Dear Sister in Heaven... my niece who has become a brave man is too strong to... uncle... guardian or something. [Winner of the 6th Let's Be Con (on sale! ) 】
Lesson 3: Shall I Gear Up First (Part II)
"Good for you, Buzz."
Since leaving Zara's workshop, Kina says that's what opens the door the most. Nico's in a good mood is proof.
Then my ears are moving piccolorly.
The way it reminds me of some little animal is so adorable.
"Well, Grandpa didn't seem to like it... let's be sweet here"
Somehow, if you stroke his head - Kaiguri, Kaiguri - he looks strange.
Yeah, 'cause it's easy to stroke.
My ears seem a little red and lit up.
You don't have to hide it in this village, so it's easy.
"Sometimes, it's not a bad night, is it?
If it's not a good time, it's a bad idea to go wild in the corner of the village...
Why are you in the neighboring village?
Kina's easy. Yeah...
They don't know how tight Nojuku is.
Can you tell if I don't like it one day?
Well, there's time, too.
"We're going to the exchange. You can buy whatever you want."
Nikkolikina. Always in a good mood to stick with the bazu.
It's not even enough to use a horse, so take it easy to walk to the exchange.
Visit the village on the road.
An irreplaceable view, but a side ditch maintained on a firmly trampled path.
Flowing there is the smell of Fang "Kaguwa" with faecal water.
Still, it's clean just because there's no way.
Perhaps...... cow horse manure is utilized as fertilizer.
You can see the cow horse in the stables, "Umo" and "Burru" all with a relaxed chirping, straw "Mugi Straw" with Mosha Mosha and cheeks "Hoba".
They pulled the water flowing from the mountains. That of the loose water flow. Probably an artificial waterway.
Water currents, which are conveniently used by humans, are a source of power for water trucks everywhere.
The main use is for grinders that freshly crush wheat with gorills and noise inside the waterwheel cabin.
That seems to be turning all the time.
Just walk around and you'll hear the gorilla, the butchi butchi - and the heavy sound of it.
Around it,
The kids seem to be helping the house as they run around, packing the flour in a bag from the powder hiccup hut and transporting it to the exchange with a big shag.
I don't know, this sight...
"─ -" Idyllic "..."
Kina says in a grumpy voice somewhere.
That buzzes and I agree.
Off the exchange, in this village trail "Komichi", you can feel the village purely because the merchants outside are not going.
"Until a while ago, I was tingling..."
It was when the "hunter" and "hunter" drastically reduced the village's defense.
Instead of hunting, security was even in jeopardy.
Apparently that came hard enough to get close to its original level thanks to the 'hunter' that called in from Fort Laguda.
As a result, the air in the village was relaxed due to reduced concerns. Kids who feel sensitive about it are regaining their usual flair.
"Really? Unlike Port Nanan, he's wealthy..."
I'm not wrong, though.
"Most references to Port Nanan's happiness standards are good places, right?
The logistics aren't coming. Yeah, the prices are high and the vegetables are low... I can't say it's safe.
Besides, there's no entertainment, it smells like fish... and it's poor.
"Hmmm... I used to go to Occasionally... but I never got a chance to take a closer look, I..."
I guess Kina couldn't afford her heart in her debt life either.
Before Erin and I went to the battlefield, it was the best we could do with little Erin and the store clippings...
In fact, I guess I never took the time to see other villages and towns.
Not to mention, you've never been graceful enough to travel.
"... I'm sorry... it took so long."
─ ─ And will continue to hang.
"Ugh, yeah!? That's not true!
- That's not true!
Kina in a hurry to deny it.
"Don't say that... you can do it slowly... it's very, very... fun."
Make your face pop red.
"It doesn't have to be Farm Edge or Fort Laguda. That's Port Nanan, but..."
... wherever you can be with your family.
"Right... so am I."
Pom pom and stroke Kina's head.
Treat me like a child! And, Kina flips and gets prickly angry.
Ha ha. She's cute...
"Look, it's the exchange."
Kina also said she had visited by purchasing or something.
Still, there wouldn't have been so many opportunities.
Kina is a pocan for all the stuffy products.
And Bazu said, "Oh?" There was a more vibrant exchange than the other day.
