On the way back to the city, Nan He turned into a human form, carrying the young Dong'er on his back, and walking back slowly with Yuan Xiang'er shoulder to shoulder.

Dong'er was a little afraid of him, but because she had been compliant since she was a child, she didn't dare to refuse, so she could only lie on Nan He's back with a stiff body.

Yuan Xianger opened a pack of sweet-scented osmanthus candy that he had just bought in the town, and took out one to coax her, "Where’s Zhou Ji’s sweet-scented osmanthus candy, ah, open your mouth."

Dong'er's eyes brightened. After all, he was only a five or six-year-old baby, and couldn't resist the temptation of sweetness.He opened his mouth and accepted Yuan Xiang'er's feeding. With something in his mouth, he slowly relaxed.

Yuan Xiang'er took another one to Nan He, but before the finger was taken back, he was bitten by the wolf man.The sharp canine teeth held her fingers and bit them slightly, and the warm tongue was still greasy and hooked before letting her out.

Ah, did Xiao Nan lose his studies so quickly?

If I only sleep with others for one night, do I have to wait here for a bite to be happy?

(I thought Donger was here, I wouldn't dare to do anything?) Yuan Xianger's voice of a smile but a smile sounded in Nan He's mind, (seeing that I won't catch you, spanking in public)

It was impossible for Nan He to let her catch him. He was afraid that Yuan Xianger would really do what she said.

Dong'er lay on the broad shoulders, only to see two small bags bulging out of the silver curly hair in front of him, and then two fluffy ears came out of it.

The person carrying her started to run quickly, leaving Yuan Xiang'er laughing and chasing behind him.

The surrounding scenery retreats quickly, but it seems that for her consideration, this person's back is always stable. He quickly ran into a bush, stopped under a hibiscus tree full of hibiscus flowers, and turned his face back Look at the way.

There are beautiful hibiscus flowers on the branches of the branches,

Under the tree canopy, the amber eyes are reflected with flowers, the picturesque eyebrows are dyed with happiness, and the cheeks of Qiongyu piled up in the summer sun.

The joy that overflowed from the bottom of my heart was very contagious, making Dong'er's fearful heart gradually settled.

She knew very well that the man carrying herself was not a human, but a big silver dog or a white wolf.

Dong'er, who has seen demons since childhood, is actually not so afraid of these creatures that are completely different from humans.Compared with them, the father who returned late at night drunk and the grandma who sat in a dark corner and ridiculed her mother made her more terrifying from the heart.

She knew since she was sensible, because she was a girl, her grandmother made her mother embarrassed from time to time, and her father didn't like her very much.

The cousins ​​in the yard often sat on their father's shoulders, and happily went out to visit the market and watch the lanterns.But she has never had such a memory, not even once.

In most of her memories, she could only sit next to her mother's show shed, silently watching her mother repeat the boring work day after day.

Unexpectedly, it was a fairy who carried himself on his back for the first time.

It turned out that it felt like this at a high place, Dong'er stretched out a small hand to reach for a light pink lotus on the branch.

She picked one and wanted it, but she couldn't reach it because of short hands.A wide palm stretched out from the side, folded down the most beautiful hibiscus flower, and handed it to her.

"Want this?" Nan He's nice voice sounded.

"Well, one more."

"this one?"

"One more."


When Yuan Xiang'er caught up with them, she saw the little baby sitting on Nan He's shoulder holding a large pink hibiscus flower in her arms.She wore several flowers on her head, and put one on the sideburn of Nanhe.

When Nan He saw her coming, she was a little bit embarrassed to take the flowers off.

"Don't don't don't, wear it, it looks pretty." Yuan Xianger laughed.

Nan He carried Dong'er on his back, Yuan Xianger held his arm, and the three of them walked slowly in the shade of the mottled trees admiring the flowers.

Dong'er was frightened all night, and then ran around the whole morning, and gradually fell asleep on Nan He's back at the even pace.

Walking happily to the door of Zhang's house, outside the wall of Zhang's compound, stood the monster with a huge head.At this moment, his hands are sleeved in his sleeves, his huge head is hanging down, and even the little official hat on his head is slanted.

At his feet, two tiny little monsters stood holding hands. They were the little monsters Yuan Xianger had seen in the big flower house, who liked to steal biscuits.

Seeing no one everywhere, Yuan Xianger stepped forward and asked: "What's the matter? Why are you all standing here."

The big-headed demon said dejectedly: "I was the patron saint of the Zhang family. I have lived in this courtyard for hundreds of years. Now I can't live anymore."

"Why can't you live?"

She knows that this type of monster is mostly transformed by the spirit body of the ancestors in the family. For many years, they have received incense offerings from their descendants and become the guardian spirit of the house. Normally, they will not leave the ancestral house.

Two little fairies holding hands spoke, each in a childish voice.

"A terrible big demon is here at home."

"We dare not stay inside anymore."

