Demon Lord, Retry!
Madam, I can roar.
"This is it at first, Madam. It's called a carbonated spring."
"It's kind of weird hot water..."
Madam frowned slightly when she saw the water with the little bubbles floating from next to next. But Luna soaked her whole body without hesitation and has a pleasant look on her face. Not very much, but I don't think it's a fake look.
Finally, Madam steps into her fearful feet and soaks her whole body in the water thoughtfully.
Never hot as a temperature. It was warm enough and hot enough to stay in for a long time.
"Madam, don't move... because the bubbles will stick"
Luna accidentally closed her eyes and spoke to Madame beside her.
Madame thought to herself what a bubble meant to stick, but quickly understood the meaning of the word. The foam is really sticking to my skin.
"This, is..."
Typical effects of carbonated springs are vasodilation and improved blood flow.
It was also good for the prevention of hypertension, diabetes and blood clots, and the relief of those symptoms could be expected. If the blood flow improves, it can also help with coldness, stiffness, back and joint pain, so for a thick madam, it can be called hitting and applying.
"Fine... it feels like my body is going to be“ liberated "..."
Because Madame has spent half her life on her own body, beauty, she was able to immediately experience the effects.
The money and time she has spent on her own body is not an ordinary thing.
At the earliest possible time, you can say that you have “psychic powers" with regard to your body.
As a story in the first place, she also liked it and her body grew up. It's nothing.
It was hereditary to the family, and now both the late parents and sister, all of them were clans with small mountain-like flesh.
When she was only a child, she was scorned and scorned by the nobles around her because of it, and often felt miserable in the social world. Those childhood experiences drove Madame to beauty and my sister to art.
"Oh, and Madam... this hot water is great for my skin"
With that said, Luna squirts and sprinkles water on her face with a cute trick.
Luna's statement is not a lie. The carbonated spring also acts as a lotion that gently works on the skin, which has a high effect on preventing rough skin, etc.
Hearing that, Madame also hurried to sprinkle hot water on her face.
"This is... rough, my skin..."
Naturally, there's no way it's going to work any time soon. It would be very small.
But Madame knows.
That this water is improving your own skin.
"Sa, Madam! It's time to go next!
"Uh." Wait a minute, Luna... "
"Come on, come on!
Luna relentlessly pulls Madame up and takes her to the next hot spring.
In fact, Luna could have been accurate as a guide if she had limited herself to Madame. If left alone, Madame would have been immersed in a carbonated spring for hours.
Also, Luna is the only one who can step so far against Madame.
"Herbal baths are next. It smells good."
"Herb, hey..."
And there were five waters, which even Madam's body would put in at ease.
Some colorful, cute water from the looks of it, and some erotic things strangely reminiscent of "night”.
"I knew it, this one!
Luna jumps into the water that says "pink gold".
There are other things that say "Yellow Beam," "Night Fever," "Green Forest," "Deep Blue," etc. Madame decided to go into the blue water that she liked to wear a lot.
Green Forest - a refreshing morning forest inspired water.
By the way, this herb (?) There are thirty-six types of baths, but they are changed daily. Because the decision is a total random draw, no one can predict which water it is in.
"This is a forest... it smells refreshing."
Hate to say, this bath is designed to stay lying down and soaked.
It is also characterized by the fact that a pillow made of metal is installed in the place where the head is touched, and that cold water circulates in the pillow, making it difficult to climb it up.
If you do it poorly, it is comfortable enough that you may fall asleep like this.
"This scent will stain your skin."
Madame's face unwittingly breaks when she sees Luna cheerfully raising her voice next door.
Think of it, this little Virgin has changed a lot too -.
There has always been an innocence, but there has been a strange danger, like not leaning anywhere, like ripping your fangs off and roaring at everyone.
"Yes... you found out about" love ”. And Luna."
"Ha ha!? What are you talking about?
"It's no use hiding it, huh? You like that demon king thing."
"Bubba, don't be silly! Why would he do that?
Seeing that reaction, Madame smiles bitterly this time.
It was not a level of romantic novice, etc., but a truly understandable attitude that would embarrass me more to watch.
"Luna, that guy is a formidable enemy...? If I had to polish a woman, she wouldn't even look at me."
From what Madam sees, that demon king is not a “normal being” no matter what he thinks.
The same goes for this facility, but the quote that gave in to that horrible group of satanists in an instant, rumor has it that even intermediate demons bombed each other with rhinos.
Madame wouldn't be surprised if they said it was a non-human “nanica".
Also, even if it was, I would never mind as a madam.
(That demon king sees some great value in me...)
Otherwise, this would not be a good treatment either.
Then you can add more value to yourself. Because it is normal for a grand aristocrat like Madam, such as the pattern of use, rather it is where we want it.
There is nothing more reassuring than a match of interest.
"Oh, oh, how dare you talk about a guy like that! I'm coming!
"Hey, hey, Luna... at least let me dip some more"
"No! If you don't, no!
I blushed and Luna pulled up Madame once again and said, "I'm going next!" and lead energetically.
The next thing we arrived was a sauna - it is also a salt sauna.
For Madam, it was an institution of destiny.
■ □ ■ □
It's called a salt sauna.
The Holy Light Nation is covered by mountains high on the south side, not facing the sea.
Therefore salt is imported and never cheap.
When Luna opened the door, a good amount of enthusiasm erupted, but the contents of the room were outrageous.
