Whoa, whoa, whoa.
The sea breeze and the smell of corruption…
The mold "Kabi" and the temper "Shigeki"...
There is no alternation of those odors and they are constantly scratched by the gushing wind.
That's the place.
Top of Port Nanan.
It is a bit of a flat ground there, with landscapes such as a scenic high ground.
The so-called "so-called" terrain.
That's all I ask, I might somehow create a spectacular outlook...
When you ask, it makes a big difference.
As the rotten smell and whimsy put it, instead of all the land...
The wind is strong on the omelette,
It is cold because of blowing "Sara".
"Sara" doesn't seem like a natural object… it has a slightly distorted "snoring" object.
The temper that emanates from it burns grass and trees, and burns wilderness.
What we have here is...
crude cabins used by lighthousekeepers;
The decaying stone lighthouse and its lamp Hi...
Lonely queued,
Villagers sleep forever - mossy graves and scattered white bones...
Giant dragon bones and the temper emanating from their wreckage...
That was the view at the top of this Port Nanan.
─ ─ ─
"What about Kina!?
Exhale "When" and the sweaty bazu shows up at the top.
glutinously and looking around,
I stare at "Ko" in search of an unnatural movement.
The occasional leak, the blue flame, is a temper emanating from the bones of the dragon.
If you touch it, your skin will burn... and you will suffer the burns of a curse that will not receive much healing.
The period of exasperation is irregular, sometimes active, sometimes silent for more than a month.
Looks like it's just in its active phase now.
All you have to do is shake the loneliness of a few herbs...
... Anyone?!?
For a dreary view in the eyes of a hurried bazu......
Also, pop...... the temper buzzes.
Chi... that's a hassle.
Look at the bones of the dirty dragon and remember where it came from.
... The dragon seems to have been used by the advance party of the King's Army (see Episode 1) instead of the cost of the ride...
I forced the devil tribe and humanity to serve dragons that didn't "kume", but this is how I left a grudge to die...
It still turned into a distracting play.
Even if it rots, it's a dragon.
After Erin, who was a child, thought it would lead to the economic activity of the village as a kind of dragon mine...
As you can see, you're just a distracting troublemaker.
Rare skins and bones rot away without putting anything in people's hands...
I guess I'll keep moaning here until that bone weathers and dies.
And the old villagers' graveyards...
No, it's not easy to get close… it's desolate, and it's a lonely place with scattered white bones.
Now, whoever leans on this place is about the grandfather of the lighthouse and the villager who rarely visits him at a funeral.
The cabin of the lighthouse is barely out of place from the influence of temper, but the air still flows poorly and cannot be permanently inhabited.
up to the graveyard, covered in dragon bones,
Hey, I can't even go to the grave with that.
Originally, it's not a lot of land...
Thanks to the bones of this dragon, people rarely lean on it… ─ it has become a forgotten land.
Nowadays, villagers other than the lighthouse would visit the body at the funeral, but...
It is also an anticipation of times when the influence of temper is low.
Surprised by the occasional outburst of enthusiasm, he left the body unfilled... as a result of the evacuation - enthusiasm and... the bodies that were devoured and torn apart by the birds and beasts who did not take it for granted are rolling all over the place.
… became a creepy graveyard with scattered white bones.
The land on the platform - Port Nanan's was such a land at the top.
... which may be why the Hegemonic Army sent troops in too... but now I don't know the truth.
At least they won't come again as long as the dragon bones keep letting off their temper.
In such a land,
Kina and Bazu wander around the graveyard in search of Keefa's appearance.
Huge dragon bone shadows or old headstones… beside scattered white bones.
"Where?... KINNER YEAH!!!!
First bullet loaded.
I can shoot anytime... but there's no sign of a creature in the first place.
Under the influence of temper, even the 'Lord of the Mountains' has halved its effect, but it has decayed considerably.
Originally a skill that boasts unparalleled strength in the "mountains" and countryside… I guess because of this drifting temper, this is a kind of - another space.
"Damn... Helena's guy, just say the right thing!
Bazu also has some knowledge of Qi, as there are some people who exasperate in Yajia as well.
Because of this, I can feel the impact, range, etc. so I walk dangerously... but it's a place that still forces tension.
Now on a platform that's not even big. The search will be over in no time...
And then,
The remarkable artifact in this secluded area of Hechi...
In other words, it's a simple building.
Quite some time ago, it was developed by the Kingdom.
Equipment for ships sailing around the neighborhood… Since the war against the King's army, the development of these rear areas has been particularly difficult.