"It's okay for the two of us brothers. I'm looking for a courtyard sojourn. Uncle is pitiful."

"He is the guardian spirit. After leaving the incense worship of the younger generation, he will gradually become smaller and smaller, and finally disappear between heaven and earth."

Yuan Xiang'er let out a cry, "What powerful monster ran into the courtyard? Can't guardian spirits like you drive him out?"

The big-headed patron saint drooped his small eyebrows, "I have been dead for many years, and the younger generations gradually no longer remember me. I am a spiritual body living in memory, because there are fewer and fewer sacrifices and sacrifices to me. His ability gradually weakened. That monster is very powerful, and I am not his opponent."

Dong'er woke up at this moment, rubbed his eyes, and pulled Yuan Xiang'er's sleeves, "Sister Axiang. Did he mean mother? Is it my mother?"

Yuan Xianger turned her head to look at her puzzled.

"Last night, my father lost his temper as usual. After his temper, I sneaked out of my room to see if my mother was all right." Dong'er recalled the memory of last night.

It seemed to be just a nightmare. She couldn't confirm the situation in her dream when she was young, but she decided to summon the courage to say it.

"I quietly touched the house and saw my mother standing by the bed looking down at my father. Although my mother's appearance is still the same as usual, I don't think she is my mother, she is replaced by something else."

Dong'er's small body trembled. At that time, she made a little noise, and the mother standing by the bed turned her head to look at her, and smiled at her, obviously the same eyebrows, but she I always feel that my mother's eyes are like those of a dead fish, and her smiling mouth is like a fish's mouth with bubbles in a pool.So she didn't care, turned and ran, and ran all the way to Aunt Dahua's house.

In fact, after thinking about it, she always felt that she was wrong.

Yuan Xiang'er and Nan He exchanged glances, believing Dong'er's initial judgment.

This little girl is probably born suitable for the pupil technique, her eyes are very sharp, and she saw the prototype of Nan He directly when she first met.You should know that apart from Wu Yuan, even Yuan Xiang'er and Nan He are not so easy to see through the prototype of the demons that have undergone changes.

While talking here, a relative living in the compound stepped out of the gate, saw Yuan Xianger and others, and called Donger at once.

"Dong'er, why did you come back, go in and have a look, your father has something wrong."


Before Zhang Jiadalang's bed, he guarded his siblings and mother Li.

"Happiness, another one." The doctor shook his head, packed up his things and prepared to leave, "Dalang's symptoms are both urgent and fierce. I am afraid that he is unable to recover. Please prepare for his funeral. "

Zhang Li grabbed his sleeves, "Sir, another family has lost souls, and it can last three to five days. Why is my Dalang helpless?"

The doctor sighed, "Don’t hide from the old lady, Ling Su Ri Li is afraid that the atrioventricular excess, as well as wasting and straining, spleen failure, kidney damage, and qi and blood exhaustion. Now he was hit by this loss of soul, and suddenly lost three. The Seven Souls, the already empty body can't hold it anymore. I really can't do anything underneath, so please be sorry."

Li was on the ground, crying bitterly, wondering how he could suddenly let go of his grown-up son since he was a child.

She looked around blankly, and suddenly got up and grabbed her daughter-in-law Lin, "It's all to blame for you, the vixen, broomstar. After marrying our house, she didn't bring any good things. Even a grandson was not born, and I was tired. He lost his life. I killed you, Cuff’s broom star."

Dahua and her husband, Zhang Jiaerlang, Zhang Xun, were standing in the house together. They were about to persuade them, but they saw their mother-in-law, who was always meek and virtuous, pushed her mother-in-law away.

Lin, who had just died of her husband, pushed her mother-in-law, and carelessly touched the wrinkled collar, and complained, "Who is the vixen? I am not the kind of smelly and levelless guy."

Li, who has been in charge of the house for many years, has ever been so angry with his daughter-in-law, shaking his fingers at the eldest daughter-in-law and said: "You, you, see how I punish you!"

She fumbled around, found a piece of rubble, and hit her daughter-in-law on the head.Lin raised his bare hand to catch the rubble and frowned.

"You are too unreasonable. Didn't you say that jealousy is one of the seven, and it's the chaos of the house, so she won't let her take care of it?"

Li was so angry that she didn't hear the mistakes in Lin's words. She herself didn't even say anything wrong, and just pulled Lin, "I'm divorcing you, yes, I'm going to divorce you."

Her unmarried little daughter stepped forward to help her mother pull the Lin family, "How dare you be so disrespectful and respectful, and carefully sue you to the county government, and you will be punished for the crime of unfilial piety. The county prime minister will definitely hit you in public."

Lin stood there in a daze, letting the two push and scold them a few times, tilting their heads as if thinking about something.

She suddenly stretched out her hand and pushed them to the ground.

This force was so heavy that the mother and daughter fell to the ground and fainted together.

