Deer Crystal

Chapter 76 National House (5)

Lin Xin frowned, "Qing Yu, you said that they have to catch my mother in the early years, now I have to have my blood, is it ..."

"No!" Shenlou did not hesitate to interrupt him, "if it is your blood, it is more useful, and the blood of Urorange is more useful, why must you catch you."

Lin Xinyang looked up, smiled: "It is estimated that it is to take the blood test. If it is a son of the son, as long as you keep the child's body, you can sacrifice the day. You broke the people of the sacred child, it is estimated to be together. Burn. "

Seriously, he said that he had changed, and Shenlou came to the nose with him.

It is worthy of the Shenjia model, which is a snow, this is said that the face is not angry, and it is gas. Lin Xin slightly, smashed his nose to find the pair of lips, "Oh, today, you are the same as this kind of people. To tell the truth, the famous sound of the Xuanwang Hall, is it famous for the famous fishing from?"

Shenlou but laugh, there is a light bite with the lips who live in Linxin.

Lin Xin put his hand into the casket of Shen Building, and suddenly figured it up, he suddenly touched a piece of paper. He didn't wait for Shenlou to stop the expansion. "Hey, what is the country is hidden? Isn't it better ... "

Said half of the ridicuk card in the throat, this is the Spring Palace of Lin Xin sent to the paper - the pen painting of the pen.

Shen Building is smiling at him.

"Cough ..." Lin Xin wrinkled the paper and threw it, "the military camp, see this kind of thing is not good ..."

During the speech, I suddenly pressed under the building.

"Hey, do you know that the emperor is the Pully." Lin Xin tried to open the topic.

"Well?" Shen Building is eyebrow, really stopped, he only knew that the prince made a means of crazy, but I didn't know if this is related to Pully.

"People are the prince arrangement, the seal must have a lot of people. You said, how do they take it?" The last life didn't have this, then the emperor was dead.

"When the barbarian enters the palace," Shenli took off his clothes while saying, "Weight is too sharp, the prince is a bit anxious. But how did they take the line?"

Lin Xin was peeled out of the outer shirt, showing the white flesh, and did not give it to the weakened robe. "There is a person who has no one in the past, or anyone in advance?"

The hands of the Shenlou knead said: "Prince quizs Zhou!" Zhou Bi, refers to the sister of Zhou Zhenqi, who came to the world, Zhou Liangzhen. It was Zhou Zhou, Jin Wu Wei, and the prince was quite called Zhou, and now Zongyue has not flying Yellow Tengda, and only four Pinnai Yuan.

"Ah ... it is light!" Lin Xin kicked him, he was grasped by him.

I am in trouble, I suddenly came from the voice of the country: "Marshal, Mr. Dong came ..." "Dongweichuan and the little relatives came in, and saw the shadow of the two people. .

Dongweichuan as Shen Jiacai, this time, as a civilian, responsible for grain, deer, is very commonplace, directly entering the master account.

At this moment, with the littleman, it is stiff.

Shenlou let go of Lin Xin, simply the clothes, come out, sit in the handsome position very well, "What?"

Mr. East stolen, seeing the country is not like being disturbed, the heart is confused, but I don't dare to say, I will mention the tone of his inhibiting, "Hou Ye sent the deer picture, only It is enough for us to support three days. It has been borrowed from the descendant, but it is only enough for Shen Jiajun's chew, and it is difficult to support the court. "

This army, a small part is Shen Jiajun, most of which is the court army. The northern field is a decisive to raise so many soldiers, otherwise I have already hit the Kuo Ruo Ruo Ruo.

The account has been seen, and it will not take a long time. The Shenlou will be sinking: "The will of the dismantled army will come back again, the court army ..."

"If it is going to change the king, can you support it?" Lin Xin put the outer shirt and came out from behind.

East, I didn't dare to look at it. I took out a small abacus from behind. "If you start tomorrow, I am afraid I can only go to the Valley. Unless all the way, go to the Valley Luoyang's granary, the road grabbed the deer picture of Yanshan Houjia. "

Shenlou laughed, "The imperial troop is impossible to fight us." Although there is a tiger in the hand, the court has its own general, if you think that Shen Jia wants to match, it is likely to come over with North The domain is over.

, Huangcheng.

Zhong Yuxi received the order of the Prince, so that he and Zhong no ink took the soldiers into Beijing. He didn't let your brother came, I came into Beijing alone, supporting the prince of prince, stabilizing.

"Lin Feng, I only trust you," In the Royal Garden, it is rare to catch the sea, pull the clock and jade, "said that the father suddenly fell, the northern domain did not listen to the order, the south area I am afraid of anti-heart, the eastern region is not pointing, or there is only you. "

Zhong Yuxi looked at the prince. It was scheduled to have a knee, "Chen and the prince have grown up, and the temple is like today, I hope to go to the fire in the temple, I will die."

"It's good," Fengjun sighed, "Qing Yu is also my good brother. He is now refused to withdraw the army to be an angry. Lonely, I don't want to hit Wang Ting, but now I have a mess in China, four square princes I am ready to move, I can't afford it. The army must be called back. You can stand alone, if he still doesn't listen, you will not read the old feelings, with the story of the rebel country! "

"Yes." Zhong You Yucai is one, and his hands took the hand of the Prince, and he retired.

Just walked out of the courtyard, meets a woman in the cloak in the tie. The woman saw him, and his slightly squatted half ceremony, the hat was tilted, showing an unpleasant face.

"This is the side of the prince, Zhou Liangyuan." The palace girl around him said.

Zhong Yuxi also rumored, I couldn't help but read the woman a few eyes, I always think that this black cloak is somewhat familiar. After walking out of a few steps, I remembered that the texture on this cloak was extremely imaged with the texture of the few people around him.

A coolness, poured down, and Zhong Yushu excused, and the palace who followed, and returned to the royal garden, hiding behind the rockery. Just stood, I heard Zhou Liangyuan said to the Prince: "The mother who cuts Deer Hou is a saint, and the blood of the deer can solve the poison. As long as the emperor is drinking a bowl of blood, there is a hundred diseases. Therefore, you must control the deer. It is best to recall him back to the palace. "

The author has something to say: Medium:

"What is the use of the blood of the letter?"

Dafang: His blood is a curse, you can draw

Zhou Jia: His blood is a panacea, drink a lot of poisonous

Worm: His blood is sweet, you can do blood tofu

Building: His blood is mixed with white ... blame me too thick

Congress: You are enough!