There were a number of chairs and benches, and there was enough salt in the middle of the room to make it even.
Surprisingly, there was enough salt to fill the floor with candles.
Exactly, white on one side - it was also white made of salt.
"I saw it a long time ago in a city state... it looks like" snow "..."
Madam pulled out distant memories, but that was something that came down “free” from the sky, meaning too different from this “white”.
I'll tell you what. Sit down.
"Oh, yeah..."
Luna opens her mouth proudly and behaves like a teacher.
The other day, Luna had just been taught by Yu, but she looked as if she were a veteran on this road.
The salt sauna is not difficult. Wait to go inside and sweat, and when the sweat comes out, leave the salt on your skin to dissolve and apply it to your body so that you can stroke it. And wash it away in the shower after a while.
Just repeat this.
But the effects are just delightful for women.
First, if you do that to your face, more and more sebum and waste will be drained and reborn into slippery skin. It is strictly forbidden to overdo it, but to the extent that it is said that scrubbing causes the old cuticle to fall off and brighten the color of the skin.
"Yesterday, when I did this, it was effective."
"Yes -"
I thought Madam was looking a little weird, but I don't mind Luna continuing the explanation.
The face, so to speak, is like an omelet, and will still have the greatest effect on the body.
By applying salt to the body - it helps to get the subcutaneous fat out.
For Madame, wrapped in thick fat, it is unpleasant. Whatever the world is, it doesn't disappear from the fat on it once.
No matter how much exercise Madame has ever exercised, trying to care about her diet, trying all the magic items of the East and West in ancient times and now, it's all in vain.
But the look on Madame's face changes as she repeatedly applies salt to make her sweat and flush beautifully in the shower.
Where this repetition means - nothing more than the act of greatly increasing metabolism and burning subcutaneous fat.
It's also an excellent way to “snipe” the part you're after.
If this is just salt, if it is just a sauna, the effect will vary from person to person, and nothing will change so rapidly.
But as the pulley was, this belongs to "GAME”.
It produces “results” as it is set - revitalizing the skin beautifully and burning the subcutaneous fat beautifully so that 1 +1 becomes 2. I have to.
Because that's the setting that's written in this facility.
"Right? Your skin will be beautiful, and your thighs meat..." Madam?
"Oh..."... "
"What's the matter, Madam??
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Madame growled.
It was a tremendous roar, like a samurai roaring and raging on the battlefield. There's no point in her being able to roar - I realized it.
- No, I heard you.
A thick fat covering himself screamed.
It was also an "extinct scream” to an enemy that could not even be fought.
A scream that I've never been able to hear before is ringing at a size that will break my ear from earlier!
"Hey, what!? Are you mad? Hey, what didn't you like...?
"Luna. I made up my mind."
"Hey, what...?
- I'm going to live in this village today.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!?
■ □ ■ □
- Hot Springs Inn "Between the Pines" that night.
Two pairs of duvets were laid in the room and Luna was already resting.
Madam is also lying down and looking up at the ceiling quietly.
Even as she entered the room, Madame remained amazed by its interior, but the most surprising was the floor knitted with strange grass.
Naturally, it is a tatami, but it is really odd from Madame's eyes.
But if you get used to it, you have an unspoken taste. Not only did it smell good, but it could have been her favorite “color”.
(Something tells me you can sleep at this rate...)
In Madame's giant, the bed always rises. That's what lies in any bed, the deafening sound of guillotine never goes away. She couldn't sleep inside because she was upset about it.
Nowadays it had gotten worse until it was in shape and was in a state of complete insomnia.
However, a duvet made by the Great Empire can afford Madame's body, and with its softness and elasticity, Madam's body is slowly lifted.
It's like ridiculing "thousand-year-old, you talk about weight," even letting invincibility drift.
(What a great, “masculine” bed...)
It seems comfortable and strangely angry.
Though surrounded by such strange thoughts, Madame was free from the sounds of nerve-shaking twitching and finally felt the first sign of "sleepiness” in decades.
- Doesn't living in a Madame position mean you can migrate!?
As she was lured to sleep, Madam's head was revived by an earlier exchange.
"Well, I can't admit the emigration of people in positions. If you do it badly, you might think you're willing to treason by looking at the connections next to you."
"Oh, yes..."
"But there's only one precedent... rather than a way out"
"Way out?"
"Yes," healing. "
In fact, the incurable old aristocrats and others sometimes pull into the grassy countryside. In some cases, the old-fashioned short rolled into the warrior hall with his "friends at the end", and spent the brief but final time with him.
In order to treat some of them under a physician with good arms, it was only for a short period of time, but it's not like no one left the country. All countries have similar or close medical levels, so there are no people who go out of their way to inconvenient countries, and in rare cases they are allowed to do so.
These are extremes, but speaking of precedents, well, precedents.
Whether Madame is healthy, sick or nothing.
(I didn't know you were a little impotent...)
Madame's unshakeable determination makes me think of it.
I wonder how much I've been scorned for this giant.
Every time I remember a fragment of a distant day, my remorse is resurrected in Madame's chest. I've kept them quiet with strength, but I'm still reluctant to abandon my feelings for beauty.
Madam has a firm resolve and closes her eyes.
(I fight my fate......!
Her determination is what it feels like to be a woman.
It goes far beyond the thoughts of some demon king and shakes the country.