Perhaps Port Nanan's lighthouse has been subjected to the flow without even a leak in "Probably"...
For once, although it was made of stone, it was long ago repaired… weathering was so intense that now we don't know when it will collapse.
For once, Bazu compares the view of the platform to the lighthouse.
No way, in the lighthouse?
But... is there a guy who goes into the trail from himself?
Whatever the fortress... it's a decaying lighthouse.
I'm not stupid...
Number one... I just escaped into a place like that and it's just easy to catch up.
Normally, I don't go in...
Well, normally...
"Idiots and smoke..." high places...,
... There he is.
There he is... Keefa's asshole!
At the top of the lighthouse...
There's a group of men and women and a bunch of bears.
Usually, there was a wide array of ground "Grand Bears" in the square where there was a giant "Kamadu" for burning the bonfire "Kabi".
Keefa holds the sword...
Confronting the Grand Bear, the land that surrounds us...
He has set up a sole for the trade "TMT", trying to shelter Kina behind his back.
Meanwhile, the "Grand Bear" is commanded by... the golden "Konji" bear - King Bear.
Four of my men...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
That asshole...
Get Kina involved!!
What are you doing!?
... get eaten by yourself, bokeh!
- Damn you! And bazu trying to run away.
No longer,
There is no longer a respite "Yuro"...!
Not for a moment.
I'm coming!
Wait... Kina! ─ ─ Always, always help.
But what do we do?
What can I do!?
Can we go into the dark clouds and make it...
It won't take long from here to the lighthouse...
The problem is in the building.
On the sidelines, the Grand Bear looks like a small number of lands… there must still be some refrain in the lighthouse.
That should do the same,
There's no way King Bear is going after his prey in a handful...
If there were nearly eleven heads at Zuck's... King Bear would definitely have the same number of employees.
It's not an unbeatable number... but it's dangerous to fight the Grand Bear giant in the building.
Even if I did... the building could be buried in the aftermath of the battle... or it could collapse if I did it badly.
Shit... at least if Kina evacuates me,
Or if you notice me... I can help you... I do!
Gougo and blowing wind.
It's the warmth and the smell of rotten gas that intersects there...
The creature's rotten sole also has the smell of mold "kabi".
The wind and the tide.
...... Bazu shouts added!
... will it arrive?
No, it arrives--
I'll get it!
"Ki, no, no, no. Nah!!!
Bhuttu and a loud breeze make my voice go away...
I'm gonna call it off, but...
... bazu?
In the fear of confronting the strong wind and King Bear... that little girl...
Kina is
The loving family
I realize that Bazu...
I noticed!
And for the first time, Keefa also notices Bazu.
The expression was in a hurry... but it was burning in the famous mind, Komyushin.
When I catch Bazu in his eyes, I catch Ni... and Kokaku...
Where's that confidence?
You see, I see...
The gear is refreshed. Yeah, they're using some kind of medication.
As far as I can tell... my eyes are congested... and I like to cut the motion.
The direction of the wind seems to be flowing from the sea to the platform,
One way from the lighthouse that stands in Kiwachi on the platform to the graveyard where Bazu is located (...), but the voice seems to be heard.
In fact, Kina's voice arrived...
And Keefa's voice...
"Hahhhhhhhhhhh idema!! Look at that! This is my strength. Ah!
Keefa's male screams "Takeshi" Bi...
Gahahahahahaha! and gave him an exalted laugh,
Swing your sword through your eyes at an unexpected speed and cut one of the heads of the Grand Bear into two pieces.
Keep it up, another one with the knife to give back!
The blow to brutality,
Bushu! and the bloody smoke of Grand Bear.
Keefa cutting two heads down in no time.
Indeed... strong.
Apart from the two fallen heads, the bodies roll and seem to be in a lot of fierce battle with "a lot".
But King Bear is cool, too.
Don't go into the detour Ugly... aim for Keefa's weakness.
- That's Kina.
Keefa can't compete at once, probably because of Kina's presence.
King Bear shows Kina his moves as he strikes his subordinate Grand Bear.
Each time, Keefa, who needs to harbour Kina behind her back, is unable to make an aggressive offense.
The ground "Grand Bear" seems to still have refills, jumping from inside the lighthouse to the top space where Keefa is located.
The number is a threat.
No matter how strong Keefa is, he won't beat a number of outrages.
In fact, fine scratches are noticeable.
Fighting alone;
Fighting while sheltering someone is too different.
You can admit that you don't despise Kina.
