Demon Lord, Retry!

white light

One line out of the labyrinth went straight to the guild and paid taxes after receiving the reward. It is precisely the system of immediate collection after daily payments.

Take it and leave it at last. After I left the labyrinth, I was led to the Alliance under strict surveillance from the guards.

(Is the reward full...)

The Demon King kept an eye on the difference between the reward of the prey he had heard from Yukikaze and the amount actually paid, but the result was a full answer. This can be attributed to the fact that there are few scratches on the prey area and the cleverness with which it was cut.

Naturally, this is not the case if this is the Rookies.

By the time it's finished, the feathers are worn out and the meat is damaged all over. The dismantling arm is also bad, so it is not uncommon for the reward to be reduced by 30%.

After the guild, the Demon King asks Yukikaze.

"It's not just the state of prey, it's the dismantling arm that leads directly to the reward."

"... yes. Micah is very handy."

"More than that, distribute. I didn't decide on anything this time. It's three equal parts."

Give them the gold that Micah has divided into three equal parts.

Receiving a small leather bag, the Demon King swayed them and enjoyed the petty sound that copper coins and silver coins could make.

"You don't need my reward, do you?


To the words of the Demon King, Micah tells them in a clear tone. The surroundings looked back at the intensity of the end of the phrase, but walked out again to see if it immediately lost interest.

"Sure, you're a porter disqualified, but you can't let your work dictate your reward. Remember, if you dive into the labyrinth, too."

"I see..."

From that word, the Demon King perceives many things.

This man is usually a big mess, but in terms of his imagination and imagination, he's out of digits. Otherwise, we can't continue to make the world by ourselves.

- The Demon King thinks.

I guess there were actually instances of that, I guess.

As a result, he concludes that he must have fallen into a shortage of porters.

Diving into the labyrinth is naturally dangerous for porters. Who will raise their hand when they say it's a turnover reward, risking up to their lives?

If something like "you, you worked badly, so it was reduced" passes through in grandeur, there will be no such thing as a person to get such a job.

Ultimately, it is the adventurers who are in trouble for Porter to be gone, and that creates bankruptcy to the country's collection system.

"The administration, too, must have become eye-catching around there"

"Huh? Huh... Well, yeah"

Micah gives a surprise look to the Demon King's “flew a few steps” words.

This man is always like this.

Sometimes we associate it variously from one word and decide it within ourselves. Unless something happens to cover it, it will be fixed as the truth.

That's dictator thinking.

Rolling in the right direction produces positive results everywhere.

Because it doesn't depend on others. There is no breaking on the way as you continue to follow your will everywhere.

Rolling in the wrong direction produces negative results everywhere.

Because it doesn't depend on others. There is no way to keep your will going anywhere and give up on the way.

This man is aware of his shortcomings with dismay. Therefore, he gathered people around him to make up for it at all, and began to listen to various voices.

Perhaps it was because his own ideals were there that the lass boss "Kunai Berdou” he created scouted competent figures and lined them up as a flank.

"Ooh! The brave men are here again this year. Ooh!

To someone's screaming like that, the surroundings get noisy.

The kids run out first and the grownups run out too.

"Said he was a brave man!? Are you sure that's what happened?

"No? You're supposed to be here. You really don't know anything."

"... there are two Holy Braves in Empire Wright."

Sounding like a holy brave, the demon king thought to himself, "You look a little good," and he ran to the center of the noise to see the brave man himself.

"Dear brave man!"

"Turn around!

"White...... it's an overwhelming glow!

The entrance to the city was packed with large numbers of people, making a fuss as if even leading entertainers had appeared in the downtown area.

Everyone is smiling and waving and desperate to get a little look at themselves.

"White horses look great, as always."

"... white"

"Hmm, a brave man on a white horse? Like I painted it...... hmm?

When I see the person, the eyes of the Demon King are wide open.

Across a beautiful white horse was a man. It was also a pretty fat guy with white glasses on his face.

He carries a large white box on his back, from which two patterns emerge. In the eyes of the Demon King, he only looked like a comic-back warrior, no matter what he thought.

"Dude, I don't think so... but I guess you don't mean brave"

"What are you talking about? Lady Tamega is an undisputed brave man."

"That's a terrible name, dude!

Unexpectedly, the Demon King shouts with a vegan character.

The name and appearance remained the same.

"... Master Tamega has the alias“ White Comet ”"

"Sure it's white, but isn't it just skin white because it's pulling?

"... Another Holy Brave has the alias" Red Devil ”"

"The other way around, the other way around! Where do I go from here?"

Two new types floated on the Demon King's head, but rushed to strike it off.

The name and aliases were the jokes, but Tamega stepped out of the white horse when he waved lightly around him, stopping the carriage that was taking him like a couple of pearls behind him.

The kids see it and line up in a row cheering at the same time. At some point, a large number of guards gather to organize the line and guide the spectators.

So what happened was - free rations and cookouts.

Tamega handed out bread and cheese to the children, set up a large kettle, and gave the adults a wheat porridge.

It would also be natural for everyone to gather and welcome with a smile.

"Does that man do this all the time?

"I'd like to look around the countries of the North for half the year. Really, you're a great guy."

Micah nods with a smug look at the demon king's inquiry.

But the face of the demon king who heard it was somewhere frigid. This man is not that thoughtful of volunteers for fundraising.

