Dear Sister in Heaven... my niece who has become a brave man is too strong to... uncle... guardian or something. [Winner of the 6th Let's Be Con (on sale! ) 】
Episode Four: The Night is Long and Warm...
"Surprisingly cheap."
After submitting bills and exchanging money for goods and packing them in different dimensional storage bags (item boxes), Bazu and the others walk through the dimmed village.
The other way is Zara's workshop, which provided me with a bunk for tonight.
"Yeah! ─ It was fun!... Thanks, Buzz. I was surprised you could buy it so cheaply, the... hair decorations, too. (Thanks."
The last one went butt-shuffy for some reason, but Kina thanked her with her eyes down shy.
In fact, it was just as cheap as the word goes.
On the back, there are many pieces of luggage that could be purchased - a thought that sees Kina's high purchasing ability.
The only thing Bazu has in his hand right now is a little ingredient for today's use and a spicy hair decoration that sits over Kina's hair.
By the time I finish paying at the exchange reception, Kina's mood will be back on track.
I think this kid is a very good kid because he doesn't drag on later.
─ ─ The two of us slowly walk a short distance to Zara's workshop.
Sarah and the wind were flowing, rocking an unfinished wheat field.
It's like the sea of wave-beating Port Nanan,
The wheat fields of Zawazawa and Farm Edge sizzle.
"Good wind...... Farm Edge is warm."
"Right. It's very different from Port Nanan, who has a sea breeze."
Even though it hasn't been much since we left, Kina seems to be putting her thoughts on her hometown of Port Nanan to the various wheat hoes.
Still... is her heart in that village?
"... Kina. That, what. - Can you tell me whenever it gets hard?
"Hmm? Yeah.... What's going on suddenly?
No...... I wonder what it is. I don't know......
"I don't know...... I don't know... I just want you to always smile."
"Huh? Uh-huh?"
Yabe. Wow, I'm talking about Kuse, me!
"Uh... forget it"
That's right. It's too good a bug to ask Kina for an understanding all at once.
This child is patient. I'm not a kid who speaks up like that.
But such a child...
Kina wants to go home... If that's what you said, you can just shut up and send him back on the super express.
It's important to me about Erin, but it's important to me about Kina.
So I don't know which one to take - what a nonsense.
... I'm greedy.
I can't choose my beloved family...... So I prioritize both, and I want to exhaust them both.
"hehe...... weird bazu"
Couscous and cool laughing kina.
The wind rocking the wheat ho was also gently shaking Kina's hair. I guess the sweet smell of flurries is the scent of kina.
Whatever, when I stroked Kushakusha and Kina's hair, they didn't refuse to tickle me off either.
The two people walking close to each other enjoy a short distance to Zara's house.
Keep an eye on those two. Out-of-season featherworms are making small noises.
That's like a chilling tear...... Still, that beautiful squeal only sounded kind to Bazu and Kina.
The inland farm edge is experiencing a warm winter.
I guess this feather can't breathe enough to make us disappear. But now he still rings well and only seeks a mate.
In the neighboring village, the two of them in a small traveling mood walked slowly to stifle the little happiness of having their family with them, even as they seemed to tickle somewhere......
And when you look at the lights in Zara's house...
Just like when I visited here today, Zara was sitting tight in her chair, opening her booze from a barrel with a table change.
In other words:
"Hey, are you breastfeeding..."
─ ─ I've been watched.
"Don't dairy each other!" "We're not dairying each other!
Gu...... unscrupulous, embarrassing.
"Gahahahaha. Yep. Young man ~... it's time for Bazu to be my daughter-in-law..."
"Shut up, rotten jizz"
On the barrel, grabbing the big ham that the fork was busting, he shoved it into Zara's mouth.
It is fortunate to keep your mouth shut to say extra things.
Yeah, I'm right.
"Buho!... Momogu, Pu... you're going to kill me! This gacah!"
I ate it in one bite, you old man.
You know what?
"I thought you were working!?