... I don 't--
This is how you want Kina to like you?
If we hadn't taken Kina out, we would have been able to fight the bear opponent for an advantage...
You wanted to get that far and Kina liked you? Trying to show you a good place...?
...... are you seriously stupid!?
Are you nuts?
Is that Keefa?
Oh, it's Keefa!?
I don't know the truth until I ask the person...
Looks like he was definitely preparing to use the Zucks to hunt King Bear.
I wish I could win a Fort Laguda medal...
Don't you like the dirt on your hands?
Your honor...
It's your idea. How dare you...
I... I don't care about everything if Kina's okay!
I don't care!
That's why...
Kina is...
Kina, protect and show no matter what...!
Whatever happens,
Whatever you do...
He was carrying the shotgun "Play a lot" and stroked it in the string...
Conditions suck... but I can snipe.
Going into the lighthouse without darkness is a foolish trick, Gukku.
"Shiku"... protecting Keefa (...) would be the most effective way to protect Kina.
The wind, the angle... they're all unsuitable for sniping.
Anyway, if you're aiming from the lighthouse… aiming from low to high is an obstacle to the structure itself.
Hence the difficulty.
Besides this wind!
I don't know how much it affects me... to shoot and not look.
Plus... gun performance.
Unlike a firerope gun, the "Play Many" that Bazu has now is a "Flintlock" gun, which ignites gunpowder with a spark of firestone.
Although the hon. is only "not", there is a time lag compared to a firewire type ignition… the aim is slightly skewed to the right when the firestone and friction part are hit.
There's no problem with close range... but this time lag and the blah-blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
The advantage is that gunpowder does not scatter in the wind and is not damp in the rain…
In this circumstance, this advantage comes alive, but the drawbacks are also enormous.
Besides, it's loaded, so I couldn't even increase the amount of gunpowder until I fired one shot.
Calm down... there would have been as much in this situation as there was.
On Sinai...
In the mountains...
Even at the old hunting scene...
the moves,
Give me the gun.
Believe it or not...
Skill… activated.
When you put up a stuffed gun, you can capture Kina in sight.
She took refuge in Keefa, but I couldn't let her eyes catch Bazu.
Beautiful eyes, "Yes Boo,"
intersect with that of Bazu...
Bazu (Kina),
kina (bazu),
Believe me...
Always help (always help)!
"Reduced recoil"
"Stable Posture"
"The Extreme of the Moment"
Hawkeye's Eye
I can see...
Keefa's Head (steep point)...
Kina's heart...
King Bear's Face "Tsukura" - and the whole body...
... ugh!
He 's--?
Farsighted Skills... Kingbear figure reflected in 'Eye of the Eagle (Hawkeye)'...
When I saw it, the smell of nitrous smoke in Bazu's nasal cavity - a Fort Laguda bombshell - came back to life.
It was only a few days ago… I can't forget.
That King Bear...
Yeah, well...
He was the last King Bear to confront in the fight the other day.
Scorched hair... lost one hand... crushed eyes and missing ears... must have gotten a decent blast of explosives.
Oh, it's you.
"The King"...
The last of the kings.
Hand Strong "Wow" at Doori...
It's cunning and cunning.
'The King' facing Keefa has not noticed Bazu.
So, for a moment only, Bazu hesitated "For".
I fought squarely… here's an extension of that battle at Fort Laguda.
Death to each other,
bet your life,
We hit each other with force and move--
Take that...
Can we just end this with a moment of "sniping"?
Are you sure about this?
He means:
... that you should wear a keri from the front...
A seriously ridiculous chivalry stained idea in "The Hunter"...
From time to time, instead of using long-range sniping as a regular in hunting,
Only now is my chronic mind, Manshin, bringing up a crappy Ginger...
Eagle Claw (Eagle Talon)!!
Don't think nonsense...!
... there will be more important things to do!?
Shh... and the red line extends from the muzzle, even as it rocks with Yura Yura... fits perfectly into the head of the King Bear.
Still, King Bear hasn't noticed...
The wind only stops for a moment...
Makes iron strike (full cock position) ─ The sound......
─ ─ Kakin...
And it sounds strange...
Impossible in nature, metal sounds… and clear - hostility.
The roar of the beast "Here", the anger of men, the waves and other things arrive without even counting...
He who is of the Ka,
It's here in Here,
Shoot him, stop...
The wind direction changed, suddenly the silence of the visiting moment.
The wind changes direction, and now the wind blows from the platform to the sea side... ─ - The metal noise flows...
