Death Inquisitor

Chapter 732

Frank jumped up.

Shaking your body wants to shake your mouse.

But the consequence of this is to have more mice to start climbing toward him.

He also reacted it immediately, and he didn't dare to stay in place, running forward in faster speed.

Probably the stimulation of pain, he actually chased the body of Daniel and Micill.

However, this is not much because they are also under the harassment of mice.

Often to run forward, you can step on a few mice.

And on the ankle and the calf, it was also bitten.

Especially in Micke, she is wearing hot pants today, showing two long legs.

Without the barrier of the pants, it is really a mouth to meat.

Bloody road, like tears, generally falling down.

This will continue to be scared, and it is scared to cry.

If it is not Daniel, I am afraid I have forgotten how to run away.

"It is not far away, stick to it, we will be successful!" Daniel shouted.

But there is not much a lot of air in his heart.

On the contrary, with time, his heart is constantly sinking.

Because he knows, if the death sentence is really willing, you can do it now.

The reason until now, or like a cat toys, they are playing them ... can only explain one thing!

The other party does not care about the remains of the depths of the mine.

In other words, there is no need to bring them a little safe.

But this will, Daniel has no choice.

In addition to going there, do you want him to be killed by a group of mice here?

When the three people fell, when they came to the place where the metal remains, they had a flesh and blood on the leg.

It's hard to see hope, Mi Lu is crying, and more loudly than before crying.

But the front, but suddenly there is a deep groove that is very five meters wide and deep.

"At least you throw a person or body, can you disappear this deep gantry, then your choice?"

Ye Chen's voice sounded in the mine.

Mi Lu is stayed, then I can't help but tremble, and shake it.

She is worried about, is it finally going to happen!

Frank's eyes flash, suddenly act.

But because of the expectations of the audience, it is not the hand of the company, but the son Daniel!

He wants to put Daniel into the deep ditch in front.

"Betting, you don't think!" Daniel was pushed, but it responded very timely, stopped the footsteps.

At the same time, I quickly flashed, and my anger came back and watched my father: "You actually want to kill me!"

The Frank face flashed a gloomy.

This is troublesome, the sneak attack fails, he may not be a young force.

But my face is still a smug: "Daniel, I gave you life, now you have used life to repay me!"

In the live broadcast, the audience said he has been speechless.

What kind of environment can be cultivated to cultivate such a person, I am still shameless.

Daniel listened to the big angry, he went up towards Father Frank, and the two turned together.

Leave the next side of the rice desert.

She shouted in two people: "Don't hit, stop! This is a trap of death sentence, you are all!"

But this is not to listen to her words, and I want to press the opponent, under the face.

And this meeting, Ye Chen is free to travel in that remains, and after opening the neighborhood of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, the district government defense is not worth mentioning.


In the live broadcast, I screamed.

It is Frank to see the opponent of Daniel than the power, and use some of the three abuse.

He bitted Daniel's ears.

And that sound is screaming, it is Daniel.

"The old guy, you angered me." Daniel roared, handed down on Frank's face.

Several long blood marks appeared, and the flesh was rolled.

Frank couldn't help but screamed.

Mickey was scared by the mad behavior of the two.

Silly standing in the same place, nor noticed, the deep ditch next to the side is slowly expanding, and a little bit is spreading again.

At the same time, the relevant departments of the Tianchao are excited.

Because they are very interested in the mysterious metal remains in the video.

It is unfortunately because the distance is too far away, it is not clear to the specific appearance of the remains.

However, even if their brain caves are big, they will not go to Lenovo to the prehistoric situations.

Otherwise, this will, I am afraid that I have been thrilling.

Daniel is young, this will have firmly occupy the upper wind and hold the father Frank's neck.

"Come! The old guy, come again!" He roared, the look is like a devastos.

On a ear, blood is rushing, scribbled from the face, and add a few points.

"Cough ... ..."

Frank eyes vigorously, the face is red, and the two hands are constantly caught Daniel's hands on their neck.

The nails are caught in his leather meat, wanting to make it loose with pain.

Double, the legs are still chaos, and it seems that it is uncomfortable.

But Daniel is also enough, actually biting his teeth hard to bear the pain of being scratched, that is, it is not a chance to have a breath.

Anyway, the death sentence has been said, no matter whether it is a living or a body, you can make the deep ditch disappeared.

"Not good, Daniel, live fast! The deep, ditch is expanding, it is over!"

Suddenly, the side of the rice is shocked, which is very incredible.

It is an anxiety in the tone.

She even went to Radanier.

Because of this, Daniel woke up from the annees. After listening to the wife's words, I quickly saw it.

The face is afraid of a while.

That ditch actually expanded many unconsciously, the edge zone has come to the place where he is less than 30 cm behind him.

If it is not a timely reminder ...