You said you'd finish it in one day, but you're already drunk.
"Asshole! It's gonna be over! Fine finishes can't be done at night. I haven't worked in the dark since I was old."
... Uh, I see.
Unless it's a magic light, it's too dangerous to work on a tree.
Kickin 'in front of the furnace, and if you're going to train iron, anyway, naturally because most of the orders are going to be woodworking.
Sharpening work cannot be done in the dark.
"Wow... I'll take care of it. Uh, we're gonna get some rest now, okay?
"Uh, whatever you like. I'll include the money in the price, so you can spend it as much as you like. - Eat your mess properly, and if you don't like it, you can use the kitchen."
Sissi, and a way to get rid of it.
When you lick the liquor gubbily, you blow the xels.
─ ─ Pukka ~.
Cigarettes on booze.... That's a lot of fun.
Kina was teased and her face was bright red, but she thanked her politely.
"Oh, thank you!
... Leave Grandpa alone.
"Ho ho... it's Eko ~. Ho ho, ho ho ho, I'll take a bath too, so you can come in later. ─ ─ Don't worry, I won't let my apprentice near you."
The bath at Zara's house...
... It's just men.
Kina got a lot of attention when she was shooting guns and after.
"Tsuka Grandpa. Don't let Themé peek at you, okay? If you peek, I'll kick your ass to Mestam Rock."
"Let it go, kid."
They're sloppy and snuggly, but I'm not serious about either of them.
This is normal for both Bazu and Zara.
"Ke...... I'll see you tomorrow. -Did Grandpa have a cold when he was drinking outside?
"Uh, wow.... I'm so loud."
This indicates the smoking pixel.
... I see. Many don't like the smell of cigarettes.
Maybe around your wife says, "Suck it outside! | and you're pissed.
─ ─ Convinced.
"So much so."
"Aye ~"
I haven't heard at all, and Zara makes a circle out of pokaa and smoke all the time.
When I shrug off that shoulder, Bazu just walks into the house, too.
Kina was a little orous, but a token to Pecori and Zara, she followed Bazu into the house.
Zara dropping off those two friendly lined backs.
"... you're not being honest. Bazu, my lady..."
Heh heh, he was Zara laughing at Nihil, "Heh heh heh!," he sneezed in abundance.
... I guess it's still cold.
Though warm compared to Port Nanan...... winter approaching autumn night long already......
It was a bit of a tough time to spill moonshine and booze outside.
"Ha ha... it was good hot water -"
Kina, slightly dyed red on her cheeks, returned to the room to which she was addressed in a relaxed sleeping attire.
The room addressed to Zara was a little dusty in the attic, but Sasa quickly Kina cleaned it, so I don't care as much now.
I just pulled an old tool aside from my bunk, but I had a pair of futons loaned to me, so I wouldn't have as much trouble sleeping.
By the way, Bazu is way up from the bath.
I feel very concerned for Zara as she purposefully builds a partition for Kina to prepare her bath bucket, but well, I think I'll sweeten it there.
Preparing bath water isn't much trouble in itself, is it?
Originally, they use excess heat to boil the boiler in the workshop where the fire is used.
They can't even put the furnace fire down, so they use long-lasting peat to keep the fire in working hours.
Zara's house is very warm thanks to you.
At first glance, it's a borough shop, but the boulder is an artisan's house.
Sometimes it is connected to the workshop, and they use the heat from it to warm it up well with a duct stretched out.
Similar construction was done at the house of the Bazus in Port Nanan, but on a completely different scale and technology.
Thanks to this, he is still wearing thin clothes this season.
Bazu is a traveling outfit - or a field uniform for the Brave Army, but he takes it off and looks like the usual Shihei.
Bazu knew from the rules of thumb that changing clothes and rough outfits were very important.
For this reason, Kina also prepared various clothes.
What she's wearing right now is her usual cooking attire, not her traveling attire.
She says this outfit is the easiest, although it's worn out and all sorts of stains are creeping up.
Well, in the debt age, I guess this was the only way because most of my clothes were taken to the form of interest...