Snow falls in the night, but the trigger is quiet.
"Straw" …………?
─ ─ King Bear and eyes......
Bahhhhhhhhh!!!! ----Shit!!
The moment my eyes met... I did feel his feelings...
That's joy.
Not prey.
Not the enemy, either.
It's purely a joy to find "bazu" -!!
Get yourself away from the rays with Yurli...
─ ─ On the chase wind, I floated once... and ran through the past position where the head of the king bear was.
Roaring "Here"...
It's [the king's life] -
Something to rampage or panic about the Grand Bear...
His Tamtum, the drum of war, was beaten.
My voice sounds.
My enemies...
Oh... well.
I was wrong.
The smell of King Bear coming after... not just the Zucks or Keefa's...
My smell (...) came after me too!
He came after me to settle with me.
Follow the smell...
Follow your thoughts...
Follow the love...
I found Kina.
My smell and... my smell of Keefa and...
Someone with both of those...!
That voice was a joy.
It was an arousal.
[Big Run "Stampede"]...
The roar is enough to set up and storm the "Grand Bear" people.
It was originally a dying lighthouse.
A building that is likely to collapse even if left alone can't be safe with many beasts in its belly.
On top of that, King Bear's roaring land, Grand Bear, seems to be rampant as if it had even woken him up in panic.
I didn't see anything of it from Bazu, but the signs of a large vermin storming around - the rising dust, the dust, and the tremors of the rocking earth - could be fully detected.
"Stop, whoa, whoa!
The lighthouse,
There's Kina!!
Look at the lighthouse, which is starting to collapse... bazu screaming unexpectedly.
It's as if you took that as an opportunity.
─ ─ The lighthouse collapses.
Zuzuzuzuzun and a lighthouse that makes heavy noises and sounds, and "Yo" your body in the Kuno script.
It breaks apart from the middle abdomen. It spits out the stone formation and the Grand Bear, the land that was inside, as if it were the intestine that was "annoyed".
The pressure inside seems to be more than you can imagine, as if you even applied it to the compressor.
A lighthouse that erupts blood.
─ ─ That eventually collapses...
At the cliff, it was in Kiwako, so...
He makes a flashy noise and gets sucked under the cliff.
... Ah.
...... Awwwwwwwwww!!!!
Kina aah!
Kina aah!
Rising smoke quickly hides the figure who was on the roof.
The sand and dust that you can stand in is stirred up by the wind from the platform and scattered to the sea.
Dobon, Zaburn, and stone falling into the ocean.
Love, love...
My heart, my name...
No one, he...
... nothing.
That's not a lifelong goodbye.
Kina is already...
Shh, isn't that--?
You know,
You know what?
You're lying...
It's a lie,
That's a lie!
That's a lie!
I need to save my family...
Bazu Heidemann runs away.
It is clear that we will no longer make it...
Gotta go!!!
Gotta go!!
We have to go...
Ki - -...
Unexpectedly, I came to Bazu, who was about to run out...
Zung!!! and a shadow that stands down.
It's the golden colour "Kono no"...
The golden-haired bear until stunning... is King of Kingbears.
From the 'king' that Bazu hunted the other day, he who took over the throne - from the 'prince' to the 'king'.
King of the woods and mountains...
The strongest species in the neighborhood…
It's a real king bear.
It's like, "Like," but I said,
Jumping off the roof of the lighthouse… yet again, the temper to jump this distance and make it look instantly closer to Bazu's present day.
If you were a regular bazu, you would even have felt respect for how it went...
"... bear yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
At first sight,
In an instant, "Horseshoe"...
Earlier on, he said he felt the foolishness of having anger feelings for the beast on his magpie... about this body.
The point is, Bazu is also a person...
If you're not an absolute superman, you're not a brave man.
So tremble in anger.
Take you,
I can't forgive you!
I can't forgive you!
Xu Sa Na Yi!!
In front of you,
"In front of you" Tetsu "puts Kina OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
'Rapid Loading' -
Gunmouth Inverted Early Attachment Cane Gunpowder Bullet Poke Stiffed, Gunpowder Fire Dish - - "Rapid Fire" aahhh!!
Die, motherfucker. Aah!! Oh fire!!!
Kill me in one shot or I'm fucked!!
... I wonder if you've ever heard of Hilary and Kawawa in front of you!
Gunway Inverted Early Attachment Cane Gunpowder Bullet Punch Stiffening, Gunpowder Fire Dish - - - Baaaaaa!!!
