Dear Sister in Heaven... my niece who has become a brave man is too strong to... uncle... guardian or something. [Winner of the 6th Let's Be Con (on sale! ) 】
Brave Platoon 6 "Erin the Heart (Part I)"
Northern Sinai...
In the south of the corridor connecting Fort Hockery to the northern military port...
Butterflies Butterflies......
Winter approaching season.
A cold breeze from the sea sucks moisture from the wetlands… it gets even colder and flows between the coalition forces assembled.
The wind stirred "Oh," and the colorful military flags of the armies in line were making noises and flickering (...).
"That's spectacular..."
On a briefly arranged "Yagura", Ellan speaks to the man of the giant body standing beside "Kawawa" and others.
"It's a total battle... of course"
Ellan's words seem uninteresting to a man with a luxurious armor and a feathered helmet beside him - a senior general of the coalition...
It is at the top of the ranks.
"It's not natural for me to lead a small unit..."
Ellan, who seems a little distracted, returns this one to the great Sun of the Army, sarcastically.
His brave platoon... I see... is a small family.
He said it used to be a force of thirty... but now, six. There are only seven of us even if we let the brave Erin in.
Compared to its location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There is naturally a reason why such a small family of troop leaders and senior generals are meeting together.
One of the most powerful men in the human army,
One man has the greatest power of the human army,
He's the head of the unit that holds each of them.
As their last heads-up, they unify the confirmation and recognition of information in this setting… but the atmosphere is hard to say soothing.
It's not a very discussing atmosphere, we meet together but the meaning of it even looks like it's morphed.
"So... is that information you can trust?
So for the first time a senior general turns his face to Ellan.
The face is out-of-the-box young.
But that's not because of age.
It is only with the strengthening of his flesh through his confidence and training that he remains young.
The actual age is 50-60… ─ I don't care what it is, late 30s. So much so that the stranger sometimes only salutes the general of the surrounding Senpai, without realizing that he is a senior general.
"Naturally... it's brave information."
He said, "I don't trust you."
The staring eyes are sharp and cold.
He is the captain of the Platoon of the Brave, and the thought of his spine freezing after a hundred wars of refining Ellan.
With simple power, Ellan is on top... if he slashes him, he can win... but the Senior General's. That's not a combat-force ariki atmosphere.
The way you can afford to lead the biggest battle is charisma.
He heads the armies of each country of a multitude of soldiers, and is even softly ripe for the various swirling thoughts of each country - the rudder of war.
That's something you can't do with a lot of abilities.
"Believe me... for once, I'm also taking the back. We sent our excellent scouts."
To Ellan, who answers confidently, the Senior Admiral laughs and shows with his nose.
"To the information of my teenage little girl..., the commercial union Guild has put out - the human scouting information of a suspicious organization, the Scout Report..."
Erlan, sensitive to the disturbing air, stares at the senior general with his eyes narrowed and sharp.
What are you trying to say?
"You only see what you want to see."
To the superior general with a look that even the fool sees, Erlan quickly "whispers" when he perceives signs that he is being ridiculed.
"So much for the placement of the enemy... so much for the damage, maybe this is what the comparative analysis looks like..."
Ellan stares at the Senior Admiral as if he were a Ulu.
"- So there is no doubt that you will win" The Brave "at the vanguard,"
Kuck, kuck, kuck...
Ellan tried to shut up about the man who laughed so badly.
"... my 'brave man'."
"Yes... my, hey... your report" Report "... that's a free fantasy"
The Senior Admiral, when he shows the "it" written on fine paper that was placed on a small table on the
"I don't give a shit what I'm doing."
If you abandon that much, you will return your gaze to the army again.
"Well said!? It's the coalition that's in a hurry to make a total offense, isn't it? I guess it's only because of my information, too?
Towards its back, Ellan throws words at the spicy Shinji.
"I'm not sending it to your information. It's not just tactical plausibility."
"Oh my... are you going to take the handles alone?
The brave platoon captain who recently received the two names of "Ellan the Mad Dog" puts his hand on the pattern of the sword.
I wonder what you're going to do with your sword...
"How dare you? Speak fool." "How dare you?"
I don't care. And when the superior general abandoned him, he went down without looking back at Ellan.
"Shit! I don't know. He's a bastard! Now Sinai is just as good as falling!!!
Erlan lowered his drink slightly when he kicked off Gokkavan and the handrail "Ridge," watching the fragment pour down on the Allied General.
─ ─ He, too, descended from the camp, where no one was immediately present, and headed towards the camp of his own army.
The senior general, who was subtly dropping off his hindsight from among the soldiers, walks into the army in such a way that his movements are inconspicuous, while controlling with his hands the soldiers he tries to salute.
The soldiers of the army in Ujauja are gathered from East, West, North and South Tsunaura, and lack unity in their equipment and stature.
Because the soldiers are ordered to stand by, some are solidified in a resting position, except for those on alert, while others are resting thoughtfully by laying down the ട!;!;;!;!;;!;!;;!;!;;!;;;!;;;;;;!;!;;;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;!;;;!;;!;;;!;!!;!;;;!;;!!!;;;;\33
Since the movement of soldiers around the area is left to the discretion of the commanders of each country, not to speak of senior generals.
