Smoking "a lot" of bear meat is constantly rising as the darkness approaches.
Beside it, in "The Straw", Bazu was getting ready for dinner.
The menu is luxurious,
Two assorted King Bear Steaks and Ground "Grand Bear" Steaks.
There, no bear-meat soup... bear-pot.
For the side dishes, change Kina's lunch box for me with a little hands.
Kina, I'm sorry... I just don't have time to eat.
The sandwich turned into a delonderone with vegetable moisture.
So let me use it as a pot utensil.
That's the big pot I found in the kitchen at the Royal Army post.
From a pan that seems to make for about ten people at once,
There were about three soup pans and all sorts of things... well, there's no way I would normally think about it and use a big pot.
When you prepare a user-friendly soup pan, light the "Kamado" made of stone, sprinkle the pan,
The cold water drawn from the well was transferred to the pan and waited for the boiling "plump".
In the meantime, on the side of the fire "buckwheat", place cups, make pine leaf tea,
On the other one, place a net and slice two thickly chopped steaks - - Don.
─ ─... Juuuuuuuu!!!
It has a good smell of roasted meat and a slightly sour smell.
After all, the quality of the meat seems to be getting pretty bad.
Must smell pretty hard, especially since I neglected to drain blood.
If I had time, I would soak it in booze and take the smell... but I don't even have time for that right now.
Make the most of something.
Simply add vanilla and raw mestam herbs to the salt and squeeze the seasonal shriveled citrus fruit collected.
All you have to do is cook carefully, let the fire through to the inside, and dissolve the blood.
After all, the blood is the cause of the odor, so the treatment is carried out thoroughly.
Still, you won't be able to completely remove the smell.
So what I'm going to add is garlic, which overwrites the odor more than vanilla.
Mince garlic and onions collected in the field and mix gently to tame the two with onion moisture.
Then make the sauce by dissolving it in a paste-shaped fish sauce specially made by the Heidemans.
After that, place the thinly sliced garlic on one side of the grilled steak first, roast carefully with the excess heat on the meat, and let the aroma shift.
- Do you naturally cook meat on both sides?
The mixture of herb and garlic aromas would be a good sign that the first acid "su" smell fades slightly.
Every time a drop of "drizzled" oil made a noise with Joo-joo, it glowed yellow... and the light bounced.
Soon it will be dark around.
You cook all the time and you don't notice the changes around you... dumb hunters...
You say you're alarmed?
... The proper 'Lord of the Mountains' is activated.
Besides, I planted Naruko around the outpost.
... This Naruto "Goko" was originally, and it seems to have broken during the raid.
Again, it wasn't so much trouble because I just retightened it.
At least, I just want to avoid imitations that rely on my skills.
When King Bear is the opponent, the possibility of not getting caught up in detecting skills should also be considered.
Other times, I kept some of the traps that the Royal Army had set up to restore.
Nothing could be done about something completely broken, but still quite a few traps were still alive, so they were very efficient and ready.
Just leave the demonic props of the recognition inhibitory system alone.
The aim of Bazu is to hunt "Hunt," not lurk.
The post and the bait (corpse) there will have to be noticed... and Mori's body won't even float.
Whether it's a king bear, a ground "grand bear" … there's no way you can vandalize the territory and leave even the bazu with your hands on the bait.
If you come here, you'll find out.
And definitely come in retaliation.
That's what bears do...
All you have to do is ambush.
Kill your breath and lurk,
Let me get you close... - Zudon! Terminate with.
Bazu is distorting his mouth in the dark.
I'm not going to be alarmed, but there's also a chance of success... and I was convinced it was high.
Bear meat oil plunged into the fire as if to urge a buzz that could give thought to the hunt.
Appetite is stimulated by the fragrant smell of roasted meat.
The pan also made a good noise with the bump.
It's just meat, salt and vanilla, but it's a powerful dish that directly conveys the flavour.
Well, let's just...
