A number of the requests "Quests" that Helena introduced me to.
There are numerous requests for the front of Mestam Rock, and... some of them are nearing completion.
Most can be done at the expense of where they go.
"Dude... that's just a much easier request, Quest, huh? Are you sure? More like this..."
With a sinister face, Bazu asks Helena,
"You know... if you think about the quest with Mr. Bazu's sensibility, all you have to do is make a quick request, right?
"In the first place, how many people do you think are capable of Quest for Mestam Rock? Besides, amateurs who can only fight (...) are unable to collect or search."
Helena says there is hardly anyone, such as the adventurers Blur, capable of carrying out tasks related to Mestam Rock.
Basically, the topography is too steep, and there are no locomotive maps, and in difficult to identify materials, neither is there a convergence of collection nor exploration, such as "bumps"?
In addition, the relatively rare presence of a vermin (monster) does not mean that there is nothing harmless - such as the ground pig Grand Bear or the ground hog Grand Bear remain in the hands of battle amateurs.
Says so...
It's not enough to say "Shinkan"...
Depending on the location, the flat land continues. Yet there is a path.
It is only natural that there are no maps - even if there were - they would not be useful in the first place because of the scarcity of landmarks in nature.
The only reason you can't collect material... isn't that just a lack of knowledge?
"Isn't that what you think?
Helena threw words at me so that I could be exposed to Bazu's thoughts.
Honestly... I'm thrilled to be past the star Tsubo.
"Oh... oh, well"
Scratch your cheeks with Polypoli and deceive...
"Isn't it easier than you think? Especially when it comes to Mestam Rock, Quest takes a lot of work and has little success."
As a result, the order rate is low.
For that matter, even if you reduce your guild's share, you add color to the rewards of adventurers… but the order rate is still low.
Instead, it tends to be high, and if you order it (if you achieve it), you make a lot of money.
The success rate is not low, but that's because special people or perfectly prepared things order them in the first place, which is said to make the overall difficulty quite high.
"Is that so?
Honestly... it's not a difficult place from a bazu.
It's too easy and all that can be done in one hassle.
Well, that's a high reward, so let's take it.
"That's the thing... Hi, requisition" Quest "eh"
Pi I glance over the eight requisitions I was offered all the time, fill in the name with Sassar and return it to Helena.
"Hmm... yes. Confirmed. Nice to meet you, Mr. Bazu."
Nico, Helena responds with a soft smile, like she said, "The Alliance's Focal Point."
Heh, I can smile like that, too.
I didn't really care, but when I try this, she's incredibly beautiful.
Along with the intelligent glasses, it feels like I said a quiet young lady - actually, a pistol-wielding lady.
Just a little bit, Bazu, who was in love, gets a hack out of his sight.
How about... it would be cool if such a young kid thought you were looking at me. If.
Ahead of the gaze of Yi "That,"
I have eyes on Kina with a meal for Bazu...
Hmm? Are you mad at me?
"Yes! Bazu!! Rice!
Turning in the direction of the day after tomorrow, between the eyes of Bazu, who was hiding his illuminated face... dong! and the meal "Thorn" is placed.
Kind of... a little angry, but it's Kina's special breakfast... - Uh, it was dinner.
Instead of serving a single dish in the sake dish "Sakana", it was a dish made properly for bazu, and at a glance I could see that it was very handy.
I don't mind that.
... what is it?
Kina looking preppy and going to dine.
Steamed pressed wheat with a wok seasoned with fish soy sauce (...) in a vessel - con!
Sautéed baked blue fish with plum moddle-pickled backing sauce in a wooden vessel.
Saved food and raw seaweed rubbed with salt and dried potato stems, and soup mixed with meat sautéed in the oil of the beast in there.
I grabbed the sauerkraut and the raw ham that was unraveled and the shallow salad that was sprinkled with herbs in a thong and put it in a bowl on Okowa.
The turbid liquor that goes into the virtue and the Pork Mouth, "Come on," Gachan!
Uh, no.
... Are you mad at me?
"I'm not angry -"
Kina turning that way with Puis.
Long ears are turning bright red to the tip - Oh, this is a grumpy mode. Unusual.
"Oh... Mr. Kina, are you jealous?"
Hehe, Helena laughs mean... you say you're jealous.
Listen to that, Boff. Kina with her face all bright red hides her face in the basin.
"Nah, what are you talking about!?
Awaaaaaa and Kina panicking about the little animal tick... cute, dude.
"What is it, Kina? Jealous? Ha-ha-ha... you..."
Busy kina hiding and deep breathing her face with wasps in the basin so as to dampen the thrilling heartbeat.
"Mr. Helena's opium..."
Gong-- "Hi, stop!