I don't know why, but I feel the product type has more than doubled.
"This is so awesome...... Ah, Kina. ─ Here."
When I take my wallet out of my own pocket, I stick my hand in Kina's pocket (...) and take away the wallet I'm lowering from my neck.
"Ya! What!?
Kina's nostalgia has no hooks (...) and is easy to remove - - - bazu!!!! Yes, excuse me!
Pattin '- and lightly tapped cheeks for great reflection.
You shouldn't stick your hands in suddenly, should you? Yes.
Still, when I got back on my mind and opened Kina's purse...
...... I feel so sad. Yes......
... Looking at Kina's purse makes me almost overwhelmed with tears.
Because it's very light...... sad.
Kina is having a hard time. Don't hide tears in your worn purse, transfer gold and silver coins appropriately and give them to Kina.
"Hmm? Bazu - - Thank you...?
"Buy whatever you want. Don't worry, it's for money."
Kina smiles ambiguously when she receives her pompously heavier purse there.
I saw it in my nose and in my wallet.
"... they're both child-like"
"Excuse me."
"Already! Honestly, I don't have a delicacy!
Pulliprick and angry Kina stormed inside the Zunzun Exchange, placing her bazu with her best big crotch as she pulled her leg.
Well, it's not even enough to get lost... and Kina will be able to be alone for a while because she stands out.
Don't just follow the weird Odysan, okay?
Even as I get a little worried, I drop off my peppery, rocking ears and white beautiful hair getting lost in the crowd and the product.
By the time he lost sight of it, Bazu goes to the back of the exchange to run errands in Bazu.
Back in the crowd...
"Oh, it's a buzz."
I've been speaking out, I don't even know the name...... but the other one is an example official who knows Bazu.
Yes... that official who traded the fur with King Bear's head.
Feel free to say hello and communicate your requirements.
I'm here to pick up the money.
I don't know here, or if I mention it, it's a buzz kill.
But before that, I brought a bill for cash, so deception doesn't work.
Whoa, I've been waiting for you.
But officials who honestly respond against expectations.
Guided Bazu into the back space, he received the money from the accountant at the exchange and gave it to Bazu.
Skin bags are bread.
"Oh, that's heavy...!? How much?"
"With a kingdom gold coin - tighten it, 238 pieces! The fee let me skip the difference... well count it."
I don't have some, maybe I'm pinned down, but I can't do it there more than pinch an intermediary.
I don't know the actual amount, so I guess I should be satisfied with this amount.
1 (HI) - 2 (FU) - 3 (MI) -... (CHARLIN, CHARLIN) ─ 238 sheets! Definitely.
"Sure!... That's a lot of money!? I'm surprised."
No more debts.
So I'm not so obsessed with gold, but I'm honestly glad I got a lot of money nonetheless.
"That's you... such a piece of fur - you said royal class, right? In fact, they sold it at a high price in Wangdu."
He deposited it with a merchant coming and going with Wang Du and exchanged it for cash via a large store, but said it had a great reputation.
Instead in recent years, it's a giant kingbear fur I've never seen before.
Even though King Bear itself is a rare species, Rare, it is a large species.
Exactly, rare in rare.
Apparently the amount was an eel climb.
Did that create a propaganda effect,
Thanks to the search for quality fur, Farm Edge has been visited by merchants from all over?
We still have tons of fur, so when it boils down to a good economy for a while, it's a hockey face.
King Bear's fur sole... is like a kind of bubble. It won't last long.
But maybe that's okay.
The human damage caused by that commotion is considerable.
If you see that you can make up for it, it would be reasonable.
Looking dazzling at the thriving public interest,
"And that's the head... it helped a lot in the negotiations with Fort Laguda... somewhat colored. My grandfather is a farmer."
Whew... did the other grandfathers find out - they don't have any good feelings?
"Yorosik, don't be shy. Tell him to do whatever he wants. You guys are free to cut and sell" The Hunter. "
Officials also look bitter when they hear the expression of the cut-off.
That's right.
Because the economy has recovered and even if it is doing well, the lives lost will not return......
Still, there seems to be a pile of problems with Farm Edge as well.
Don't worry about Yorosik. Tell him to do whatever he wants. You guys are free to cut and sell "The Hunter."