I'm not aproning boulders. But when I look at this grass-colored cooking, it gives me an atmosphere of -- uh, kina -- so it's interesting to say that it's an image.
"Want a drink?
Bazu shows by putting up the cup he has.
The contents are wine I just bought today.
You know if it's made of farm edge or imported. Guys,... it's cheap and good.
Eat bacon broiled on knobs and just a little broiled cheese as well.
I won't forget the olive fruit salted for chopsticks.
Plummodoki was good for the most part... but those are valuables. Not now.
"Yeah, I'll take it!
When you receive a cup of bazu, Kina takes a breath of kupipi and drinks.
Were you a little thirsty after a bath? The wine that was left about half was quickly gone.
Keep it up, you two sit on a futon in a narrow attic space and you start drinking in a bickering manner.
When I poured the wine anew because it had been dried by Kina, the liquid that looked black under the dim lamp lighting made a comfy noise as it breathed air into the bottle.
Only one bite of that, pass the cup straight to Kina.
This is the only one, so I can't help it.
Of course, some of Kina's travel luggage has cups for her, but it's a pain in the ass to get one out.
So Bazu drinks a bottle of wine trumpet as it is.
Before that,
Hit the cup and bottle with a cock as you two smile.
─ ─ A word of toast.
A fun time to start there.
And a long night of deep autumn comes.
In a small workshop in the countryside...... a corner of a warm-air flowing attic.
The light of the lamp rocked Yurayura and the two of us, and the alcohol gently melted our thoughts.
.................. Kina and the two of us.
Stay on a trip and enjoy the evening with cheap wine and qualitative knobs......
It was an irreplaceable and comfortable space for Bazu and for Kina.
"Take that."
The two of us share the knobs prepared by Bazu.
There is one dish.
Olives come directly from the bottle.
Eat directly using a knife.
Kina stays with her fingers.
Somewhere adorable to lick the oil on your hand with chilli.
"Ya... Dinner was amazing"
"Uh... yeah..."
Haha, and Kina makes an ambiguous face.
For once, Meshi prepared me, but well, this is a lot of mess...
Is it because you are a massively sweaty, hard-working artisan from morning to evening? Only the quantity is just right and the taste is salty anyway.
The menu is simple.
Meat. … above.
Stick appropriately chopped meat into the fireplace, and then burn, but leave the knob alone.
The thing is that the guy you want to eat when you want to eat it snubs it off with a knife and adjusts the baking addition and subtraction to eat it.
There is no flavoring, so salt it yourself.
I just blew the potatoes, threw the dokan and butter in there, and sprinkled the salt.
Thanks to this, there is a great unevenness in the taste.
... Kina being served a menu like that to make it pocan.
I have also left Bazu with your companion a few times, but I have gotten used to Kina's hand cooking, which makes me a little nervous.
That said, I thought it would be rude not to eat it at all, and when I had a little meat and one potato, the salt was modest, and I kept about it.
The flavor was............... very, let's just say it was normal.
As such, to tell the truth, both Bazu and Kina were a little hungry.
I only eat simple knobs, so I don't really accumulate in my stomach.
I'm thinking maybe I could drink while eating something dokan... Exactly, it's hard to cook in this space.
Renting a kitchen would be rude.
Even though it's a communal disorder bazu, that's about all I know.
That's why they eat chipmunks with little hands. It's a preserved food, so if you say it doesn't taste good, it doesn't taste good...
I'll gently broil the cheese in Kina's hands and I'll eat the chimichi as sparingly as I can.
Bazu is bazu, razor the bacon while leaning the wine.
That's normal.
At the same time, he reaches for the bottle of olives and when he hits it inside, Kina grabs his hand in embarrassment.
... Why are you blushing? ─ ─ It's the alcohol, isn't it?
I'll take two olives and give them to Kina.
Kina eating every finger of chupun.
It's not that delicious, so it's just a chopstick break to mislead the flavor.
