her throat.
From Bazu's point of view, Helena was one of the few women who said she could talk a little (...), but her current rating is sinking to the bottom of the ground.
"If you're sorry, give me Kim Kane!
Geema looks at Bazu, who shoots gold like a chimp, with disdain.... I don't have a crush on you!
"Mr. Bazu... that... has nothing to do with the reward..."
Goto, like a heavy mass of iron, the turtle laid beside the bed.
"Is that my gun?
It is badly dirty with dirt on it.
Orihalcon's short barrel is intact, but the parts of the tree that make up the gun bed and the like are scratched by the way.
It's a wound I didn't have before I woke up.
"Yes... and some long guns, but the..."
I guess that means it was too long to get in the room.
"What's wrong with this?
Don't talk about it, I'm about to drink a turtle...
"Collect the gun... it's the master who carried me so far... ah, I'm talking about Ms Helena"
"So what?
"Helena, we all know that."
Zima stares at Bazu and proclaims The Occasion.
"The whole thing... what the hell? What's going on?
Bazu feels he is mistaken about something, and his boiling hostility squeezes rapidly.
The answer narrowed out by Helena so as to inherit a quiet perimeter.
"You were found dying on the outskirts of the city… you'd be dead if you'd been a little late."
Apparently, Bazu, who received the most recent rounds of explosive shells, was also blown away by a bunch of King Bears.
Keefa's horse was leaning in and warming up where the blood was everywhere, he said.
Helena, who was on the field inspection with the Guard, realized from the circumstances that Bazu was struggling alone.
More importantly, a silly long gunned hunting gun was piercing King Bear, and his main bazu was dying from a bullet.
From the circumstantial evidence, it was… certain that it was Bazu's handle that took over a large number of King Bears.
─ ─ But there's a problem.
Naturally, I was initially moving in the direction of handwriting certification...
In the process of paying the reward, I realized something terrible.
As a reward for the Alliance, the reward for crusading more than ten King Bears… was too vague and ambiguous.
Assuming you've got ten heads in place,
Fifty gold coins per head...
500 minimum gold coins for ten heads.
And the special reward… is the conversion of the "Grand Bear" - over 100 gold coins.
The crusade rate between the Grand Bear and King Bear is 500 times different.
In contrast to one silver coin on one side of the Grand Bear, King Bear has 50 gold coins...
If the composition of the flock was King Bear...
In other words, you will pay at least (...) 500 gold coins + 5000...
Exactly, an unexpected amount...
However, following the provisions written in the request, that amount…
Now the lowest amount.
Of course, there are more possibilities...
Unless there's a special reward...
Judging by common sense and paying the amount of King Bear's individual share is enough.
The amount corresponding to the herd is suppressing the amount of reward… blunting the payer, he said.
In fact, if it's a normal Kingbear disaster...
Referring to past cases, a study of the remuneration following the extermination of the King Bear revealed that even the flock of the Land "Grand Bear", including the King Bear, was paying a considerable amount.
In other words, even if it is expensive, it has a track record of paying (...).
Because of the herd, there was nothing I couldn't pay for.
(Most importantly, in that case, there was one King Bear and the rest was the "Grand Bear"...)
If this is not the "Grand Bear" of the earth, and it has been replaced by the King Bear, then the forehead cannot be together.
One silver coin of the Grand Bear is firmly attached to the requisition.
We prescribe fifty King Bear gold coins, so we have to conform to that...
Besides, the number that I have stopped is also an unusual number.
If you do poorly, the city's finances will probably tilt...
Can you pay for that too...?
He said the clerical method he actually estimated was blue-faced, so he's sure.
"So, you're in no position to be" Uyaya "..."
In the name of financial soundness, Bazu's handles became a neglected outfit.
If that's all, maybe not yet...
Fort Laguda City Council… No, it seems that only scumbags were involved in the rewards of this matter.