Mekoku, stick it in my head... wand.
It doesn't hurt...
"... Zima, huh?
Soon after that, the Kyonou wizard, Jima, struck me in the brain of Bazu.
Whoa, whoa,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...
"What imitation, Chimi? No?
I got a glimpse of Bazu staring at me, and I just wandered (...) Zima... but - I don't know what the sense of purpose is, but when I squeeze my face tight,
"Opai Opai, don't tell me!!
Super righteousness-
Besides, I was about to say helena's opium "yayu".
Reflection... Rapid Reflection!
"Not at all... you have a delicacy..."
Though I say butibuchi, Kyonou hips down beside Bazu somewhat… Gohon, Zyma.
"Bazu hasn't had a delicacy in a long time."
inflate the pu and cheeks. Kina also sits opposite the counter.
When Bazu tries to take Deloitte, he shields it from "The Rabbit,"
He pours it on Toctok... and Miyaguchi "Toy".
When I receive it with thanks, I just carry it to my mouth.
I know it's not good for an empty stomach, but the smell of alcohol poked my nose, so I wanted to get my mouth wet first.
Kina is well aware of the micro Kibi around there.
"Nice... Mr. Kina. I had the same booze... and the knobs..."
Helena also hitchhikes and orders liquor.
I'm not in the mood to talk about work anymore.
"Yes, it's our special turbid liquor, Dubuku. Delicious."
Cotto, if you place a cup of pottery in front of Helena, it pours out of the grand virtue.
Because I prefer the combination of small virtues and pork mouth, it would be better to pour it into a cup for my first customer.
"Heh... cloudy liquor? And it's rare that it's white."
Our turbidity, made mainly from grain, is white and cloudy.
Kina carefully backfilters "quail" and removes grain chips, but overdoing it also damages the fruitiness - some solids remain.
Because of that, it highlights the whiteness in particular.
"And I'm sorry… we only have one knob."
There is also a relationship that cuts the store up by itself, and Kina can't prepare many knob types.
Instead, prepare the knobs daily.
Nevertheless, no one feels so dissatisfied because for once it is bacon or something as untouched as The Warcraft can be prepared.
"Fine, take that... oh!?
While ordering the knobs, Helena sipped turbid liquor--
"... this is delicious..."
Roll with your tongue to taste with spotted jimmies... cockles and swallowing Helena.
Bazu somehow watched his throat move glossily.
"You know... this is gonna suck."
And for some reason, Zima is answering on her own.
I reach for the mouth of Bazu's pig while I say this... and drink it up on my own shortly after I stop it... here!
"Hoo-hoo... yum"
Mmm, I tried to decopin it unintentionally, but I didn't thank him for doing the recovery magic... a little bit, I guess.
Kina got it, too, and prepared another Pork Mouth "Toy" for me.
And before Helena, I'm going to put the dish of the day, "Little", - Kotto...
"Oh? Potatoes... maybe?
Round potatoes served in small bowls.
It's a taloimo cheap dish that has been eaten for a long time, but... it tastes good.
Carefully peeled,
It is boiled with the bone marrow of the fish soy and sea beast, thus resulting in a trout.
And in order to eliminate the odors from the beast, the small firm leaves were finely crushed as fragrances.
When simmered together, the slightly overly assertive small firm leaves also provide only a fragrance and eliminate the odor when scattered so fine as to remain raw.
And that potato, which eliminated the smell of the beast, now... only maximizes the flavor - it can be spoiled by the trout...
"Oh no no!!
Stab him with a fork and carry him to his mouth... opening the most Helena holds her cheeks with her hands and screams.
The eyes behind the glasses sparkle.
"What is this... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Mmm! And a happy face.
One or two and flatten the contents of the small bowl.
I noticed it on the way, and the turbid wine sipped "soot" ri- - ho hoo...
"... kuuuuu...! Savory!!"
Guh! And fisting both hands,
Who are we fighting? And so much so that I wanted to say, I made a structure and over and over and over and over and over and over...
─ ─ Taste, taste!
...... Grr, Grr! That's what you do...
"That's awesome... I can't believe the potatoes taste so good..."
Isn't that right?
Kina is awesome.
Hmm, and...
For some reason I'm proud of Bazu and... Zima.
... Why are you so proud?
I teased Zupisi and Decopin. - What happened to the magical gift of recovery?... I don't know.
"Thank you. There's also a wolf."
"I'll take it!
Helena pokes through a small bowl emptied with Zpisi and divine speed.
Is that who you are?
Ma, no.
Bazu hands on dinner with Helena cheeky looking deliciously "stewed potato stock" on her ass.
Fish in the wow (...), salad in the soup and... - That sounds like a good idea.
─ ─ Okay, I'll take it.