Gunway Inverted Early Attachment Cane Gunpowder Bullet Punch Stiffening, Gunpowder Fire Dish - - - Baaaaaa!!!
Gunway Inverted Early Attachment Cane Gunpowder Bullet Punch Stiffening, Gunpowder Fire Dish - - - Baaaaaa!!!
Baaaa! Baaaa!
Serial firing…
Serial firing...!
Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Reaction
Yep, yep, yep, yep!!!
"Gyaaaa!!! Ahhhhh!! Ahhh!! Ahhh!!
Scream - -!!
followed by a series of shots and grudges "Ensa" and ooh,
No mercy, no mercy.
Load the next bullet fast...
against King Bear, who puts all the bullets in
Without even targeting Loc...... no longer a buzz specializing only in loading and shooting.
And then Kingbear, who was just "Kawawa", laughed at "Bruised" as if...
In addition, "Kosara" slowly moves to show the ray as "Kawawa"...
That's what I'm saying.
Don't lick it!
Bazu still shoots the gun.
The bullet.
The method of claim 1, wherein the gunpowder
Unless you run out of will--
Hit me. Bogus!
consecutive after consecutive,
sequential firing after the contiguous,
Rapid firing after rapid firing,
No more...
The barrel burned with continuous fire,
I had finally filled the cylinder with high temperatures enough to burst just by putting gunpowder in it.
One more shot! and
At present in Bazu, where you can load bullets with selfless obsession, gunpowder bursts!
Bong! And the blown flames scorch my fingers.
I've forgotten to use my Rapid Cooling skills.
... I stuck to the act of just shooting bullets, so to speak of Orihalcon's barrel... the heat caged and finally erupted.
Bazu returns to me for a moment for that fever.
In front of me, King Bear...
It's a wild animal, where Bazu says.
Different muscles to hold hatred...
I thought I had no choice but to hold it... as if it were someone else.
I can't,
I can't!
Kina's voice;
a smile;
the smell;
It's all wet and wet.
No! No! No!
I don't have one!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Give it back, you fucking beast!
Once again, Buzzu, driven by passion, gives up shooting… ─ takes out the gunsword.
Put it on in a motion you're used to...
Stand low!
If the gun doesn't work,
I'll stab you to death!
I'll kill you!
I'll rip you to death!
Hit him!
Oh, the Death, the Beast, the Beast.
Now, no, no, no, no, no! And, cut.
Hiru! Hiru! Hiru!
There will be a flesh-bomb battle between Gagga Gagga! and King Bear and Bazu.
"How dare you take Kina!!
When Kina,
When Kina,
I don't think he's alive from that collapse.
I won't tolerate the coin that caused that.
I will not forgive anything.
I took his revenge...
Unthinkable recklessness for a normal him.
How much, in the intermediate MAX, do you say "hunter", the natural enemy of the beast Monster...
In bears and people, there is too much difference in their abilities as organisms.
Excellent tools,
My heart is calm and I...
With experience and training… it's the first time you can win.
No matter which one you lack... you are not sweet enough opponent to win alone.
But I know so much about it that I don't want to...
You know, just...
Bazu's gunsword and King Bear's nails clash in the air...
Gaga, gaga, gaga!
Kickin '!
and sparks scattered - -!!!
the blow of the fingernails swung through with the knife to return,
If you defend yourself properly with a barrel...
They play it off with awesome power!
a spin in the air with Grung,
Hardly a successful landing... but a jean dull pain.
My arm is paralyzed.
I don't know how many rounds I've hit so far... but Kingbear's real blow far outweighs them by "Ginger".
And don't let your hair in... chase!
Gakin! Gan! And the right forefoot... the left forefoot!
One last bite. No!!
Thousands of severed arms and... Kingbear use them to show.
I didn't lose my arm...
Rather valid as a feint.
Even if it does, it's King Bear's muscle strength.
Without claws, it could be a powerful blow!
Bazu is too hard to beat Shino, but King Bear won't stop the chase with the intention of cutting off the attack.
If you can win mad, there's no hard work...
Rather, it was Bazu who fell into a difficult situation, the Cucumber.
Oh, and still... get "!"
"Life" Occasion. Ah, bet. Yay!
Vengeance "Kaki",
Enemy Kaki,
Hate Enemy Kaki!!
That's what...
That's all.
That's why whoa, I'm not stopping this attack!
Kill or
I wonder if we'll hit each other.
Until then,
Neither will stop...
King Bear also took Bazu, the enemy of the clan...
Bazu also took King Bear, the enemy of his beloved family...
Both in love...