Let's start with the steak.
Hey, before you do that!
Pan hands together, thank the bear meat… and mourn the death of the Royal Army soldiers and adventurers who would have been eaten.
Bless the dead...
Thank the mountains,
I want my life...
There you go!!
I had just had a light morning and hunger was intolerable thanks to the fact that I was acting without even having lunch.
That must be the biggest spice.
A wooden vessel borrowed from the kitchen with plenty of special sauce.
Place a steak with Doven there.
If you add sauce until you're a hitter, fry it... a bite.
A gnarly tooth... stiff.
Without chewing through the inside, when the end is gazy and "kaji", the gravy is overflowing and the mouth is filled.
Not good... not too good.
Clearly, it stinks.
This is all I can do with vanilla, sauce and other odours.
Besides, it's too hard to bite through inside.
I had no choice but to chop the knife in with it in the vessel.
Finely diced, one bite or two... and.
You just can't chew through this, or it's hard to swallow.
Subtle without changing the flavour...
Well, it would be more in circulation if it tasted good.
but there may be room for improvement.
Maybe the bake wasn't enough? and
Shoot the skewers taken out of the kitchen and try to bake them with sauce.
In the meantime, now another piece of meat… reach for the King Bear steak.
The moment I stabbed the fork, I knew... this was... stiff.
Bake - - To some extent, the muscle fibers have not been "loosened" and this firmness...
This is a little...
Horrible with the sauce, Gabe...
N ~ …………………
It's hard!!
It's so hard...
What the... the soles? solidity to say.
Rub the gullies and teeth together, make it look like a saw "nook" and chop a thousand bites.
If you chew with a mog... yeah.
The flavor is... good-looking!
As far as edibles go, the rank drops a little, but it's far enough to eat.
I'm gonna run out of...
Mogmog... "Once Upon a Time" huh.
Bazu also tends to be depressed by the on-parade of slightly disappointed meat.
In the end, King Bear's steak was also finely chopped and stabbed on the skewer.
I could only understand how difficult it was to stick around like a steak.
Now at the end of the skewer, I'm just grilling the medium rare part of the center thoroughly.
Jujubukubukubuku... and the remaining blood and fat is squeezed out to the end.
This is going to make it easier to eat.
When you get the King Bear meat... you'll be skewered in the future...
Sometimes, it is cooked with sauce and turbid liquor "doku".
Reach for the pan in between.
In the larger vessel, there was black bread that was vegetable moisture and bechavechy, and it was finely chopped with the vegetables and seated in the vessel.
Kina made me a lunch box.
Put a little hand on this and make it sooo moddly.
Hot soup is the fruit of an instant pot.
Okay, one drink first.
I went for the bread and vegetables and poured the pan into a bowl with a big balls.
The soup, which is still boiling, fills the vessel and quickly boils the ingredients that were sandwiches.
Occasionally, the smell of vegetables like boiled "Yuda" can come in, causing saliva to overflow in the mouth.
The "suku" soup was cloudy, with glitter and fat floating on the surface, sparkling with the lighting back of the fire.
Then take a bite--
- Savory!
This is delicious!
Don't be handsome...
The stock seeps through the soup thoroughly and doesn't smell like it.
I see... Bear blood smells pretty bad, so you mean you should totally add fire...
A spoon of black bread sprinkled in the vessel and a sip of "suku".
When you inhale with Jurlu…, the bread that has become heavy after inhaling the stock tastes really good. It's like a bomb of flavour.
The texture that runs down my throat is also interesting.
The boiled vegetables also leave a sharp toothpick and are delicious.
Uh-huh... it's satisfying!
(k) Drink up the rest all the time and once again fill the vessel with bread and vegetables, sprinkle with a hot spoop.
Now there is a lot of meat in it.
It must be boiled bear meat, King or Grand - I don't know which one.
The only thing I can say is that it's still hard to boil.
And Gabri.
... Mogmog.