The staff has a bitter face, too.
Farm edge that looks like it was rebuilt at first glance, but the problem just doesn't surface seems to pile up.
It is also the most important thing that we can say to humanity as a whole….
"Around... - Well, we're talking politics. The 'hunters' who were summoned by the Royal Army... I haven't heard from him since."
With a sinister face, officials leak polarity.
Uh, uh,
Look... it's not going to be a big deal anyway.
"My family's worried too... there's no such thing as a frontline, is there?
"... I wonder. I don't think the 'hunters' will help in the war... but the ones in the champion army, the guns don't work..."
I don't even want to recall... the strength of the Demon Clan.
Not all of them, but the King's army is gobbled with ineffective monsters of guns.
"Then what are you suddenly calling by designating a 'hunter'?
"I'll find out."
Well, put that aside. Bazu says his farewell unilaterally to the officials.
If you stay here long enough, the farmers will be able to see you.
I'm so sorry.
More than that, let's rendezvous with Kina.
"... I wanted to be there"
You do a lot of shopping, and the exchange officials follow you, not by hand, to assist you with Kina's shopping.
Instead of choosing them on the spot, they would put them on the face of each item and liquidate them together later.
I didn't care a bit about the young exchange guy following Kina laughing at Nyonyo.
Whoa, I guess that's not a numb!?
Proceed with Zunzun so as to draw the crowd of the exchange, and go to Kina at the shortest distance, not knowing the annoyance of people, etc.
"Ah, bazu"
Kina, who had chosen the product even though she was doomed to drown in the crowd, raised her voice happily.... I was mad at you earlier. Yan.
"Who, Koitz?"
Scare and intimidate the exchange's employees. I don't suppose you've done anything weird to our kid. and -,
"Huh? I'm an official..."
"Duh, thanks."
An official who meets lightly when he looks at Bazu and puts himself in a "sudden" position.
Ah... this is the guy I saw the other day. He's the one who treated the poor countryman about Bazu at the exchange.
"Wow, that's you at the time... I'm guessing you're giving it a little bit out on our kid, aren't you?
"No, I'm not. I'm just asking for an order."
"Already...! Bazu, don't be weird."
Kina blushed a little. He approached and snuggled up perfectly with the chocolate chocolate to the source of the bazu.
Ohh... the staff is so annoying.
─ ─ I thought you were into it.
"Chi, is that it?!?
Asking Kina out loud if she got a little mucky,
"Yeah! Thanks. After that, I'll choose Bazu."
I tell him that I will go and pay for the product that the staff was checking later.
The staff who dropped their shoulders disappointingly about whether the "bazu and..." line worked was a little pathetic, but I won't allow you to imitate powdering my kid.
Officials disappearing behind Tobotobo and the Exchange - just a small amount of guilt.... I don't know later.
"Yiko? Bazu"
Kina walks slowly while avoiding the crowd in a good mood.
The crowd, who seemed confused at first, is also entertaining if they get used to it.
From Kina, who barely ever left Port Nanan, shopping with Bazu has been since Fort Laguda the other day.
That said, you seemed to have fun then, I recall.
Unlike that one, there's nothing like eating on the spot because this isn't an outdoor shop, but some of them seem like they could try it.
"What do you say, brother?
Oh, good timing!
It's a kind of dried fruit that officials have offered to say so.
What is it?
"Ah, dried figs...... and apples!
Kina notices her purpose and takes it.
I'll make it cheaper.
Hmmm...... I don't know.
That's how Kina interacts with the staff. Surprisingly, that arm is something I'm used to.
I have about the experience of buying out with Bazu, and this is not the first time I have visited an exchange.
However, sometimes wholesale was more central than purchasing, and there is a scarcity in the general sense of the market.
But Kina is really used to negotiating in front of you.
... I see I was only dealing with the occasional suspicious flow of traders to Port Nanan merchants who would be fine with the unafraid bottling.
When you're in debt, a variety of circumstances are involved, and that's what got Kina fooled, but ─ you're capable enough to cut up a liquor store by yourself if you're meant to be.
If you also write the letters...... how quick they are to calculate.
In fact, in its current progression,
When I quickly wrap up the negotiations in two or three words, I receive a bill for exchange.