As for the power, no way, it's a coalition with only anxiety elements, but only numbers are high.
its soldiers, officers, and sometimes the general's gaze, but all through,
The Senior Admiral dives into the luxurious "messy" tent,
"Watch out!
and the soldiers, who appear to have been seated, rise together.
to ignore it,
As he walked on with Zukazukazuka, a guard who couldn't even see his face solidified in Gatchbee's armor sat down in the upper seat holding him back on either side.
Gashari and when the superior general's wrapped armor makes a metal noise,
─ ─ Even as we take the gaze of the top military men in line...
"Rest... sit down"
By ordinarily decree, military personnel are urged to take their seats.
And the opening was the most... one person, zeroed the potpourri.
"You can't win the Battle of Kota."
"I understand." "Of course I do." "I'm ready to take action."
The rattlers and the military - the laymen stand up and stuck together, pointing to their own ideas.
Everyone is Brain, the brainchild group of senior generals, and military thinkers (...).
While embellishing it,
"Countries only see, hear, and adopt information that is convenient..."
The senior general with a tired face he did not show in front of Ellan looked up at the ceiling of the tent with the caged voice of the Giving Up Perspective "Ah" and spinning his words so that they could be sucked in.
"We'll have to think of this operation as a power reconnaissance... and how far 'brave' can go will be the liver of the operation... well, more than that, even with all the armies, we can break through the first line of the King's Army..."
When you look back from the ceiling...
Operation diagram placed in the middle of the tent…
There, a map of the northern part of Sinai is placed, and the red and blue soldier's chess "Heigi" is arranged with the narrow "Kokoma".
Blue chess is thick and detailed.
The red chess is thin and superficial.
"The Scout Report, the scouting information of the Brave Army, is getting cluttered..."
Of the various reports placed on the sleeve desk "Sogo", the strategic information and thinking "Obo" are stored in decorated crates so that they are not easily exposed to people's eyes.
From there, I take out a report written in the strong letter of the habit "Kikuza" and glance through it...
"You can't use... the scouts of the Brave Army are losing their quality."
Throwing away the paperwork poignantly, the squire, who had refrained behind him, slipped in and retrieved the paper, no sound in the large metal box, and put it in to throw away.
The front of the box said big fat and "to be disposed of"...
"With the scouts in hand, … we couldn't even penetrate the first-line positions… and the return rate is hopeless"
One of the tabernacles speaks with a sinking face.
"I know... so I relied on information on the scouts of the Brave Men and the Brave Men's Platoon..."
In the luxurious tent, there was nothing particularly to be said by the tired looking military men, and it had begun to create a gloomy air.
There is no more to talk about already...
With the Senior General and his Tabernacle... he is nothing but a pawn in the Union of Nations...
And unlike that gloomy air, it's extravagant… Ellan, who crawls into the slightly smaller tent, puts on each and every face of the brave platoon who spends his thoughts in the tent…
"Where's Meena!?
Ask Chantilly, who was nearby, high pressure.
"Welcome back…"
"Greetings are good. Answer me now, kid!
Little girl freaked out and frightened out loud.
Chantilly is an adult, but a hobbit and a human half-dead, no matter how he looks, he's a child. It only looks the same generation as Erin.
Chris, who sipped the thinly cracked wine, blamed Ellan for his position.
Instead of sheltering Chantilly, I said shut up... shut up... - No, you want to say it.
"Ah!? Who are you talking to!
Eight wins: "Ellan the Mad Dog"... (who, by the way, assumes "Ellan the Strong Sword") He is as usual scattered.
All these days it's not even Loc!
I don't even hold a woman,
The liquor doesn't even taste good.
Rice is cold,
Platoon's full of selfish guys, if there's no replenishment!
To Omake, the Coalition is willing to take his hand!
Battlefields like this are fucking boring...!!!
"Hey, shut up!"
If you turn your eyes to a glossy voice somewhere, the Assassin's Meena voice flies from behind the clash.
I don't see him, but his supple muscled, white-skinned hands are shaking him from the top of the collision to appeal to existence.
"If you call me, just come out!
Erlan, irrationally roaring in annihilation, walks inexorably with Zukazuka and approaches to pull out Meena, who would be behind the clash...
"Oh, no!
To that appearance, Chris gives a rare and hurried voice.
Godwan was also nearby, but suddenly he grabs Famac's collar for what he thought and leaves the tent early.
"Hey, what?
"It's eye poison... and he can't be stopped..."
Chantilly had her eyes "dotted" on the leftover outfit...
Erlan kicking off a clash with Gokkawan...
Behind it was Meena, who was now about to wear exactly her pants, solidifying in the position of Osama stinking crab strand Ganimata.
─ ─ ─ I was getting dressed...
"What are you doing?
Ellan looks at Ji and Meena's limbs... from top to bottom... from bottom to top... another circle.
Out, out, tight,
beautiful skin and a nagging sweat sparkled with lantern lighting back,
More emphasis on body lines that create shadows.
"What are you doing?
Ki, Ki,
"... good breasts"
"Get dressed and BOKEYE!!!! ─ ─ Buberaaa!
Protruding in a half-way position with pants on... pants caught on my leg and fell...
─ ─ ─ Billy Lily... Butch
... torn.
"... that's a good ass"
"─ ─ BUTKILL!!!!
─ ─ Non-Combat Loss of the Day, Screen for Small Unit Command "Ichi", Total Loss.