Instead, when you see people calling for fundraisers and others living in outrageous mansions, you say, "You sell that house and raise money!" It's the type that goes in.

"Is this for popularity? Or are brave men required to do these things? No, you're doing it at the behest of that empire and them?

"You, hey, how far are you twisting? Instead, Tamega was told by the Empire to stop, but she cut herself and always handed out bread to the children."

"That's interesting inside."

"... I heard that they have been accused in their own country of sticking their necks in the circumstances of other countries and selling their melancholy"

- Heh.

When I hear that, the demon king's face - changes.

The sight that was frigid changed like a raptor, making it scary, not even missing one of their faces.

"Dinner's canceled. I'm sorry, but you two need to go out."

"You, I forgot to mention luxury!?

"Now you should eat"

"Uh."... Hey, this isn't a big gold coin! What are you thinking!

The demon king tried to walk away intact, but Yukikaze grabs its sleeve.

The face seemed so lonely.

Whoever sees it, he gently speaks out about how the boulder demon king also felt guilty about the frivolous look on the face of a beautiful girl with no place to lose.

"Well, you know, what? You should eat whatever you want. If there's more, you and I can split it up."

"... dinner with your uncle is more important. I don't need money."

"Then let's say we go tomorrow. You don't have to rush."

"... Promise. If I tear it, I'll have it with me."

Yukikaze puts out her pinky fingers and the demon king looks at her face.

I guess I had a headache floating around all over a city like this with a finger cut or something. But Yukikaze relentlessly tangled his pinky fingers and unilaterally cemented his promise.

The Demon King watched it with a look like he had given up somewhere and disappeared into the crowd.

"... Dinner and accompaniment. Either way, it won't hurt me."

"You're a good fighter."

Micah shrugged as she shrugged, but she gave an inadvertent look at the brilliance of the big gold coin in her hand, finally poking one hand up and jumping.

"I'm gonna eat today. Yikes! It's his money, and I'm gonna eat it all up!

"... sleeping with you. Stick around till morning. Pull. Stick."

What we were thinking was as if it were different, but we both smiled and left the scene behind.

■ □ ■ □

Tamega was in an unpopular alley at night.

He wears a worn cloak that covers his face and entire body, so he looks like a floater from the side. He's in every city, poor neighborhood.

With light, darkness also exists.

It would be no exaggeration to say that the stronger the light, the greater the darkness. Even in the city of Rookie, which boils well into the economy, there is no escape from its laws.

Poor people and goldless adventurers were gathering in dim stalls lined up all over the place to scratch cheap rice. Tamega also approached one of them and spoke to the store owner.

"Dad, what do you have today?

"Three bronze coins for porridge. If you don't have a vessel, it'll be four, but what do you do?

"Really? And vessels, please."

"There are other chops of radish. Adding two extra copper coins."

Tamega waved and refused, and received the wheat porridge.

Sit on an affordable stone in the alley and sip it silently.

"You're worth more than last year. Deep-fried potatoes have also decreased even though the price of two copper coins has increased."

"Ho, really -?"

I hear voices and react to Tamega's soliloquy from somewhere.

He was a demon king who was disappearing in a hidden position.

But Tamega keeps talking to herself without showing surprise.

"In the first place, oil was terrible, too. I guess you haven't changed all the time...... that would poison your body. The lard used to stir fried scum vegetables had disappeared, and I don't feel salty about this porridge."

"You're looking at a lot of detail."

"I'll beat you, though."

Sip the wheat porridge as the tamega grins bitterly.

It has little flavour and probably doesn't taste good. The wheat porridge he was cooking must be unnecessarily comparable because it was well flavored.

"You're funny. The hypocrisy of doing is better than the good of not doing it."

"Hypocrisy, is it... even if they do say so, you can't argue"

"Don't get me wrong. I compliment you - it's not something people can do all year round around countries and cook out on their own stomachs. Well, the act is shaking his place in his own country."

"Status… I just do what I want to do"

- Are you so “your will” important?

For the first time, Tamega looks up in a cold voice.

My hand was reaching for the box I carried unconsciously.

So much so that the voice was badly disturbed. It was as if countless hands were reaching out from the bottom of the earth and entangling his whole body.

"Now, I'd like to know your purpose."

To Tamega's voice, the Demon King will remain silent for a long time.

Though it was the figure that did not show up, the signs seemed to snort and enjoy themselves.

"That's funny. Yeah, you're funny. That's funny."

What finally returns is as if it were a child's feeling.

There was no evil there, but rather what could be described as innocence.

"I want you. I want you.

That's a straightforward word everywhere.

I don't feel like I'm decorating. But that was also the true meaning of the Demon King.

"I appreciate your words, but I'm terrified of you. As a matter of fact, I haven't stopped shaking since I felt your gaze."

"I'm sorry about that. I judge everything by my own eyes."

"It's a fine thing to have all that power but not leave it to others"

"I'll throw as many as I want. The more good people I have, the easier I become, the more efficient I become, and the more humans benefit from it."

"It's simple, but it's also true."

Tamega finishes eating the wheat porridge and tries to walk away.

Turning to its back, the Demon King called out.

"I am now developing a village of rabbis in Holy Light. I want you to help me eventually. No, you're not. - Be."

"... everywhere, he's scared"

Tamega leaves the scene without looking back, and the Demon King walks out in the opposite direction.

It was the first encounter between the demon king and the brave man.