Medium arm.
By the way, this is how we exchange bills and pay in bulk at the end of the day.
Otherwise, it gets crowded with taking and coming from where I bought it.
That's why we have this system.
That's not the case with the smallest deal.
"Thank you. Besides."
Hoi. That's what the officials give Kina and Bazu a small dried fruit.
Paklin, hey.
... Sweet!
"What is this?
"Oh no..."
Hough...... and a happy sigh Kina.
I cheek all over my little mouth, mogging and joyfully honking my throat.
"The dried persimmon... it came from the sea people."
You've never heard of it. At least it's not this fruit.
"Do you like it?
"You want to buy it?
Mmmm...... But it's expensive.
"How much is it?
Whoa......! Kina, you're early.
"How about this?
You were preparing. The staff reacted quickly. Indicate the price with a commercial hand sign.... You're a good businessman - and you're pretty expensive!
"Hmmm... that's about it..."
"No, no, miss..."
I'm in the air!
Even though Kina demonstrates unexpected business excellence, the opponent is a hundred wars smelling exchange merchant… Track modification, albeit slightly touched by the commerciality of the officials here.
Scatter on sweet things, but this much would be good.
More importantly, Kina seems to enjoy it.
"Mitta...... ok"
"Thank you!
Pa. Angel Smile as an example all the time...... ugh.
Me and the clerk's grandma... Ohhhh... They're both strangely dazzling because they're dirty somewhere, you bastards.
Even as they both lie back, Nico receives a new replacement bill from an official.
"You did it, Buzz! I could have bought it cheap."
Oh, whoa. That's fine if you're satisfied.
"Well done, don't shy away from anything else you want to buy"
Kaiguri, Kaiguri, and when she strokes her head to praise the handles, Kina does so tickling, while narrowing her eyes and accepting.
"Yeah! I'll buy as many ingredients as I can for my trip."
If Kina says so and stands in front of Bazu, she will also dong buy all the spices on the vegetables and dried meat.
I also buy other fresh ingredients, but I don't think they are for consumption in the near future.
Mostly, mushrooms in eggs, raw meat and leafy vegetables. Besides, it's not a dry product - it's a spice in raw herbs.
When Port Nanan, the salt is abundant, but otherwise there is nothing loc except seafood.
Large quantities of salt and dried seafood are also in different dimensional storage bags (item boxes). Fine, I'll leave it to Kina.
If you think about it like that, it's just a buzz to follow like Kina's parents.... Is that it? Rather, Kina is the guardian...... I mean, Mom?
Kina comes and goes to the exchange like a circle in Kina. Still, it seems kina because the lineup of choices becomes more aggressive in a delicious meal than preservation.
The focus seems to be on making delicious things last longer if devised, rather than preservative items.
Well, it's not a battlefield, and it's not like you have to save it for months.
Fighting on the front line will be intensifying, but this way in the rear region, enough to make a few days of wild boarding for a trip from the city to the city.
All you have to do is buy everything you need along the way. Fortunately, the nostalgia is warm.
So let Kina do whatever she wants. Fresh foods that are not suitable for the journey also depend on the ingenuity. She seems to be around to buy spices by choosing a half-life, fat-dropping ham together rather than salted dried meat from a gucci bee that we know doesn't taste good from the start.
I'm sure it won't be in vain. The excess ingredients will also be used as a preserved meal for the Kina stream with the addition of hands.
That's how Kina keeps shopping and negotiating at the exchange until it starts to get dark and people run out of time.
I just don't get tired of seeing that face as serious or entertaining or surprised by the tasting.
I knew it was a good moment to travel with Kina.
"Phew... I'm tired"
A full-faced kina hangs from Fluffler and Bazu.
"Oh, you're tired."
Pough burying her face around Bazu's stomach, Kina rubs her grit and nose.
A little ticklish, but I remember sweet Erin, and there was a bazu smiling.
"Eh heh... I may have bought too much"
When you say it with a soldering face, you can't say anything from Bazu.
That's the money I gave you when I told you to use it the way you like it in the first place. I don't mean to tell you to use it to prepare your journey.
Well, I knew Kina wasn't the kind of girl who showed off a girl here and bought hair decorations...