Subtle face as she licks the surface of her fingers, too.
I enjoy drinking with Kina, but here's another thing... I want a twist.
"Hey," "Hey."
Go away, go away.
No, go away.
As Kina shyly leaned down,
"Oh, aren't you hungry?
Right ~.
"Kind of..."
─ ─ Gu... Kirururu.
I feel even more hungry thanks to drinking.
Shh, no.
"Uh, bread, please."
I just don't feel like eating sturdy bread for preservation, but black bread would still be better.
"Yeah. Let's eat something easier and better"
Hands together beside the pussy and cheeks. Kina nicked.
You gonna cook here?
"It's narrow."
"It's okay. Give me the knife."
Hmm? Yes.
When Kina receives the knife, she takes the item she bought today out of the bag.
Ah... example of a dried persimmon.
Each and every one is pretty big, so it does seem like it's food.
"It's a little big like this, so cut it in half..."
Cleverly half co soft dried persimmon over hand vertically.
"I'm sure this fruit. I think it tastes good when it's broiled."
Oh, broil?
That said, Kina puts the dried persimmon in half on the lamp.
Although I can only put one because the lamp itself is not as big, this is not so much trouble.
"So -... shake a little salt, put the butter on,"
Oh, something looks good.
"Drop some fish soy sauce from the hon...... and yes. Go ahead."
That's what Kina said and handed me the dried persimmon.
I smell sweet in the fragrance.
There's the oily hot air of butter in good harmony.
"... I don't know if it's delicious because it's thoughtful"
Kina answers a little shy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
... it's delicious!
Take a sip first, watching as Kina begins to make her share.
Shackles to pinch with the front teeth.
Oh, sweet.
So sweet!!
What can I say...... It is much sweeter than when I ate it on a tasting.
Besides, it's not as sweet as sweetness comes to your chest-- elegant sweetness.
This is delicious!
The flavor of butter that comes after it adds depth to the flavor, as well as the salt's sweetness.
Furthermore, the slightly dripping fish soy brings out the tannins derived from the fruit in the sweetness.
Mmmm... it's like a guy, it's like hors d 'oeuvres... it's also like a small bowl of food!
"Pfft. Good."
Nico, Kina on the face packs her share.
In the meantime I am preparing and baking yet another one.
... I bought quite a few.
"Mm-hmm. ♪ Amai!
Hoo-hoo, and Kina keeps her cheeks down and looks happy on her face.
"Huh. Mm-hmm."
I also taste the other half of the bazu in my mouth.
Not only is it sweet, but also satisfying because it adds a flavour and two flavours, and it goes well with alcohol.
"Don't accumulate quite as much in your stomach"
Yes, and Kina hands me the extra.
"Ngu...... Nmai."
Now sip the wine out of the bottle.
... Oh, this fits.
"Drink your kina too. Drink."
I'll watch between the tasks and pour them into Kina's cup.
"Mm-hmm. Thanks."
Kupipipipi only, mogmog-eating kina is cute if done like a small animal.
Ears turned bright red because of alcohol.
When you unintentionally pimp on it,
Pico, his ears are moving and he seems to be tickled.
"No, it's something."
Yabe, fun.
"No, no, no!"
"Yes. Octawali"
"Ooh, ahi ho"
Like what you just got?
"Kina? How many of these?
"Hmm? I don't know."
Is that it?
"Where's the wine?
"I drank it ~?"
"You want another bottle?
"Yeah. Drink..."
Has it come to an end to broil dried persimmons? Kina keeps her back in Bazu as she guddies.
Bazu supports his body behind his back with bazu. I hold Kina in my hip and I pick my ears out of my mind.
Eating also began to become a lot of mess, and Kina roasted like pie as she broiled and grilled a chunk of cheese in her hand.
Bazu brings a luxurious chunk of bacon to the mole.
The two of us trumpet each other with a bottle of wine and laugh at Kerakera, Ahaha.
I wonder what it is.
I feel so good -------.
Two in the attic with a narrow breath of alcohol.