Demon Lord, Retry!
Yukikaze, raid.
- Kanto.
(You've been so busy lately...)
It's been a long time since I've walked the streets alone.
Alone is fine. Very light-hearted and walks as fast as I want.
When I'm with Aku and Luna, I really need to keep pace. Anyway, the stride is huge - the Demon King's body isn't just about ability, it's about high specs up to shape.
Needless to say, the whole body is flesh like steel, but its height is also modeled after 187. He's a very good looking man.
Therefore - just walking makes me stand out.
"... Uncle, I've finally met you"
"Why Demon King!? Why!?"
Seeing it, it was a pair of adventurers I had met several times before.
One is a warrior with healthy brown skin and the other is a wizard with clear white skin. Somehow, it's like the ultimate outdoor and indoor pair.
"Ho, long time no see."
Though I tried to tell you so badly, I don't know the names of these guys.
Maybe you heard, but you forgot your sapphire. This place has been eye-catching lately, and I can't help it.
I don't even exchange business cards in this world...
(Hmm... business card, huh? Maybe it'll be fashionable)
I've been thinking about money lately, and that kind of thing comes to my mind.
In fact, I miss the fact that carrots are the only specialty of the village of Rabbi. It might not be a bad idea to think about everything else.
"... How did your uncle end up in Kanto?
"I have a little business with the Adventurer Guild."
"... to the guild? What do you want to know?
"Well, about the northern labyrinth or something."
I'd really like to hear about an item that prevents magic, but it's not like I bothered to tell people.
That's like exposing your weaknesses.
"... there's not much to gain from asking officials about things outside the country. I'll teach."
"Hey, Yukikaze! Don't take it personally!
"... Then Micah should go home. Frozen Micah at home."
"Who's Frozen Micah!
I see, are these Yukikaze and Micah?
Easy to understand, or what?
Let's keep this tag abbreviated as Yukimikan.
"... Uncle, I have a shop near here. Thanks for everything you've done, we'll treat you."
"I told you before. You don't have to thank me."
"... yeah. I heard it was important."
The moment I'm done saying that word - my white hand grabs this hand gently.
This guy, he's really white.
It's also kind of melting snow, and it's even mysterious.
"... it's only noon, but you can drink there too"
"Alcohol, or..."
I don't want to drink for a long time.
I haven't had time to be alone lately.
"... well, this way"
"Let's follow the back. You're not a child, and you don't have to hold hands."
"... no. Get lost. Me."
You're the one!
I almost screamed vegan by accident, but I can manage. This kid, he looks like a quiet image who even reads books in the library, but is he natural?
"... Micah, lead the way"
"I get it! You should go, if you go!
Hi, he's not very welcome for a kid named Micah.
Well, they call it the Demon King, and there won't be any elements to be liked.
That, and this, is patience until the village is well run.
"... Labyrinth of Love. Labyrinth Love"
(What are you talking about, this guy...)
The first place I was guided was a shop with a sign that said nomanoma on it.
It's still early, but they have quite a few customers in the store. Listening to a leaking audible voice, you hear a man or woman who is drinking and thriving.
"Owner, three ales! I brought a guest!
"Oh, isn't that Micah? That's unusual, what are you a customer... eh!?
When I entered the store, my mistress and the guests in the store came to me at the same time.
That's a hell of a spotlight.
Me, did something... No, could it be the guys who were there the other day during the noise?
"Rumor has it, Demon King! Micah, you did it!
"Oh, it's you!
"Come to the table over here! I'll buy you a drink!
"Huh? Who, that?
"Bakka bastard! This is my husband who busted the carnival last time!
"Hey, gather the guys who are free!
(Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The people at the store began to move in a hurry, and the store became noisy.
I just wanted to talk to you.
"... Uncle, sit here"
Stay guided, just sit at the table between the walls.
Not very much, but it doesn't seem to have a calm and drinkable atmosphere. My mistress puts Yale on the table in a luxurious manner and thanks me for the other day.
"Everyone appreciates you around here, too. No matter how much we drink today, we'll make it a luxury!
My mistress slaps this one on the shoulder and laughs luxuriously.
It's called Madam, it's called this mistress, and it's a good breeze for those guys to lose their faces.
Whatever it is, try to get me to drink it first. The story will follow.
Reaching for the jock, Yukikaze grabs the jock from the side and sits down on this knee.
"What are you...?
"... let my uncle drink"
"Excuse me, but let me drink it myself"
Where's the end of the cabbage?
Where are the fools who drink dressed like this in the daytime? By and large, alcohol is not disturbed by anyone, and we have to be free and save.
Get Yukikaze off his knees and finally mouth Yale.
"Yeah, it's delicious"
The fatigue of the last few days is enough to make me feel like it was for this reason.
If I'm impressed with my first liquor in a long time, they take the jock I had from the side, and Yukikaze drinks it up cocky.
Why do you drink mine when you have your own ale?
"Mmm... Uncle's, throat, tangled..."
"Don't put it oddly."
These guys, they're all aligned and they just say weird things.
I'm telling you, the guards will pull you off!
"... Indirect kissing. Love is Babricious."
"Excuse me, speak in a proper language"
"Yukikaze is the same. Look, I brought you something to pinch."
"Ho, this is-"
Something like stir-fried beans, skewers of meat, stir-fried vegetables, etc. are placed on the table one after another. It doesn't look or smell bad.
Didn't taste too good eating in the city of Yahoo, but what about here?
Throw a skewer in your mouth that looks like a thick sauce.
"This is... usually delicious"
"Normally, you're rude, too."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I said something similar in the city of Yahoo, but it didn't taste too good."