Look around you as you scratch your cheeks with Polypoli.
In addition to food, the exchange also sells preferences and crafts.
Besides fur textiles and fur products, there are also woodworking finesses.
In a one-of-a-kind setting, the classes of ornaments processed from natural gemstones such as menow and garnets also caught my eye.
- Normally, this is it, right?
... something that would likely change the color of your eyes if you were a girl of your age, but Kina shows no interest.
I don't know what to do......
Kina is cute enough in a vegan state, even without anything, so that's okay - but when I look at it again... somehow, I also feel too primitive.
"Hey, Kina."
Hmm? and Kina does look up to Bazu with a face.
It's cute......
"You don't want this?
Appropriately, select fine workpieces.
In that store, I wonder if it doesn't sell very well, the staff seems free.... ─ ─ Even if you look at the bazu with the product in your hand, you say, "Only cold again?" He sees it to the extent.
"Huh? What's the sudden matter?
(To me, I don't know... yeah,)
Softly, I touched Kina's hair and plugged in the hair ornament I had taken from her.
I didn't choose it intentionally, but the woodworking sole was made of sandalwood and scattered with small menows.
The hair decoration was strikingly contrasted with black and yellow and looked good on Kina's white hair.
"Huh? Huh? Huh?"
Kina is surprised by her sudden behavior.
Bazu is a little surprised, too.
That would be the case, too.
Bazu Heidemann, because he is super neglected by the mechanics of this hand......
But more than that, Bazu himself is surprised that what he has chosen appropriately is unexpected or unexpected... super unexpected.
Looks good......
It also seemed like a full dish for the sense of communism bazu.
I don't know......
I became so girly.
Anyway, ho...... and I think I'm gonna leak my sigh.
"Oh, the..."
Kina lays her eyes down in embarrassment at Bazu's gaze, staring jiggly.
"It's embarrassing to be seen as amazing..."
"─ That's a costume for a horse." ─ Batchin!
It hurts!
"Hmm! This, please!!
Puffy, angry Kina gives it to the staff, trying to take away the hair decorations.
Bazu on the other hand is flashy.
Ouch. Kina is pretty aggressive, right?!? It hurts!?
"Oh no."
Officials started scratching and cleaning up when they gave them only a bill for the exchange of goods, without addressing any of those two appearances.
Apparently, the exchange, it's about time for the store to get busy.
When Kina picks up the bill while she preps, she says Zunzun to the back receiving point with the received hair decorations inserted.
─ ─ Hmm... I said something extra.
No, I wasn't going to tell you...
I don't know, um... embarrassed.
"It's you. Don't say anything extra to a girl."
and officials in the process of cleaning up tickle and advise.
"Shut up, I know."
Uyu, I really know.
I don't know, in my current cheerful relationship with Kina - because it's embarrassing to smell those men and women... I stick around and say things that make me feel weird.
If you say so, it's like a bad habit.
Maybe I feel like I do it all the time against Erin, too.
Well - does that kid know the neighborhood, he wouldn't be as obstinate as Kina... right?
[]/(n, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)
"Wait, Kina. You got enough money?
"Enough! I'm calculating it right."
Heh heh, and Kina pointed that way... is that it? My ears are picky and... this is my reaction when I'm happy.
Slow walking kina. When you catch up with it right away,
"I'm sorry... you look great"
That said, I'll take a lewd look at the replacement bills for the hair decorations Kina has.
To Kina looking up in surprise,
Let me give you a present.
Yeah, it's good for Occasion, right?
".................. thanks"
Kina's ears peen from Pico Pico! It is. What is this reaction?
Well, no.
"What do you think?
Chilla, Kina looks up to make her hair decorations stand out.
"Horse... you look great."
"............ what else?
Hey, what can I say?
"... you look good?
It hurts!
"I don't know anymore!!
What? What?
If you look closely, the tradesmen who are cleaning up, the merchants who remain marginally, are looking at Bazu with a look at the poor man.
... Huh? Is it my fault?
Sieve sieve... and shake your head as everyone indicated.
I don't know, "No, Koitsu..." ─ I thought I heard such a voice in my heart.
─ ─ I have no idea...
After all, Kina was in a bad mood for the third time - this time, she was pissed off for a while.