Actually, I can take a bite and say...
Stiff! Stinky! I have a habit! and a 3K state.
Uh... they say bear meat is not something to eat straight. You specialize in stock...
That's what I concluded.
In fact, the liver and limbs ride in circulation… but there is no meat.
Even when I was still a hunter in Port Nanan before the war, I remember not eating meat.
Sometimes it was tough to bring it back, but they said they couldn't customarily eat meat.
At best, I only bring back a little something to use at our store, and later I only take fur and liver.
And even when it comes to the meat to take home, it's actually the first time I've ever eaten a steak like this because Kina's request was for the spinal part of the stock that comes out so well, rather than meat.
The ground "Grand Bear" itself is not a species that comes across early, and it would be large that it was not something that I would have thought of taking for it.
At the time… even as still a hunter, his strength was sometimes quite a tough opponent to challenge alone in a mid-level bazu.
I don't know about Grand Bear anymore, but... it used to be different.
Yes, it makes me think of the bear meat as it bites a mockingbird.
But then you ask to secure Quest's beast meat… you're going to get complaints that this is bear meat.
Bear meat will need to be targeted only to the extent that it is an omelet and genuinely eaten (...) savory meat.
When it comes to the meat at Mestam Rock, there are deer, pigs, ravioli, chamosica... well, a lot of things.
Deer and chamossica, medium sized beasts, are cowardly and fast legged, so it's not something you can take early if you don't want to take it for it.
Half-sided, large plots of land, "Grand Bear" and groundhog, "Clandbore", come from the other side as long as they get close to the territory.
Large is easier to hunt from those who are confident in their arms.
Therefore, at the moment, Bazu, who seems to be the strongest Mestam Rock (...), was in the Sex "Shigeru" better for big beasts.
"That said, bear meat is..."
I manage to swallow it with a bite-cut gokuri.
The smell of the beast sticking through my nose remains odd and the aftertaste sucks.
Flatten the meat as if it were a struggle.
If I wasn't hungry now, I'd think it was just torture... and the skewered meat would be cheeky "Buckwheat" on the soup meat.
Skewers were... better than steaks.
"Gep... no more, limit..."
Manage to finish eating all ingredients.
That said, I still have the steak I filled... but let's bring it back without baking it.
It's too bad for a bear to throw it in a boulder.
I want to say I'm hungry... but either way I feel ungrateful for the flavor.
Remove the plum moddle pickle from the mouthpiece.
The sour taste spreads to my mouth and drives out the beast odor.
Refresh the overflowing saliva through the pour mouth with pine leaf tea and chew through the plum moddle-pickled seeds still in the mouth.
When you make a good noise with the gorilla and smash the hard shell, you get it all in your hand and sort it out...
Mixed with fine shell fragments... - Tenzin like there was.
I don't know what the word means, but my dead sister, hereinafter abbreviated, is the source of the story.
This Tenzin-like is soft and moist and crisp compared to the shell.
Is it close to walnuts or something?
The slight acidity and saltiness that I feel goes well with the tea with the nutty flavour.
I wanted alcohol and took out a vial of turbid wine that was given to Kina.
Not enough to get drunk, but good for spare time making smoked "Kunsai".
If the instrument plays "hi," I guess it can also comfort boring "buru" at a time like this... but unfortunately he doesn't have the talent for that hand.
It was your sister who was so good at such a consolation.
Said he started practicing to delude the lonely "rusty" atmosphere of the tavern...
In that dirty and calming tavern, my sister's bullet Hi-ku Lute whistled... drums and other sounds were attracting the drunk.
That said, I didn't even learn it from anyone. Sole is not the same as something called "music" - which is heard in the aristocrats and the city's big taverns.
There was something close to the narrative of the bard "Ginyushijin" and others.
In the darkness of the night, in a dark mountain where only incendiary fire is used as a source of light.
Bazu brings a nostalgic tone of "Shiraji" to his brain and heals his loneliness.