"Oh I see. But it's not gonna be easy for you to keep us together."
My mistress laughs lavishly and returns to the back of the counter. Perhaps this mistress has good arms inside.
If I had thought about that, Yukikaze would have taken the skewer I had.
This guy, he's got all the stuff people talk about?
"Mmm... my uncle's, it's thick and... it's drooling..."
"So don't put it in a weird way!
Isn't this guy a crazy bitch, not a natural or something!?
If we don't get to the bottom of this, it's going to loop infinitely for as long as it takes.
"So, it's time for me to talk to you. I'm oblivious to customs and adventurer systems around here."
I really wanted to hear something that worked magically soon, but I would listen with caution, from the profession of adventurer, its system, the role of the guild, etc.
Daimyo, there's no big difference from the Adventurer statue I imagined. It also promises to take down demons to earn rewards and unearth treasures from labyrinths and ruins.
Apparently, the guild accepts the request, mediates it, takes brokerage fees, buys parts of the demonic body, and wholesales it to the Chamber of Commerce.
The fact that you have a well-armed adventurer seems to have a good wingspan inside. That's why pull-out matches seem to flourish, and if the rank rises, they'll be treated one after the other in terms of treatment and conditions.
(Sounds like a professional sportsman to me)
Professional baseball and football players come to mind.
If that also has strength, scouts from various teams come and pile up money.
From that, you can choose a good place.
"... some people are mercenaries when they can't earn money"
And those who lack strength, that's the only way to do anything. Wouldn't it be nice to think of this neighborhood as a similar feeling?
"... because there are times when diving is empty or when there are few demons"
"I guess it has nothing to do with a steady income"
I'm not a civil servant, and I'm guessing that doesn't translate into a bonus to my monthly salary. From my point of view, it's close to feeling like self-employment at stake.
When I listen to you, I don't usually seem to work like a husband.
What is it, a vivid reality or a story without dreams?
"... It's a war season, so many people are free"
"... the war season makes it harder to enter the countries of the North. Because there are a lot of secret detectives and operatives."
"On the contrary, there is a truce period."
"... yeah"
Because of the war that has been going on for a long time, it seems that a truce period has also been established with nature.
Well, if we were at war all year round, there would be no production, no agriculture, no shit.
All we have to do is gather them all together and become Buddhas.
"You've heard more stories than I thought. Thank you."
"... be uncle, answer anything"
With that said, Yukikaze comes next door and snuggles in. For some reason, the hand was also placed on this thigh.
This guy, isn't he too close? It's not a familiar level.
"So... what kind of things can you unearth from the labyrinth?
"... Ridge"
"Don't rub your cheeks. I'm serious."
"... I'm even serious. Come out, Sugi-kun."
"What are you talking about?
I will ask about excavations, even though I struggle to do so.
Roughly speaking, there are five types of weapons in this world. Something called a normal made from ordinary metals, skins, etc.
This is, well, easy to understand.
Others are called solids (solid) made from demonic fangs, skins, scales, etc.
Without considerable arms, it seems difficult to process.
And what is called the finest (high end) made from special metals and materials. They can't process this in humans and are good at Dwarves and such.
And something called peculiarities (unique) that some S-rank adventurers and others seem to possess. Yukikaze doesn't seem to know the details either.
Finally, it seems that there is something called legend (legend), but I don't feel like Luna was bragging about when.
I wonder if his wand might be. Even if she rots, she's a saint.
"… also looking for undiscovered items. I can be a named parent."
"Ho, that's interesting."
"... you two think of a name and make it? I also stick to writing."
No, when I'm with this guy, things go crazy.
It's also difficult to be unilaterally avoided, like that brown Micah, but it's also a thought that I'm too familiar with.
That said, there are quite a few that have been obtained. Shall I just check one last thing?
"For example, aren't there any good products in the store?
"... the widely distributed goods are mass produced. I don't want a high effect."
"If you just give me the money, won't you get some good stuff in there? You think it's something that works magically or a sword that cleaves stiff scales?"
"... to prevent fourth or fifth magic, you need a singularity. Though I think your uncle's weapon can handle any enemy."
"Hmm -"
Indeed, Sodom's fire is the best number of GAME's 50 weapons.
Speaking of which, everyone in Midnight Castle possesses 50 things, but they all have their own characteristics. Sodom fire can cause burns, and Yo's grenades, for example, do extensive damage, even if they are usually attacked.
(Either way... you should go once and make sure with your own eyes)
You can't make all the decisions just from what people tell you.
You should actually go and make sure with this eye. Luckily, the villagers are ready... they'll do anything with Tahara later.
Instead, it's definitely better to throw a round at him for high results.
"North, or... well, I'll go once."
"... Uncle, if you're going north, I want you to take me too"
"... I look like this and I'm a B-rank adventurer. Helpful."
The sleeves of the coat are pulled together.
Sure, I'd like someone to show me the way and experience. The neighbors can't take them because of the village, and it's dangerous to take the kids.
Especially if you get out of the village, such as Tron, you could be crusaded.
"Right, let's just say if it's not annoying, we'll ask within close range. We have to learn everything from our ancestors at first."
"... I want you to leave it to me. It's gonna help."
Yukikaze looks happy and looks straight into this one's eyes.
Sometimes you talk weird, but once again, you're such a beautiful girl. If I was traveling with this bad guy, I'd feel like I could be stopped by an interrogation or something.
"... now, Omake comes with Micah too"
"Spare people on your own! What the fuck!
"Well, thank you very much."
"You won't ask me! You two go on your own!
"... handsome for both of us. Micah is a mundane child."
"You shut up already!