Zhang Xun hurriedly helped his mother up and was about to speak, but saw his sister-in-law, who had always been well-known, sighed and said strange words.

"It's too difficult to be a human being. It's in vain that I'm rich and have wandered around the world for many years, and I can't even be a human being for a day."

She stood tinglingly, and there was a circle of invisible water patterns under her step. The tone of her speech changed as she talked, from a soft female voice to a low magnetic male voice.

"Seeing that Subai likes humans so much, he thinks how fun it is to be human. Unexpectedly, it is so boring and difficult."

Lin's body gradually weakened and stayed on the ground. The ground in the house still had invisible water waves continuously pouring out, and a huge black carp emerged from nowhere, floating in the air.

It waved its tail and looked at Zhang Xun and his wife Dahua.

Da Hua felt a little flustered, she couldn't help but approached behind her husband, holding onto his clothes.

She had just arrived from the kitchen, still wearing an apron, her hands full of flour, and a rolling pin in her hand.

At this time, as a wife, she should hide behind her husband and receive protection.I hope my husband will not despise his robes from being stained with flour.

This irrelevant thought suddenly turned around in Dahua's mind.

The huge black fish cruising in the air, the wide pale fish eyes, the terrifying monsters that speak human words.

Zhang Xun fought two battles and looked around. In the house, except for the elder brother who had just passed away, all of them were female generations. He was the only man. He had read the sage books since he was a child and knew that a gentleman should be brave in danger.

As a man, he should come forward at this time to protect everyone.

What's more, it is his mother, younger sister and sister-in-law who are unconscious, and behind her is her charming wife.

But who knows that he is also afraid.He was actually a very timid person since he was a child, and he was really scared to face such a terrifying monster.

At this moment, his legs were shaking and softening uncontrollably, his teeth clucking, his head buzzing, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

He wanted to say to his wife behind him, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you." But he couldn't make a complete tone.

"Little Lang Jun looks pretty, otherwise it's you this time."

The big fish slowly opened its round mouth towards him in the air,

"no no……"

Zhang Xun felt that he was about to cry.

His mother told him since he was a child that a man can't cry, he must endure it.

You can't cry when you're scared, and you can't cry when you're in pain, because you are a man.

He is a man, the hope of the whole family.He must be admitted to a talent and then to Juren.Everyone looked at him with scorching eyes, failure was unbearable, so he did not dare to take a break while studying, and was diligent to the extreme every day.

To bear the expectations of the whole family, to make his mother proud, to be a person whom his wife admires and respect... This is all the meaning of his past life.

But maybe these are not needed anymore.

Zhang Xun looked at the fish's mouth that was getting closer, and suddenly felt a relaxed feeling in extreme fear.

Maybe I never have to think about such a heavy burden anymore. At the end, I can always cry, right?

He was embarrassing to find that his face was wet.

A rolling pin still dipped in flour suddenly flew from behind and patted the giant fish's eye violently.

The fish tumbled in the air and its bloated body turned into a black-clothed man with a line of scarlet on his eyebrows. The glamorous man covered his eyes and glared at the flower.

"Savage woman, how dare you hit me?"

"What kind of messy ghost are you, fight...you are the one who fights. I want to snatch my husband, no way!" In a big rush, regardless of the virtuous and virtuous image that he has worked hard to maintain in front of her husband for half a year, Zhang Xunyi Pull behind him.

She rolled up her sleeves and took out the aggressive energy of helping her father kill pigs and sell meat on the market, "Come on, it's impossible to take my husband away. If you have the ability, you can step on the old lady first."

The black-robed man covered his eyes in the air, cruised for a half circle, and suddenly laughed, "Although he looks average, I like your character, well, as you wish."

He leaned down from the air, suddenly approached, and took Dahua's hand, "Don't worry, it will let you die without pain."


When Yuan Xiang'er and the others rushed into the house, the phantom waves and big fish were gone.

Lin and her mother-in-law and sister-in-law were in a coma, and Zhang Jiaerlang was mad and smashed the wooden floor of the house desperately, as if trying to find something under the floor.

Dong'er rushed to her mother's side and shook Lin's body, "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you?"

But her mother was ignorant and let her shake without responding.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Xianger pulled up half-crazy Zhang Xun, "Where is the big flower?"

Zhang Xun looked up blankly, wiped his face with bloody fingers pierced by broken wood, with tears and blood on his face.

"No, it's gone. Taken away by a fish."

The big flower is gone?

Yuan Xiang'er looked around. There was nothing under the floor. There was a dead man lying on the bed. Dong'er was crying beside her lost mother.

The room was in a mess, and a hole was opened in the roof, and a ray of sunlight was projected from the hole, shining in an ink painting on the wall.

There is a big river in the painting, which rushes straight to the sky.The river is wide and boundless, without boats and fishes, on the opposite bank is a vast fairy mountain with reeds.

Where is the big flower?